Trader new player guide

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This is a page for the Trader specific page for the Newbie Help Guide. Whenever possible, overlap with the general guide should be minimized.

For details, rules, and the other pages involved, see Category:Newbie Guide Contest.

How to Trader

Traders, you either love them or loathe them, but you are here and starting the steps into being one or getting the 411 on how they tick. Back in the day, there was only one way to Trader and that was usually with a caravan or pack animal on the long, solitude roads all around Elanthia. It was an endless circle of running from one outpost to another. Joy, joy!

Modern traders now enjoy many ways to be. You have the classic Caravan Traders, and then the Gem Shop Traders, Market Traders, Combat Traders, Student Traders, etc. So many choices that traders can dabble into; either specialize in one or a master of all.

Getting Started


  1. Find the Guilds: Joining the Trader's Guild, you would need to know where the Guild is in order for you to join. Commoners should seek out the Guild Leaders in each Guild to join. In both starting towns, Crossing and Riverhaven both have the guilds situated in the Western part of town and usually near the docks.
  2. DIRection is your best friend: Using the DIR syntax will definitely be your best guide to locate the Guilds and other places within Elanthia.

Tools of the Trade

  1. Ledger
  2. Feedbag
  3. Beasts of Burden
    • Pack Animals
    • Caravans

The Many Arts of Trading

  1. Haggling/Bartering
  2. Selling
    • Branches and sticks - Forage for them in any wilderness area and sell to either Mags in Crossings or Old Maisie in Riverhaven. This will teach you Trading skill and earn you a bit of coin.
    • Skins - You can sell single skinned parts from creatures you hunt at the local Furrier. There is one in both of the starting cities, Crossings and Riverhaven. You can use DIR FURRIER to find them.
    • Lumpy/Tight Bundles - Regardless of circle or skill, you are able to sell bundled parts from skinning at the local Furrier. This is a great way to get your starting ranks in the Trading skill.
    • Gems - You can sell single gems to the Gem Shop regardless of circle or skill level. There are shops in both of the starting cities, Crossings and Riverhaven. You can use DIR GEM to find them.
    • Nuggets (Mining Products and Critter Drops)
    • Gem Pouches - When you have gained enough skill in Trading and Appraisal, and have trained your Charisma to a significant degree, you will be able to sell pouches full of gems to the Gem Shop.
  3. Pawning - Another good way to get some starting ranks in the Trading skill to to pawn items at your local Pawnshop, this is done by use of the SELL command. Runestones should teach well at the start and are plentiful, often found in donation areas or just laying around.
  4. Commodities
  5. Contracts: Local and Interprovincial Trading
  6. Work Orders - Completing Work Orders through one of the Crafting Societies will earn you some Trading skill.
  7. Horse Trading
  8. Market Tables
  9. Auctioneering
  10. Gem/Furrier Shop Financing
  11. Shop Ownership

With Experience, Comes Prestige

  1. Hirelings
  2. Personally Own Caravans (POC)
  3. Speculates

Lore Skills

Lore Skills applicable to Traders

All lore can fall under the Lore Skillsets for Traders but the following ones will usually apply for them in this requirement.

All Crafting Skills

  • Alchemy
  • Enchanting
  • Forging
  • Outfitting
  • Engineering

Mechanical Lore

===Appraisal=== - As a Trader you must train this skill. The guild has a requirement that you gain a few ranks every circle in order to advance to the next circle. However, Traders have an edge in this field. Beyond the standard training methods of appraising untied bundles and gem pouches, we also have access to Trader Jewelry which has expanded appraisal values over normal items in order to teach us better. You can get a few pieces within the Trader Guild, Crossing Shop but be prepared to pay a hefty sum for it. Regardless of the amount paid, they are a worthwhile investment and will provide you with something to appraise at all times.




===Performance=== - A popular skill choice for Traders due to the ability to train this skill nearly anywhere. Also, you can both APPRAISE and ANALYZE your instrument to train the appraisal skill.

Survival Skills


Simply put, evasion is the skill which determines how well you avoid attacks. Aside from classes in the subject, the only way to learn is to get out there and use it within combat settings.


The main use of the Athletics skill is to overcome natural obstacles, such as climbing a tree or swimming a river. A good place to start training this skill is the town walls in whichever town you started in.

For more information see Athletics.


Perception is rather simple and not all that dangerous to learn. Collecting rocks is the most common outdoors method to learn perception, while collecting torn cloth inside is helpful. Collecting is done with the Collect verb, and to reduce clutter kick the piles after collecting. It will also teach the skill Outdoorsmanship. Initially you may need to gain a few ranks by doing simple foraging, use the FORAGE verb.

While in combat you can train perception by using the Hunt verb.

Additionally you can gain perception through normal box popping, during the disarm ID, and pick ID steps, and also the disarm analyze steps.



This ability lets us get into places others do not want us. The primary use for this skill is opening boxes dropped as loot from critters. By getting into these boxes, you will be rewarded with gems (which you can sell at a gem shop to learn Trading skill) coins, runestones (which can be sold at pawnshops to learn Trading skill) and/or special items.

For more information see Locksmithing


First Aid


There isn't much use for this skill as a Trader, but it is becoming an important gathering skill within the Crafting system and can be easily trained while training perception.

For more information see Outdoorsmanship


One of the most popular choices of survival skills, it can also be a quick way to working your Trading skill by selling your own bundles. This skill also has the benefit of being one of the easiest to train. However, in order to make use of it you must combat creatures which can be skinned.

For more information see Skinning.

Combat Skills

