Category:Paladin Spells

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Summary of Spell Information

The list of signature spells (in bold) is from GM Melete (5/13/2014).

Bolded spells are signature spells.

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Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Alamhif's Gift (AG) -death's sting or +soul pool (costs 1 favor) ritual utility {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Anti-Stun (AS) +stun resistance/recovery battle utility {{{19}}} 15-100 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Aspirant's Aegis (AA) Physical damage reduction (casting on others drains caster) standard warding {{{19}}} 1-100 intro-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Banner of Truce (BOT) prevents combat in room standard utility, area of effect {{{19}}} mind \ willpower 15-100 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Bond Armaments (BA) bonds weapon/shield to hand standard utility {{{19}}} 15-100 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Clarity +Intelligence (stat), +sixth sense standard augmentation {{{19}}} 15-100 intermediate-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Courage +SvS against fear and spirit attacks standard warding {{{19}}} 5-100 basic-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Crusader's Challenge (CRC) +Tactics skill, taunt prevents retreating/fleeing battle augmentation, utility {{{19}}} charm \ willpower 30-100 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Divine Armor (DA) +protection/absorption for armor and shield standard utility {{{19}}} 15-100 intermediate-3 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Divine Guidance (DIG) +Wisdom (stat) standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 basic-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Footman's Strike (FST) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Impact damage, Damage type determined by weapon used. battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 basic-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Halt immobilizes target battle debilitation {{{19}}} mind \ willpower 1-33 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Hands of Justice (HOJ) +theft detection/protection standard utility, area of effect {{{19}}} 5-100 basic-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Heroic Strength (HES) +Strength (stat), +Stamina (stat) standard augmentation, pulse to group {{{19}}} 1-100 intro-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Holy Warrior (HOW) blesses held weapon, sometimes stuns attacker cyclic warding, utility {{{19}}} 5-25 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Marshal Order (MO) +Discipline (stat), +lead standard augmentation {{{19}}} 15-100 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Rebuke (REB) Impact damage, Fire damage, multi-strike damage; knockdown battle targeted, multistrike {{{19}}} 10-66 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Righteous Wrath (RW) +Brawling skill, +Large Blunt skill, +Large Edged skill, +Polearms skill, +Small Blunt skill, +Small Edged skill, +Staves skill, +Twohanded Blunt skill, +Twohanded Edged skill standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Rutilor's Edge (RUE) +primary physical damage type/balance/power of held weapon battle utility {{{19}}} 15-100 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Sentinel's Resolve (SR) +Defending skill, +Shield Usage skill standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Shatter -Shield Usage skill, possibly disable shield defense entirely battle debilitation {{{19}}} spirit \ fortitude 1-33 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Sidasas Sedra (SIS) metamagic {{{19}}} -2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Smite Horde (SMH) Slice damage, Impact damage, multistrike AoE. battle targeted, multistrike, area of effect {{{19}}} 30-100 advanced-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Soldier's Prayer (SP) -magic damage battle warding {{{19}}} 15-100 intermediate-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Stun Foe (SF) Stuns target battle debilitation {{{19}}} magic \ fortitude 1-33 intro-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Tamsine's Kiss (TK) Converts incoming wounds into scars. standard warding {{{19}}} 5-100 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Truffenyi's Rally (TR) Balance heal, dispels negative effects and some positive effects cyclic augmentation, utility, area of effect, pulse to group {{{19}}} 5-25 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Vessel of Salvation (VOS) Vitality damage, Vitality heal, use own vitality to create vitality "battery" that others can use standard utility {{{19}}} 5-100 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Veteran Insight (VETERAN) +Reflex (stat), added to Sentinel's Resolve metamagic {{{19}}} -1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}

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