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Forfedhdar Hunting Guide
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Below is a hunting guide to Forfedhdar. Some creatures are more or less difficult, as noted in the notes area. While remote, Forfedhdar in general provides a smooth hunting experience, with many opportunities for those who practice locksmithing or skinning.
Tier rankings area approximate.
- Tier 2: 50 - 150 ranks
- Tier 3: 100 - 200+ ranks
- Tier 4: 200 - 300+ ranks
- Tier 5: 325+ ranks
Note: There are no Tier 1 creatures in Forfedhdar.
Locations are broken down into major city and then subdivided into the hunting areas.
- Ain Ghazal: Ain Ghazal, Caves on Ain Ghazal
- Asketi's Mount: Pilgrimage Trail, Bloodvines, Adder's Coil, Blighted Tangle, Dark Burrows, Adder's Nest, Catacombs, Asketi's Mount
- Boar Clan: Hunter's Glade, Paasvadh Forest
- Hibarnhvidar: Abandoned Mine, Firecats
- Raven's Point: Seord Kerwaith, Crystaline Gorge & Western Road, Hrendh Skogar, The Black Spire, Cragstone Vale Brambles, Cragstone Vale
Hunting Guide
Creature | Tier | Boxes | Skins | City | Map | Notes |
Stone-throwing Imp | 2 | N | N | Hibarnhvidar | Abandoned Mine | |
Malodorous Bucca | 2 | Y | N | Hibarnhvidar | Abandoned Mine | |
Young Firecat | 2 | N | Y | Hibarnhvidar | Firecats | Premium hunting area In the same area as Supple Firecats |
Graverobber | 2 | Y | N | Ain Ghazal | Ain Ghazal | |
Albino Cave Fish | 2 | N | N | Hibarnhvidar | Abandoned Mine | Very limited spawn rate |
Young Cave Troll | 2 | Y | Y | Hibarnhvidar | Abandoned Mine | Weapon & Shield Casts spells Limited spawn rate (3/hunter) |
Giant Blight Bat | 3 | N | Y | Asketi's Mount | Pilgrimage Trail | Undead magic resistance Need pole or ranged weapon to hit Spawn along Pilgrimage Trail at night |
Frostweyr Bear | 3 | N | Y | Raven's Point | Seord Kerwaith | Roar attack Swipe attack |
Retch Fiend | 3 | Y | N | Hibarnhvidar | Abandoned Mine | Strong retch maggot attack |
Vela'tohr Bloodvine | 3 | N | N | Asketi's Mount | Bloodvines | Very swarmy Ranged thorn/poison attack. Poison negligible with 20 stamina. |
Writhing Maiden's Tress | 3 | Y | N | Asketi's Mount | Adder's Coil | Higher learning cap than bloodvines Limited spawn |
Lithe Blight Ogre | 3 | Y | Y | Asketi's Mount | Dark Burrows | Uses longbows Lithe, Stumpy, and Giant Blight Ogres are in the same area |
Stumpy Blight Ogre | 3 | Y | Y | Asketi's Mount | Dark Burrows | Uses longbows Lithe, Stumpy, and Giant Blight Ogres are in the same area |
Rotting Deadwood Dryad | 4 | Y | N | Asketi's Mount | Blighted Tangle | Casts Harawep's Bonds With ~35+ Agi/Ref able to generally avoid the webs |
Sickly Blightwater Nyad | 4 | Y | N | Asketi's Mount | Blighted Tangle | Carries a staff Stronger than the dryads |
Fledgeling Forest Gryphon | 4 | N | Y | Raven's Point | Crystaline Gorge & Western Road | Strong spawn |
Young Forest Gryphon | 4 | N | Y | Raven's Point | Crystaline Gorge & Western Road | |
Giant Blight Ogre | 4 | Y | Y | Asketi's Mount | Dark Burrows | Uses longbows Lithe, Stumpy, and Giant Blight Ogres are in the same area |
Blue-green Pivuh | 4 | N | Y | Raven's Point | Cragstone Vale | Special breath attack Can be summoned by Dragon Priest Crones |
Sinuous Ice Adder | 4 | N | Y | Asketi's Mount | Adder's Nest | Spawn limited for solo hunters Impractical for non-Clerics |
Cave Troll | 4 | Y | Y | Ain Ghazal | Caves on Ain Ghazal | Weapon & Shield Casts spells |
Supple Firecat | 4 | N | Y | Hibarnhvidar | Firecats | Premium hunting area In the same area as Young Firecats |
Frost Angiswaerd | 4 | N | Y | Hibarnhvidar | Himineldar Shel | Acid attack can damage armor Emergence from ground can known down Icy area |
Icy Blue Ghast | 4 | Y | N | Asketi's Mount | Catacombs | Casts spells Resistant to physical damage Resistant to non-holy magic Reported to spend little time attacking, and mostly time casting and retreating |
Black Marble Gargoyle | 5 | Y | Y | Asketi's Mount | Asketi's Mount | Immune to non-holy magic Not considered 'evil' creatures for the purposes of cleric spells Casts spells Long climb unless you're a Cleric, however, an alternate route has been reported |
Mountain Giant | 5 | Y | N | Hibarnhvidar | Himineldar Shel | |
Vile Plague Wraith | 5 | Y | N | Raven's Point | Hrendh Skogar | Highly resistant to all damage types |
Damaska Boar | 5 | N | Y | Boar Clan | Hunter's Glade | Ridden by Black Goblins |
Black Goblin | 5 | Y | Y | Boar Clan | Hunter's Glade | Use throwing axes Ride Damaska Boars |
Armored Shalswar | 5 | Y | Y | Raven's Point | Seord Kerwaith | Often ridden by Dragon Priest Sentinels or Dragon Priest Zealots Also outside of the Crystaline Gorge & Western Road |
Dragon Priest Sentinel | 5 | Y | N | Raven's Point | The Black Spire | Uses poisoned arrows Often rides Armored Shalswar Also outside of the Seord Kerwaith |
Dragon Priest Crone | 5 | Y | N | Raven's Point | The Black Spire | Uses magic Summons Blue-green Pivuh |
Dragon Priest Purifier | 5 | Y | N | Raven's Point | Cragstone Vale Brambles | Casts spells |
Dragon Priest Zealot | 5 | Y | N | Raven's Point | The Black Spire | In the Chamber of Blood area |
Dragon Priest Assassin | 5 | Y | N | Raven's Point | The Black Spire | Uses crossbows Can backstab |
Dragon Priest Juggernaut | 5 | Y | N | Raven's Point | The Black Spire | Explosive orb special attack In the Halls of Insanity area of the Black Spire |
Sky Hawk | 5 | ? | ? | Boar Clan | Paasvadh Forest | Up in the trees |
Black Ape | 5 | N | Y | Boar Clan | Paasvadh Forest | Ranged attack Muddy area |