Idon Raiders

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The primary purpose of the Idon Raiders is to engage in player-run provincial invasions (as opposed to GM-run "drone" invasions).

Mission: The Idon Raiders are not griefers but a group of motivated players who have a passion for role-playing criminal characters. Our goal is to provide entertainment for everyone involved in our raids - not just our Raiders. When the raid has concluded we expect that our Raiders should have inspired a positive response from our victims, not a negative one. For us, it really is all about having fun with the many RP possibilities that emerge during our events.

No-Report Policy

The Idon Raiders are totally against resorting to Out-Of-Character solutions to In-Game, Character-vs.-Character problems of any sort. We feel that he who runs to the GM staff to solve his problems is simply taking the game way too seriously.

Web Site and Forums

Web Site: Forum: Idon Raiders

Old Forum: "Right Now" Roleplaying

  • Used until 11/28/2008


These were the only words scrawled on the yellowed, battered, and oddly grease-stained parchment that has become known as "The Accord of the Idon Raiders." To this day the origins of the words are unknown, but the parchment itself was produced from the leg of Ragran's pants the moment a need for such a thing arose. The words were hastily scrolled across the top with many corrections, false starts, and entire lines scratched out, but in the end these stately words were the original contract that bound the members of the group together.

Current Members

Angelean Ezly Pocky Subai
Arivol Facade Raenue Synyster
Caelane Fyddle Ragran Tehryn
Caelfind Ghlock Rivenmist Theale
Daeanu Gothus Sarkranis Tsinlee
Denstimar Kaity Sendithu Tyhenn
Dinran Kalryssean Serchah Venic
Dondaldinho Miir Skilair
Dyddle Moogle Slimm

Raids and Events

Date 37 Skullcleaver 392 (12/09/2008)
Target The Crossing
Description Pick=up raid
Raiders Angelean, Gothus, Ragran, Sarkranis, Slimm, Tehryn
Kills Kelwynn, Spookey, and Whispe
Date 25 Skullcleaver 392 (12/06/2008)
Target Shard
Description The Raiders were hired to test Shard's defenses. The objective was to acquire and maintain control over a pair of socks.
Awards Leucius (RPA), Tsinlee (Best Invader), Tyrun (Best Defender)
Raiders Angelean, Baudolino, Caelane, Camalita, Caxz, Denstimar, Dondaldinho, Dryzt, Gronten, Kaity, Momus, Ragran, Sarkranis, Sendithu, Serchah, Subai, Synyster, Tsinlee
Defenders Abison, Arwinia, Asrion, Bahbtahrol, Celitha, Druesyllia, Eoworfinia, Hanryu, Kyudo, Leucius, Pormithius, Qij, Ragefire, Rience, Saet, Tyrun, Xelten
Date 29 Arhat 392 (11/17/2008)
Target Riverhaven
Awards Moogle (RPA)
Raiders Caelane, Caelfind, Denstimar, Dondaldinho, Khalikryst, Moogle, Ragran, Rivenmist, Sendithu, Serchah, Slimm, Synyster, Tsinlee
Defenders Order of the Dragon Shield, Order of the Theren Guard; Drexella, Kleis, Marsais, Mordibar, Sebestyen.
Notes Drexella, Commander of the ODS, was captured.
Date 33 Ka'len 392 (10/9/2008)
Targets The Crossing and Riverhaven
Raiders Dondaldinho, Fyddle, Ragran, Serchah
Defenders Drexella
Notes Drexella killed Ragran; Serchah killed Drexella.