Divination mirror

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Designed after the legendary mirror used by Tezirah, this mirror is a scrying tool used by Moon Mages. Detractors claim that all such mirrors should be destroyed, some because they worry that Tezirah went mad while scrying, others simply to remove the Guild's association with the magess. Others are quick to disagree, pointing out that the mirrors themselves hold the same properties as other divination tools, while some, most notably the mages who call themselves the Progeny of Tezirah, consider their use to be a show of respect for a mage who, despite her legendary actions, was by all accounts a most skilled and powerful seer.

When gazed into by a prophet with intent, many possible futures will converge into one yielding a view of what may come. The most potent of divinations will be rendered in a blaze of colour while weaker portents remain clad in shadows.

Regardless of the politics involved, the indisputable fact remains that divination mirrors are particularly suited for inflicting terrible curses.


  • Sect Affinity: The Progeny of Tezirah.
  • Domain: Curses. Mirrors grant a slight bonus to potency and duration when applying a curse.
  • Prediction Affinity: Potency. Divination mirrors have a slightly higher base physical quality for potency than other tools.


The following table includes all known reliable (or semi-reliable, in the case of auctions) sources of mirrors, with some example wares. Any other wares from the same source will be of the same quality as the example(s). The quality listed in the table is overall craftsmanship, so take care to shop around. In particular, The Future is Now is known for offering mirrors that are strong on one quality and weaker on others.

Source Location Restriction Example Price Currency Quality
Despondent Elothean Crossing Middens ornate mirror 5000 Kronars 1) Below Average
Banister Mausoleum Repository Shard Progeny polished obsidian mirror with a carved ebony frame resembling writhing shadows 180400 Dokoras 2) Average
The Future is Now Hollow Eve Festival festival gold-backed mirror framed with obsidian spirals 5000000 Dokoras 3) Above Average
4) Very Good
The Future is Now Hollow Eve Festival festival intricate clockwork divining mirror 50000000 Dokoras 5) Spectacular
auction 6) Masterful


Note:See Prediction for complete details on the general process of prediction. Only details specific to divination mirrors will be covered here.


  • A divination mirror that has been INVOKEed to bond it to you.


  • GAZE MIRROR to perform a prediction on yourself.
  • SHOW MIRROR TO <TARGET> to perform a prediction on another player.


ANALYZE mirrors to see their qualities.
See Prediction for detailed general information about divination tool qualities, how they relate to each other, and how they increase or decrease.

Physical qualities

Potency damage

Potency damage is indicated by the clarity of the glass. The clearer it is the less damage there is.

  • The glass is exceptionally clear.
  • The glass is quite clear.
  • The glass is clear.
  • The glass is marred by numerous small bubbles.

Duration damage

Duration damage is indicated by the flatness and state of the surface of the mirror. The flatter and less scratched it is the less damage there is.

  • The surface of the mirror is flat and polished.
  • The surface of the mirror is flat and unscratched.
  • The surface of the mirror is flat.
  • The surface of the mirror is flat but slightly scuffed.
  • The surface of the mirror is slightly uneven and scuffed.
  • The surface of the mirror is uneven and scuffed.

Alignment damage

Alignment damage is indicated by the integrity of the frame. The more integrity it has the less damage there is.

  • The mirror's frame has very good integrity.
  • The mirror's frame has good integrity.
  • The mirror's frame has reasonable integrity.
  • The mirror's frame has poor integrity.
  • The mirror's frame has pathetic integrity.

Polarity damage

Polarity damage is indicated by the quality of the reflective coating and resulting image. The smoother it is and the less clouded the image is the less damage there is.

  • The reflective coating is smoothly spread across the glass, resulting in a coruscating image.
  • The reflective coating is smoothly spread across the glass, resulting in a limpid image.
  • The reflective coating is smoothly spread across the glass, resulting in a mundane image.
  • The reflective coating is unevenly spread across the glass, resulting in a murky and slightly distorted image.

Bond qualities

Potency bond

Potency bond is indicated by how defined your reflection is relative to the background. The more contrast the weaker the bond.

Message Level
Your reflection is perfectly defined in contrast to the malleable surroundings. 0
Your reflection is surrounded by a fuzzy halo, but is otherwise well defined. 1-???
Your reflection is split, the images overlapping into an unsettling double image. ???-???
Your reflection is split into an identical pair, their hands overlapped as if clutching one another. ???-???

Duration bond

Duration bond is indicated by your age in the reflection. The younger you are the weaker the bond.

Message Level
He/She appears as you were as a infant. 0
He/She appears as you were as an youth. 1-???
They appear as you were as a growing boy/girl. ???-???

Alignment bond

Alignment bond is indicated by your emotional state in the reflection. The more fearful you are the weaker the bond.

Message Level
He/She hides his/her face and cowers in the fetal position. 0
He/She hides his/her face behind his/her hands. 1-???
He/She shuffles about scowling. ???-???

Polarity bond

Polarity bond is indicated by your body's state in the reflection. The more sickly you appear the weaker the bond.

Message Level
His/her body is clearly atrophied and malnourished flesh hangs pathetically from his/her bones. 0
He/she is emaciated and her body is continually wracked by tremors. 1-???
They are feverish and an occasional shiver trembles through their body. ???-???

Age and construction qualities

These are identical for all types of tools. See Prediction for a list of both.


The glass is clear.
The surface of the mirror is flat.
The mirror's frame has reasonable integrity.
The reflective coating is smoothly spread across the glass, resulting in a mundane image.
The mirror is rather new.
It appears to have seen little use.
The overall craftsmanship is above average and the mirror should prove slightly resistant to damage.
Recognizing the investiture as your own, you cautiously probe the mirror with your prophetic talent.
Your reflection is perfectly defined in contrast to the malleable surroundings.
He appears as you were as a youth.
He hides his face behind his hands.
His body is clearly atrophied and malnourished flesh hangs pathetically from his bones.

This mirror is quite new and barely used. It has an average level of damage across all physical qualities which means all of the bond qualities will still be able to increase fairly regularly. It is of better than average construction, so the physical qualities will damaged less often than for an average mirror. The bond qualities are all quite low, although the skill alignment and duration bonds are slightly stronger than the others. This results in predictions being ever so slightly more likely to land on the desired skill when aligning to a specific one, and the durations of your predictions with this mirror will be more likely to be slightly longer on average.

Prediction interpretation


The more colors that appear the greater the potency.
Disclaimer: The power cap is known to be 20% of the ranks of the predicted skill. However, beyond that all ranges listed are estimates only.

You see yourself in surroundings very much like your own... %
however, they are grey, listless, and utterly devoid of possibility. 1
however, they are grey and listless, the monochrome only broken by faint highlights of blue. 2-3
however, they are grey and listless, the monochrome only broken by faint highlights of red. 4-5
however, they are a dull shade of grey, enlivened only by hints of green and blue. 6-7
however, they are a dull shade of grey, enlivened only by hints of indigo and orange. 8-9
however, they are a dull shade of grey, enlivened only by hints of indigo and green. 10-11
however, they are a dull shade of grey, enlivened only by hints of indigo and blue. 12-13
however, they are a dull shade of grey, enlivened only by hints of red and orange. 14-15
however, they are a dull shade of grey, enlivened only by hints of blue and indigo. 16-17
however, only the primary colors are rendered vividly while the secondaries are lost in white and shadow. 18-19
Though they are saturated with vibrant colours, the tonality is alien and wrong. 20
They are aglow with vibrant hues, inundating you with the reflected possibilities. 20+?


Instead of indicating a relative duration like with other divination tools, the message indicates an explicit time in game when the prediction will end.

Judging by the heavens above this prophecy will come to pass by <early|the middle of|late> <anlas>.

Since each anlas lasts 30 minutes this means that the finest resolution available is a 10 minute window, although it is very easy to determine when that window will occur.

Skill and polarity

The action you are performing in the vision determines the skill. If the action's outcome is successful then it is a bonus. If it is a failure then it is a curse.

Defense skills

Skill Bonus Curse
Brigandine You are clad in a lamellar hauberk, and manuever about in it like it was your own skin. Confident in your ability you engage a <creature>. You are locked in battle with a <creature>, which finds no resistance from your scale aventail as it decapitates you in a single blow.Your head tumbles through the air trailing a brilliant ribbon of blood and spinal fluid.
Defending You are under assault by a <creature> but casually fend off the blows. You are under assault by a <creature> and quickly crumple under repeated blows.
Chain Armor You are clad in full chain, and manuever about in it like it was your own skin. Confident in your ability you engage a <creature>. You are locked in battle with a <creature> that swiftly guts you. You gaze down in sickly fascination at the shattered links of your chain hauberk as your bowels tumble out.
Light Armor You are clad in stalking leathers, and manuever about in them like they were your own skin. Confident in your ability you engage a <creature>. You are locked in battle with a <creature> that swiftly eviserates you. You gaze down in horror at your bloodstained robes as your intestines spill into a sticky pile at your feet.
Parry You are under assault by a <creature> but casually fend off the blows with your parry stick. You are under assault by a <creature>. You parry the first blow but your blade is sundered by the attack.
Plate Armor You are clad in heavy full plate and manuever about in it like it was your own skin. Confident in your ability you engage a <creature>. You lay trapped within a battered and broken suit of heavy plate as a <creature> closes in, preparing to finish you off.
Shield Usage You deflect a blow from a <creature> with your shield as you press the assault. You cower behind a shield as a <creature> lunges for you.

Lore skills

Skill Bonus Curse
Alchemy You add a measure of a pungent catalyst to a beaker bubbling on a portable stove. The potion readily congeals, and you pour the substance into small pot with a smile.
Appraisal You hold a gemstone before your eye, examining it for defects. You happily hand a pouch of gems to a merchant in exchange for a few copper coins.
Engineering You study a catapult, checking over the tension and making other minor adjustments. You crank furiously at a crossbow but end up snapping the prod under the excess strain.
Forging You pound on a bar of red-hot iron, masterfully shaping it with each blow. You pound on a bar of red-hot iron, flinching away as a misplaced strike shatters it.
Mechanical Lore You fold a delicate piece of origami. It looks rather like Mortom. You fold a delicate piece of origami. It looks rather like a wadded ball of paper.
Outfitting You hunch over a workbench as you dexterously cut the facets of a gem. You hunch over a workbench as you attempt to cut the facets of a gem. However, you slip and end up ruining the stone.
Performance You do an incredible backflip with a beautiful twist rotation, gaining nearly five feet of air and landing neatly on your feet without so much as a wobble! You attempt a backflip but crash to the ground in an awkward tangle of limbs.
Scholarship You quickly thumb through a thick tome, your eyes drinking in every word. You stare at a book in bewilderment as you attempts to sound out a particularly troublesome word.
Tactics You study a chess board for a few moments before placing your opponent in checkmate. You study a chess board for a few moments before growing visibly frustrated. You sweep the pieces from the board in an angry huff.
Bardic Lore
Empathy A pack of wolves, led by a massive alpha male, circle him. <Empath> levels a steady gaze at the pack leader, causing it to falter momentarily. The beast abruptly recovers and turns to savage its pack with unrestrained brutality.

Magic skills

Skill Bonus Curse
Arcana You close your eyes in concentration as you infuses a cambrinth orb with mana. Jagged fragments of cambrinth pierce your body, blood seeping from the wounds as your face slowly takes on a chagrined expression.
Attunement You close your eyes in concentration as you infuse a spell matrix with mana.
Augmentation You drive your hands into a molten disk that hovers near your feet causing the energy to rush into your body. You drive your hands into an unstable disk of light and shadow that hovers near your feet. You scream as a geyser of multi-colored energy erupts from underneath your skin.
Debilitation You blast a <creature> with a mental blast, dropping it into unconsciousness.
Primary Magic You casually trace the pattern of a spell in the air before you. You watch, stunned, as the spell you were casting backfires.
Targeted Magic You drop a copper coin with a cocky grin and start to form a targeting matrix about a <creature>. You drop a copper coin with a cocky grin and start to form a targeting matrix about an unseen foe. While you are distracted, a <creature> sneaks up on you and savagely cracks your head open in a spray of blood, brains and bone fragments.
Sorcery You gesture at a <creature> as it is utterly consumed in a pillar of colourless flame. You are pursued by a mob of peasants armed with pitchforks and torches. Leading them is a Paladin carrying the banner of the Hounds of Rutilor.
Utility You gesture, forming a moongate to a distant location.
Warding A fireball explodes around you, causing the latticework of blue-white lines about you to shimmer as it deflects the blast. A fireball explodes around you, causing the latticework of blue-white lines about you to shatter as the flames consume you.
Astrology You gaze up at the pristinely clear sky. You gaze up at the overcast sky.
Summoning He whittles away at a small talisman but a nasty slip ruins the project.
Theurgy He closes his eyes in concentration as he infuses a spell matrix with mana.

Offense skills

Most weapon skills use the same messaging, only replacing the weapon with an appropriate one for the skill:

  • Bonus: You are locked in a frantic battle with a <creature> but are preparing to press the assault with your <weapon>.
  • Curse: You are under heavy assault by a <creature>. The attack shatters your resolve and you turn to flee, discarding your <weapon> in your panic.

Skills that do not use the above messaging list the full message in the table.

Skill Bonus Curse
Bow bow and arrow bow and arrow
Crossbow crossbow
Heavy Thrown
Large Blunt greathammer
Large Edged battle axe
Light Thrown dart
Melee Mastery Surrounding you are countless racks of perfectly ordered melee weapons.
Missile Mastery You are beset on all sides by attackers armed with a staggering assortment of ranged weapons.
Offhand Weapon twin daggers
Polearms pike
Slings sling
Small Blunt
Small Edged dagger
Staves cane cane
Twohanded Blunt war mattock war mattock
Twohanded Edged greatsword

Survival skills

Skill Bonus Curse
Athletics You confidently approach a knotted rope and begin to climb.
Evasion You are under assault by a <creature> but easily lean away from attacks. You are under assault by a <creature> and repeatedly dodge directly into the line of attack.
First Aid You carefully remove a bandage from your arm, revealing newly healed flesh beneath. Crude bandages fouled with blackened blood and pus cover most of your body.
Locksmithing You effortlessly pick the lock on a large chest. You attempt to pick the lock on a large chest but snap your pick and jam the lock.
Outdoorsmanship You root about a bit before finding some assorted nuts. You pop them into your mouth with a satisfied grin. You root about a bit before a startling a large venomous spider with your probing fingers. It leaps towards your face and starts biting.
Perception You gaze about your surroundings before pointing out a <creature> that lurks in the shadows. You gaze about your surroundings, oblivious to the <creature> that stalks you.
Skinning You kneel over a freshly slain deer and gracefully peel away the hide with your knife. You kneel over a freshly slain deer and attempt to peel away the hide with your knife but slip and sink the blade into your own arm.
Stealth You lurk in the shadows, waiting to ambush a <creature>. You lurk in the shadows, waiting to ambush a <creature>. However, you are quickly spotted.
Thievery You deftly slit the coin pouch of a passerby. A burly guard holds your arm down on a scarred wooden block as another readies a decidedly terrifying axe.
Thanatology n/a n/a

Special messages

Special messages usually indicate either damage to a physical quality or an increase to a bond quality, although it can also indicate a polarity inversion or a prediction averaging.

  • The threads of prophecy respond sluggishly to your efforts, as if already strained.
You already have a prediction on that skill. Your two predictions are now averaged.
  • The mirror oozes wisps of shadow which leech into your flesh and eagerly begin to feed. The process leaves no physical mark but vague feelings of prophetic impotence linger.
The potency bond quality increased.
  • The mirror oozes wisps of shadow which leech into your flesh and eagerly begin to feed. The process leaves no physical mark but vague feelings of unnatural age linger.
The duration bond quality increased.
  • The mirror oozes wisps of shadow which leech into your flesh and eagerly begin to feed. The process leaves no physical mark but vague feelings of lethargy linger.
The alignment bond quality increased.
  • The mirror oozes wisps of shadow which leech into your flesh and eagerly begin to feed. The process leaves no physical mark but vague feelings of ??? linger.
The polarity bond quality increased.
  • A blast of heat emanates from the surface of the mirror as the glass appears to momentarily bubble and liquefy.
Damage to either the potency or polarity physical quality. It is not possible to tell which unless the quality happen to move into the next messaging range when viewed by ANALYZE. It is probable that this is also the message for the other two damage qualities as well.
  • The surface of your mirror ripples like water as probability roils within the planar link.
Critical success. All bond qualities have a chance to increase slightly, and guaranteed to be a potent bonus.
  • ???
Critical fumble. All physical and bond qualities have a chance to decrease slightly, and guaranteed to be a nasty curse. Capped bond values are immune.
  • You sense a darker fate that lurks within the mirror but your careful observations brought this reflection to the surface instead.
Polarity inversion prevented due to prediction pool.
  • You sensed a lighter fate attempting to surface but your reflection within the mirror suppressed it.
Polarity inversion prevented due to polarity bond.


You see yourself in surroundings very much like your own, however, only the primary colours are rendered vividly while the secondaries are lost in white and shadow.
You deflect a blow from a vykathi reaper with your shield as you press the assault.
Judging by the heavens above this prophecy will come to pass by early Phelim's Vigil.
You sense a darker fate that lurks within the mirror but your careful observations brought this reflection to the surface instead.
The mirror oozes wisps of shadow which leech into your flesh and eagerly begin to feed. The process leaves no physical mark but vague feelings of lethargy linger.

This is a very strong, positive prediction on the Shield Usage skill that will end in the first third of the anlas Phelim's Vigil. The prediction inverted polarity from a bonus to a curse but the inversion was prevented by your prediction pool observations, and the skill alignment bond quality increased.



Creation of divination mirrors is not yet possible. Presumably it will use the Enchanting skill.


Note: Due to a technical error with the site, the following list may also contain some mundane mirrors and be missing some divination mirrors.

Polished steel frame holding a square mirrorfalse
Round mirror beautifully framed with walnuttrue
Triangular mirror set within a silverwood frametrue
Hexagonal divining mirror set within an iroko frametrue
Yavash-red divination mirror inlaid with granitetrue
Oval mirror mounted in a wrought iron frametrue
Divining mirror orbited by clockwork celestial bodies carved from niellotrue
Small hand mirror of polished aldamdintrue
Abyssium divination mirror with shifting whorls of the constellationstrue
Large divination mirror set in an simple oak frametrue
Crescent-shaped divining mirror with a sun coral frametrue
Tiny hand mirror decorated with animite wireworktrue
Oval divination mirror backed with moonsilver inlaid rosewoodtrue
Loimic divining mirror with a twisted handletrue

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