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Post:Background - 10/10/2013 - 01:36
Re: Background · on 10/10/2013 01:36 AM CDT | 757 |
>>1. Anymore to the story of Sanyrsen Astoshe Zsikiel? Youngest council member of record at 27? Who was Draan, his guildmaster?
A lot of these really distant historical notes you know as much as I do (Unless Armifer wants to chip in with something... he's more likely to have tripped over or initially written questions like these than I am). >>What are the goldcaps up to these days? Being goldcappy. Which is to say the guild spies/messangers and whatever else they get up to. >>2. Who was the necromancer that basically created shear? Lasarhhtha IIRC. The current version isn't actually a sorcery. >>Any other necromancy-inspired moon mage spell developments? This isn't really a... thing anymore. It predates all current necromancer lore and a fair bit of Moon Mage lore, so we end up having to view those events in a slight lens of retcon. It's unlikely to be something we do again. >>3. What's the significance of an obelisk linked to creatures of starlight (Ilithi)? Any chance moon mages will be conjuring up shadowlings-of-light? There seems to be decent sources for the proposition that the Arbiter in Darkness (starlight) and the fourth obelisk creatures are all from the plane of it one happy family in there? I'm going to dodge answering the significance of the Ilithi obelisk right now beyond saying it's not really like the others (It's actually one of the few bits of obelisk lore written by me). I will say that the Plane of Probability has, essentially, three types of creatures living there - those made of light, those made of shadows, and manifest concepts. I'm not sure at what point he lore changed (Or if that was always true) but the emphasis was so heavy on shadow in the early days that we're still laboring under a biased believe there since the creatures people see are so strongly skewed that way. This is something I'm (slowly) working to clarify. >>4. What exactly did Lady P the undead lich teach to Sanyrsen, Mortom, and Taramaine? Could I have more context? This isn't ringing any bells right now. >>5. How exactly were things "smoothed over" between Tozu and the grandmaster after Tozu wrote a letter (Raesh published here) calling the guild out for failing to prosecute sorcery? You hint at this in the original thread summary, but how does Tozu keep his job under Mortom after that? It's like apprenticing with Kssarh when you have a die-hard philosophical opposition to defenestration. This has been playing out IG in the interactions between them but, essentially, Moon Mages love politics and no one politics like members of the Compact and Progeny. Also, unlike a certain government, the Moon Mage Guild is able to disagree on certain points and still work together. >>6. Is there anything else you can tell us about the Thee Mottl'd Tyxte or the Deceiver Device? The Deceiver Device was central to the Mirror Wraith Prophecy - Mortom's connection is that he concealed one of the parts by faking his death. >>7. Are there any nuances you can give us for the Crystal Hand that can differentiate them from the stereotypical warrior monks we might think of? It occurs to me that, philosophically, they might be enormously different. Imagine seeing the unchangeable future, and still subjecting yourself to incredible extents of self-deprivation in the name of perfection. You were bound to succeed or fail, or bound to seek transcendance. In either case, isn't the purpose defeated by your knowledge? It depends on your view of Fate - and I'd say you question is much larger than just the Monks. In a world with prophecy being a very real force philosophical arguments about Fatalism and Free Will take on a somewhat different light. >>8. Any lore behind the 100th circle ability and why it's connected to Taisgath? I think the quest speaks for itself. | |
This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ Guild Events, by DR-RAESH on the forums. |