Divination prism

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Favored by the Monks of the Crystal Hand, the prism is a divination tool used by Moon Mages. As the prism spins in the air, the mage interprets the patterns of colors and light to determine what the future holds. It is fitting that a group devoted to perfection and the identification of personal flaws would excel at predicting what is to come by studying how such colors and fractures echo from the hidden flaws of the crystal.

Where most forms of divination can be performed by anyone, even if only rendered meaningful by those with a true prophetic talent, the use of prisms is entirely performed by lunar magic. The prism is spun in the air telekinetically while the light of the heavens is focused into it. The resulting pattern shapes the prediction, the strongest of which are those least refracted by the prism.

Prisms are a one of the more obscure methods of divination at a prophet's disposal, remaining largely unknown outside of Lunar Magicians and having never gained true popularity outside of the monasteries. However, those who master them find them particularly suited as a focus for martial combat, guiding the prophet's strikes with startling speed and accuracy.


  • Sect Affinity: The Monks of the Crystal Hand.
  • Domain: Offence. Prisms grant a slight bonus to potency and duration when predicting on the Offense skillset.
  • Prediction Affinity: Skill alignment. Divination prisms have a slightly higher base physical quality for alignment than other tools.


The following table includes all known reliable (or semi-reliable, in the case of auctions) sources of prisms, with some example wares. Any other wares from the same source will be of the same quality as the example(s). The quality listed in the table is overall craftsmanship, so take care to shop around. In particular, The Future is Now is known for offering prisms that are strong on one quality and weaker on others.

Source Location Restriction Example Price Currency Quality
Dwarf Leth Deriel sapphire prism 5000 Kronars 1) Below Average
Passage of the Foundation of Identity Lesser Fist Monks vitreous golden topaz prism suspended from a thin chain 200000 Lirums 2) Average
The Future is Now Hollow Eve Festival festival beryl prism veined with gold 5000000 Dokoras 3) Above Average
4) Very Good
The Future is Now Hollow Eve Festival festival sapphire prism within a clockwork cage 50000000 Dokoras 5) Spectacular
Auction Hollow Eve auction amethyst prism banded with clockwork machination 3000+ scrip 6) Masterful


Note:See Prediction for complete details on the general process of prediction. Only details specific to divination prisms will be covered here.


  • A divination prism that has been INVOKEed to bond it to you.


  • RAISE PRISM to perform a prediction on yourself.
  • KNEEL or SIT, MEDITATE <TARGET> while holding a divination prism, then RAISE PRISM to perform a prediction on another player.


ANALYZE prisms to see their qualities.
See Prediction for detailed general information about divination tool qualities, how they relate to each other, and how they increase or decrease.

Physical Qualities

Potency Damage

Potency damage is indicated by the refraction of crystal. The more refractive it is the more damaged it is. (I.e. the more refractive it is the more the light rays are bent.)

  • The refraction of the prism is comparable to water.
  • The refraction of the prism is comparable to opal.
  • The refraction of the prism is comparable to moonstone.
  • The refraction of the prism is comparable to quartz.
  • The refraction of the prism is comparable to emerald.
  • The refraction of the prism is comparable to tourmaline.
  • The refraction of the prism is comparable to tanzanite.

Duration Damage

Duration damage is indicated by the prism's balance. The more balanced it is the less damaged it is.

  • The prism is exceptionally well-balanced.
  • The prism is very well-balanced.
  • The prism is well-balanced.
  • The prism is fairly well-balanced.
  • The prism is slightly off-balance.
  • The prism is notably off-balanced.

Alignment Damage

Alignment damage is indicated by the clarity of the prism and the severity of any inclusions. The clearer the prism and the less severe the inclusions the less damaged it is.

  • The interior has a few tiny inclusions.
  • The interior has several minor inclusions.
  • The interior has a major inclusion.
  • The interior has several major inclusions.
  • The interior is slightly murky.
  • The interior is murky.

Polarity Damage

Polarity damage is indicated by the smoothness and evenness of the prism's planes. The more even they are the less damaged it is.

  • The planes of the prism are very smooth and unblemished.
  • The planes of the prism are smooth.
  • The planes of the prism are well-cut.
  • The planes of the prism are slightly uneven.
  • The prism has a single hairline crack running across one plane.
  • The planes of the prism have a few hairline cracks.

Bond Qualities

Potency Bond

Potency bond is indicated by how many vertices are bound to probability. The more vertices the stronger the bond.

  • All ten vertices are bound to probability.
  • Three vertices are bound to probability.
  • Only one vertex is bound to probability.

Duration Bond

Duration bond is indicated by how animated the energy around the prism is. The more animated it is the stronger the bond.

  • The prism thrums with life, agitating the very air about it.
  • The prism is slightly restless.
  • The prism is listless.
  • The prism is completely inert.

Alignment Bond

Alignment bond is indicated by how stable the prophetic composition is relative to yours. The less random the composition and the more it resembles yours the stronger the bond.

  • It perfectly mirrors your prophetic composition.
  • It has a nearly random prophetic composition.
  • It has a mostly random prophetic composition.
  • It has a completely random prophetic composition.

Polarity Bond

Polarity bond is indicated by how likely it is to cause unintentional internal inversion. The less likely it is to cause inversion the stronger the bond.

  • It is almost certain not to cause unintentional internal inversion.
  • It is extremely unlikely to cause unintentional internal inversion.
  • It is very likely to cause unintentional internal inversion.
  • It is extremely likely to cause unintentional internal inversion.
  • It is almost certain to cause unintentional internal inversion.

Age and Construction Qualities

These are identical for all types of tools. See Prediction for a list of both.


The refraction of the prism is comparable to tanzanite.
The prism is notably off-balanced.
The interior is murky.
The planes of the prism have a few hairline cracks.
The prism is at least a year old.
It appears to have seen heavy use.
The overall craftsmanship is average.
Recognizing the investiture as your own, you cautiously probe the prism with your prophetic talent.
Three vertices are bound to probability.
The prism is slightly restless.
It has a nearly random prophetic composition.
It is very likely to cause unintentional internal inversion.

This prism is of average age and has seen quite a bit of use. It is fairly damaged so its potential for bonding is quite a bit less than it used to be, although the damage is low enough that there is still potential for growth. It does not have very strong bonds, although it is slightly better than a brand new prism at producing higher potency predictions.

Prediction Interpretation


The greater the focus of the light being scattered the greater the potency. The color of the light only reflects the currently available light sources, and does not mean anything prophetic.

You focus the light of the heavens on the prism, bathing it in a <beam adjective> beam of <ambient light> before setting it spinning with an additional touch of telekinesis.
The motion scatters <focus adjective> <prismatic colors> about the area.

Disclaimer: The power cap is known to be 20% of the ranks of the predicted skill. However, beyond that all ranges listed are estimates only.

Focus adjective %
diffuse 1-???
broad ???-???
uneven ???-???
narrow ???-???
sharp ???-???

Note: When determining the light source the sun takes priority over the moons, and Xibar and Yavash take priority over the stars. Katamba's presence does not factor in at all. If a higher priority light source is present then the status of any lower priority light source does not matter.

Beam adjective Ambient light Prismatic colors Light source
sparkling sunlight rainbows Sun
brilliant purple light rainbows, completely void of yellow Xibar and Yavash
- pale blue light bands of green, blue, and indigo Xibar
- blazing red light bands of orange, red and dull red Yavash
- cold white light rainbows Stars


The rotation and orbit determine the duration, possibly ranked by the speed of the rotation. This list is currently not likely to be ordered correctly.

Orbit Duration
The prism slowly topples over.
The prism settles into a lazy, lopsided rotation.
The prism tumbles into a wobbly, sideways spin.
The prism topples end over end, turning about the horizontal.
The prism assumes an antisymmetric orbit, the ends churning in tiny circles.
The prism slowly somersaults in place, tumbling about randomly.
The prism spins swiftly about the vertical, the momentum rapidly correcting the occasional drift.

Skill and Polarity

Prism patterns for skill bonuses. Curses are the vertical mirror image.

Skillset and polarity are determined by the pattern of light. The additional intersecting line determines the specific skill within the given skillset. Note that this intersecting line message may not be unique, and may refer to more than one skill dependent on which primary pattern is showing. There is also one skill for each primary pattern that does not have an intersecting line, so predictions that do not have an additional intersecting line message are for these skills.

Note: The symbol is the same for a bonus and a curse, except that a curse is the vertical mirror image of the bonus. This means that any diagonal lines also change their direction relative to your point of view. In the cases where two directions are listed below, the first indicates the direction for the bonus and the second the direction for the curse.

You seek the pattern within the refracted light and find
Skillset Bonus Curse
Defense a scalene trapezoid with a long left leg and the short base pointing away from you. a scalene trapezoid with a long left leg and the short base pointing towards you.
Lore an angular 'U' with the wider angle on the right. an inverted, angular 'U' with the wider angle on the right.
Magic two nested circles, one twice the diameter of the other, which intersect at the furthest point from you. two nested circles, one twice the diameter of the other, which intersect at the closest point from you.
Offense Melee: an acute angle with a longer leg on the right. It points away from you.

Ranged: a scalene triangle with the hypotenuse on the right. It points away from you.

Melee: an acute angle with a longer leg on the right. It points towards you.

Ranged: a scalene triangle with the hypotenuse on the right. It points towards you.

Survival an asymmetric 'T' with the shorter side sloping towards you. an inverted, asymmetric 'T' with the shorter side sloping away from you.

Defensive Skills

Skill Intersection
Brigandine A vertical line intersects the left corner.
Defending No additional intersecting line.
Chain Armor A horizontal line intersects the long side.
Light Armor A horizontal line intersects the short side.
Parry A(n) (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the left vertex and long base.
Plate Armor A vertical line intersects the right corner and vertex.
Shield Usage A horizontal line bisects the trapezoid.
Endurance A vertical line bisects the trapezoid.

Lore Skills

Skill Intersection
Alchemy A short (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the left leg.
Appraisal A vertical line intersects the right leg.
Enchanting An (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the left vertex and extends above the right leg.
Engineering A short (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the right leg.
Forging A short (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the left leg.
Mechanical Lore A (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the tip of the left leg and the right vertex.
Outfitting A short (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the right leg.
Performance A horizontal line intersects the tip of the left leg.
Scholarship No additional intersecting line.
Tactics A vertical line bisects the 'U'.
Bardic Lore A vertical line intersects the left vertex.
Empathy A horizontal line bisects the 'U'.
Trading A horizontal line overlaps the base.

Magic Skills

Skill Intersection
Arcana A tangent line intersects the right side of the larger circle.
Attunement A tangent line is centered opposite the intersection of the circles.
Augmentation A tangent line intersects the left side of the larger circle
Debilitation A horizontal line bisects the larger circle and intersects the edge of the smaller.
Primary Magic No additional intersecting line.
Targeted Magic A vertical line bisects the circles
Sorcery A short (upward/downward) line pierces the left side of the larger circle connecting to the smaller circle in the middle of the figure.
Utility A short (downward/upward) chord runs from the left side of the larger circle and terminates opposite the smaller circle.
Warding A tangent line is centered on the intersection of the circles
Astrology A(n) (downward/upward) secant of the larger circle runs tangential to the smaller circle.
Summoning A(n) (upward/downward) secant of the larger circle runs tangential to the smaller circle.
Theurgy A short (upward/downward) chord runs from within the lower quarter of the larger circle and terminates opposite the smaller circle.

Offense Skills

Skill Intersection
Bow A vertical line bisects the triangle.
Brawling A short (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the right leg.
Crossbow A horizontal line bisects the triangle.
Heavy Thrown A vertical line intersects the left corner.
Large Blunt A(n) (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the tip of the left leg and the right leg.
Large Edged A(n) (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the left leg and the tip of the right leg.
Light Thrown A vertical line intersects the right corner.
Melee Mastery No additional intersecting line.
Missile Mastery No additional intersecting line.
Offhand Weapon A horizontal line intersects the tip of the angle.
Polearms A horizontal line bisects the angle.
Slings A short (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the hypotenuse.
Small Blunt A short (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the left leg.
Small Edged A short (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the left leg.
Staves A vertical line intersects the left leg.
Twohanded Blunt A vertical line intersects the right leg.
Twohanded Edged A vertical line bisects the angle.
Expertise A short (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the right leg.

Survival Skills

Skill Intersection
Athletics A horizontal line intersects the tip of the crossbar.
Evasion A vertical line intersects the right side of the crossbar.
First Aid A short (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the left side of the crossbar.
Locksmithing A horizontal line bisects the stem.
Outdoorsmanship No additional intersecting line.
Perception A(n) (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the left tip of the crossbar and the middle of the stem.
Skinning A short (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the stem.
Stealth A(n) (upward/downward) diagonal line intersects the stem and the right tip of the crossbar.
Thievery A horizontal line intersects the tip of the stem.
Backstab A short (downward/upward) diagonal line intersects the stem.
Scouting A short (downward/upward) diagonal line interects the left side of the crossbar.
Thanatology n/a

Special Messages

Special messages usually indicate either damage to a physical quality or an increase to a bond quality, although it can also indicate a polarity inversion or a prediction averaging.

  • The threads of prophecy respond sluggishly to your efforts, as if already strained.
You already have a prediction on that skill. Your two predictions are now averaged.
  • Serenity fills you as the prism minutely realigns itself to better resonate with probability.
A bond quality increased. This is the same message for all four bond qualities, so there is no real way of distinguishing which was affected unless it happened to move into the next messaging range when you ANALYZE your prism.
  • The prism emits a sharp *crack* which echoes through the air for several long moments before fading.
Damage to the polarity physical quality. Like the previous message, this is likely to be the same message for all physical qualities, not just the polarity. Once more data is gathered to confirm, this will be updated.
  • The prism flares with a blinding light, a minute star plucked from the heavens.
Critical success. All bond qualities increased slightly, and guaranteed to be a potent bonus.
  • The prism darkens, absorbing the focused light into a nightmarish void.
Critical fumble. Damage to all physical qualities, all bond qualities decreased slightly (unless at maximum), and guaranteed to be a nasty curse.
  • You sense your prism prevented an inversion.
Polarity inversion prevented due to polarity bond.
  • You sense your careful observations prevented an inversion.
Polarity inversion prevented due to prediction pool.


The prism settles into a lazy, lopsided rotation. The motion scatters broad rainbows about the area.
You seek the pattern within the refracted light and find two nested circles, one twice the diameter of the other, which intersect at the furthest point from you.
A tangent line is centered opposite the intersection of the circles.
You sense your prism prevented an inversion.

This is a weak, positive prediction on the Attunement skill that will last only a short time. The polarity inversion from a bonus to a curse was prevented because of the chance provided by the prism's polarity bond.



Creation of divination prisms is not yet possible. Presumably it will use the Enchanting skill.


Note: Due to a technical error with the site, the following list may also contain some mundane prisms and be missing some divination prisms.

Heliotrope prism clutched by a haralun clockwork settingtrue
Crystalline dragon tear prism suspended from a moonsilver chaintrue
Sapphire prism attached to a platinum chaintrue
Sapphire prism affixed to a fine animite chaintrue
Sunstone prism suspended from a silver chaintrue
Sapphire prism affixed to a steel chaintrue
Ice sapphire prism affixed to an audrualm chaintrue
Sapphire prism fastened to a copper chaintrue
Exceptionally clear dragonfire amber prism on a gold chaintrue
Bronze chain with an affixed sapphire prismtrue
Gloomglass prism dangling from a delicate niello chaintrue
Silver length of chain holding a sapphire prism set in an obsidian mounttrue

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