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There have been multiple instances of this event:
There have been multiple instances of this event:
* [[House of the Revenant Fang 422]] (2017)
* [[House of the Revenant Fang 423]] (2017)
* [[House of the Revenant Fang 429]] (2019)
* [[House of the Revenant Fang 429]] (2019)
* [[House of the Revenant Fang 433]] (2020)
* [[House of the Revenant Fang 433]] (2020)
* [[House of the Revenant Fang 437]] (2021)

==Location and Attractions==
To access this area, find the [[Meeting portal]] hub in your city. If you wish to visit the floating Ashala'taman tower, you will first need to {{com|redeem}} a {{ilink|i|furtive summons}} and then {{com|ASK}} {{tt|AGENT ABOUT ACCESS}}. To visit the treasure room or access the Short Chain and Crystal Tasks, {{tt|ask agent about treasure}}. To check how many merits you have earned, use {{com|TICKETS}}.
* [[:File:Map_ashala_taman.jpg|Map of the Ashala'taman tower]]
:* The tower also has a number of pickable flowers and food, [[Ashala'taman|listed here]].
:* Within the tower, the Dergati shrine in the Promenade of Chaos is a [[Pilgrim's badge]] location
* [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|Map of the Boleausun Bayou]]

* [[Black Fang deadeye]]
* [[Black Fang deadeye]]
* [[Black Fang recruit]]
* [[Black Fang recruit]]
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* [[skeletal kobold headhunter]]
* [[skeletal kobold headhunter]]
* [[skeletal kobold savage]]
* [[skeletal kobold savage]]

===Dye Task===
This is the initial task that you will get from '''Kilgamant''', and must be completed in order to get transport to the ground from the floating gardens.
When asked about tasks:
: Kilgamant straightens his lapels and clears his throat. "The House of the Black Fang is entrenched down in Boleausun Bayou and quickly expanding its operations. We're doing our best to keep pace, but we're running low on the aetheric dye we use for our missives, so before we send you to the front lines we need you to pitch in here."
: He hands you a string of apothecary jars and a botany guidebook. "Head outside and use these jars to {{com|COLLECT}} color extract from around the rotating gardens. During this process, it may be useful to {{com|ASSESS}} AREA with the guidebook to identify proper sources. The collected extract can then be returned here to the aetheric distillery to create dyes. To complete your task, you need to create ''<three dyes, randomized each turn>''. The dye recipes are engraved on the distillery and printed in the guidebook for reference.
:"Alright, off you go," he concludes. "If you forget what you're meant to do, you can {{com|STUDY}} the jars for a reminder."
To complete this task, {{com|go}} {{tt|arch}} and you will find yourself in the rotating gardens. As the gardens rotate, the possible colors in each room can change. Once you find and collect the colors you need for the dyes on your TASK, return to the room with '''Kilgamant''' by getting to the very center of the gardens (room number 13 on the map) and {{com|go}} {{tt|monolith}}.<br/>
To assemble your 3 dyes, {{com|turn}} the distillery to the color you need and then {{com|push}} {{tt|distillery with jar}}. You can {{com|study}} {{tt|distillery}} for complete directions.<br/>
<s>It should be noted that if you collect more dye colors than are required for your task, you will receive a lower amount of [[Revenant Fang merits]] as a reward.</s><br>
In 433 (2020), the rewards for this task were changed to award 6 merits if you do it without waste, and 5 if you do it wastefully. You will also receive a single piece of ''incidental loot''. <br/>
On completion, you will be sent back to the starting room (climb stairs then UP from Kilgamant) where you can {{com|ask}} {{tt|Averix about transport}}.<br>
Once on the ground, find Avenger [[Jirikana]] and once again ask about task. You will have a randomized choice of 2 from the following:

===Supplies Task===
===Crystal Task===
When initially asked about tasks:
: Jirikana strokes the chin of her acenite mask. "At the moment, we could use assistance intercepting enemy supply drops. To track one down, you'll have search for clues inside the Black Fang encampment, focusing on the building interiors."
When chosen as your task:
: Jirikana nods. "We're counting on you. Head due north to the Black Fang encampment and SEARCH inside the ''<bunkhouse/supply tent>'' for useful intel about the next supply cache drop. Once you find something interesting, STUDY it for clues on how to track down the cache. Oh, and you'll probably find it helpful to keep a low profile. Good luck."
: [You can check the status of your mission at any time with the TASK verb.]
Find the supply tent in the SW part of the Black Fang encampment. There are multiple rooms in and in the area around the tent that can be {{com|search}}ed until you find your item:
:''You rummage around the area and find a tattered parchment cryptogram!''<br/>
{{com|read}} the cryptogram to see your encoded phrase, {{com|study}} the cryptogram for directions on the syntax puzzle. This puzzle is solved similar to the real life "wheel of fortune" television show puzzles.
: On completion, return to [[Jirikana]], {{com|show}} her the cryptogram, and she will send you out to locate a supply cache. {{com|search}} the item on your cryptogram (ie. search root) and you'll receive a box with coin and potential incidental loot.

===Traps Task===
* This method is short and allows you to bypass all hunting and danger events within the quest area, at the expense of no ''incidental loot'' items and potentially 1 less merit earned.

* To begin, find the [[shadowy agent]] at a [[Meeting portal]] and {{tt|ask agent about treasure}} to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).
* Once there, move NE to the ''Observation Chamber''.

* Redeem a {{ilink|i|furtive summons}} then {{tt|read crystal}}.
* Either {{tt|push}}, {{tt|rub}}, or {{tt|tap}} the crystal depending how the crystal looks.
* You'll perform 5-7 actions total, each with a 15-20 second roundtime.

* You earn 10 merits and no ''incidental loot''.


===Short Chain===

* This method is short and you battle one creature that flexes to you.

* To begin, find the [[shadowy agent]] at a [[Meeting portal]] and {{tt|ask agent about treasure}} to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).
* Once there, move W to the ''Jademist Shore''.

* Redeem a {{ilink|i|furtive summons}}.
* You will be interacting with a [[nondescript figure cloaked in shadowsilk]]. {{tt|ask figure about task}} then {{tt|join figure}} to begin the process.
* You'll immediately be moved to a new room. Printed above the room description, you'll be told what single verb you need to perform in capital letters. Type the command then you'll be moved into the next room automatically with a roundtime. You repeat this, each time being asked to do a different command, until you reach the last room with the challenger.
* Defeat the enemy then you'll be returned to the [[shadowy agent]] to receive your reward.
* If you get stuck, you can use {{com|help}} in the quest area to determine how to proceed.

* You earn 10 merits and a {{sloot|i|overstuffed black sack}} containing two ''incidental loot''.


===Long Chain===

* This method involves completing two tasks, which may take several minutes and vary in difficulty from puzzles, to search and find, to disarm and pick, and to combat challenges.
* Although combat can be avoided to complete your tasks, you will walk through rooms where flex creatures spawn and you may be attacked.

* To begin, find the [[shadowy agent]] at a [[Meeting portal]].

* Redeem a {{ilink|i|furtive summons}}.
* Then {{tt|ask agent about access}} to be taken to the ''Crystal Monolith'' in the [[Ashala'taman]] tower.
* Follow the instructions below for how to complete the '''Dye Task''' (always your first task) and how to proceed to choose and complete your final task.

* You earn 10-12 merits and two ''incidental loot''
:* You earn between 5-6 merits for completing the Dye Task, and one ''incidental loot''.
:* You earn between 5-6 merits for completing the second task (of your choice), and one ''incidental loot''.


====Dye Task====

* This is always your first task in the long run method.
* Complete a search and find task in a rotating garden (shifting maze) to collect colored plants to create 3 dyes.
* There are no dangers or combat in this task.

* After entering the quest area, you're at the ''Crystal Monolith, Belvedere'' in the [[Ashala'taman]] tower. [[Translocator Averix]] is here but you don't interact with them yet.
* Move DOWN twice to the ''Crystal Monolith, Rotunda'' where you'll see [[Grim Tailor Kilgamant]].

* Empty your hands because to begin the task you'll be given two items.
* {{tt|ask kilgamant about task}}
* Kilgamant will tell you some instructions and give you a botany guidebook and a string of apothecary jars.
:* You may leave these items in your hands for the duration of the task.
:* You don't need to read the guidebook because we've deciphered it for you in the dye/color table below.
* The important part of Kilgamant's instructions is the phrase ''To complete your task, you need to create <quantity> <colored> dye, <quantity> <colored> dye, and <quantity> <colored> dye.'' For example, ''To complete your task, you need to create one deep '''persimmon''' dye, one bold '''chartreuse''' dye, and one vivid '''scarlet''' dye.''
* Use the below table to find the rows for the dye colors that you need to make. The columns tell you how many of each colored plant you need to collect while in the shifting maze.
: {|class="wikitable sortable"
|aubergine|| || || || || 2 || 2
|azure|| 1 || || || || 3 ||
|chartreuse|| || || 2 || 1 || 1 ||
|emerald|| || || 1 || 2 || ||
|honey|| || 1 || 3 || || ||
|lemon|| || || 3 || 1 || ||
|persimmon|| 3 || 1 || 1 || || ||
|scarlet|| 3 || 1 || || || || 1
|turquoise|| || || 1 || 1 || 2 ||
|violet|| 1 || || || || 1 || 2
: To help calculate the total colors you need, you can create a copy of [ this Google sheet] and fill in cells A16, A17, and A18 with the dye color you're looking for.

* {{tt|go arch}} to enter the rotating gardens (shifting maze).
* The gardens are divided into two wings. Once inside, move in one of the two available directions then {{tt|climb step}} to enter that wing.
* As you move throughout the gardens, {{tt|assess area}} in a room to know what colors can be collected.
:* If a color that you need is available, then {{tt|collect <color>}}, else move to another room.
:* Your goal is to collect the EXACT number of colors that you need, not more. You earn 1 extra merit this way.
:* {{tt|look jar}} to check how many colors you've collected so far.
:* Compare what you've collected to the dye/color table above to know how many more colors you need to collect.
:* If you've visisted all the rooms in one wing of the gardens and you still need to find colors, find your way back to the steps and move to the other wing and repeat the process.
:* If the gardens rotate (maze shifts) then what colors are available in each room changes and you should assess/collect as needed as you continue to move around.
* Once you've collected all the colors that you need, make your way back to the entrance of the gardens (room number 13 on the [[:File:Map_ashala_taman.jpg|map]]).
* {{tt|go arch}} to return to the ''Crystal Monolith, Rotunda'' with [[Grim Tailor Kilgamant]].
* For each dye color you need to make (e.g. 'violet' or 'lemon') do:
:* {{tt|turn distillery to <dye color>}}
:* {{tt|push distillery with jar}}
* On completion, Kilgamant will take back the botany guidebook and string of apothecary jars, and hand you one ''incidental loot''.
* {{tt|climb stair}} then move UP.
* {{tt|ask averix about transport}} to be teleported to the bayou then move NE to find [[Jirikana]].
* {{tt|ask jirikana about task}} to choose your final task.
:* You'll be presented two random options.
:* See the relevant sections below for how to complete those tasks.

* You earn 5-6 merits and one ''incidental loot''.
:* If you collected the exact colored plants needed to make your dyes, and no more, then you earn 6 merits.
:* If you collected more colored plants than necessary to make your dyes then you earn 5 merits.


====Supplies Task====

* This is a task option you may be able to choose from [[Jirikana]] after completing the '''Dye Task''' in the long run method.
* Within the ''Black Fang Encampment'' area of the [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|bayou]], you locate and {{tt|SEARCH}} inside a ''<bunkhouse/supply tent/etc>'' to find a [[tattered parchment cryptogram]].
* The cryptogram is an encoded message that you decode by guessing letters [ Wheel of Fortune] style.
* This is a non-combat task, but you do walk through areas where enemies may spawn.

* The ''Black Fang Encampment'' area of the [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|bayou]].
* The area is due north from [[Jirikana]] where you receive this task.

* Once in the ''Black Fang Encampment'', move or sneak around to locate the ''<bunkhouse/supply tent/etc>'' that [[Jirikana]] sent you to find.
* {{tt|search}} in and around the area until you find a [[tattered parchment cryptogram]].
* {{tt|read cryptogram}} to see the encoded message. The random letters represent the number of letters in the word(s) to decode but may not be the actual letters that comprise the decoded word.
* {{tt|write cryptogram <letter>}} to guess a letter of the encoded message.
:* If you guess correctly, you'll see ''Taking careful note of translational cues, you manage to decipher a couple of the letters in the cryptogram's code.''
:* If you guess incorrectly, you'll see ''You scrutinize the cryptogram carefully but fail to make progress toward deciphering the code.''
:* {{tt|read cryptogram}} to check your progress on deciphering the message.
:* There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. You can solve this puzzle by guessing each letter in turn, or, use a strategy of guessing common letters, re-reading the cryptogram, and making informed decisions on the most likely remaining letters.
* At any time, type TASK to check your progress.
* Once decoded, return to [[Jirikana]], {{tt|show cryptogram to jirikana}}, and she will send you out to locate a supply cache hidden somewhere else in the [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|bayou]].
* Once you've located the hidden cache, {{tt|search <item>}} (e.g. search root) to discover a box that may contain treasure. Note: There are some "boulders" in the room where you need to "search boulder" so you may need to specify second boulder if the boulders happen to be first in the object order.
* Once done, locate a [[shadowy agent]] in the [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|bayou]] and {{tt|ask agent about transport}} to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).

* You earn 5 merits and one ''incidental loot''.


====Traps Task====
* When initially asked about tasks:
* When initially asked about tasks:
:: "We could also use assistance weakening the enemy's perimeter defenses. If you disarm some of the traps scattered around the open bayou, it would help our patrols. Enemy scouts are also believed to arrange dropoffs in the area, so useful supplies may turn up in the search for traps."
:: "We could also use assistance weakening the enemy's perimeter defenses. If you disarm some of the traps scattered around the open bayou, it would help our patrols. Enemy scouts are also believed to arrange dropoffs in the area, so useful supplies may turn up in the search for traps."
Line 51: Line 202:
* Upon disarming your requested number of traps, you will no longer locate additional trapped boxes in the area and all {{com|search}} messaging will return to standard results.
* Upon disarming your requested number of traps, you will no longer locate additional trapped boxes in the area and all {{com|search}} messaging will return to standard results.

===Hunting Task===

====Hunting Task====
* '''note: As of 433 (2020), creature deaths now count for everybody in the room who is on the appropriate task. Each creature no longer has a chance to drop a piece of ''incidental loot'', instead you will receive a piece on leaving the quest area.'''<br/>
* '''note: As of 433 (2020), creature deaths now count for everybody in the room who is on the appropriate task. Each creature no longer has a chance to drop a piece of ''incidental loot'', instead you will receive a piece on leaving the quest area.'''<br/>
* When initially asked about tasks:
* When initially asked about tasks:
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:: [You can check the status of your mission at any time with the TASK verb.]
:: [You can check the status of your mission at any time with the TASK verb.]

===Surveillance Task===

When initially asked about tasks:
====Surveillance Task====
:Jirikana strokes the chin of her acenite mask. "At the moment, we could use assistance collecting intelligence on the new Black Fang recruits. We need agents to sneak into the enemy encampment and OBSERVE the enemy without being noticed. Or, come to think of it, killing a Black Fang enemy is just as good as information. It's your call."

When chosen as your task:
:Jirikana nods. "We're counting on you. Head due north to the Black Fang encampment and find a way inside unnoticed. Once inside, OBSERVE 8 Black Fang recruits from hiding. Or, if you're feeling brash, barging in and killing 8 of them is just as good. Once you're done, report to the agent at the northern end of the bayou for transport out of the combat zone. Good luck."
* This is a task option you may be able to choose from [[Jirikana]] after completing the '''Dye Task''' in the long run method.
* note: you can receive incidental loot using the OBSERVE option, you'll see an additional line to the task completion:
* Within the ''Black Fang Encampment'' area of the [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|bayou]], you {{tt|observe}} from hiding and/or kill 8 [[Black Fang recruit]]s and [[Black Fang deadeye]]s.
: ''In the course of your reconnaissance, you notice an unattended purple weevil and surreptitiously claim it for yourself!''
* Combat is avoidable by hiding/sneaking, but likely.
* The enemies flex to you.

* The ''Black Fang Encampment'' area of the [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|bayou]].
* The area is due north from [[Jirikana]] where you receive this task.

* Once in the ''Black Fang Encampment'', {{tt|hide}} and {{tt|sneak}} until you find a [[Black Fang recruit]] or [[Black Fang deadeye]], then {{tt|observe recruit/deadeye}}.
* Alternatively, you can kill the recruit/deadeye and loot it for any treasure it's carrying.
* At any time, type {{tt|task}} to check your progress.
* Once done, locate a [[shadowy agent]] in the [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|bayou]] and {{tt|ask agent about transport}} to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).

* You earn 5 merits and one ''incidental loot''.

{{cat|Microtrans events}}
On completion of your 2 tasks (DYE + one from Jirikana), find '''a shadowy agent''' past the bayou or at the NW part of the kobald hunting, and {{com|ask}} {{tt|agent about transport}}. This will be a one-way transport to the final prize area, and doing this will give you your [[Revenant Fang merits]] for the 2nd task.<br/>
To check how many merits total you have total, use {{com|TICKETS}}.

Latest revision as of 19:07, 23 November 2023

There have been multiple instances of this event:

Location and Attractions

To access this area, find the Meeting portal hub in your city. If you wish to visit the floating Ashala'taman tower, you will first need to REDEEM a furtive summons and then ASK AGENT ABOUT ACCESS. To visit the treasure room or access the Short Chain and Crystal Tasks, ASK AGENT ABOUT TREASURE. To check how many merits you have earned, use TICKETS.

  • The tower also has a number of pickable flowers and food, listed here.
  • Within the tower, the Dergati shrine in the Promenade of Chaos is a Pilgrim's badge location



Crystal Task


  • This method is short and allows you to bypass all hunting and danger events within the quest area, at the expense of no incidental loot items and potentially 1 less merit earned.


  • To begin, find the shadowy agent at a Meeting portal and ASK AGENT ABOUT TREASURE to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).
  • Once there, move NE to the Observation Chamber.


  • Redeem a furtive summons then READ CRYSTAL.
  • Either PUSH, RUB, or TAP the crystal depending how the crystal looks.
  • You'll perform 5-7 actions total, each with a 15-20 second roundtime.


  • You earn 10 merits and no incidental loot.

Short Chain


  • This method is short and you battle one creature that flexes to you.


  • To begin, find the shadowy agent at a Meeting portal and ASK AGENT ABOUT TREASURE to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).
  • Once there, move W to the Jademist Shore.


  • Redeem a furtive summons.
  • You will be interacting with a nondescript figure cloaked in shadowsilk. ASK FIGURE ABOUT TASK then JOIN FIGURE to begin the process.
  • You'll immediately be moved to a new room. Printed above the room description, you'll be told what single verb you need to perform in capital letters. Type the command then you'll be moved into the next room automatically with a roundtime. You repeat this, each time being asked to do a different command, until you reach the last room with the challenger.
  • Defeat the enemy then you'll be returned to the shadowy agent to receive your reward.
  • If you get stuck, you can use HELP in the quest area to determine how to proceed.


Long Chain


  • This method involves completing two tasks, which may take several minutes and vary in difficulty from puzzles, to search and find, to disarm and pick, and to combat challenges.
  • Although combat can be avoided to complete your tasks, you will walk through rooms where flex creatures spawn and you may be attacked.



  • Redeem a furtive summons.
  • Then ASK AGENT ABOUT ACCESS to be taken to the Crystal Monolith in the Ashala'taman tower.
  • Follow the instructions below for how to complete the Dye Task (always your first task) and how to proceed to choose and complete your final task.


  • You earn 10-12 merits and two incidental loot
  • You earn between 5-6 merits for completing the Dye Task, and one incidental loot.
  • You earn between 5-6 merits for completing the second task (of your choice), and one incidental loot.

Dye Task


  • This is always your first task in the long run method.
  • Complete a search and find task in a rotating garden (shifting maze) to collect colored plants to create 3 dyes.
  • There are no dangers or combat in this task.



  • Empty your hands because to begin the task you'll be given two items.
  • Kilgamant will tell you some instructions and give you a botany guidebook and a string of apothecary jars.
  • You may leave these items in your hands for the duration of the task.
  • You don't need to read the guidebook because we've deciphered it for you in the dye/color table below.
  • The important part of Kilgamant's instructions is the phrase To complete your task, you need to create <quantity> <colored> dye, <quantity> <colored> dye, and <quantity> <colored> dye. For example, To complete your task, you need to create one deep persimmon dye, one bold chartreuse dye, and one vivid scarlet dye.
  • Use the below table to find the rows for the dye colors that you need to make. The columns tell you how many of each colored plant you need to collect while in the shifting maze.
Dye/Color red orange yellow green blue purple
aubergine 2 2
azure 1 3
chartreuse 2 1 1
emerald 1 2
honey 1 3
lemon 3 1
persimmon 3 1 1
scarlet 3 1 1
turquoise 1 1 2
violet 1 1 2
To help calculate the total colors you need, you can create a copy of this Google sheet and fill in cells A16, A17, and A18 with the dye color you're looking for.
  • GO ARCH to enter the rotating gardens (shifting maze).
  • The gardens are divided into two wings. Once inside, move in one of the two available directions then CLIMB STEP to enter that wing.
  • As you move throughout the gardens, ASSESS AREA in a room to know what colors can be collected.
  • If a color that you need is available, then COLLECT <COLOR>, else move to another room.
  • Your goal is to collect the EXACT number of colors that you need, not more. You earn 1 extra merit this way.
  • LOOK JAR to check how many colors you've collected so far.
  • Compare what you've collected to the dye/color table above to know how many more colors you need to collect.
  • If you've visisted all the rooms in one wing of the gardens and you still need to find colors, find your way back to the steps and move to the other wing and repeat the process.
  • If the gardens rotate (maze shifts) then what colors are available in each room changes and you should assess/collect as needed as you continue to move around.
  • Once you've collected all the colors that you need, make your way back to the entrance of the gardens (room number 13 on the map).
  • GO ARCH to return to the Crystal Monolith, Rotunda with Grim Tailor Kilgamant.
  • For each dye color you need to make (e.g. 'violet' or 'lemon') do:
  • On completion, Kilgamant will take back the botany guidebook and string of apothecary jars, and hand you one incidental loot.
  • CLIMB STAIR then move UP.
  • ASK AVERIX ABOUT TRANSPORT to be teleported to the bayou then move NE to find Jirikana.
  • ASK JIRIKANA ABOUT TASK to choose your final task.
  • You'll be presented two random options.
  • See the relevant sections below for how to complete those tasks.


  • You earn 5-6 merits and one incidental loot.
  • If you collected the exact colored plants needed to make your dyes, and no more, then you earn 6 merits.
  • If you collected more colored plants than necessary to make your dyes then you earn 5 merits.

Supplies Task


  • This is a task option you may be able to choose from Jirikana after completing the Dye Task in the long run method.
  • Within the Black Fang Encampment area of the bayou, you locate and SEARCH inside a <bunkhouse/supply tent/etc> to find a tattered parchment cryptogram.
  • The cryptogram is an encoded message that you decode by guessing letters Wheel of Fortune style.
  • This is a non-combat task, but you do walk through areas where enemies may spawn.


  • The Black Fang Encampment area of the bayou.
  • The area is due north from Jirikana where you receive this task.


  • Once in the Black Fang Encampment, move or sneak around to locate the <bunkhouse/supply tent/etc> that Jirikana sent you to find.
  • SEARCH in and around the area until you find a tattered parchment cryptogram.
  • READ CRYPTOGRAM to see the encoded message. The random letters represent the number of letters in the word(s) to decode but may not be the actual letters that comprise the decoded word.
  • WRITE CRYPTOGRAM <LETTER> to guess a letter of the encoded message.
  • If you guess correctly, you'll see Taking careful note of translational cues, you manage to decipher a couple of the letters in the cryptogram's code.
  • If you guess incorrectly, you'll see You scrutinize the cryptogram carefully but fail to make progress toward deciphering the code.
  • READ CRYPTOGRAM to check your progress on deciphering the message.
  • There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. You can solve this puzzle by guessing each letter in turn, or, use a strategy of guessing common letters, re-reading the cryptogram, and making informed decisions on the most likely remaining letters.
  • At any time, type TASK to check your progress.
  • Once decoded, return to Jirikana, SHOW CRYPTOGRAM TO JIRIKANA, and she will send you out to locate a supply cache hidden somewhere else in the bayou.
  • Once you've located the hidden cache, SEARCH <ITEM> (e.g. search root) to discover a box that may contain treasure. Note: There are some "boulders" in the room where you need to "search boulder" so you may need to specify second boulder if the boulders happen to be first in the object order.
  • Once done, locate a shadowy agent in the bayou and ASK AGENT ABOUT TRANSPORT to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).


  • You earn 5 merits and one incidental loot.

Traps Task

  • When initially asked about tasks:
"We could also use assistance weakening the enemy's perimeter defenses. If you disarm some of the traps scattered around the open bayou, it would help our patrols. Enemy scouts are also believed to arrange dropoffs in the area, so useful supplies may turn up in the search for traps."
  • When chosen as your task:
Jirikana nods. "We're counting on you. Head due east into the open bayou and SEARCH for traps to disarm. The traps are unlikely to be present in deep water, so focus your search on barrier islands and other patches of land. Once you've disarmed 5, report to the agent at the northern end of the bayou for transport out of the combat zone. Good luck, and watch out for the morgawr."
[You can check the status of your mission at any time with the TASK verb.]
  • To complete this task, go thru the curtain and in a general north-east direction until you see the open bayou. Once in the bayou, you'll be SEARCHing rooms. When you see the message You poke and prod, but fail to find anything of interest., it means that you are in a room that will potentially produce a trapped box, however you failed to find it and should search again.
  • Once you locate a trap box, you'll DISARM and PICK it in order to advance your TASK.
note that in 433 (2020), this task was changed slightly and you no longer receive coins, gems and possible incidental treasures from each box, but rather a single incidental loot piece when you leave the quest area.
  • Throughout the area can randomly spawn the morgawr. It can be seen from distant rooms using HUNT and PERCEIVE HEALTH. If you do run into a room with this creature, there is a high chance it will grab you with a tentacle. While grasped, you will be webbed, will sustain wounds and fatigue drain, and in some cases may incur a stun. As soon as you are free of webbing and un-stunned, you can HIDE and wait for the creature to submerge (leave).
  • Upon disarming your requested number of traps, you will no longer locate additional trapped boxes in the area and all SEARCH messaging will return to standard results.

Hunting Task

  • note: As of 433 (2020), creature deaths now count for everybody in the room who is on the appropriate task. Each creature no longer has a chance to drop a piece of incidental loot, instead you will receive a piece on leaving the quest area.
  • When initially asked about tasks:
Jirikana strokes the chin of her acenite mask. "At the moment, we could use assistance disrupting enemy scouting. On Darkmist Moor above the bayou, * Black Fang watchers are utilizing the shambling undead kobold population as unwitting patrolmen, embedding them with enruned spikes that allow remote tracking and surveillance. If you could recover some of these spikes and destroy them, it would be a great help."

When chosen as your task:

Jirikana nods. "We're counting on you. Head due west and climb up to Darkmist Moor. Defeat the undead kobolds or Black Fang watcher there to recover the enruned crystal spikes. Once you've destroyed 8, report to the agent at the western end of the moor for tranport out of the combat zone. Good luck."
[You can check the status of your mission at any time with the TASK verb.]

Surveillance Task


  • This is a task option you may be able to choose from Jirikana after completing the Dye Task in the long run method.
  • Within the Black Fang Encampment area of the bayou, you OBSERVE from hiding and/or kill 8 Black Fang recruits and Black Fang deadeyes.
  • Combat is avoidable by hiding/sneaking, but likely.
  • The enemies flex to you.


  • The Black Fang Encampment area of the bayou.
  • The area is due north from Jirikana where you receive this task.


  • Once in the Black Fang Encampment, HIDE and SNEAK until you find a Black Fang recruit or Black Fang deadeye, then OBSERVE RECRUIT/DEADEYE.
  • Alternatively, you can kill the recruit/deadeye and loot it for any treasure it's carrying.
  • At any time, type TASK to check your progress.
  • Once done, locate a shadowy agent in the bayou and ASK AGENT ABOUT TRANSPORT to be taken directly to the end loot (Safehouse).


  • You earn 5 merits and one incidental loot.

Pages in category "House of the Revenant Fang"

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