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  • Tell command

  • Tellexp command

  • Tellstats command

  • Tend command

  • Test command

  • Think command

  • Throw command

  • Thrust command

  • Thump command

    You see: You thump yourself on the head. Doh!
    Others see: <Player> thumps her/himself on the head. Doh!

    THUMP <player within 20 circles>
    You see: You contemplate thumping <Player> over the head and then realize it may not be a wise thing to do.
    Target sees: Nothing.

    THUMP <player 20 circles below>
    You see: With the speed of a striking snake, you thump <Player> in the neck with the edge of your flattened palm striking her/him in the vocal cords. <Player> clutches her/his throat, wheezing pathetically.
    Target sees: With the speed of a striking snake, <Player> catches you in the throat with the edge of her flattened palm, knocking the air out of you and sending your vocal cords into shock!
    Removes targeted player's ability for speak for a short time. This action gives consent to the targeted player.

    THUMP <player> TEST
    To see if you can THUMP another character without actually doing so.

    THUMP <player> WARN
    You see: You raise your hand to thump <Player> but stop in an obvious act of self-control.
    Target sees: <Player> raises her/his hand to thump you but then stops in an obvious act of self-control.

    THUMP <item>
    You see: You thump <item> with the back of your hand.
    Target sees: <Player> thumps <item> with the back of her/his hand.

  • Tickets command

  • Tickle command

    You see: You tickle <PERSON>
    Person sees: <NAME> tickles you.
    Others see: <NAME> tickles <PERSON>.

  • Tie command
    'TIE <item>

    See examples below.

  • Tilt command
    TILT <self>

    You see: You tilt your head back.
    Others see: <Person> tilts <his/her> head back.

    TILT UP You see: You tilt your head up.
    Others see: <Person> tilts <his/her> head up.

    You see: You tilt your head down.
    Others see: <Person> tilts <his/her> head down.

    You see: You tilt your head to one side.
    Others see: <Person> tilts <his/her> head to one side.

    You see: You tilt your head inquisitively.
    Others see: <Person> tilts <his/her> head inquisitively.

    You see: You tilt your head with a curious expression.
    Others see: <Person> tilts <his/her> head, clearly curious about something.

    You see: You cock your head.
    Others see: <Person> cocks <his/her> head.

    You see: You hold up your hand and tilt it side to side in a so-so gesture.
    Others see: <Person> holds up <his/her> hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

  • Time command

    It has been 438 years, 312 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
    It is the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Iron Toad.
    It is currently fall and it is evening.
    You have a feeling it's approaching the Anlas of Revelfae.

  • Time date command

    TIME DATE 20210713
    2021/7/13 falls from the 30th day of the the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe (Day 310) in the year of the Iron Toad (438) to the 34th day of the the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe (Day 314) in the year of the Iron Toad (438).

  • Tip command

  • Title command

  • Toggle command

  • Toss command
    TOSS <self>

    You see: You toss your head, your eyes sparkling with anger.
    Others see: <Player> tosses her/his head, her/his eyes sparkling with anger.

    TOSS <player>
    You see: You toss your head derisively at <Player>
    Target sees: <Player> tosses her/his head derisively at you.

    TOSS <item, not held>
    You see: You toss your head derisively at <item>.
    Others see: <Player> tosses her/his head derisively at <item>.

    TOSS <item, held, other hand empty>
    You see: You toss your <item> from hand to hand.
    Others see: <Player> tosses her/his <item> from hand to hand.

    TOSS <item, held, other hand full>
    You see: You awkwardly attempt to juggle <item> and <item2>, barely managing to grab each object before it falls!
    Others see: <Player> awkwardly attempts to juggle <item> and <item2>, barely managing to grab each object before it falls!

    • Note: Some items will have special messaging for TOSS.

  • Touch command
    TOUCH <self>

    You see: You tap the tip of your nose.
    Others see: <Player> taps the tip of her nose.

    TOUCH <Player> - Player's demeanor is neutral / friendly / warm
    You see: You lay your hand on <Player>'s arm.
    Target sees: <Player> lays her hand on your arm.

    TOUCH <Player> - Player's demeanor isdemeanor: cold / reserved
    You see: <Player> avoids your touch.
    Target sees: You pull away from <Player>'s touch.

    TOUCH <item>
    You see: You reach out and touch <item>.
    Others see: <Player> just touched <item>.

  • Trace command
    TRACE <self>

    You see: You draw a circle around your face.
    Others see: <Player> just traced a circle around her face.

    TRACE <player>
    You see: You trace <Player>'s outline.
    Target sees: <Player> traces your outline.

    TRACE <item>
    You see: You trace an outline around <item>.
    Others see: <Player> traces an outline around <item>.

    TRACE <some random text>
    You see: You trace your hand randomly through the air!
    Target sees: <Player> randomly traces her hand through the air!

  • Track command

  • Train command

  • Transfer command

  • Trill command
    TRILL (non-Prydaen)

    You see: You make a gurgling sound in the back of your throat. It's rather uncomfortable.
    Others see: <Player> makes a strange gurgling sound in the back of her throat, looking uncomfortable.

    See Prydaen messaging below.

  • Trim command

  • Trudge command

  • Tune command
    TUNE <self>

    You see: You rub your nose.
    Others see: <Player> rubs her/his nose.

    TUNE <player>
    You see: You tweak <Player>'s nose!
    Target sees: <Player> tweaks your nose!

  • Turn command
    TURN <item>

    May be used with a wide variety of verbed items and items in the environment.

  • Twiddle command

    You see: You twiddle your thumbs.
    Others see: <Player> twiddles her/his thumbs.

    TWIDDLE <self>
    See custom race-based messaging below.

    TWIDDLE <Player>
    You see: You gaze through <Player> while twiddling your thumbs in thoughtful contemplation.
    Target sees: <Player> seems to be gazing through you as s/he twiddles her/his thumbs.

    TWIDDLE <item>
    You see: In a show of coordination, you drum your fingers upon <item> while twiddling your thumbs in agitation.
    Others see: In a show of coordination, <Player> drums her/his fingers upon <item> while twiddling her/his thumbs in agitation.

    TWIDDLE (holding one item)
    You see: You try to twiddle, but you have something in your hands. It's an interesting thumb exercise, though.
    Others see: <Player> looks like she is exercising her thumb -- how odd.

    TWIDDLE (holding two items)
    You see:You try to twiddle, but your hands are full. Don't drop things!
    Others see: <Player> fumbles with some items in her/his hands -- what is s/he trying to do?

  • Typo command

  • Waggle command
    WAGGLE <self>

    You see: You waggle your fingers mystically.
    Others see: <Player> waggles her fingers mystically. Ooh...impressive.

    WAGGLE <Player>
    You see: You waggle your fingers mystically at <Player2>
    Others see: <Player> waggles her fingers mystically at you! Ooh! Scary!

    WAGGLE <item>
    You see: Okay, you waggle your fingers at <item>. Nothing happens.
    Others see: <Player> waggles her fingers at <item>

    WAGGLE <body part>
    You see: What were you referring to?
    Others see: nothing

  • Wail command

    You see: You begin an eerie, warbling wail of despair.
    Others see: <Player> begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

    WAIL <player>
    You see: You look at <Player> and let out an eerie, warbling wail of despair.
    Target sees: <Player> looks at you and lets out an eerie, warbling wail of despair.