Astral Plane

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The Astral Plane, sometimes referred to as The Ways, abuts the Plane of Abiding and has a similar relationship to the Plane of Probability. It borders other, yet stranger planes of being, but none of these share a common border with the Plane of Abiding.

In its natural state, the Astral Plane would be just as hostile to life as the Plane of Probability is. It is a realm of thought and psychic magic, where our whim and our will shapes the landscape. Its true form is without even the concept of body, ground, light or shadow. It is without air and without the need of air. Lunar mana is one of the most powerful natural forces on the Astral Plane. Inside the plane Lunar mana is manifest energy and as deadly as fire to touch.

Moon Mages are able to travel within this plane, allowing them to cross great distances on the Plane of Abiding quickly.


Grazhir is, in a sense, still intact. Its magical pattern -- its essential quality -- still exists, connecting each little pebble of it in streams of mana and lines of sympathy. Somehow the shattered moon's mana is being channeled into the Astral Plane, maintaining itself as a single, holistic magical pattern.

Grazhir shards are highly prized artifacts capable of opening gateways into the Astral Plane through their connection to it. Their names are: Rolagi, Taniendar, Marendin, Dinegavren, Erekinzil, Mintais, Asharshpar'i, Emalerje, Dor'na'torna, Tamigen, Teloish, Aliaes, Auilusi, Besoge, and Tabelrem.

Until recently, Erekinzil was known as Undarverjah, but has since undergone a strange transformation, concerning which little is currently known.


Axis: Axis is the name given to the largest Grazhir shard. At the center of the microcosm and below the pillars is a source of Grazhir mana so powerful that it dominates the entire system. It is unknown where Axis lies on Elanthia.

Microcosm: The microcosm is the system of mana within the Astral Plane. Each Grazhir shard is linked to all the others, mostly through Axis. Effectively all of Grazhir's mana is bound up into this system, every bit of it necessary to maintain the magical pattern of Grazhir. In a very real way, the microcosm is Grazhir.

Pillars: Between Axis and the other shards are ten pillars. Each stream of Grazhir mana routes through one of the pillars before connecting to Axis. This provides a constant for navigation and lets Elanthians approach Axis far closer than would otherwise be safe.


Moon Mage cosmology depicts the Astral Plane as a soft grey sphere:

A sea of grey light floats in front of your eyes. The grey light is uniform and utterly still, without a sense of texture or even a faint shift in illumination along the horizon. It is impossible to tell if this is a sphere or simply a grey circle. A sense of quiet peace fills you as you look into grey light.


Between Axis and the other shards are ten pillars. Each stream of Grazhir mana routes through one of the pillars before connecting to Axis. This provides a constant for navigation and lets Elanthians approach Axis far closer than would otherwise be safe. It is stated during the quest to learn about astral travel that the Pillars are not a natural occurrence, but neither are they a conscious creation; it is heavily implied that the collective Moon Mage consciousness caused the Pillars to form, and that each is symbolically associated with a different Moon Mage faction or ideal.

Pillar Conduits Sect Association
A. Pillar of Nightmares Rolagi (Crossing)

Tabelrem (Muspar'i)

Prophets of G'nar Peth
B. Pillar of Tradition Auilusi (Aesry) Nomads of the Arid Steppe
C. Pillar of Secrets Marendin (Shard)

Besoge (Mer'Kresh)

Progeny of Tezirah
D. Pillar of Unity Dor'na'torna (Arid Steppes) Heritage House
E. Pillar of the Shrew Emalerje (Lesser Fist) Children of Kalestraum
F. Pillar of the Heavens Asharshpar'i (Leth Deriel)

Tamigen (Raven's Point)

Celestial Compact
G. Pillar of Introspection Dinegavren (Therenborough)

Taniendar (Riverhaven)

Monks of the Crystal Hand
H. Pillar of Fortune Mintais (Throne City)

Erekinzil (Taisgath) [formerly named Undarverjah]

Followers of Fortune's Path
I. Broken Pillar Not aligned to any known shards. No sect association.
J. Pillar of Convergence Not aligned to any known shards. No sect association.

Note: It is unknown which pillar Teloish is associated with, as it cannot be learned.


Inhabitants of the Astral Plane are quite mysterious. At this time only the Pelag ai Aldam and the Cashek gand Aldam are known.



  • The shard Dor'na'torna leads to the Trabe Plateau which is linked by a non-permanent moongate to Inner Hibarnhvidar.
  • The moongate will be in place whenever at least one moon is up, taking on the color of one of those moons.
  • The plateau is otherwise completely isolated and can only be left or arrived at via the shard if no moons are in the sky.

Also See

  • Astral Travel"Moon mage" is not in the list (None, Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Empath, Moon Mage, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, ...) of allowed values for the "Guild association is" property.