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The First Land Herald/428-08-27
Article Number: BI79 |
Dateline: 428-08-27 |
LOVE DONKEY SPOTTED AT TAVERNS AND EVENTS Dear readers, it is with some trepidation that I bring this news to you. You must understand that it is my duty to present to you information that has been vetted to the highest degree, with sources entirely accounted for and a focus on eye witnesses. Facts are foremost. However, I have encountered a situation in which finding such firm facts has proven somewhat elusive, yet it is important enough that I feel it is my duty to bring it to your attention anyway. A magical white donkey has been spotted by numerous witnesses at taverns and some Order events, mostly accompanying the married couple Tasivu and Inlagie on their whirlwind honeymoon tour. I investigated myself at the Half Pint Inn in the Crossing, when I heard of a raucous gathering there. I can confirm that the donkey appeared and magically produced a number of foods and drinks, which it also helped itself to. It also provided several Saemaus kiss roses, of the type used to bond souls together in matrimony, as well as some various trinkets. The air was festive, and it was quite apparent that this creature must be a servant of the great god Saemaus. However, curiously, it ignored my warnings that a Necromancer was present, despite the blithering corpse-lover actually singing of his fondness of Necromancy. Here is where my account grows fuzzy. At first, I felt I must have inadvertently imbibed too deeply; later I would suspect otherwise. At the time, I only knew that there were many merry-makers enjoying a boisterous party into the wee hours. I caught wind of another party in Hibarnhvidar a few andaen later and managed to attend that one as well. Once again, my memory of the event is unclear, although I am certain that I attended with every intention and will to remain a sober observer. I can only say that this party went much like the first. Given my firm resolve and that this was the second time I was affected, I must speculate that the mere presence of the donkey brings with it a general thrill to the senses, which may result in memory loss. Visionist Miskton was kind enough to provide me with an account of another meeting with the donkey. This time, strangely, it appeared at a lecture on Necromancy in Therengia, presented by the Order of the Dragon Shield. Miskton too noticed the intoxicating effect of the equine and in fact prepared a Psychic Shield in an attempt to ward his mind. Otherwise, its actions were much the same: more procurement of food and drink and spontaneous festivities. However, one event stood out. A Dwarven woman present by the name of Urmira looked into the distance with a wistful tear, then suddenly dropped dead. Empaths present examined her and discovered that her chest cavity had been mysteriously destroyed. She was as confused by the death as anyone, only remarking that she missed her "guildmates" and that the last thing she remembered before dying was a feeling of sadness at not seeing them. She said, "All that time... making toys for others... in isolation... I never saw them again," and, "It came so sudden. I haven't seen them in many years." She was not able to say anything more of note. Miskton also relayed to me that something strange happened at a different gathering. A woman he identified as Berima was participating in the party happily, but suddenly experienced a change of demeanor. Miskton told me, "Her eyes rolled back in her head and she grew still, then her voice went low and husky as she said, 'Worms within the dead limbs still lend the tree life.' Her hands trembled, then her eyes snapped open and she went on like nothing had happened." These oddities certainly lend an air of mystery to the otherwise benign donkey. Still, as befits all pious denizens of our lands, I recommend giving heartily in offerings to Saemaus. As the holy week of Glythtide approaches, there can be no better time. Forget not His other aspect as well, Be'ort, who will want for offerings to appease Him in a measure with Saemaus. In holy revelry let us prepare for the coming festival and rejoice in our bonds of love. Navesi Daerthon |
Real Date: Unknown Date |
Subject(s): Be'ort Crossing Dwarf Empath Glythtide Half Pint Inn Hibarnhvidar Miskton Necromancer Order of the Dragon Shield Psychic Shield Saemaus Therengia |
Author(s): Navesi |