Eurynomile/Eury-bration 446

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Recorded by Cythra


Guest Gift

A Redwood Wand
You wave the wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake. The bubbles begin to float throughout the area.
Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.
The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.
Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.
You wave the wand, but nothing happens. The wand is still recharging.
The last of the bubbles pop out of existence.

You are certain that the wand weighs exactly 10 stones.
You are certain that the wand is worth exactly 281 Kronars.


Served in an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with Warrior Mage crest in silvery thread:

a platter of bite-sized cheese tidbits
(You take a bite of the tidbits. Mmmm, good!)

a bag of golden shrimp fritters
(You take a bite of the fritters. The crunchy cornmeal has been subtly spiced to complement the tender sweetness of the shrimp.)

some crispy horseradish-crusted salmon with spinach
(You take a bite of the salmon. Yow! That's spicy!)

a golden-brown roll stuffed with spinach and feta cheese
(You take a bite of the roll. Rather sharp and tasty.)

an Elven chocolate truffle topped with a miniature spun-sugar white rose
(You take a bite of the truffle. Melts on your tongue. As airy and light as a cloud!)

Available to guests on a picnic cloth:

Non-Alcoholic options:

a cup of iced raspberry limeade with pieces of fresh fruit
(You take a sip of the limeade. Mmmm. Not too tart, not too sweet ... just right!)

a glass of mocha milkshake
(You take a sip of the milkshake. Cold, sweet and frothy, the rich chocolate is thick and creamy with a hint of coffee flavoring.)

a translucent glass bottle of iced tea cooler
(You take a sip of the cooler. Mmmm. Not too tart, not too sweet ... just right!)

Alcoholic options:

a sugar-rimmed goblet of Midnight's Kiss
(You take a sip of the Kiss, savoring the refreshing champagne cocktail. The bubbly concoction is complemented with a tart, citrus-flavored liqueur and smooth vodka, while the sugared rim and rock-candy stick garnish add just the right touch of sweet. Mmm...perfect!)

some Yodeler's single malt whiskey
(You take a sip of the whiskey. Whoa. Is the room spinning or is it just you?)

a smooth pale lager with a thin head of foam
(You take a sip of the lager. Crisp and refreshing - it would be easy to have seventeen before someone might realize they'd had too many!)

a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne
(You take a sip of the bloodwyne. With a strong kick and full flavor that speaks of its long maturation, the bloodwyne has a distinctly blood-like taste with a hint of salt and just a bit of sweet. Pleasant on the tongue, the bloodwyne is fairly viscous, although it still manages to be smooth at the same time.)

a glass of champagne decorated with a ripe red strawberry
(You take a sip of the champagne. It tickles your tongue and throat with its effervescence!)


Abridged and Annotated for your safety ...and sanity.


well some of them...

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "don't forget that there's a big event coming up in a few days..."

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "in the meantime though there is an amazing party tonight!"

Your mind hears Rhadyn thinking, "Thank you so much for remembering my birthday Cythra!"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "I still don't remember it"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "entertainment, and free food and drinks while it lasts"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "I means while the food and drinks last nae while the party lasts...  well, we'll see how it all goes"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "and since the guest of honor is absent instead of gifts please consider donating to Tavern Troupe in Eerie's name"

Your mind hears Seydin thinking, "Does that mean the entertainment requires payment since only the food and drink are explicitly free?"

Your mind hears Rhadyn thinking, "Oh, you'll pay, Seydin. You'll pay."

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "umm..  good points.  Entertainment is included in the free admission price.  They maybes take tips though."

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo to Nilme, "Eerie was always so good at this part"

Your mind hears Nilme thinking to Cythra, "you are amazing at it, too!"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "it all kicks off in around two hours...  not to be confused with... anlases?  anli?"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "anyhow...  two somethings.  The caterers says something about 9 Elves"

Your mind hears Elurora thinking, "That is an odd amount of Elves."

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "as opposed to like 8"

Your mind hears Ariya thinking, "Odd amounts are best"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "I find odd amounts are right up there with even amounts"


Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "for those asking the Emerald Knights will be meeting in the Old Mine outside of Corik's Wall.  From outside Mhar's gem tent, go ledge an go ent to Brent's Bar."

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "Gwen you still there?"

Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "yes"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "feels weird being the only one announcing the party later...  would you mind giving it a go?"

Your mind hears Eskila thinking, "HEY. YOU. You're just standing there or maybe running around climbing and falling on your butt. What are you doing later? The same thing you do all the time! Well stop it!! Come to Cythra's party for Eury instead! Everyone loves Eury and everyone but Cryle loves parties. So go there!!"

Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "oh Eskila did it better than me"

Your mind hears Eskila thinking, "Yeah sorry, I got bored waiting on a mammoth."

Your mind hears Cryle thinking, "Even I will be there momentarily..."

Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "don't be sorry, you did great"

Your mind hears Eskila thinking, "that's how you know it's going to be a great party. When the person who doesn't like parties is there!!"

Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "THE Cythra just gave me directions to the surprise party that is happening in either 45ish rois or tomorrow, whichever comes first, and I still have no clue where it is"

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "from where you are go, east, west, east, then west again then head to the Goldstone fountain"

Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "if you didnt get an invite to the super surprise party THE Cythra is throwing for a guest who will not be there and know where this mystery fountain is, you can have my invitation. Just complain lots and raise a corpse if you see one nobody will know the difference"


[Goldstone Arboretum, Crystal Fountain] A circular area paved with glittering goldstone surrounds the Crystal Fountain, its countless spouts providing a fascinating display of dancing waters.  Elegant wrought iron benches surround the fountain, allowing visitors to the park a place to sit and relax while observing the aquatic spectacle.  Carefully-tended willows surround the area, hushing all but the restful splash of water on crystal and the occasional snippet of quiet conversation.You also see a sign-up list. Also here: Gypsy Ysindre, Mischief Maker Ariya, Daisybelle, Sun Lounger Allye who is fringed by a sprinkle of blinking fireflies and Rook Dytt.


Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "The Cythra's party will soon be in attendance by us!"

Allye grins at Cythra.

Cythra says, "I founds Ysi."

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Ysindre!

Ariya exclaims, "Surprise!"

Ysindre chuckles.

Allye giggles.

Ysindre exclaims, "Hi!"

Ariya giggles.

Ysindre says, "I was lost."

Ysindre grins.

Ariya says, "I am always lost."

Cythra nods in agreement.

Dytt chuckles.

Dytt nods to Ysindre.

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "Is like I told Harsh, go east, west, east, then west again."

Allye nods.

Ysindre laughs!

Allye grins.

Dytt smokily says, "I'd rarely go to the north end of town."

Dytt shrugs.

Cythra nods in agreement.

Ysindre says, "This is nice."

Allye sits down on the wrought iron bench.

Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "Harsh, you get your tail down here or I'm not going to give you a hug next time I see you."

Ariya sits down on the wrought iron bench.

Ariya exclaims, "Where is the booze!"

Cythra says, "One of my first dates with Eerie was when the Troupe has a garden party here."

Ariya says, "Where is the food."

Daisybelle blushes a bright red color.

Daisybelle pulls a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold out of a picnic basket, setting her basket aside as she shakes out the cloth and lays it out upon the ground.

Ariya says, "This isn't one of those.....dry parties."

Allye giggles.

Cythra giggle.

Allye points at a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold on the ground.

Allye says, "Drinks are there!  Food will be coming soon."

Ariya says, "Alright, I am appeased."

Dytt smokily asks, "Where's the risque dancers?"

Allye grins.

Ysindre blinks.

Allye ponders.

Cythra says to Ariya, "I doubt that."

Allye plucks a tiny Arthe Dale piglet from a boisterous felted tavern with flamboyant goldweave awnings, the creature snorting as she wakes it up.

Cythra grins.

Ariya is giggling at Cythra.

Dytt chuckles.

Allye sets a tiny Arthe Dale piglet on the ground.  It trots around her in a circle, happily oinking.

Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "i have some questions first"

Allye asks Dytt, "Is that close enough?"

Allye motions toward a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Cythra giggles at Allye.

In a single lissome motion, Cythra goes high on her toes to whirl in a pirouette that sends her gypsy skirt flashing out in a gossamer circle all around her.

Allye beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Ariya says, "Was I supposed to bring a gift to this thing."

Your mind hears Chrysagon thinking, "I think got lost in there once, an old neighborhood"

Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "first, where is here. Second, which tail? third of course you will why wouldnt you"

Cythra says, "Nonono."

Dytt smokily says, "Ahhh, nothing like a good bloodwyne to celebrate with, only thing better is some red Frat."

Dytt takes a sip of her bloodwyne.

Cythra says, "Eerie nae here to accepts them."

Ariya nods.

Cythra says, "I knew I shoulda found frat for this."

You hear the voice of Cryle say, "I had offered..."

Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "through that nage near the ruined arch"

Cythra flails her arms about.

Dytt chuckles.

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "You was gonna talk to Allye you says."

Allye grins.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Dytt smokily says, "Someone's been to the Hub recenty."

Ariya says, "Alright."

Ariya says, "Now I am happy."

You hear the voice of Cryle ask, "Is three not going to be enough...?"

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Ariya says, "Champagne and doughnuts."

Ariya says, "Perfect."

Cythra giggle.

Dytt laughs!

Allye says, "Ooh, comets."

Allye says, "So pretty."

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Dytt smokily says, "I remember how some of us reacted to finding out about the bloodwyne in these when the Pack had that Western Moot."

Dytt winks at Allye.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Allye says, "I still hear about that, often."

You hear the voice of Cryle say, "You are welcome."

Allye grins.

Dytt cackles!

Ariya says, "Oh."

Ariya says, "Ummm."

Allye appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Ariya says, " interesting."

Cythra says, "You prolly nae ever sees but Eerie used to try everything to see iffin was food...  like rocks."

Cythra says, "Sticks."

Cythra shrugs.

Ariya says, "Oddly, not the first bloody thing I've eaten."

Allye giggles at Ariya.

Cythra says, "She try to eats everything."

You hear the voice of Cryle say, "It is, in fact, my own design--although Korya was the one whose contacts with the culinarians made it possible to produce them more easily."

Allye grins at Cythra.

Allye says to Cythra, "It's always best to be sure."

Allye says, "I didn't know that, Cryle."

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "Well imagine her surprise when she finds a mouse."

Cythra grins at Allye.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Dytt smokily asks, "How is Korya? I haven't seen much of her as of late?"

Cythra says, "Had half a mouse then."

Allye laughs!

Ysindre grins at Cythra.

Allye says, "Aww."

Allye grins.

You hear the voice of Cryle say, "Helping to raise her brother still, I believe. That precocious age where mentors are required."

Cythra says, "Now imagine my surprise when she finds a rat and apparently dint learn from the mouse."

Dytt smokily says, "Ahhh."

Dytt snickers.

Dytt chuckles.

Cythra says, "I think I heard she has a brother."

Cythra ponders.

Cryle gives a slight nod.

Dytt smokily says, "Poor girl, males are a handful."

Cythra asks Cryle, "Does that mean I had heard?"

Cryle says to Cythra, "I suppose it does."

Cythra giggle.

Ariya says, "Males are the worst."

Cryle nods in agreement.

Dytt smokily says, "Oh they have their purposes."

Cythra says, "I told Allye we needed to be sure we had plenty of ground for boys to eat off."

Dytt laughs!

Ariya says, "The only reason we keep them around is to open jars, hold our purses."

Dytt smokily says, "Keep my hammock warm."

Cythra asks, "And in your case, reach stuffs?"

Cythra gazes at Ariya.

Ariya nods to Cythra.

Dytt sticks her tongue out at Cythra in a playfully teasing manner.

Ariya says, "I do like the tall ones."

Cythra giggles.

Cythra says, "They can carry more gowns after they buys them for you."

Ariya nods to Cythra.

Dytt smokily says, "They are useful for that at least."

Cryle seems to be waiting for something.

Dytt lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Dytt ponders.

Cythra says, "I gots two invitations left."

As Dytt's ears turn in two different directions, her face looks a tad comical.

Brother Harsh just arrived, leading his group.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh here."

Cythra says to Harsh, "You getting close."

Cythra waves to Chrysagon.

Chrysagon says, "'ah."

Harsh quietly asks, "But still wait till tomorrow?"

Chrysagon laughs!

An azure flash of light envelops Cryle, and she disappears!

Dytt waves to Chrysagon.

Chrysagon says, "Hey dytt."

Cythra says, "We can make it soon since you already here."

Harsh quietly says, "Oh no no, I mean if people have plans."

Harsh quietly says, "Oh no."

Harsh quietly says, "I need to run to lang."

Dytt grins at Chrysagon.

Dytt smokily says to Chrysagon, "Heya."

Cythra blinks.

Brother Harsh hobbles northwest.

Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "locate on Bretthault please?"

Your mind hears Miranza thinking, "Harsh, we can make you a tail im sure"

Chrysagon says, "That works."

Ariya stretches her arms.

Ariya says, "Where did the old man go."

You hear Cythra's mental voice echo, "Ha!"

Cythra asks, "Lang?"

Ysindre says, "Bretthault."

Your mind hears Vahrek thinking, "Are you suggesting growing Harsh a tail, or turning Harsh completely into a tail"

Chrysagon waves to Ariya.

Cythra says, "Such language."

Ysindre giggles.

Cythra blinks at Ysindre.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "flip a kronar?"

Ysindre says, "Now I'm gonna laugh every time I see him."

Ysindre grins at Cythra.

Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "Im game"

Cythra snickers.

Cythra says, "Welcomes."

Your mind hears Rihlo thinking, "Just don't let Harsh choose whose rump dons the Harsh-tail"

Chrysagon grins.

Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "the real question is, how's that locate on Bretthault coming?"

Allye grins.

Cythra offers her emerald green envelope to Allye.

Allye beams!

Cythra giggles at Allye.

Allye asks, "I'm invited?"

Allye preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Allye has accepted Cythra's offer and is now holding an emerald green envelope.

Cythra says, "I figures you nae gots one."

Allye gets a sheet of sparkly silver paper from inside her emerald green envelope.

Allye exclaims, "I didn't!"

Allye examines a drawing on her paper.

Allye chews pensively on a sheet of sparkly silver paper.

Cythra says, "Keepsakes...  nae easy dying envelopes."

Cythra grins.

Allye giggles.

Allye says, "Sooo much work."

Allye nods in agreement.

Allye appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Cythra giggles.

Allye puts her paper in her emerald green envelope.

Allye puts her envelope in her tapestry carpetbag.

Allye exclaims, "Thank you!"

Cythra beams at Allye!

Cythra says, "Welcomes."

Allye grins.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment.  When it subsides, a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence stands before you, rippling slightly.

[Editor's note:  Peering through moongates is a compulsion.]

Allye peers through the cerulean Moongate.

You notice Miskton peering through the other side of the cerulean Moongate.

Ariya peers through the cerulean Moongate.

You notice Huebald peering through the other side of the cerulean Moongate.

You notice Gwenddolyn peering through the other side of the cerulean Moongate.

Allye says, "Many."

Ariya says, "Oh my."

Ysindre peers through the cerulean Moongate.

Ariya giggles.

Allye grins.

You notice Sceth peering through the other side of the cerulean Moongate.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn came through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

You notice Elurora peering through the other side of the cerulean Moongate.

Allye says, "We'll just all stare at one another through the gate forever."

Philomath Miskton came through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

Truthseeker Elurora came through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

You notice Cheyee peering through the other side of the cerulean Moongate.

Gwenddolyn beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Cythra beams at Gwenddolyn!

Allye giggles.

Cythra beams at Miskton!

Miskton nods politely.

Chrysagon bows to Gwenddolyn.

Allye stands up.

Ariya smiles at Miskton, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Squire Eskila's group came through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

Cythra says, "So many wonderful peoples already."

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Miskton.

Eskila gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Allye waves to Gwenddolyn.

Allye waves to Elurora.

Allye beams!

Ariya peers through the cerulean Moongate.

Elurora gives Allye a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.

Dytt chuckles.

Cheyee waves to Cythra.

Mother Jaelia came through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

Elurora grins at Allye.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Eskila!

Gwenddolyn peers through the cerulean Moongate.

Cythra waves to Cheyee.

Allye curtsies gracefully to Elurora.

Allye grins.

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Cythra says to Cheyee, "Heys you."

Allye giggles at Jaelia.

Allye beams at Jaelia!

A serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence collapses in on itself.

Jaelia places her hands on her thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards Miskton, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Dytt's ears flip forward for a moment.

Jaelia says, "Oh no where is zali."

Cheyee trills softly at Allye.

Gwenddolyn says, "She missed the moongate."

Ariya says, "She stayed."

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Cheyee.

Jaelia says, "I thought I grabbed her."

Gwenddolyn says, "She was sitting."

Jaelia exclaims, "Oh! Thank you!"

Dytt chuckles.

Ariya giggles.

Gwenddolyn chuckles.

Ariya giggles.

Jaelia peers through the cerulean Moongate.

Allye says, "We're still a bit early, but I could start handing out the gifts."

Cythra says, "I'm so glad to see you all already."

Brother Harsh just arrived.

Allye grins.

Harsh dusts himself off.

Ariya leans on Harsh.

Cryle came through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

Harsh falls over.

Allye offers Dytt a creamy satin package topped with a glittered azure bow.

Cryle says, "She is very heavy."

Harsh rises to a kneeling position.

Gwenddolyn stands near Ariya.

Harsh stands up.

Dytt accepts Allye's satin package.

Harsh dusts himself off.

Ariya leans on Gwenddolyn.

Dytt grins at Allye.

Squire Eskila went through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

Gwenddolyn grins at Ariya, her dimples flashing into view.

Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "There is a Moon gate to the Cythra Party from the Old Mine Bar!! Get through quickly if you want!!"

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Allye exclaims to Dytt, "Nilme made them!"

Squire Eskila came through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

Allye grins.

Cythra grins.

Ariya asks, "The gifts?"

Jaelia peers through the cerulean Moongate.

Allye nods to Ariya.

Harsh peers through the cerulean Moongate.

Allye offers Cythra a creamy satin package topped with a glittered azure bow.

Brother Harsh went through a serene cerulean Moongate emanating an ominous incandescence.

You notice Malorna peering through the other side of the cerulean Moongate.

Several fingers suddenly spew out of the cerulean Moongate shortly followed by about half of Harsh.  * Harsh is slain before your eyes!  The powerful divine aura slowly wanes from about Harsh.  The brilliant silver glow dissipates from Harsh.  The soft white glow fades from around Harsh.  The soft silver glow fades from around Harsh.  The field of silver-blue light dissipates from around Harsh.  Tendrils of ethereal blue light suddenly enwreathe Harsh, fading from view as they race in a swirling pattern down his body, disappearing into the ground.

Cythra accepts Allye's offer and are now holding a creamy satin package topped with a glittered azure bow.

Cythra exclaims, "Thanks!"

Dytt smokily says to Allye, "Ahh our lovely Guild Mama."

Allye nods at Dytt, obviously agreeing with her views.

A thin silver nimbus surrounds Harsh.

Allye grins.

Cryle slowly empties her lungs.

Cythra quickly unwraps the package, tossing paper about with a reckless abandon...revealing a redwood wand!

Ariya exclaims, "I got a wand!"

Allye exclaims, "Of course!"

The blue moonbeam is now too faint to be seen.

A dancing aura of spectral flame begins to waver about Harsh's lifeless body.

Dytt frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.

Chrysagon pats Harsh on the back.

Jaelia asks, "Harsh?"

Ariya waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles begin to float throughout the area.

Cythra giggles.

Ariya laughs!

The faint outline of a spectral bird rises from the flame surrounding Harsh's corpse, spreading its wings wide as it raises its head to the heavens and calls out with a keening cry!
Harsh's body is fully engulfed in a funeral pyre of insatiable, roaring flame!

Ariya says, "That is fun."

Jaelia laughs!

Cythra carefully examines a redwood wand, but sees nothing special.

Dytt smokily asks, "Harsh, really?"

Gwenddolyn says, "Oh oh a wand." The raging flames continue to consume Harsh's body, charring it badly.  The spectral bird silently beats its wings, its gaze affixed on the heavens above.

Allye grins.

Amid the swirling fervor of the sweltering flame, Harsh shudders once and his eyelids snap open.  he fixes his gaze unflinchingly upward, yielding to the feverish fire that devours and nurtures him.  his chest rises and falls with renewed, instinctive breath.
The spectral bird stretches out its wings, held aloft in the air by the pyre of flame.

Ysindre exclaims, "Thank you!"

Cythra waves the wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Allye exclaims, "Give it a wave!"

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Allye says, "Or two."

Cythra bounces around happily.

Allye grins.

Gwenddolyn ducks her head.

Dytt waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Your mind hears Malorna thinking, "he left half his body here .. im unsure how to heal that!!"

A serene expression crosses Harsh's face as he stands amid the blazing pyre, staring past you, as if seeing something of divine importance in the beyond.  The flames continue to dance and swirl about him, but he seems to take comfort in their presence.

Ariya waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Jaelia snickers.

Eskila pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Ariya laughs!

Ariya says, "It's so fun."

The dancing aura of spectral flame surrounding Harsh suddenly falls dim as he steps from the circle of ashen ruin.  As the pyre dies, the ghostly bird soars into the sky with a joyous keen, leaving a blazing trail of brilliant gold and red flame in its wake.

Allye giggles at Ariya.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you.  It quickly passes.

Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "that's Harsh alright, his liver landed on my boot"

Cythra says, "This gotta be one of my favorite things."

Ariya says, "Someone is watching us."

Harsh gets an oblong mistglass lens from inside his carpenter's toolbag.

Harsh rubs his lens.

Harsh's eyes cloud over briefly.

Dytt bops Harsh over the head.

Miskton says, "Inife checking on Harsh."

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Allye beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Harsh nods to Miskton.

Ariya says, "Ahh."

Ysindre waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Harsh puts his lens in his carpenter's toolbag.

Ysindre grins.

Gwenddolyn asks, "What killed harsh?"

Cryle says, "Himself."

Ariya says, "HArsh killed HArsh."

Allye says, "Harsh did."

Dytt smokily says, "He climbed the moongate."

Allye grins.

Harsh quietly says, "Bad moongate instructions."

Cythra giggles.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Dytt smokily says, "Again."

Chrysagon says, "He just does that now and then."

Dytt puts her wand in her smokewhorl cloak.

Cythra licks the wand and discovers that it's rather tasteless.

Dytt chuckles.

Allye giggles.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Miskton smiles at Allye.

Gwenddolyn shows Ariya her wand.

The sky turns a thousand shades of scarlet and orange as the sun slowly sinks behind the scattered clouds and vanishes.

Ysindre puts her wand in her leather longcoat.

Ariya beams at Gwenddolyn!

Eskila twitches one ear in a gesture of disinterest.

Your mind hears Opol thinking, "where is the Old Mine Bar? I'm so confused"

Miskton blinks in confusion for a second.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh whiskey drinker."

Miskton takes a sip of his whiskey.

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Dytt smokily says, "He's been doing it ever since he got that Phoenix thing."

Cythra giggles.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Harsh quietly says, "I been savin this for a whiskey drinker."

Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "Opol if you want to get here there is a faster way!"

Harsh gestures over the Meraud orb, muttering tones of enchantment!

Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "the meeting is over in the mine bar"

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Harsh offers Miskton some Yodeler's single malt whiskey.

Harsh smiles.

Miskton grins.

Miskton accepts Harsh's single malt whiskey.

Raising his single malt whiskey to Harsh, Miskton gives him a toast.

Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "We're in Crossings at the Fancy Pants Rich Area circle"

Miskton sways unsteadily for a moment.

Miskton says to Harsh, "Strong stuff."

Harsh quietly says, "I dunno i just wait till the copper turns green and put it in a bottle pal."

Cheyee examines a redwood wand.

Harsh smiles.

Dytt chuckles.

Allye grins.

Cheyee waves her wand over her.

Cythra chuckles

Gwenddolyn chuckles at Harsh.

Flickering cinnamon radiance erupts from seemingly nowhere, forming a jagged rift in the air.  Opol steps out from within the light, followed by a gust of chill winds.  The rift vanishes as swiftly as it appeared.

Jaelia waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Cythra gazes at a handful of blue bubbles.

Dytt smokily says, "That...explains a lot now that I think about it."

Dytt sticks her tongue out at Harsh.

Allye prods a handful of blue bubbles with the tip of her finger.

Cheyee trills softly at Opol.

Dytt waves to Opol.

Cythra bounces around happily.

Opol's features are limned in fiery rutilant light, her eyes burning with a fearsome vivacity.

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Opol waves to Dytt.

Harsh gives Dytt a smooch.

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Cheyee trills softly at Cryle.

Jaelia says to Opol, "I assume someone helped you, I give horrible directions."

Eskila wearily says, "Ooh I got one too."

Cythra snickers.

Opol tenderly says, "Cryle got me a rift."

Opol grins.

Harsh quietly says to Dytt, "You'll always be my favorite, right after Jaelia, and THE Cythra, and Eerie, and Gwen and that other guy."

Harsh nods to Dytt.

Harsh smiles.

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Cythra giggles.

Gwenddolyn chuckles.

Dytt bops Harsh over the head.

Jaelia says to Dytt, "If he saw your wire tie and what how you dance with smashing heads into tables, you might be further up top the list."

Dytt sticks out her tongue at Harsh and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from her lips!

Eskila tries to eat a redwood wand.

Eskila leans over to give Opol a friendly smooch.

First Aid Expert Leilany just arrived.

Dytt smokily says to Jaelia, "I'm actually writing a song about that."

Opol gently kisses Eskila on the cheek.

Opol emits a rumbling noise of contentment.

Cythra beams at Leilany!

Eskila's ears relax slightly as she gazes at Opol contentedly.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Dytt.

Harsh quietly says, "Eh, just cause yur name came up first as i spoke em dont mean yur ahead on the list pal."

Elurora blinks.

Hash gazes at Jaelia.

Resolver just arrived.

Cythra says to Leilany, "Glad you could make it."

Allye grins at Leilany.

Leilany says to Cythra, "I told you I'd do my best."

Cythra waves to Resolver.

Leilany smiles.

Dytt grins at Allye.

Resolver waves to Cythra.

Cythra nods to Leilany.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Cythra says to Leilany, "And your best is pretty darn goods."

Leilany snickers.

Leilany nods in agreement.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Jaelia beams at Cheyee!

Dytt waves to Kethrai.

Harsh smiles at Kethrai.

Miskton nods politely to Kethrai.

Elurora waves to Kethrai.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Kethrai.

Leilany waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Miskton nods politely to Elurora.

Elurora gives Miskton a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.

Ariya says, "You have a rash."

Cryle observes Kethrai with fascination.

Leilany squeals!

Bubbles float all about the place.

Cythra giggles at Leilany.

Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma just arrived.

Allye giggles.

Cryle asks Kethrai, "Blues...? I've... never seen you in blues before?"

Elurora gives Gridaksma a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.

Harsh sings in a baritone voice:     "She smells of rotting cabbage      But her PYRE is very savage      THE Cythra"

Gridaksma bows his head, acknowledging Elurora.

Cythra says to Leilany, "You could actually meet new people here iffin you weren't so shy."

Allye sniffs at Cythra.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Kethrai exclaims to Cryle, "Yeah, trying something new!"

Harsh gazes at Cythra.

Leilany mutters to herself.

Miskton nods politely to Gridaksma.

Dytt sniffs at Cythra.

Allye ponders.

The cloud of mist is suddenly consumed in a conflagration of flashing silver-grey lightning.

Cythra giggles at Leilany.

Dytt smokily says, "I smell cherries..."

Allye nods in agreement.

Dytt leans over and licks Cythra.

Allye grins.

Leilany says, "Not shy, just selective."

Cythra giggles at Dytt.

Harsh sighs.

Cryle says to Kethrai, "It does stand out more than I am used to, with you."

Kethrai examines a redwood wand.

Leilany nods emphatically.

Cythra nods to Leilany.

Harsh nods.

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Gridaksma!

Dytt smokily says, "Tastes like them too."

Dytt nods to Allye.

Allye giggles at Dytt.

Cythra waves to Gridaksma.

Dytt waves to Gridaksma.

Gridaksma bows his head, acknowledging you.

Cythra says to Allye, "I hope there's enough food."

Gridaksma nods to Dytt.

Allye says to Cythra, "Should be!  Probably."

Allye flashes a quick grin.

Eskila waves a lance-shaped waffle filled with rainbow cream and a raspberry-bloodwyne mixture at Kethrai.

Cythra giggles at Allye.

Eskila wearily exclaims to Kethrai, "I challenge you to a joust!!"

Leilany taps an Empath "On-duty" button that she is wearing.

Kethrai quirks his ears outward for a moment, blinking in surprise at Eskila.

Allye exclaims to Cythra, "I mean, definitely!"

Kethrai says to Eskila, "But I don't have a horse..."

Opol tenderly asks Kethrai, "You can joust?"

Cythra says to Allye, "Nae lets me forget to get someone else to pay you."

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Kethrai shakes his head at Opol.

Eskila wearily says to Kethrai, "You can climb Opol."

Cythra blinks.

Opol gasps!

Kethrai says, "Oh, my."

Eskila waves a lance-shaped waffle filled with rainbow cream and a raspberry-bloodwyne mixture at Opol.

Cythra yanks Opol towards her.

Opol giggles.

Cythra says, "Me first."

Opol laughs!

Jaelia looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Harsh quietly asks Opol, "You gonna let her call you a horse like that?"

Elurora giggles at a redwood wand.

Eskila shifts uneasily, avoiding eye contact with Opol.

Kethrai says, "I mean, I know Opol's strong enough for me to ride on her shoulders. I remember losing at arm wrestling."

Treasure Seeker Fariden just arrived.

Opol tenderly says to Harsh, "Don't really have a choice, not like I can beat her up."

Harsh quietly says, "So she's a bully."

Harsh quietly says, "Got it."

Eskila wearily exclaims, "No!!"

Harsh gazes at Eskila.

Eskila begins to weep softly.

Kethrai pats Eskila on the back.

Cythra waves to Fariden.

Cythra beams!

Opol just hugged Eskila.

Jaelia grins at Harsh.

Fariden waves to Cythra.

Jaelia beams at Fariden!

Eskila hugs Opol, who wraps her arms around Eskila with a warm smile.

Opol tenderly says, "I know you were kidding."

Eskila's ears droop dejectedly as a look of melancholy crosses her face.

Chrysagon grins at Eskila.

Eskila wearily says to Opol, "I made lances..."

Chrysagon just hugged Eskila.

Eskila offers Opol a lance-shaped waffle filled with rainbow cream and a raspberry-bloodwyne mixture.

Eskila just hugged Chrysagon.

Opol tenderly exclaims, "But in better news, I did beat my mentor in arm wrestling!"

Harsh chuckles.

Opol accepts Eskila's lance-shaped waffle.

Allye grins at Opol.

Ears tilted forward, Leilany curls her tail around your waist loosely.

Dytt lets out a hearty cheer for Opol!

Cythra lets out a hearty cheer for Opol!

Opol beams!

Elurora rubs a redwood wand.

Elurora shakes her wand!

Opol sniffs at a lance-shaped waffle filled with rainbow cream and a raspberry-bloodwyne mixture.

Chrysagon's head jerks about, a surprised look on his face!

Chrysagon laughs!

Cythra says, "Drinks and other stuff on the cloths."

Opol grins at Fariden.

Fariden chuckles at Opol.

Harsh quietly asks, "When do we say surprise?"

Harsh gazes at Cythra.

Chrysagon says, "Hey i sense a nut hook in the area."

Useff just arrived, leading his group.

Cythra says, "When you truly feel surprised."

Almarius giggles at Nilme.

Cythra nods.

Allye ponders.

Nilme gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Jaelia says, "Hello There, Ruven dearest."

Allye searches around for a moment.

Nilme says to Allye, "We found an Almarius."

Eskila leans on Cheyee.

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Almarius!

Useff points at Almarius.

Allye beams at Nilme!

A picnic cloth says, "No Nut hooks here"

Elurora asks Nilme, "Was she lost?"

Miskton blinks in confusion for a second.

Kethrai perks his ears up in delight.

Cythra exclaims to Nilme, "I love the wands!"

Opol grins at Fariden.

Allye says, "That's exciting."

Allye grins.

Fariden raises an eyebrow in Opol's direction.

Dytt smokily says, "She's not that hard to find, just follow the smell of tarts and the cries of "Icky boys."

Harsh blinks.

Leilany blinks.

Harsh yells, "Surprise!"

Allye giggles at Dytt.

Dytt grins.

Useff gazes happily at Cythra.

Harsh gazes at Cythra.

Leilany clears her throat.

Elurora says to Dytt, "Wave candy around, that works too."

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Almarius!

Useff leans on Cythra.

Ysindre grins at Almarius.

Cythra grins.

Harsh quietly says, "Ill just yell it whenever someone comes."

Harsh nods.

Cythra makes a rumbling noise of contentment in Almarius's direction.

Nilme smiles.

Nilme asks, "How is everyone?"

Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Nilme smiles.

Cythra grins at Harsh.

Allye leans over and scratches Almarius's back.

Harsh quietly says, "Gotta get it right one of the times."

Leilany says to Cythra, "You didn't tell me I'd have to hug strangers."

Leilany clears her throat.

Leilany takes a sip of her limeade.

Cythra says to Nilme, "I forgot to ask."

Kethrai exclaims, "Excited to celebrate!"

Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!

Leilany mumbles something under her breath.

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Leilany!

Harsh quietly says to Leilany, "Feel free to not hug me, im happy with a how ya doin."

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Harsh nods.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Cythra says to Leilany, "Is nae a requirement...  remember though, Allye nae a strangers."

Almarius exclaims to Leilany, "HIIIIIIIIIIII! I'm Almarius! I'm a gnome bard! Soooooo pleased to meet you!"

Ruven shoves futilely at Chrysagon.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Allye preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Almarius!

Ariya giggles.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Leilany says to Harsh, "With that rash ye couldn't pay me."

Ruven gasps!

Ruven shrieks!

Chrysagon bops Ruven over the head.

Almarius waves to Leilany.

Jaelia exclaims, "Alma!!!!"

Cythra snickers at Leilany.

Elurora holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, her shoulders shaking.  Hope it's not contagious!

Harsh quietly says, "Oh yeah, the rash."

Ruven exclaims, "I got gnome germs on me!"

Ruven flails his arms about.

Kethrai asks Harsh, "Would you like help with that...?"

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you.  It quickly passes.

You happen to sense a Xibar moonbeam moving into the area.

Harsh quietly says, "Always do."

Harsh nods to Kethrai.

Useff strolls southeast.

Almarius giggles at Ruven.

Harsh smiles.

Almarius gets a scarlet valerian blossom from inside her watersilk narwhal.

Useff just arrived.

Almarius offers Cythra a scarlet valerian blossom.

Nilme gazes at Useff.

Useff clasps Nilme's hand tenderly.

Harsh carefully arranges a pair of segmented demonbone spectacles with a hendecagon shaped frame on his eyes so that it accents his features.

Almarius says, "Ohhh."

Cythra says, "Leilany used to have to tell me to behaves."

Harsh quietly says, "I forget to ask."

Nilme smiles.

Opol tenderly says, "The eyes... they are watching..."

Harsh looks at Kethrai and shrugs.

Useff grins at Allye.

Leilany nods to Cythra.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Allye giggles.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment.  When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

Almarius peers through the Moongate.

You notice Zanaide peering through the other side of the Moongate.

Nilme peers through the Moongate.

Opol peers through the Moongate.

Almarius spins around!

Ariya says, "So many people."

Leilany says, "Used to be part of the job."

Leilany shrugs.

Qesem came through a blue Moongate.

Harsh peers through the Moongate.

Qesem coughs.

Cythra nods.

Ariya peers through the Moongate.

Qesem gets a razor from inside his journey pack.

Qesem carefully shaves off his stubble.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh im so tempted."

Ruven grins maliciously and flicks Jaelia's ear.

Qesem carefully shaves off his stubble.

Gwenddolyn peers through the Moongate.

Harsh paces back and forth.

Ruven whistles a merry tune.

Elurora peers through the Moongate.

Ariya exclaims, "Do it!"

Leilany peers through the Moongate.

Harsh paces back and forth.

Almarius's offer to Cythra has expired.

Qesem puts his razor in his journey pack.

Leilany snickers.

Ariya stands up.

Eskila chews pensively on a redwood wand.

Ariya stretches her arms.

Brother Harsh went through a blue Moongate.

Hunter Dartwin just arrived.

Several fingers suddenly spew out of the Moongate shortly followed by about half of Harsh.  * Harsh is slain before your eyes!  The soft white glow fades from around Harsh.  The field of silver-blue light dissipates from around Harsh.  The powerful divine aura slowly wanes from about Harsh.  Tendrils of ethereal blue light suddenly enwreathe Harsh, fading from view as they race in a swirling pattern down his body, disappearing into the ground.  The soft silver glow fades from around Harsh.  The brilliant silver glow dissipates from Harsh.

Ariya laughs!

Allye babbles incoherently.

Leilany blinks.

Kethrai sighs.

Opol blinks.

Eskila wearily exclaims, "Stop opening moongates!!!"

Elurora blinks at Harsh.

Dytt blinks at Harsh, shaking her head in exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.  Ouch.

Ruven gazes at Harsh.

Cythra giggles.

Your mind hears Zalinyar thinking, "Not my fault!"

Qesem chortles softly at some secret joke.

Miskton gazes at Harsh.

A dancing aura of spectral flame begins to waver about Harsh's lifeless body.

A blue Moongate collapses in on itself.

Jaelia says to Ruven, "Its his party trick."

Dartwin chuckles.

Opol tenderly says, "But I want to touch it..."

Ruven dances over Harsh's dead body!

Leilany asks Harsh, "How do you feel about healing?"

Dartwin says, "And the party begins."

The faint outline of a spectral bird rises from the flame surrounding Harsh's corpse, spreading its wings wide as it raises its head to the heavens and calls out with a keening cry!

Harsh's body is fully engulfed in a funeral pyre of insatiable, roaring flame!

Qesem asks, "Who did that!?"

Leilany mumbles something unprintable.

Almarius exclaims to Ariya, "It's a party held by THE Cythra! Annnnnnnnd about Eury! How could someone miss it?!" The raging flames continue to consume Harsh's body, charring it badly.  The spectral bird silently beats its wings, its gaze affixed on the heavens above.

Cythra waves to Ruven.

Chrysagon says, "Well it wasnt a box anyway."

Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "Harsh and his fascination with moongates"

Your mind hears Zalinyar thinking, "where is this party... I can't find it"

Kethrai says, "Harsh did, I'm pretty sure."

Amid the swirling fervor of the sweltering flame, Harsh shudders once and his eyelids snap open.  he fixes his gaze unflinchingly upward, yielding to the feverish fire that devours and nurtures him.  his chest rises and falls with renewed, instinctive breath.
The spectral bird stretches out its wings, held aloft in the air by the pyre of flame.

Cythra waves to Dartwin.

Dartwin beams!

Dartwin waves to Cythra.

Your mind hears Ariya thinking, "Follow the dead harsh"

Ariya leans on Ruven.

A serene expression crosses Harsh's face as he stands amid the blazing pyre, staring past you, as if seeing something of divine importance in the beyond.  The flames continue to dance and swirl about him, but he seems to take comfort in their presence.

Almarius giggles at Kethrai.

Eskila waves to Dartwin.

Pyppa just arrived, leading her group.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Your mind hears Zalinyar thinking, "I brought his legs!"

Dartwin bows to Eskila.

Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "Center of the Fancy Mansions and Halls Place where the Fountain is!"

Pyppa smiles.

The dancing aura of spectral flame surrounding Harsh suddenly falls dim as he steps from the circle of ashen ruin.  As the pyre dies, the ghostly bird soars into the sky with a joyous keen, leaving a blazing trail of brilliant gold and red flame in its wake.

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Pyppa!

Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Pyppa!

Cythra says, "Need to use Eerie's name to advertise Troupe events."

Almarius offers Cythra a scarlet valerian blossom.

Cythra winks.

Kethrai grumbles.

Pyppa smiles.

Ariya just hugged Pyppa.

Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "In Crossings, lots of Empaths like to hang out around here at times!"

Dartwin says, "'lo there."

Cythra accepts Almarius's offer and is now holding a scarlet valerian blossom.

Kethrai touches Harsh with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Ariya giggles.

Allye exclaims, "Welcome, everyone!"

Almarius exclaims to Cythra, "I picked you a flower!"

Cythra beams at Almarius!

Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "through the gate just before you hid the old arch on north end of town"

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Your mind hears Opol thinking, "I'm here and I still don't know where that is!"

Cythra says, "Thanks."

King of the Bar Ruven moseys northeast.

Harsh sighs.

Field Medic Darkewolff just arrived.

Almarius exclaims to Cythra, "You're welcome!"

King of the Bar Ruven just arrived.

Eskila waves to Darkewolff.

Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "That is a better description"

Elurora grins at Nilme.

Leilany shakes her head at Harsh.

Resolver waves to Darkewolff.

Cythra waves to Akolu.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Darkewolff!

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Darkewolff hugs Almarius, who wraps her arms around Darkewolff with a warm smile.

Leilany says, "Didn't even let me heal ya or nuffin."

Darkewolff smiles at Almarius.

Gwenddolyn grins at Darkewolff, her dimples flashing into view.

Pyppa smiles at Almarius.

Cythra waves to Qesem.

Dartwin beams!

Dytt chuckles.

Dartwin exclaims, "Thank you!"

Pyppa leans back against Akolu with a loving smile.

Allye grins.

Elurora quickly salutes Darkewolff by bringing two fingers to her brow.

Pyppa beams at Allye!

Darkewolff says, "Good to see you all."

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Pyppa.

Akolu nibbles on Pyppa affectionately.

Dytt grins at Darkewolff.

Dartwin gets a message bolt from inside his arm quiver.

Ruven grabs Jaelia by the shoulders and shakes her!

Allye exclaims, "You're welcome!"

Chrysagon bows to Darkewolff.

Your mind hears Yallen thinking, "Meh Jaylah!"

Almarius exclaims to Darkewolff, "Everyone was saying you were a paladin! You're a warmie aren't ya?! Ohhh maybe a ranga?! Ohhhh I bet maybe both!"

Dartwin offers Cythra a message bolt.

Dartwin says, "I wrote a thing."

Darkewolff gives Almarius a gentle poke in the ribs.

Gwenddolyn chuckles at Almarius.

Darkewolff says to Almarius, "Empath."

Nilme grins.

Dartwin says, "It's yours now."

Almarius giggles.

Darkewolff smiles.

Almarius squirms.

Almarius sticks out her tongue at Darkewolff and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from her lips!

Cythra accepts Dartwin's offer and is now holding a message bolt.

Jaelia says to Almarius, "He is a very old and cranky Empath, you can probably guess that though."

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "Thanks."

Tichond just arrived.

Darkewolff asks Almarius, "How are you, Little Howler?"

Pyppa beams at Harsh!

Brother Harsh hobbles northwest.

Dartwin says, "Enjoy it."

Pyppa says, "Thank you Harsh."

Allye grins at Pyppa.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Tichond.

Useff shows Nilme his wand.

Cythra giggles.

Leilany says to Cythra, "This bloodwyne is perfection."

Dartwin grins.

Nilme grins at Useff.

Useff says to Nilme, "I got a wand."

Nilme beams at Useff!

Almarius exclaims to Darkewolff, "I'm doing wondafully! It's been forevah! Soo happy to see you again!"

 Nilme exclaims, "Yay!"

Useff waves his wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Cythra says, "I dint make it."

Cythra grins at Leilany.

Leilany snickers.

Chrysagon waves to Dartwin.

Yallen just arrived.

Leilany says, "I have no doubt."

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Anuril smiles.

Allye exclaims, "Nilme made them!"

Ruven grins at Yallen.

Cythra laughs!

Allye grins.

Yallen beams at Ruven!

Nilme grins.

Ruven leans on Yallen.

Leilany takes a sip of her bloodwyne.

Dartwin gives Chrysagon a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Pyppa giggles.

Kethrai glances up at the sky.

Almarius exclaims, "Annie!"

Yallen exclaims, "Meh Roovins!"

Anuril waves.

Leilany nods politely to Nilme.

Pyppa exclaims, "Wonderful!"

You hear the voice of Cryle say to Leilany, "Try a doughnut."

Darkewolff waves his wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Ariya giggles.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Ruven exclaims to Yallen, "Ca Caw!"

Nilme smiles at Leilany.

Allye grins.

Jaelia exclaims, "Mom And Dad!"

Pyppa curtsies gracefully to Tichond.

Tichond bows to Allye.

Yallen exclaims, "Rohr!"

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Allye curtsies gracefully to Tichond.

Yallen beams at Allye!

Allye beams!

Jaelia gasps at Yallen!

Almarius exclaims, "Ticky Tak! WHOA! It's been forevah!"

Kethrai places his hands on Anuril's shoulders and directs a soft, rumbling purr in his direction as

Kethrai presses his forehead against Anuril's.

Useff waves his wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Darkewolff says, "Nice."

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Tichond!

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Yallen.

Jaelia exclaims, "The Fiercest Dragon Ever Came!"

Pyppa smiles at Darkewolff.

Gwenddolyn chuckles.

Cythra sniffs at her blossom.

Tichond squints at Cythra.

Pyppa curtsies gracefully to Darkewolff.

Darkewolff says, "Lady Pyppa."

Darkewolff bows to Pyppa.

Cythra squints at Tichond.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Yallen!

Pyppa smiles at Darkewolff.

Leilany beams!

Leilany says, "Yes this is quite nice."

Cythra asks, "Are you all here yet?"

Almarius exclaims to Yallen, "Hiiiiiiiiii! Sooo happy to see you again!"

Cythra hums to herself.

Dartwin shakes Anuril's hand.

Yallen beams at Almarius!

Leilany says, "If not they're late."

The translucent image of an owl glistens briefly in the shadowy depths of the orb hovering near Jaelia.

Anuril flails his arms about.

Tichond beams at Yallen!

Opol tenderly says, "I'm lost, just start without me."

Yallen exclaims to Almarius, "Mehs twinee!"

Pyppa smiles har

Allye giggles.

Laihla just arrived.

Pyppa babbles incoherently.

Yallen beams at Tichond!

Opol takes a sip of her bloodwyne.

Pyppa searches around for a moment.

Yallen bounces around happily.

Almarius giggles.

Yallen bounces around happily.
Yallen bounces around happily.
Yallen bounces around happily.

Cythra giggles.

Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!

Bubbles float all about the place.

Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!
Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Useff glances up at the sky.

Laihla waves to Cythra.

Yallen exclaims, "Meh Sithrahs!"

Yallen beams at Cythra!

Darkewolff smiles at Pyppa.

Daisybelle goes southeast.

Nilme nods to Allye.

Cythra beams at Yallen!

Laihla waves to Nilme.

Anuril blinks.

Pyppa smiles at Miskton.

Cythra says to Yallen, "Heyas."

Nilme waves to Laihla.

Nilme smiles.

Pyppa curtsies gracefully to Miskton.

Eskila reaches over and grooms Cheyee's ears for a moment, purring softly.

Jaelia beams at Laihla!

Bubbles float all about the place.

Yallen giggles.

Laihla smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Almarius spins around!

Laihla waves to Jaelia.

Yallen gazes at her wand.

Anuril grins.

Yallen examines a redwood wand.

Jaelia says to Cythra, "I have candles to light up, but they are Altar Candles, I don't know if you would like that...."

Stray Stelling just arrived.

Nilme nods to Allye.

Yallen waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Darkewolff pats Stelling on the back.

Cythra says, "I apologize iffin I missed seeing any of you come in."

Pyppa just nudged Stelling.

Yallen exclaims, "BABULS!"

Stelling grins at Darkewolff.

Elurora gives Stelling a slight nod.

Elurora grins at Almarius.

Yallen squeals!

Jaelia beams at Stelling!

Eskila wearily asks, "So who brought the bubblegum?? we're going to chew it up and make our own sticky Eury statue right??"

Stelling nods to Elurora.

Ariya says, "Oh no, the party is ruined."

Daisybelle just arrived.

Kethrai quietly says to Anuril, "I went with blue today because Cryle went with red. And to try something new."

Chrysagon gawks at Yallen.

Stelling nods at Ariya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Cythra grins at Yallen.

Almarius giggles at Yallen.

Yallen giggles.

Cythra waves to Daisybelle.

Anuril gives Kethrai a studious look, as if committing him to memory.

Gwenddolyn grins at Ariya, her dimples flashing into view.

Tichond says to Cythra, "Lots of people here. Easy to miss new arrivals."

Daisybelle waves to Cythra.

Dytt smokily says, "Bubblegum and fur is not a good mix."

Cythra nods to Tichond.

Dytt chuckles.

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Cythra.

Tichond says, "A testament of our love for Eury."

Elurora grins at Dytt.

Leilany snickers at Dytt.

Dartwin says, "Alot of 'em indeed."

Dartwin nods in agreement.

Cythra nods emphatically.

Eskila wearily says, "Don't put it in your fur then silly."

Cythra beams at Tichond!

Darkewolff smiles at Elurora.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Anuril coughs.

Brother Harsh just arrived.

Yallen whispers something to Tichond.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Darkewolff.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Harsh smiles.

Dytt sticks her tongue out at Eskila.

Almarius exclaims to Dytt, "It does seem like a supah terrible fashion accessory!"

Elurora says to Darkewolff, "Weird to see you outside of Shard."

Eskila appears to be trying to tickle Dytt with her tail.

Pyppa smiles at Tichond.

Yallen scratches her head.

Allye whispers to Cythra, "Yay, so many friends!"

Jaelia gets a yellow Passion rose from inside an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.

Yallen lays her hand on Ruven's arm.

Elurora gives Harsh a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.

Ariya exclaims, "Passion rose!"

Allye giggles at Nilme.

Darkewolff asks Elurora, "Well, there is that I suppose?"

Cythra grins at Allye.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Darkewolff grins slowly.

Ruven gasps!

Ariya says to Jaelia, "You are soo passionate."

Cythra whispers to Allye, "iffin only they all showed up at my concert"

Cythra winks at Allye.

Elurora says to Darkewolff, "Where you get dirt so far as I can tell."

Pyppa kneels down.

Ruven gives Yallen a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Darkewolff.

Stelling strikes a heroic pose.

Yallen whispers something to Tichond.

Stelling grins at Pyppa.

Pyppa nods to Harsh.

Yallen peers quizzically at Ruven.

Jaelia says, "A Yellow Passion Rose for Eury! To be held in place by Cythra the SnarkQueen of Her Hooliganess and SnarkWeek."

Allye whispers, "I know exactly how you feel, haha."

Dytt leans on Stelling.

Elurora coughs.

Darkewolff says to Elurora, "And my horse."

Stelling grins at Dytt.

Yallen whispers something to Ruven.

Darkewolff nods.

Ariya giggles.

Pyppa stands up.

Anuril takes his rightful place beside Kethrai.

Almarius exclaims to Elurora, "Is it cause he's a supah sneaky ranga?! Annnnd when he does leave it's usually hidden and so everyone believes he nevah leaves?!"

Jaelia offers Cythra a yellow Passion rose.

Ariya sits down on the wrought iron bench.

Ruven whispers something to Yallen.

Harsh sighs.

Cythra accepts Jaelia's offer and is now holding a yellow Passion rose.

Elurora says to Darkewolff, "Right, and your horse."

Darkewolff smiles at Elurora.

Anuril gently kisses Kethrai on the cheek.

Stelling gazes thoughtfully at Elurora.

Brilliant sparks of rutilant light dance around Yallen, bathing her in a warm glow.

Cythra grins.

Yallen shakes her head at Ruven.

Pyppa giggles at Harsh.

Kethrai emits a rumbling noise of contentment.

Harsh nods.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Cythra sniffs at the Passion rose which has a lovely, subtle fragrance.

Darkewolff says, "Giddy up."

Cythra says, "Thanks."

Ruven whispers something to Yallen.

Allye whispers to Cythra, "Want to get started soon?"

Allye grins at Cythra.

Cythra nods to Allye.

Stelling ponders.

Stelling nods.

Nilme smiles at Useff.

Useff grins at Nilme.

Getting The Party Started

Allye whispers to Cythra, "Ready whenever you are!"

Ruven nods.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Yallen whispers something to Ruven.

Harsh quietly says, "Ok im upto 42 favors so this is all your fault now."

Harsh nods to Pyppa.

Harsh smiles at Pyppa.

Yallen nods to Tichond.

Harsh chuckles.

Ruven chuckles at Yallen.

Inspiration Eneas just arrived.

Eneas casually observes the area.

Yallen exudes life and vitality, rutilant sparks dancing around her.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Eneas clears his throat.

Pyppa pats Harsh on the back.

Cythra chants in a sopranino voice:
"Thank you all for coming.  This means so much to me"

Eneas waves to Laihla.

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Yallen!

Pyppa smiles at Cythra.

Eneas praises Cythra.

Kethrai looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Ariya beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Tichond beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Eskila looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Useff smiles at Cythra.

Laihla waves to Eneas.

Harsh nods to Cythra.

Miskton gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Allye looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Jaelia looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Eneas waves to Cythra.

Opol trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Allye beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Nilme looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Elurora looks at Cythra and applauds!

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Cythra, Stelling gives her a toast.  Cheers!

Dartwin gestures.  A swirl of silver-blue motes of light coalesces in the air beside him, quickly forming into a shimmering aethereal image of Cythra!

Harsh quietly says, "Of course THE Cythra, you mean so much to us."

Daisybelle looks at Cythra and applauds!

Harsh smiles.

Dartwin lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Allye grins.

Cythra recites:
"I had a speech all prepared and I think I am gonna stick with that."
Cythra grins.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Jaelia beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Allye grins at Cythra.

Harsh lets out a resounding "Boo!"

Elurora is giggling at Cythra.

Yallen beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Leilany snickers.

Ruven whispers something to Yallen.

Cythra waves to Eneas.

Cythra recites:
 "I'd like to welcome you all to Eury-bration 446."

Tichond laughs!

Allye lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Cythra!

Cythra grins at Tichond.

Useff grins.

Cythra recites:
 "Shh... It's a surprise party."

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Stelling covers his mouth with his hand.

Allye covers her mouth with her hand.

Harsh yells, "Surprise!"

Cythra recites:
"Eerie's not here.  Surprise!"
Cythra grins.

Useff quickly clasps both hands over his mouth, eyes widening in surprise.

Yallen whispers something to Ruven.

Ariya giggles.

Cythra giggles at Harsh.

Elurora blinks at Cythra.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Tichond chuckles.

Cythra recites:
 "Honestly, she would probably be embarrassed by all of the attention so I guess it works out."

Ruven nods to Yallen.

Cythra shrugs.

Dytt chuckles.

Stelling chuckles at Cythra!

Cythra smiles.

Anuril grins.

Kethrai says, "But that's half the fun."

Cythra recites:
 "One of Eerie's most favorite things was audiencing, so just a quick reminder, for those who wish to make a contribution to the Tavern Troupe in Eerie's name, their treasurer, Allye, has generously made herself available to accept those donations."

Cythra grins at Kethrai.

Spectre Aenki just arrived.

Elurora looks at Allye and applauds!

Darkewolff exclaims, "Wait, hold on!!!!!!"

Allye flashes a quick grin.

Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Cythra recites:
 "Some people thought it was strange that I chose to have a party for someone who is not present.
 Naturally they asked me, "Why?"
 I get it, and that's certainly a reasonable question."

Yallen pats Allye on the shoulder appreciatively and offers her a tip.

Darkewolff exclaims, "We are having a party for someone that is NOT here?!"

Cythra squints at Darkewolff.

Allye accepts Yallen's tip and slips it away.

Dartwin pats Allye on the shoulder appreciatively and offers her a tip.

Allye beams at Yallen!

Elurora nods to Darkewolff.

Cythra giggles at Darkewolff.

Kethrai exclaims to Darkewolff, "Surprise!!"

Yallen beams at Allye!

Allye accepts Dartwin's tip and slips it away.

Ariya giggles.

Cythra beams at Kethrai!

Pyppa grins at Darkewolff.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Dartwin.

Cythra recites:
 "It's not just that I love her and miss her.
 She really does deserve a party for so many reasons."

Allye exclaims, "Thank you both!"

Dartwin smiles.

Harsh quietly asks Darkewolff, "You can't diagnose crazy huh?"

Tichond nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Useff nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Darkewolff exclaims, "Break out their share of the rum! I am drinking it!"

Harsh gazes at Cythra.

Cythra recites:
 "I'm sure there are lessons we all can learn from Eerie."
Cythra says, "Besides invisibility." Cythra clears her throat.

Elurora is giggling at Cythra.

Darkewolff snickers.

Cythra recites:
 "I learned to be, not just nice, but friendly.
 She taught me, among many other things, the value of a hug."

Yallen scratches her head.

Yallen tries to eat a redwood wand.

Stelling gazes thoughtfully at Cythra.

You glance at Leilany.  Her features are hard to make out.

Kethrai trills softly at Cythra.

Tichond beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Yallen chews pensively on a redwood wand.

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Leilany clears her throat.

Cythra recites:
 "Maybe she made you laugh or smile.  Even just that one time."

Laihla grins, revealing her dimples.

Opol softly says, "I like hugs."

Elurora smiles at Opol.

Cythra continues to build Opol with her praise.

Cythra recites:
 "Eerie has many virtues:"

Pyppa smiles at Cythra.

Kethrai says, "More than one time, for sure..."

Harsh quietly says, "Followed me around like some kinda sick stafe five clinger."

Opol giggles.

Allye nods to Cythra.

Harsh mutters to himself.

Cythra recites:
Cythra quirks one ear sideways in confusion.

Allye grins.

Darkewolff smiles at Cythra.

Cythra nods to Harsh.

Cythra recites:
 "And generosity."
Cythra asks, "Did I mention the donation thing?"

Tichond nods in agreement.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Cythra.

Cythra giggles.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Pyppa nods to Cythra.

Cythra recites:
 "I was going to hold a surprise party for her when she ascended to Transcendent Warrior Mage.
 150 circles!  That's certainly a milestone."

Harsh chuckles.

Cythra nods emphatically.

Primal Lady Zalinyar just arrived.

Chrysagon says, "And bacon."

Yallen says, "Ans das patayoes."

Almarius giggles.

Cythra recites:
 "That party got delayed because she was waiting for me to catch up so we could circle together.
 She's sweet and thoughtful like that."

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Jaelia looks at Cythra and applauds!

Yallen nods to Chrysagon.

Chrysagon bows to Yallen.

Allye says, "Aww."

Zalinyar smiles at Cythra, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Pyppa smiles at Chrysagon.

Almarius waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Allye grins.

Jaelia exclaims, "Awwww!"

Cythra recites:
 "Just a few short months ago was her birthday.  That's certainly worthy of a party."

Chrysagon says, "Hello tater tot."

Eskila sniffles.

Harsh nods to Cythra.

Useff nods to Cythra in approval.

Zalinyar whispers to Cythra, "sorry for my tardiness"

Cythra recites:
 "Since I missed that, I wound up scheduling this celebration to coincide with her anniversary which was only a week or two ago."

Jaelia looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Cythra whispers to Zalinyar, "is all goods"

Serial Killer Damiza just arrived.

Cythra recites:
 "There are so many reasons to celebrate our dear Eurynomile whether she's present or not."

Harsh gasps at Damiza!

Allye nods to Cythra.

Tichond nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Cythra recites:
 "I wake early every morning and gaze out my window expecting her to be there littering up my lawn with boxes.

 Of course, then she will blow herself up with one and I will want to drag her to the Empaths, but she will insist that she's fine."

Elurora nods to Cythra.

Yallen waves to Damiza.

Damiza waves.

Damiza grins.

Yallen beams at Damiza!

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Cythra grins.

Damiza exclaims to Yallen, "I'm no writer but I wrote that just for Cythra!"

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Zalinyar smiles at Allye, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Damiza nods.

Stelling grins at Cythra.

Tichond cackles!

Pyppa leans back against Akolu with a loving smile.

Miskton chuckles.

Cythra recites:
 "Every.  Morning."

Darkewolff smiles.

Jaelia beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Yallen smiles at Damiza.

Cythra recites:
 "I celebrate her every single day."

Cythra smiles.

Damiza grins.

Damiza waves.

Serial Killer Damiza limps northwest.

Nilme smiles.

Aenki taps a redwood wand that he is holding.

Cythra recites:
 "This is why."

Eneas looks at Allye and blushes.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Cythra recites:
 "Besides, it's my coins."

Kethrai praises you.

Eneas waves to Allye.

Allye grins at Eneas.

Allye waves to Eneas.

 Cythra smiles warmly as she composes herself and stands a little taller.

Zalinyar smiles at Allye, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Eskila pulls Cythra to her in a tight hug.

Darkewolff smiles.

Cythra recites:
 "Who knows, maybe she will show up here and wonder what in the world is going on.
 Wouldn't that be a surprise?"
Cythra grins.

Cythra hugs Eskila who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of coffee grounds clings to her fur.

Harsh quietly says, "I'd be surprised."

Tichond says, "That would be quite the surprise indeed."

Kethrai says, "That would be the biggest surprise."

Anuril glances up at the sky.

Darkewolff smiles at Cythra.

Cythra recites:
 "Again, welcome to Eury-bration!
 I hope you all enjoy yourselves."

Crauyo Alai Leayne just arrived, leading her group.

Darkewolff lets out a hearty cheer for Zalinyar!

Jaelia applauds.

Raising his single malt whiskey to Cythra, Useff gives you a toast.  Cheers!

Qesem looks at Cythra and applauds!

Jaelia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Cythra recites:
 "Please, feel free to share your Eury stories."

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Allye looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Cythra, Stelling gives you a toast.  Cheers!

Leayne waves.

Gwenddolyn lets out a hearty cheer for Zalinyar!

Harsh quietly says, "But, I know she wont sneak in, that's for sure."

Opol looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Kethrai looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Eneas lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Allye!

Allye lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Cythra!

Leayne softly says, "Hello."

Leayne smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Laihla looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Cythra recites:
 Now to start things off, I would like to sing a song that I wrote especially for this occasion."

Yallen beams at Crobin!

Crobin reaches over and grooms your ears for a moment, purring softly.

Elurora looks at Cythra and applauds!

Chrysagon grins.

Math Witch Messica just arrived.

Allye beams at Leayne!

Jaelia beams at Messica!

Crobin waves to Ruven.

Pyppa looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Eneas beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Crobin waves to Darkewolff.

Elurora grins at Messica.

Cythra recites:
 "Oh, and speaking of coins, maybe the party planners will pay me for my performance cuz after feeding you people, I'm gonna be broke."

Yallen leans on Ruven.

Cythra winks.

Darkewolff waves to Crobin.

Crobin waves to Harsh.

Darkewolff smiles.

Messica beams at Elurora!

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Leilany snickers.

Kethrai laughs!

Nilme chuckles at Cythra!

Cythra giggles.

Leayne softly says, "Oh my."

Leayne laughs!

Pyppa curtsies to Crobin.

Dartwin grins.

Harsh quietly exclaims, "Hah!"

Jaelia applauds.

Almarius giggles.

Cythra's Song

Cythra recites:
 "Sos I wrote this without Eerie to help me so I hope is okies"
(Cythra gets her tambourine from her instrument case and begins playing an upbeat, shimmering, rhythmic wall of sound.)
Harsh recites:
 "SURPRISE !!! its 10k plats a plate folks haha"

Jaelia exclaims to Crobin, "IN time for the special song!"

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Cythra.

Useff leans forward.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Leilany snickers.

Ariya giggles.

Anuril smirks at Harsh.

Cythra laughs at Harsh!

Cythra sings in a sopranino voice:
    "Flying high in the sky she'll lift you up.
     She's drinking life from a silver cup.
     The world is brighter with her shining face.
     Though she maybe lacks a touch of grace."
Cythra says, "Just a touch."
(Cythra holds out her thumb and index finger close together.)

Tichond laughs at Harsh.

Cythra giggles.

Leilany says, "I'm going to have to go to the bank."

Leilany snickers.

Yallen giggles.

Tichond grins at Cythra.

Lindrista just arrived.

Allye giggles at Nilme.

Cythra giggles.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Lindrista waves.

Cythra sings in a sopranino voice:
    "She's a toddler in disguise,
     She sees the world through new eyes.
     Without wings she still flies."

Nilme gazes at Cythra.

Elurora grins at Cythra.

Cythra sings in a sopranino voice:
    "Accomplice, collaborator, teacher, thief.
     Life with her is such a treat.
     A spy, a scientist, a wife and friend.
     Cleric and Empath... [aside] she pretends."
Cythra shrugs.

Dytt leans against a fabulous crystal fountain.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Allye trills softly at Cythra.

Jaelia beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Tichond says, "Meances too."

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Harsh chuckles.

Cythra sings in a sopranino voice:
    "She's a toddler in disguise,
     She sees the world through new eyes.
     Without wings she still flies."

Leayne blinks.

Allye grins at Crobin.

Cythra beams at Tichond!

Zalinyar leans on Leayne.

Darkewolff smiles.

Cythra says to Tichond, "Now I gotta change the song." [Editor's Note: She did change the song.]

Cythra boldly sings in a sopranino voice:
    "Bold and intrepid explorer.
     Nae shies from the horrors.
     Oh when she speaks those words so dear..."
(Cythra mutes her tambourine.)
Cythra yells, ""Hey... I'm working here!"."
Cythra grins.

Harsh quietly says, "Stalker and a spy, though I dunno why, she really stunk at it."

Darkewolff chuckles at Cythra!

Harsh shrugs.

(Cythra resumes playing her tambourine.)
Cythra sings in a sopranino voice:
    "She's a toddler in disguise,
     She sees the world through new eyes.
     Without wings she still flies."

Gwenddolyn whispers to Cythra, "I gotta run for awhile, glad I got time to stop by"

Leayne grins at Allye, her dimples flashing into view.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Ariya giggles.

Allye beams at Leayne!

Cythra sings in a sopranino voice:
    "Flying high in the sky she'll lift you up.
     She's drinking life from a silver cup.
     I long to see her shining face.
The epitome of style and..."
Cythra says, "Umm..."
Cythra clears her throat.

Cythra whispers to Gwenddolyn, "thanks so much for being here!"

Gwenddolyn says, "Night all, gotta run."

(Cythra smirks even though her tambourine playing briefly stumbles.  She recovers with a quick shuffle-fill.)

Jaelia beams at Gwenddolyn!

Gwenddolyn says, "Thanks for the gift."

Gwenddolyn beams!

Cythra sings in a sopranino voice:
    "She's a toddler in disguise,
     I see the world through her eyes.
     She's the wings with which I fly."

Useff grins at Cythra.

(Cythra raises her tambourine high in the air and plays a final, rapid roll.)

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Cythra.

Gwenddolyn nods to Ariya.

Cythra giggles.
Cythra gives an awkward curtsy, nearly falling!
(Cythra stows her tambourine back in her instrument case.)

Bubbles float all about the place.

Raising his Elothean rice wine to her, Stelling gives Cythra a toast.  Cheers!

Elurora looks at Cythra and applauds!

Allye looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Useff lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Cythra!

Kethrai looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Messica begins to carefully examine a redwood wand.

Leayne examines a redwood wand.

Yallen looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Cythra!

Ysindre looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes northeast.

Tichond looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Opol looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Aenki applauds.

Harsh smiles.

Cythra says, "Thanks so much."

Qesem applauds.

Dytt looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Useff says, "She would have loved that."

Zalinyar applauds.

Pyppa looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Harsh applauds enthusiastically and flips a copper Kronar in Cythra's direction.  Cythra snatches it nimbly from the air!

Nilme nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.

Laihla smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Darkewolff applauds.

Dartwin looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Akolu asks, "Has it crossed anyone else's mind that with this many people, we could almost be called a....Eury-nation?"

Nilme looks at Cythra and applauds!

Akolu scratches his head.

Messica examines a redwood wand.

Cythra recites:
    "Now I turns it over to the Dancing Swans"

Lindrista smiles at Allye.

Allye giggles at Akolu.

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Crobin chuckles.

Allye beams at Lindrista!

Leayne giggles at Akolu.

Messica roughly analyzes the wand.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Cythra.

Jaelia looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Allye exclaims, "That's us!"

Allye grins at Nilme.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Crobin pats Akolu on the back.

Tichond says to Cythra, "You captured Eury perfectly."

Elurora grins at Allye.

Cythra grins at Tichond.

Lindrista examines a redwood wand.

Cythra beams at Tichond!

Dytt grins at Cythra.

Allye exclaims, "We have some food for you all, to go along with the drinks and other food on the picnic cloths here!"

Harsh quietly says, "Except for the terrifying i thought my life was going to end part."

Cythra says to Tichond, "I kinda knew her."

Cythra winks.

Allye says, "Extra snacks courtesy of Cryle."

Allye grins.

Harsh quietly says, "Yeah, it was perfect."

Tichond grins at Cythra.

Eskila rubs her eyes.

Cythra smiles broadly

Your mind hears Opol thinking, "Fariden least there's plenty to drink"

Eskila wearily says to Cythra, "You said no sad songs..."

Cythra nods to Eskila.

Crobin just hugged Eskila.

Eskila wearily exclaims, "So why am I crying!"

Opol giggles.

Kethrai leans on Eskila.

Darkewolff smiles at Eskila.

Cythra says to Eskila, "Was celebrations song."

Crobin pats Stelling on the back.

Cythra hugs Eskila who wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.  A faint scent of coffee grounds clings to her fur.

Crobin smiles at Dytt.

Cythra says, "Awwies."

Tichond nods at Yallen, obviously agreeing with her views.

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

King of the Bar Ruven moseys northeast.

Darkewolff says to Eskila, "Sad songs say so much."

Darkewolff nods.

Aenki smiles at Elurora.

Allye gets an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread from inside her red backpack.

Allye grins.

You tickle Darkewolff, who just laughs and tickles you back.

Allye nods to Kethrai.

Nilme gets an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread from inside her black backpack.

Darkewolff squirms.

Elurora grins at Aenki.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Aenki grins at Dytt.

Opol's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Laihla glances at Eneas.

Nilme offers Dytt an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread.

Messica giggles at Almarius.

Harsh quietly says, "Everytime i see Darkewolff across the way i end up dead somehow."

Harsh quietly says, "Every."

Cythra whispers to Eskila, "me too a lil"

Kethrai nods to Allye.

Harsh quietly says, "Time."

Dytt smiles at Aenki.

Darkewolff snickers at Harsh.

Zalinyar grins at Harsh, her dimples flashing into view.

Opol whispers to Cythra, "very nice song, sis"

Ariya leans on Harsh.

Eskila hugs Cythra.

Harsh falls over.

Harsh rises to a kneeling position.

Harsh stands up.

Ariya giggles.

Kethrai opens his instrument case.

Jaelia exclaims to Harsh, "Whenever I see you, at least a portion of the time you are purposely dying!"

Eskila whispers to Cythra, "it was great"

Cythra whispers to Opol, "thanks!"

Zalinyar quietly says to Harsh, "I got your legs in my pack if you need them for later."

Kethrai's Song

Allye recites:
    "While Nilme and I pass out the food, there's another fantastic opportunity for audiencing!"

Darkewolff smirks at Harsh.

Kethrai gets an ivory-inlaid cherrywood lute sprinkled with diamond dewdrops from inside his instrument case.

Allye grins.

Cythra giggles at Allye.

Darkewolff says to Harsh, "It is a curse, I am sure."

Allye recites:     "Everyone please give a warm welcome to our friend Kethrai, here to perform!"

Kethrai plucks at the strings of his cherrywood lute, listening intently.

Darkewolff smirks.

Elurora looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Jaelia looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Cythra lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Dytt smokily says to Nilme, "Sorry had to dip in my thoughts a moment there."

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Cythra beams at Kethrai!

Cheyee lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Yallen lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Miskton applauds.

Dartwin looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Messica applauds.

Harsh quietly says to Jaelia, "And whenever I hear you I know I will hear every letter of the alphabet in every single sentence spoken."

Tichond lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Almarius exclaims, "Wooooooooooooot!"

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Kethrai, Stelling gives him a toast.

Crobin pulls Cythra to him in a tight hug.

Kethrai's ears perk up happily.

Raising his single malt whiskey to Kethrai, Useff gives him a toast.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Jaelia!

Raising her Midnight's Kiss to Kethrai, Laihla gives him a toast.

Chrysagon grins.

Nilme smiles at Ysindre.

Kethrai clears his throat.

Cythra whispers to Kethrai, "I am so glad you performings...  means so much"

Jaelia winks at Harsh.

Harsh quietly says, "You do avoid the vs lots."

Harsh quietly says, "I'll give you that."

Lindrista giggles at Allye.

Allye grins at Lindrista.

Lindrista asks Allye, "Why soo many things?"

Darkewolff smiles.

Lindrista chuckles.

Kethrai says,     "This is a song I wrote about my lovely friend Eurynomile. I've known her forever, although I must admit it took me a while to get her full name right. For such a friendly girl, that's a real intimidating mouthful."

Allye exclaims to Lindrista, "This one's food!"

Allye grins at Lindrista.

Lindrista grins.

Leayne stands near Crobin.

Lindrista says, "I like food."

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Elurora grins at Kethrai.

Cythra grins at Kethrai.

Allye nods at Lindrista, obviously agreeing with her views.

Lindrista waves her wand over her .

Harsh chuckles.

Eneas casually observes the area.

Opol tenderly says, "I also like food."

Harsh hugs Jaelia gingerly, trying not to hurt her.

Almarius exclaims to Nilme, "I bet Keth wins a prize for his performance! He's always the winnah!"

 Kethrai says, "So, that's what this song is about. It's called, 'Eury-something-mile?'."

Harsh gently kisses Jaelia on the forehead.

Tichond chuckles at Kethrai.

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Eneas casually observes the area.

Aenki cocks his head at Almarius.

Cythra giggles at Almarius.

Dytt chuckles at Kethrai.

Cythra laughs!

Kethrai effortlessly begins a cheerful jig on his cherrywood lute, his eyes sparkling with pride at his hard-won skill.

Dytt smokily says, "Any name over two syllables gets shortened."

Crobin chuckles.

Dytt chuckles.

Nilme smiles at Chrysagon.

Cythra nods to Dytt.

 (Kethrai takes visible effort to change his affectation as he puts on the country-est of country accents he can.)

Leilany squints at Cythra.

Crobin chuckles at Dytt.

Eskila wearily says, "The NO is because its what Cythra have to tell her when she's going to eat something bad."

Pyppa ponders.

Harsh quietly says, "Thats why i picked one with six."

Allye grins at Kethrai.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "She grews up on a farm      Ands gots country-girl charm      She knows hows to splits milk and cre-am!"

Harsh nods.

Cythra says to Leilany, "'cept you."

Miskton puts his tome in his scholar's valise.

Harsh gestures at Jaelia.

 Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "Ands the ways that she talks      Calls tae snakes unders rocks      Hugs every S when she sees em!"

Jaelia beams at Harsh!

Aenki grins at Kethrai.

Leilany nods to Cythra.

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Pyppa stands near Akolu.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "We calls her an Eeries      But her names is nae skeeries      She's E-ury-rural-y-mile!"

Zalinyar sighs.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Leayne grins at Cythra, her dimples flashing into view.

Almarius giggles at Kethrai.

Dytt leans on Zalinyar.

Cythra giggles.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "Whens rebels attack      She helps drives em back      And sends em all tearsfully packins!"

Allye grins at Zalinyar.

Harsh quietly says, "Scared me pal, you never been followed all over haven by her in hding obviously."

Tichond grins at Kethrai.

Anuril nods in agreement.

Harsh quietly says, "Terrifying."

Cythra giggles at Harsh.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "But shes showins up late      Outta Crossin's north gate      Cause buffs left her magickins lackins!"

Cythra snickers.

Cythra says, "Is so her."

Cythra nods.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "We calls her a Eury      An when shes casts in a hurry      She's E-ury-no-mana-mile!"

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Tichond nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miskton chuckles.

Leayne nods to Cythra.

Tichond laughs at Kethrai.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "Even iffin she likes yas,      Shes bagged her THEs Cythras,      So suitors they nae needs applies!" Kethrai finishes playing a cheerful jig on his cherrywood lute.

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Leayne wraps her arms lovingly around Crobin, snuggling close.

Allye nods emphatically at Kethrai.

Cythra laughs!

Bubbles float all about the place.

Cythra beams!

Aenki snickers at Kethrai.

Chrysagon says, "Sh."

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "Cause her eye founds its apples,      And theys gone to the chapels,      Or that's how they tells it leastwise!"

Crobin brushes his lips against Leayne's in a loving kiss.

Tichond bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

Anuril grins.

Dytt cackles!

Cythra bounces around happily.

Tichond squints at Cythra.

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "So nae mess with her Cythras      Or she may ignite yas,      She's E-ury-wooer-o-mile!"

Cythra giggles at Tichond.

Laihla grins at Allye, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye beams at Laihla!

Cythra squints at Tichond.

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Harsh chuckles.

Aenki applauds.

Leilany hiccups.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "Yes that bes our Eerie,      She so bright an cheery,"

Darkewolff smiles.

Harsh looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Darkewolff says, "Much better."

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:     "Or is she a Eury?      Yas nae hafta worry,"

Ariya languidly brushes at her thighs, dusting them off.

Pyppa smiles at Harsh.

Ariya leans back.

Kethrai cheerfully sings in a baritone voice:     "Jus ask ye a Cythra,      Who's better beside ya,      Than E-ury-rural-y-no-mana-wooer-o-mile!"

Darkewolff smiles at Ariya.

Chrysagon nods.

Elurora laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Cythra laughs!

Useff chuckles.

Nilme smiles at Leilany.

Aenki blinks.

Tichond bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

Harsh grins.

Dartwin chuckles.

Laihla smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai bows.

Almarius giggles.

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Kethrai, Stelling gives him a toast.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Cythra lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Elurora looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Tichond praises Kethrai.

Dartwin applauds.

Darkewolff exclaims, "Nice!"

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Cheyee applauds.

Ariya applauds.

Aenki looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Darkewolff laughs!

Laihla lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Opol lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Eskila applauds.

Harsh adds to Kethrai's praises.

Nilme looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Cythra exclaims, "Loves it!"

Raising his Howling Coyote rum to Kethrai, Darkewolff gives him a toast.

Miskton applauds.

Ysindre gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Chrysagon applauds.

Kethrai's ears perk up happily.

Eskila pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Ysindre looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai!

Tichond exclaims to Kethrai, "Well done!"

Jaelia looks at Kethrai and applauds!

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Kethrai hugs Cythra, and she wraps her arms around him with a warm smile.

Jaelia lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Kethrai!

Harsh quietly says, "Yur doin the wrong gig pal."

Cythra hug Kethrai who wraps his arms around her with a warm smile.  A faint scent of lyrandia vines clings to his fur.

Harsh nods to Kethrai.

Anuril grins at Harsh.

Crobin beams!

Kethrai puts his lute in his instrument case.

Kethrai closes his instrument case.

Darkewolff chuckles at Harsh.

Resolver smiles at Nilme.

Crobin brushes his lips against Leayne's in a loving kiss.

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Cythra says, "The menu was, in part, Eerie inspired."

Crobin smiles at Resolver.

Crobin pats Resolver on the back.

Resolver waves to Crobin.

Leayne smiles at Almarius, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Harsh quietly says, "I mean dont get me wrong."

Harsh quietly says, "Yur a fine healer sure."

Almarius hums cheerfully to herself.

Leayne leans on Pyppa.

Cythra leans on Almarius.

Resolver nods to Crobin.

Kethrai says, "Trouble is, after I sings it, takes a while till I nae sounds like that any more."

Two of the bubbles bump into each other, jiggling as they merge into one.

Leayne grins at Pyppa, her dimples flashing into view.

Almarius hugs Cythra, and Cythra wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.

Nilme recites:     "I'd like to introduce our very own... Allye!"

Eskila sings in a soprano voice:     "Eurynomile, one of a kind      Eurynomile, always on our minds      When you see her you gotta sayyyy      Hey! You're an anomalayyyy!"

Harsh quietly says, "But i think dancer for money is where its at for Cythra."

Ariya applauds.

Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Elurora looks at Allye and applauds!

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Allye grins at Kethrai.

Leayne lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Cythra giggles.

Useff lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Allye!

Allye beams at Eskila!

Elurora giggles at Eskila.

Eskila lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Stelling laughs at Eskila.

Cythra lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Jaelia beams at Eskila!

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Eskila!

Darkewolff chuckles at Harsh.

Cythra beams at Eskila!

Nilme looks at Allye and applauds!

Messica squints at Allye, then throws an Elven chocolate truffle topped with a miniature spun-sugar white rose in her direction.  Oooo, near miss!

Several of bubbles float up and out of sight.

Raising her darkefire rum to Allye, Zalinyar gives her a toast.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Eskila!

Yallen smiles.

Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Eskila!

Yallen lets out a hearty cheer for Eskila!

Messica winces.

Almarius giggles at Eskila.

Messica blushes a bright red color.

Harsh chuckles.

Elurora pats Messica on the back.

Kethrai giggles at Eskila.

Leayne lets out a hearty cheer for Eskila!

Kethrai lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Almarius giggles.

Anuril grins at Eskila.

Crobin nibbles on Leayne playfully.

Laihla leans on Eneas.

Resolver shakes her head at Crobin.

Leayne just tickled Resolver.

 Allye says, "I'd like to sing a song about a wee critter who also soars high and cheery like Eury."

Kethrai winces.

Allye grins.

Ears tilted forward, Eskila curls her tail around Cheyee's waist loosely.

Cythra giggles at Allye.

Stelling grins at Allye.

Harsh quietly asks, "Does it stalk you around haven and terrify you?"

Akolu blinks in confusion for a second.

(Almarius stretches up as tall as she can and taps Nilme on the nose with her wand. She lets out a soft, "Boop!" noise when it connects.)

Almarius giggles.

Elurora gazes hopefully at Allye.

Stelling chuckles at Almarius.

Aenki grins at Almarius.

Cythra snickers at Almarius.

Allye exclaims to Harsh, "Not that I know of!"

Allye grins.

Leilany snickers at Almarius.

Opol bounces around happily.

Akolu takes a sip of his ale.

Almarius waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Kethrai asks, "Is it Smelly Cat...?"

Kethrai says, "Cause, then."

Allye exclaims, "Close, but no!"

Harsh quietly says, "Oh good gods well she did that time and i though i was under attack."

Harsh's eyes glisten with a strange red light.

Elurora softly says, "I hope it's the Mouse Knight."

Allye grins at Kethrai.

Harsh nods.

Resolver waves to Leayne.

Aenki grins at Elurora.

 Allye plucks a tiny Arthe Dale piglet from a boisterous felted tavern with flamboyant goldweave awnings, the creature snorting as she wakes it up.

Leayne grins at Resolver, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye plants a kiss onto the piglet's head.  It oinks happily in return.

Chrysagon laughs!

Cythra gazes at an iridescent bubble with blue highlights.

Opol gently tries to cradle an iridescent bubble with blue highlights in her open palm.  As it lands on her hand, it quivers for a moment before exploding with a *POP*!

Leayne smiles at Harsh, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Almarius giggles at Allye.

Anuril takes a deep breath and exhales at a floating bubble, sending it bobbing away on his breath.

 Allye warmly says, "Please allow me to introduce Sensational Cecilia, the itty-bitty piglet from Arthe Dale."

Harsh smiles at Leayne.

Cythra whispers to Resolver, "I hope you having fun in this mess"

Useff grins at Allye.

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Allye, Stelling gives her a toast.

Allye gives a tiny Arthe Dale piglet a light prod on its snout and quietly says, "Boop.".

Aenki applauds.

 Allye sets a tiny Arthe Dale piglet on the ground.  It trots around her in a circle, happily oinking.

Elurora glances at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet and grins.

 Allye glances up at the sky.

Elurora waggles a finger at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Chrysagon taps something inside his saddle bag.

Cythra giggles.

Kethrai exclaims, "Hi Sensational Cecilia!"

Leayne smiles at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

 Allye gets a rosewood lute inlaid with graceful cambrinth whorls from inside her lotusweave valise.

Useff bows to a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Cythra waves.

Allye grins.

 (Allye strikes up an animated ditty, her fingers strumming the strings of her lute with an easy air of merriment.)

Anuril glances at Kethrai.

Anuril gazes up at the sky.

An iridescent bubble with pink highlights flutters violently as it's caught in a turbulent (for a bubble!) breeze.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "In a tiny pen beside a tiny knoll,      Lived a tiny pig with a jumbo goal.      Not content to wallow in mud and muck,      Her gaze stayed high and wonderstruck."

Almarius preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Cythra beams!

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "All day they passed, the ducks and geese,      Some sparrows here, then some cockatrice.      That last one may have been some roosters,      But pen-trapped pigs need morale boosters."

Resolver whispers, "I got distracted but saw someone offer me somethign because of the highlight.  Now Crobin was whispering me to see how its going."

 Eskila gets a plush spotted pig splotched with black and white from inside her patched gearbag.

Eskila gives a tiny Arthe Dale piglet a hug!

Kethrai giggles.

Cythra giggles at Resolver.

 (Allye's piglet trots up to her foot, mesmerized by its motion as it taps along to the beat of the catchy song.  It gazes up at Allye with a hopeful expression, possibly expecting some food.)

Elurora cocks her head at Allye.

 Allye tilts her head at the piglet.  It oinks playfully in return.

Opol whispers, "got to go help a friend! Love yous! You're doing great!"

Resolver whispers, "It's a lot of stuff happening but nobody else has died so thats good"

Cythra hugs Opol who wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.  A faint scent of fresh honey clings to her fur.

 Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "How grand it must be, she often sighed,      To twirl and whirl through clear blue skies!      And so it was she hopped the fence      Resolved to see her wish commence."

Opol hugs Cythra, and Cythra wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.

Jaelia brushes an iridescent bubble with pink highlights with one finger, causing it to spin lightly before bursting.

Cythra whispers to Resolver, "good point"

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Harsh quietly asks Cythra, "So in this song are you the muck or the fence?"

 Allye smiles down at her piglet and shakes her head minutely to indicate that no treats will be coming at this time.  With a snuffling snort, the small creature bounds away!  It runs in loops through the crowd as Allye's tune crescendos into its bright chorus.

Cythra says, "Maybe."

Allye says, "Cythra will be the wings."

Allye grins.

Cythra giggles at Allye.

 Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "Impossible things are hard to come by,      Like porcine dreams that aim for the sky.      Have you ever seen a little pig fly?      Sensational Cecilia is determined to try!"

 Signalling her piglet, Allye commands it to dance.  A tiny Arthe Dale piglet waddles about while swaying as if to music in its own head.  Suddenly, it tries to rear up on its hind legs to continue its dance, but topples over with an indignant squeal!

Aenki takes a bite of some jam-filled rolls and chews carefully on it.

Kethrai gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Chrysagon nods to Allye.

Useff praises a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Crobin chuckles.

Kethrai praises a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Anuril shakes his head.

Aenki glances at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet and grins.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "She squealed and reeled to feel so free,      And then she waddled down to see      The Dalesian birds, their wings spread wide,      In nests and lakes, and soaring high."

Cythra grins at Allye.

Aenki gazes up at the sky.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "'Yahoo!' she called with hoggish glee,      'Is there some room up there for me?'      Songbirds twittered, proud swans took wing,      To even imagine such a ridiculous thing!"

Darkewolff smiles.

Harsh nods.

 (Allye grins at the tiny piglet as it prances back towards her, its curly little tail wiggling gleefully.  Her song continues apace, the jaunty melody bounding blithely into the next verse.)

Useff says, "I believe in you, tiny piglet."

Nilme grins at Useff.

Aenki nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "But undeterred she stomped away,      She knew that she could win the day.      She sat beside a pond and mused,      And soon enough ideas came through!"

Harsh quietly says, "Faith,have faith."

Harsh smiles.

Cythra says, "Nae listens iffin they says ugly duckling lil pig."

Anuril quietly asks, "Perhaps a catapult... pig...apult?"

Anuril ponders. Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "She gathered feathers from empty nests,      Her tiny hooves then shaped and pressed,      Until at last she was back on track      With two downy wings set upon her back."

Allye squints at Anuril.

Anuril coughs.

Anuril whistles a merry tune.

Aenki snickers.

Harsh chuckles.

Cythra chuckles at Anuril.

Harsh pats Anuril on the back.

Bubbles float all about the place.

 Allye taps some sensational lipka cotton wings dyed in shades of lavender atop a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Ears tilted forward, Leilany curls her tail around Cythra's waist loosely.

Harsh quietly says to Anuril, "I enjoyed it."

Harsh shrugs.

 Allye gives a tiny Arthe Dale piglet a friendly pet between its ears.  It squeals happily and nuzzles her hand in return.

Cythra grins at Leilany.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "Impossible things are hard to come by,      Like porcine dreams that aim for the sky.      Have you ever seen a little pig fly?      Sensational Cecilia is determined to try!"

Leilany whispers to Cythra, "I'm afraid it's time for me to get some rest"

Leilany wraps an arm around Cythra's shoulder in a friendly hug.

Jaelia steps back and gazes at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet admiringly.

A pained expression crosses Kethrai's face.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "So she climbed a mighty oak tree tall      And she boldly leapt, but began to fall!      She tumbled down into a piggish heap      As branchfuls of birds tittered and peeped."

Cythra whispers to Leilany, "I totally understand.  Thank you for being here!"

Aenki winces.

Leilany smiles.

Leilany whispers, "Glad I could make it.  Enjoy the evening!"

Leilany nods politely.

Allye lightly sings in a soprano voice:     "With a snort and a stomp, she picked herself up,      And wandered away to a field of buttercups.      She snuffled and sighed, her spirit drawn low,      But then her snout bumped something... whoa!"

Cythra grins.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

First Aid Expert Leilany struts northeast.

Darkewolff smiles.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "She looked up in awe at an abandoned trebuchet.      It raised many questions, but she pushed them away.      At last here it was, her sure way to take flight!      She squealed and she danced, then climbed up out of sight."

Anuril gasps!

Cythra giggles.

Aenki glances at Anuril.

Aenki glances at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

 Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet.

Kethrai gazes at Anuril.

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Harsh grins.

Elurora gazes at Allye.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "Avian life in Arthe Dale was a quiet thing,      Until that fateful day when Cecilia took wing,      A loud BANG, and birds scattered, flew up to the sky      Eyes wide in bewilderment as a piglet soared by."

Elurora giggles.

Aenki snickers.

Cythra laughs!

 Allye blows a kiss at the piglet.  It leaps towards her, squealing excitedly and stamping its small hooves as if demanding to be picked up.

Kethrai quietly says to Anuril, "Trebuchet and catapult, very different..."

Laihla smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Pyppa smiles at Allye.

Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:     "Impossible things are rare and wondrous indeed      Like porcine dreams full of feathers and airspeed,      But now we all see, wee piglets can ascend,      Thanks to Sensational Cecilia, our tiny brave friend!"

Harsh quietly says, "Either way, pigs fly."

Allye nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh nods to Kethrai.

Cythra nods at Kethrai, in complete agreement with his views.

Aenki applauds.

Leayne grins at Harsh, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye grins.

Jaelia beams!

Kethrai gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

 (Allye wraps up her tune in a final, jangling chord.  She tucks her lute under her arm and reaches out to Cecilia.)

Pyppa looks at Allye and applauds!

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Allye, Stelling gives her a toast.

Aenki steps back and gazes at a tiny Arthe Dale piglet admiringly.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Useff says, "Sensational."

Allye scoops a tiny Arthe Dale piglet up into her arms.

Dartwin applauds.

Cythra bounces around happily.

 Allye sinks into a deep curtsy.

Raising his single malt whiskey to Allye, Useff gives her a toast.

Miskton looks at Allye and applauds!

Leayne lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Aenki looks over Allye very closely.

Anuril applauds.

Elurora looks at Allye and applauds!

Allye grins.

Useff blinks in confusion for a second.

Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Cythra lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Kethrai quietly asks, "... and will the sequel cover her landing?"

Akolu applauds.

Miskton takes a bite of the fritters.

Raising his Howling Coyote rum to Allye, Darkewolff gives her a toast.

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Laihla applauds.

Aenki looks at Allye and applauds!

Elurora giggles at Kethrai.

Harsh chuckles.

Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Cythra says, "This is like the best song circle evah."

Messica beams at Allye!

Allye exclaims to Kethrai, "Perhaps she will fly forever!"

Allye grins.

Elurora points at Allye.

Leayne grins at Cythra, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye asks, "Does everyone have food that would like some?"

Anuril says to Kethrai, "I think the moon mages call that 'orbit'."

Allye puts her lute in her lotusweave valise.

Cythra says, "Not me yet."

Nilme offers Cythra an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread.

Allye gasps at Cythra!

Cythra accepts Nilme's offer and is now holding an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread.

Nilme hugs Cythra, and Cythra wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.

Allye grins.

Kethrai nods to Anuril.

Cythra hugs Nilme who wraps her arms around Cythra with a warm smile.  A faint scent of moonflowers clings to her skin.

Nilme smiles.

Cythra says, "I saves this for Eerie."

Elurora smiles at Cythra.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Almarius grins at Cythra, her dimples flashing into view.

Eskila puts her pig in her shoulder pack.

Pyppa nods to Stelling.

Pyppa pats Stelling on the back.

Leayne smiles at Cythra, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nilme offers Cythra an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread. 

Cythra blinks.

Harsh quietly says, "When have i ever said i was here to help."

Cythra accepts Nilme's offer and is now holding an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread.

Aenki gestures.

Eskila wearily says, "Need more cheesy breads at this party."

Eskila gets a platter of bite-sized cheese tidbits from inside her emerald green pouch.

Nilme says to Cythra, "Another, so you have one too."

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Cythra giggles at Eskila.

Eskila takes a huge mouthful of a platter of bite-sized cheese tidbits and gnaws heartily on it.

Allye recites:     "For our last audiencing of the evening, please welcome Useff!"

Elurora looks at Useff and applauds!

Aenki looks at Useff and applauds!

Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Useff, Stelling gives him a toast.

Qesem lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

 Useff raises his hand.

Dytt applauds.

Nilme beams at Useff!

Kethrai says, "I'm powering through this spicy salmon... for Eury..."
Kethrai pants.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Ariya applauds.

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Ysindre applauds.

 Useff points at a name tag that reads "Hello, I'm Useff!" he has.

A tear runs down Kethrai's face.

Nilme's face lights up with joy for Useff.

Stelling asks Useff, "That's you right?"

Cythra lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Kethrai takes another bite of the salmon.

Tichond lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Laihla lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Elurora says to Kethrai, "I couldn't make it through the noodles."

 Useff says, "Hello, I'm useff."

Harsh quietly says, "Bah."

Nilme grins at Stelling.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Harsh quietly says, "The dead call."

Elurora waves to Useff.

Aenki grins at Elurora.

Cythra waves to Useff.

Kethrai lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Allye gets a platter of bite-sized cheese tidbits from inside an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread.

Allye offers Eskila a platter of bite-sized cheese tidbits.

Eskila declines Allye's offer.

Jaelia beams at Harsh!

The shadowy orb floats serenely in the air, just above Jaelia's head.

 Useff says, "Nilme and I have spent a lot of late nights with Cythra, staying up drinking and sharing lyrics, and talking about missing friends. So I tried to sum it up in this song."

Cythra asks, "Yes THE Useff?"

Nilme smiles.

Elurora quietly says to Aenki, "I'm pretty sure they were fire in the shape of noodles."

Raising her iced tea cooler to Useff, Jaelia gives him a toast.

Allye puts her tidbits in a charming tapestry carpetbag patterned with sprawling cabbage roses.

 Useff leans on Cythra.

Brother Harsh hobbles northwest.

Anuril grins at Elurora.

Aenki snickers at Elurora.

Cythra grins at Useff.

Elurora smiles at Useff.

 Useff says to Cythra, "I know you said no sad songs but..."

Yallen whispers something to Tichond.

Cythra frets.

 Useff says, "This goes out to all the people we've known over the years that we don't get to see anymore."

Leayne just kissed Crobin.

Cythra says, "You can be exceptions."

Allye grins at Cythra.

Yallen beams!

Useff says, "Everyone grab a drink."

Kethrai says to Elurora, "Oh, THOSE noodles... Yeah. Yeah, I tried those once."

Jaelia says to Cythra, "He is THE Useff like you are THE Cythra."

Allye tucks a tiny Arthe Dale piglet into a boisterous felted tavern with flamboyant goldweave awnings.

Useff unfastens the top of a thornweave instrument pouch fastened with a cambrinth bass clef, opening it.

Useff gets a refined faenellica of flamewood inlaid with Elven silver and draconic opal from inside his instrument pouch.

Cythra says to Nilme, "He is exceptional."

Useff gets a shaped obsidian pick from inside an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.

Elurora nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Useff slides a shaped obsidian pick onto his finger.

Useff plucks at the strings of his flamewood faenellica, listening intently.

Nilme nods in agreement.

Cythra grins at Nilme.

 Useff bends over his flamewood faenellica and begins finger-picking a pleasant intro, creating a gentle rhythm. Useff wistfully sings in a baritone voice:     "Another late night at the bar      We drink to meet the evening's end      Our glasses raised up to the stars      We send a toast to absent friends"

Elurora gazes at Useff.

Jaelia whispers something to Messica.

Cythra smiles.

Useff cheerfully sings in a baritone voice:     "Our hearts are full of memories      Of seas we sailed and old girlfriends      A wistful lilt soars on a breeze      We raise our drinks to absent friends"

Leayne holds a sugar-rimmed goblet of Midnight's Kiss high into the air for all to see.

Jaelia whispers something to Messica.

Raising his Prydaen bloodwyne to Useff, Kethrai gives him a toast.

 Useff lifts his head and spreads his gaze around the crowd, keeping the strumming pattern soft and easy. Useff somberly sings in a baritone voice:     "Without regret we muse about      Our lives seen thru a rosy lens      How dull it would have been without      The presence of our absent friends"

Raising her iced tea cooler to Useff, Jaelia gives him a toast.

Cythra nods in agreement.

Almarius grins at Useff, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye trills softly at Useff.

Useff affectionately sings in a baritone voice:     "The vistas from the wayward isles      The hiking out to Sandy Ends      Adventures over countless miles      Made better with our missing friends"

Dytt ponders.

 Useff inserts a short, light-hearted musical interlude on his faenellica.

Leayne leans on Crobin.

Elurora furrows her brow.

Useff endearingly sings in a baritone voice:     "And though the space left in our hearts      Reminds us that all things can end      We're richer that we played a part      Together with our absent friends"

Elurora smiles at Useff.

Crobin leans on Leayne.

Useff happily sings in a baritone voice:     "Let's raise a glass and revel in      The blessings that our hearts can lend      Our lives are all the deeper for      The time we had with absent friends"

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin just kissed Leayne.

 Useff's strumming fades out as the song comes to a quiet close.

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Crobin nods.

 Useff ends his performance.

Raising her champagne to Useff, Allye gives him a toast.

Elurora looks at Useff and applauds!

Dytt nods.

Useff gently sets a refined flamewood faenellica into his instrument pouch.

Dartwin applauds.

Kethrai applauds.

Cythra lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Nilme beams at Useff!

Useff pulls the top of the instrument pouch closed.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Brother Harsh just arrived.

Useff slides a shaped obsidian pick off his finger.

Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Jaelia holds a translucent glass bottle of iced tea cooler high into the air for all to see.

Useff puts his pick in an effervescent eddy of honey-hued light captured by a sungold frame.
Useff winks at Cythra.
Cythra exclaims, "Nae sad, just wistful!"

Raising his pale lager to Useff, Miskton gives him a toast.

Dytt lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Cythra beams at Useff!

Ysindre gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Nilme pulls Useff to her in a tight hug.

Allye nods to Cythra.

Allye grins.

Elurora nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Tichond lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Aenki applauds.


Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Cythra giggles at Almarius.

Harsh quietly says, "Sorry can you repeat the last song please i missed it."

Darkewolff chuckles at Almarius.

Harsh smiles.

Yallen beams!

Darkewolff smiles at Useff.

Nilme looks at Useff and applauds!

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Useff grins.

Useff says, "Just drink up."

Almarius giggles.

Laihla lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Useff waves some Yodeler's single malt whiskey around.

Allye nods.

Cythra says, "Oh, I could sing a sadder one on the same subject."

Chrysagon grins.

Cythra grins.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Cythra.

Kethrai finishes off his horseradish salmon.

Leayne stands near Zalinyar.

(Crobin laces his fingers with Leayne's)

Eskila wearily exclaims, "No sad songs!"

Allye grins at Eskila.

Cythra grins at Eskila.

Darkewolff smiles.

Cythra nods to Eskila.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Harsh quietly says, "Well i always say the sacrifice is better when the sacrificed are cryin."

Pyppa ponders.

Harsh nods to Cythra.

Cythra laughs!

Darkewolff smiles at Harsh.

Darkewolff asks Harsh, "Is that so?"

(Almarius crouches down and rummages through her food pouch, humming and giggling to herself as she picks things up to look at them and puts the back, trying to find her next victim.)

Cythra says, "Words to live by."

Darkewolff grins slowly.

Almarius rummages through an emerald green pouch beautifully embroidered with a Warrior Mage crest pattern in silvery thread with a frantic look of loss.

The Party Continues

Allye whispers to Cythra, "That's all we have for performances!  Would you like me to hand it back to you for closing/mingling/hanging out?"

Pyppa grins at Leayne.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Almarius.

Leayne giggles at Pyppa.

Almarius exclaims, "YOINK!"

Harsh quietly says, "I say lots of things pal."

Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!

Zalinyar chuckles.

Harsh nods to Darkewolff.

Useff blinks in confusion for a second.

Kethrai leans back against Anuril with a loving smile.

Cythra whispers to Allye, "I sos gots this"

Almarius takes a huge mouthful of an Elven chocolate truffle topped with a miniature spun-sugar white rose and gnaws heartily on it.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Darkewolff nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Allye whispers too Cythra, "Okay, all you then!"

Allye beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Darkewolff exclaims to Harsh, "That Cythra so!"

Cythra recites:     "Lets hear it again for all the performers!"

Ariya leans on you.

Darkewolff exclaims, "Do!"

Ariya applauds.

Stelling gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Jaelia applauds.

Elurora applauds.

Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Jaelia applauds.

Tichond gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Kethrai applauds.

Ariya says, "Everyone was amazing."

Jaelia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Messica applauds.

Ysindre gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Almarius exclaims, "Wooooooooot!"

Miskton applauds.

Useff applauds.

Darkewolff applauds.

Allye applauds.

Laihla applauds.

Akolu applauds.

Nilme gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Dytt applauds.

Nilme applauds.

Pyppa smiles at Leayne.

Nilme smiles.

Cheyee applauds.

Crobin gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Leayne beams at Pyppa!

Qesem applauds.

Pyppa grins at Leayne.

Harsh applauds.

Harsh quietly says, "I was surprised."

Eskila applauds.

Harsh quietly asks, "Were you?"

Cythra recites:     "And can we hear it for Allye and Nilme of Dancing Swan fame for putting this all together for me"

Elurora looks at Allye and applauds!

Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Elurora looks at Nilme and applauds!

Miskton applauds.

Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Cythra.

Useff lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Nilme smiles.

Messica lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Miskton lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Messica lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Laihla lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Raising her pale lager to Allye, Ysindre gives her a toast.

Eneas lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Useff!

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Miskton lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Nilme praises Allye.

Kethrai lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Kethrai lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Tichond lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Dytt gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Stelling looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Laihla lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Allye beams at Nilme!

Dartwin looks at Nilme and applauds!

Harsh quietly says, "Oh i thought you had real trained swans."

Nilme smiles.

Tichond lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Pyppa lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Raising her Midnight's Kiss to Allye, Leayne gives her a toast.

Harsh slaps his forehead!

Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Cythra grins.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Raising her pale lager to Nilme, Ysindre gives her a toast.

Elurora offers Almarius an Elven chocolate truffle topped with a miniature spun-sugar white rose.

Allye says, "We should look into that."

Cythra exclaims, "Y'all was great!"

Messica beams at Allye!

Nilme grins at Allye.

Leayne lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Chrysagon says, "It was realistic."

Useff looks at Allye and jots down some notes.

Jaelia says to Harsh, "They aren't really swans.... they are just far more graceful and lovely, I know that can be confusing."

Chrysagon nods to Harsh.

Allye giggles at Jaelia.

Almarius giggles.

Cythra recites:     "The entertainment ends but not the party so please, have fun!"

Raising his Elothean rice wine to Cythra, Stelling gives you a toast.  Cheers!

Qesem looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Laihla grins, revealing her dimples.

Nilme looks at Cythra and applauds!

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Harsh quietly says, "Well lookin at that neck on one of em, I can see where the name comes from, yikes."

Darkewolff looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Eskila sweeps Cheyee into a dance.

Cythra says to Allye, "I wings it."

Elurora looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Harsh nods to Jaelia.

Raising his champagne to Cythra, Chrysagon gives you a toast.  Cheers!

Cythra curtsies.

Allye gives you an emphatic nod.

Allye looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Darkewolff smiles.

Darkewolff says, "That was awesome."

Jaelia says to Harsh, "When you die again this .... this next death may not be by your hands."

Cythra says, "This sos heartwarming."

Nilme grins at Useff.

Tichond beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Leayne smiles at Cythra, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Cythra asks, "Or was that the horseradish?"

Allye laughs!

Eskila wearily says to Harsh, "Think she said she's going to kill you if you die."

Cythra hums to herself.

Harsh quietly says, "Cant kill me if I kill me first."

Kethrai is giggling at Cythra.

Tichond chuckles.

Harsh looks at Jaelia and shrugs.

Tichond asks, "Can we tell stories now?"

Tichond grins at Cythra.

Cythra nods to Tichond.

Eskila nods to Tichond.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Tichond.

Cythra says, "For sure."

Kethrai looks at Tichond and applauds!

(Jaelia pokes about as if trying to test the area around her for traps.)

Useff says, "Story time yes."

Tichond says, "I have one that sticks out to me."

Useff rubs his hands together.

Qesem lets out a hearty cheer for Tichond!

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Harsh quietly says, "Its a new method of dealin with aggression im tryin its called passive regressive aggresion."

Leayne smiles at Tichond, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Cythra exclaims to Kethrai, "I sos nae expected an Eerie song!"

Harsh nods to Jaelia.

Cythra beams at Kethrai!

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai perks his ears up happily as he gazes at Cythra.

You angle your ears forward, gazing curiously at Tichond.

Tichond says, "Long time ago. Eury tells me she wants to try a new hunting ground but isn't so sure she is ready."

Elurora cocks her head at Tichond.

Cythra giggles.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Tichond.

Jaelia grins at Harsh.

Kethrai glances at Tichond.

Kethrai glances at Anuril.

Cythra says, "Is already sos Eerie."

Pyppa smiles at Tichond.

Anuril shakes his head at Kethrai.

Elurora waves her wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles begin to float throughout the area.

Almarius shakes her hips, ringing the bells on her hip-chain.

Kethrai lets out a sigh of relief for Anuril.

Tichond says, "So me being big tough empath at the time, said I would go with her and keep an eye on her."

Almarius takes a huge mouthful of an Elven chocolate truffle topped with a miniature spun-sugar white rose and gnaws heartily on it.

Almarius finishes off her chocolate truffle.

Raising her mocha milkshake to Almarius, Jaelia gives her a toast.

Almarius hums happily to herself.

Anuril praises Tichond.

Elurora grins at Tichond.

Useff says, "I like it already."

Cythra leans on Almarius.

Cythra grins.

Almarius leans over and whispers to Cythra, "I'm sooooooooooooo happy you had the party! I miss Eury, and I'm so glad you're here!"

Harsh quietly says, "My money is on Tichond ends up dead."

Harsh nods.

Almarius pulls Cythra to her in a tight hug.

Almarius exclaims, "Biggie hug!"

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Tichond says, "She's fighting, and she is throwing magics at them."

Cythra whispers to Almarius, "I am so glad you was here... Eerie would be sos happy"

Cythra pulls Almarius to her in a tight hug.

Tichond says, "She's doing great fighting them, but she is getting hits a lot, so I am healing her quite a bit."

Almarius pulls Cythra to her in a tight hug.

Allye grins at Tichond.

Harsh grins.

Anuril ponders.

Kethrai winces.

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Almarius exclaims to Anuril, "What kind of fun ranga stuff have you been up to?!"

Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!

Cythra snickers.

Tichond says, "Then I start healing her a little too much...I'm starting to have trouble keeping up."

Eskila wearily says, "I bet she forgot her armor..."

Harsh grins at Tichond.

Tichond gives Eskila a playful poke in the ribs.

Anuril grins at Eskila.

Cythra laughs!

Allye giggles.

Eskila covers her mouth with her hand.

Elurora chuckles at Eskila.

Tichond says, "So I looks closer at her..."

Tichond says, "Eury....I says."

Yallen says, "Dems gonnas bes ded un das stohree."

Yallen nods to Tichond.

Ariya giggles.

Tichond asks, "Where is your armor?"

Ariya nods to Jaelia.

Elurora laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Harsh laughs at Tichond.

Useff covers his eyes with his hand.

Anuril laughs!

Dytt cackles!

Chrysagon grins at Tichond.

Ariya stretches her arms.

Leayne giggles.

Jaelia grins at Tichond.

Tichond smiles.

Jaelia laughs!

Almarius exclaims to Yallen, "Ohhhhh! You have a supah cute new outfit! I love it! Sooooooooo cute!"

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Yallen!

Eskila wearily says, "That's why we have the creed."

Yallen beams at Almarius!

Cythra says, "In her defense is nae the only time she forgets."

Harsh raises his hand.

Kethrai says, "Somebody might've told her to take it off."

Cythra nods to Eskila.

Harsh raises his hand.

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Eskila wearily exclaims, "Shoes, armor, clothes, buffs, burden!!"

Ariya just hugged Harsh.

Tichond says, "Ever since that we would all gweth out to make sure she had her armor on."

Cythra says, "Pants too."

Dytt smokily says, "Nothing like getting into a fight and realize half way through "Why is it so drafty."

Crobin asks, "Shoes?"

Almarius spins around!

Harsh quietly says, "Ok Eerie stories huh."

Cythra says, "She loves shoes."

Cythra shrugs.

Harsh quietly says, "So once upon a time." [Editor's Note: This is how you know it really happened.)

Tichond nods to Cythra.

Resolver nods to Crobin.

Harsh quietly says, "I was addicted to power walkin."

Chrysagon asks, "Bells on her toes?"

Harsh quietly says, "Power walk shard."

Cythra grins at Chrysagon.

Harsh quietly says, "Power walk crossin."

Harsh quietly says, "Power walk haven."

Cythra says to Chrysagon, "You gots an Eerie story."

Harsh quietly says, "So there I am at the north gate of Haven."

Harsh quietly says, "Startin my walk."

Chrysagon grins.

Tichond nods to Harsh.

Harsh quietly says, "I go south."

Harsh quietly says, "I check the mana."

Harsh quietly says, "Yep it's the same as last time."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Chrysagon.

Tichond smirks.

Harsh quietly says, "Eerie sneaks in from the north."

Dytt smokily says to Cythra, "This was lovely, but alas I have to go."

Harsh quietly says, "I go south."

Katamba slowly rises above the horizon.

Harsh quietly says, "Check the mana."

Harsh quietly says, "Everything is good."

Dytt hugs Cythra, and Cythra wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Cythra says to Dytt, "Thank you for coming."

Cythra hugs Dytt who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of oshu'mary clings to her fur.

Harsh quietly says, "Eerie sneaks in the from north."

Dytt nods to Cythra.

Cythra grins at Harsh.

Darkewolff smiles at Dytt.

Tichond chuckles at Harsh.

Rook Dytt goes northeast.

Harsh quietly says, "This goes on for 15 rois."

Harsh quietly says, "She follows me step by step."

Tichond ponders.

Cythra says, "Musta been in Shard by then."

Harsh quietly asks, "Finally i say, is this a stick up?"

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Cythra hums to herself.

Almarius whispers something to Yallen.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Cythra giggles at Harsh.

Harsh quietly says, "She just giggled and ran away."

Harsh mutters to himself.

Cythra laughs!

Allye grins.

Harsh quietly says, "I was terrified."

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Harsh!

Jaelia nods to Harsh.

Anuril laughs!

Tichond laughs at Harsh.

Kethrai looks at Tichond and sighs.

Cythra says, "Eerie so scary."

Elurora chuckles.

Laihla smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You roll your eyes.

Cythra grins.

Tichond gazes at Kethrai.

Harsh quietly says, "I thought i was gettin jumped."

Harsh mutters to himself.

Laihla leans on Eneas.

Cythra laughs!

Jaelia laughs!

Harsh quietly exclaims, "And i could see it comin!"

Yallen whispers something to Almarius.

Laihla reaches over and holds hands with Eneas.

Eneas smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Eneas just hugged Laihla.

Harsh quietly says, "I showed up to raise her dead once."

Cythra laughs!

Harsh quietly says, "I was scolded quickly."

Chrysagon raises an eyebrow.

Harsh quietly says, "And told NO NO."

You quickly clasp both hands over your mouth.

Harsh quietly says, "I want to depart."

Almarius whispers something to Yallen.

Harsh quietly says, "To see what it feels like."

Jaelia laughs!

Jaelia laughs!

Harsh smirks.

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Cythra giggles.

Tichond laughs!

Cythra says, "Twice in a row."

Eskila sighs.

Pyppa salutes before turning and wandering off to find some rest.

Yallen beams at Almarius!

Harsh quietly says, "Sorry, please, that's all my Eerie tales."

Harsh bows.

Harsh smiles.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Harsh!

Tichond lets out a hearty cheer for Harsh!

Useff grins at Harsh.

Allye grins.

Elurora looks at Harsh and applauds!

Kethrai looks at Harsh and applauds!

Cythra says, "We went to Hollow Eve's and Eerie was like let's try those flying things... cloud eels."

Allye takes a sip of her champagne.

Raising his Howling Coyote rum to Harsh, Darkewolff gives him a toast.

Anuril laughs at Cythra!

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Crobin chuckles.

Cythra says, "She she takes us to cloud eels, but they fly so nae easys to hit."

Yallen whispers something to Almarius.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Cythra says, "And she was like, let's get outta here."

Zalinyar grins, revealing her dimples.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Darkewolff says, "Damn this rum is good."

Darkewolff smiles.

Cythra says, "And we would run but she kept stayings there."

Pyppa just arrived with a gleam in her eye.

Darkewolff smiles at a glass of Howling Coyote rum.

Almarius gets a scarlet valerian blossom from inside her watersilk narwhal.

Jaelia grins at Pyppa.

Cythra says, "Because her crossbow bolts was on her feet."

Jaelia laughs!

Pyppa leans on Jaelia.

Tichond cackles!

Yallen accepts Almarius's valerian blossom.

Cythra says, "And we dieds."

Harsh chuckles.

Jaelia snuggles up to Pyppa.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Cythra giggles.

Jaelia joins Pyppa's group.

Anuril sighs.

Crobin chuckles.

Laihla chuckles.

Kethrai says, "Tripping over your ammunition, classic trap..."

Tichond says, "Very much Eury."

Yallen cringes.

Jaelia laughs!

Allye nods to Kethrai.

Allye grins.

Cythra nods to Kethrai.

Yallen licks a scarlet valerian blossom.

Almarius whispers something to Yallen.

Yallen eyes a scarlet valerian blossom covetously.

Cythra grins at Tichond.

Pyppa smiles at Jaelia.

Harsh quietly says, "I do have a tale about Cythra, dragging a dead Eerie all over, cause she was forced to listen to her when dead."

Harsh quietly asks, "Remember that?"

Yallen beams at Almarius!

Harsh gazes at Cythra.

Harsh quietly says, "I do."

Jaelia grins at Pyppa.

Cythra blinks.

Cythra says, "I only drags her a few times."

Harsh quietly says, "No no wait Harsh."

Harsh quietly says, "Was what Cythra said."

Harsh quietly says, "And i said for what."

Almarius blinks at Cythra.

Harsh quietly says, "And you said, for her to finish listening to me."

Harsh nods to Cythra.

Harsh smirks.

Tichond bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

Useff says, "The dead can be very chatty."

Cheyee grins.

Crobin puts his bottle in his thigh bag.

Allye grins.

Qesem grins at Useff.

Cythra says, "Well the time she was opening boxes and it cuts off her hand."

Cythra exclaims, "I was like EMPATHS!"

Useff grins at Cythra.

Cythra says, "She was all nonono, I'm fine."

Chrysagon says, "Well sometimes i got nothing else to do."

Harsh chuckles.

Anuril laughs!

Jaelia laughs!

Allye grins. Cythra says, "And, she says, Im lates for work cleaning houses in tiger clan."

Almarius giggles.

Tichond laughs!

Yallen whispers something to Almarius.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai says, "Better bring a mop on that trip..."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Cythra says, "So I takes her to work and they cuts off her head for bleeding all over."

Tichond laughs!

Harsh chuckles.

Harsh quietly says, "And you finally had an audience that couldnt walk out."

Cythra asks, "And I was dragging her body back to Crossing and halfway to the gate she asks, Am I dead?"

Cythra chuckles at Harsh.

Tichond laughs at Cythra!

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Almarius whispers something to Yallen.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Leayne grins at Harsh, her dimples flashing into view.

Harsh laughs at Cythra!

Darkewolff says, "Now that is funny."

Pyppa nods to a chipped glass collection jar.

Yallen whispers something to Almarius.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Harsh chuckles.

Cythra asks, "How do you answer that?"

Cythra giggles.

Useff grins at Cythra.

Pyppa grins at Jaelia.

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Tichond asks, "Do you FEEL dead?"

Allye giggles.

Elurora exclaims, "Please excuse me, I need to get home and feed Dog, this was an awfully nice party!"

Elurora gives a slight curtsy, barely worth the effort.

Zalinyar chuckles.

Cythra says, "Nonono, hun, you just a lil impaired."

Truthseeker Elurora goes northeast.

Harsh quietly says, "You're only as dead as you feel."

Harsh nods.

Tichond grins at Cythra.

Gridaksma bows his head in acknowledgement.

Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma goes northeast.

Tichond says, "There was another time."

Kethrai says to Cythra, "You should smack her on the forehead, except..."

Tichond says, "I don't remember it."

Cythra laughs!

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Cythra blinks at Tichond.

Leayne just kissed Crobin.

Laihla says to Cythra, "Thank you for the awesome party, but we must be going as well."

Tichond says, "But Eury and Cythra kidnapped me after I was lost wandering in front of the bank."

Crobin just kissed Leayne.

Almarius whispers something to Yallen.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Tichond.

Cythra laughs!

Harsh quietly says, "Oh it was so horrible, kidnapped he says."

Cythra says, "I forgots this."

Harsh rolls his eyes.

Laihla goes northeast, leading her group.

Tichond says, "Guess I hit my head too many times and was just standing there. So Cythra and Eury took me on an adventure with them."

Kethrai laughs!

Anuril grins at Tichond.

Jaelia snickers.

Cythra says, "We brought him back safe."

Cythra nods.

Pyppa nods to Jaelia.

Yallen gazes at Almarius.

Crobin says, "Best way to start an adventure."

Miskton says, "Take care, all."

Miskton nods politely.

Darkewolff smiles.

Tichond laughs at Cythra!

Jaelia beams at Pyppa!

Yallen gazes at her blossom.

Darkewolff waves to Miskton.

Nilme smiles.

Jaelia nods to Pyppa.

Harsh waves.

Philomath Miskton strolls northeast.

Anuril asks Tichond, "You get souveniers?"

Tichond looks at Anuril and shrugs.

Almarius quietly exclaims to Leayne, "Ohhhhhh, I bet you must've been confused! That was an icky boy you kissed silly!"

Almarius giggles.

Jaelia asks Anuril, "He was returned mostly alive?"

Cythra giggles at Almarius.

Darkewolff gawks at Almarius.

Leayne grins at Almarius, her dimples flashing into view.

Pyppa clasps Akolu's hand tenderly and draws him into her arms.

Yallen shakes her valerian blossom!

Harsh quietly says, "Mostly alive is not dead."

Tichond says, "When I came to I still had all my limbs."

Allye says, "Mostly alive is good."

Chrysagon laughs!

Harsh quietly says, "So fine."

Anuril says to Tichond, "Probably bread and cheese in your pockets."

Almarius giggles at Yallen.

Cythra says to Almarius, "Nonono... he's my icky uncle... I means, my uncle."

Tichond laughs at Anuril.

Kethrai says, "Hey now, we've all done things we regret while blacked out. We mustn't judge..."

Tichond nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Chrysagon takes a sip of his champagne.

Leayne softly says to Almarius, "It's ok it's Crobin."

Almarius exclaims to Yallen, "Silly, you smell them! They smell pretty!"

Yallen sniffs at a scarlet valerian blossom.

Crobin smiles at Almarius.

Yallen says, "Dems nahs bes un pataytoes buts dems prettee."

Aenki grins.

Harsh quietly says, "We all done things we regret, period."

Nilme leans on Useff.

Cythra says, "We were like where can we take Tich next." [Editor's note:  Tichond really did have a good time.]

Pyppa whispers, "wonderful evening"

Nilme nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Harsh quietly says, "Blame it on a blackout all you want pal."

Harsh smirks.

Pyppa pulls you to her in a tight hug.

Cythra beams at Pyppa!

Almarius exclaims to Cythra, "Ohhhhhh! Icky boy kiss is still icky!"

Almarius sticks out her tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from her lips!

Anuril says, "Eury always knew who to take advice from..."

Cythra hugs Pyppa.

Darkewolff chuckles at Harsh.

Almarius just hugged Pyppa.

Cythra grins at Almarius.

Pyppa whispers to Cythra, "we will talk to you soon"

Pyppa smiles at Cythra.

Leayne laughs at Almarius.

Allye grins at Anuril.

Cythra says, "And yet she still took it from me."

Tichond nods to Anuril.

Cythra beams at Pyppa!

Tichond chuckles at Cythra!

Anuril exclaims, "That's why when she asked at the courtyard how to learn first aid, and I said well people used to take their armor off and go lay down in ship rats... she said I'll be right back!"

Anuril gazes off into the distance.

Echyaes just arrived.

Allye laughs!

Aenki grins at Anuril.

Pyppa says, "Everild's Blessing to Cythra all and have a good evening."

Cythra grins at Anuril.

Tichond laughs at Anuril.

Anuril mutters to himself.

Harsh laughs at Anuril.

Pyppa curtsies.

Tichond just hugged Pyppa.

Allye waves to Pyppa.

Ysindre just hugged Pyppa.

Cythra waves.

Pyppa hugs Tichond, getting a smile in return.

Ysindre waves.

Harsh quietly says, "Gotta be careful talkin to her."

Harsh nods.

Aenki waves to Pyppa.

Leayne smiles at Pyppa, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Echyaes sits down on the wrought iron bench.

Pyppa just hugged Ysindre.

Leayne hugs Pyppa, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Pyppa waves.

Anuril says, "She came back, I swear she still had a few rats hanging off her."

Zalinyar exclaims, "Great songs everyone!"

Zalinyar smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Pyppa goes northeast, leading her group.

Harsh quietly says, "Fore yur done sayin it, she's off doin it."

Aenki snickers at Anuril.

Zalinyar waves.

Cythra says to Anuril, "I nae mentions names when I tell this story."

Allye giggles at Anuril.

Primal Lady Zalinyar wanders northwest.

Cheyee glances at Eskila.

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Tichond snorts at Anuril.

Cythra giggles at Anuril.

Nilme nods to Allye.

Harsh yells, "Surprise."

Kaedan just arrived.

Nilme smiles.

Dartwin grins.

Almarius exclaims to Yallen, "Ohhh potatoes are pretty?! They are kind of lumpy! Unless you smoosh them, then they're even tastier!"

Kaedan leans on Allye.

Cythra giggles at Harsh.

Allye beams at Kaedan!

Darkewolff chuckles.

Cythra beams at Kaedan!

Allye leans over and scratches Kaedan's back.

Messica smiles at Kaedan.

Kaedan bows to Cythra.

Almarius exclaims, "Faux Mom!"

Nilme hugs Kaedan, who wraps his arms around Nilme with a warm smile.

Almarius hugs Kaedan, who wraps his arms around Almarius with a warm smile.

Almarius hugs Messica, who wraps her arms around Almarius with a warm smile.

Messica hugs Almarius, who wraps her arms around Messica with a warm smile.

Nilme whispers to Cythra, "would you like the rest of the food pouches that we have left over?"

Kaedan says, "Hello, friends of various shapes, sizes, and other adjectives."

Useff waves his wand through the air conjuring bubbles in its wake.  The bubbles wander over to those already floating in the room joining the mesmerizing scene.

Cythra says to Allye, "Kaeden needs stuff."

Allye nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Eskila wearily asks Kethrai, "Since when did you regret buying a nice home??"

Cythra whispers to Nilme, "donation shelves?"

Nilme nods to Cythra.

Harsh quietly says, "Hello and other things normally said when greeting someone who just arrived."

Harsh waves to Kaedan.

Kaedan nods politely to Harsh.

Bubbles float all about the place.

Cythra whispers to Nilme, "you gots an extra wand?"

Kethrai says to Eskila, "...well, I don't regret THAT..."

Nilme smiles at Kaedan.

Darkewolff says to Harsh, "Salutations."

Darkewolff nods.

Allye prods a handful of blue bubbles with the tip of her finger.

Nilme whispers to Cythra, "allye has them. i think there are a few left."

Harsh quietly says, "Mine is shorter."

Harsh nods to Darkewolff.

Jaelia gasps!

Cythra whispers to Allye, "you gots an extra wand?"

Jaelia applauds.

Darkewolff nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Jaelia applauds.

Eskila wearily asks Kethrai, "There was a second time??"

Darkewolff says, "Agreed."

Allye whispers to Cythra, "Yup!  You want?"

Allye gets a purple satin box tied with a simple white bow from inside her seasilk purse.

Jaelia waves a bottle around.

Allye offers Cythra a purple satin box tied with a simple white bow. 

Cythra says, "There was one time I dragged her she dint die."

Jaelia puts her bottle in her spidersilk bag.

Cythra accept Allye's offer and is now holding a purple satin box tied with a simple white bow.

Harsh quietly says, "Wait."

(Almarius gigles and taps her wand against Cythra's knee gently to show her.)

Harsh squints at Darkewolff.

Cythra beams at Allye!

Nilme smiles at Almarius.

Allye grins.

Darkewolff snickers at Harsh.

Cythra beams at Almarius!

Harsh quietly asks, "We measurin words right?"

Yallen bounces around happily.
Yallen bounces around happily.
Yallen bounces around happily.
Yallen bounces around happily.

Sticking his tongue out, Kaedan touches the tip to a floating bubble and allows it to stick until it pops.

Darkewolff says to Harsh, "With a ruler."

Darkewolff nods.

Dartwin exclaims, "Speaking of homes, the one thing I always remember Eerie for is running out the west gate of Crossing, seeing some ogres, or goblins running around. And hear a voice much louder then Caaramon saying.  "HEY, GET OFF MY LAWN!"

Allye grins at Kaedan.

Harsh points at Nilme.

Almarius giggles at Nilme.

Jaelia stretches her arms.

Jaelia yawns expansively.

Harsh quietly says, "I was told Nilme rules everything Bard."

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Allye giggles at Dartwin.

Crobin laughs at Dartwin.

Cythra giggles at Dartwin.

Kaedan frantically licks his hand as he continues trying to get the bubble goop off his tongue.  Judging from Kaedan's expression, he must not taste any better.

Harsh looks at Darkewolff and shrugs.

Nilme smiles at Harsh.

Ysindre whispers to Cythra, "Glad  you have so many friends to remember Eerie with, I have to go... past my bedtime"

Useff grins at Nilme.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Chrysagon laughs!

Almarius spins around!

Allye begins chortling at Kaedan.

Nilme just hugged Ysindre.

Cythra whispers to Ysindre, "thanks for coming here"

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Ysindre waves.

Cythra waves.

Nilme smiles.

Kaedan quickly wipes at the soapy goop coating his tongue with the corner of his grey cloak.

Gypsy Ysindre goes northeast.

Harsh quietly says, "I tried to get her to sign up for an annual monthly whale milk subscription."

Harsh quietly says, "Once."

Cythra says, "Then she gots them off her lawn though."

Harsh quietly says, "But she wouldnt go for it."

Harsh shrugs.

Nilme nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Useff opens his mouth wide in an attempt to catch a bubble on the tip of his tongue.

Dartwin nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Almarius exclaims, "Ohhhh, I missed waving bye bye to them! Tsk. Tsk.!"

Dartwin says, "I think you helped."

Eskila pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Eskila wraps her arms lovingly around Cheyee, snuggling close.

Nilme leans on Useff.

Cythra says, "Anyhow, everyone sails off to this crazy island cuz they wanted nightmares but Eerie didnt have a passport yet."

Eskila wearily says, "I wish i could remember any Eerie stories."

Cheyee smiles at Eskila.

The last of the bubbles pop out of existence.

Harsh quietly says to Cythra, "Well, lovely party. If Eerie was here hding one thing is for certain, we'd all know it."

Cythra says, "So we stays in Crossing and Crossing gets invaded."

Harsh quietly says, "Good to see you, stay livin."

Cythra nods to Harsh.

Harsh smiles.

Useff chuckles.

Harsh hugs Cythra, and she wraps her arms around him with a warm smile.

Harsh offers a prayer to Eluned for safe journeys.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Harsh waves.

Brother Harsh hobbles northwest.

Cythra says, "So she decides even though she is pretty new to maging to go defends her city."

Chrysagon nods to Cythra.

Cythra says, "Sos almost first thing she finds a gladiator and takes a whack at him."

Allye giggles.

Almarius giggles.

Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Cythra says, "I was like..."

Cythra's jaw drops.

Almarius cheerfully exclaims, "Go bubbles go!"

Tichond grins at Cythra.

Almarius blinks.

Allye exclaims, "Brave!"

Cythra says, "And she actually even hits him once."
Cythra says, "Once."

Allye beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Kethrai blinks at Cythra.

Cythra nods to Allye.

Allye says, "Totally counts."

Cythra giggles.

Crobin says, "For sure counts."

Jaelia intones:     "I would preach a sermon about Eurynomile       I like her more than Chammomile       But sometimes I just really Feel       When Cythra is on the Snark       And Times are Growing Dark       We could get her distracted with ...       ummmmm.......       Eury-Se-cret ... Family ... Friendly ... Appeal..."

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "And then she is all stuns and nearly dead."

Allye grins at Jaelia.

Cythra giggles at Jaelia.

Cythra says, "Sos I drag her back and she gets healed and lived."

Jaelia nods to Cythra.

Cythra says, "Cuz she sos tough."

Eskila wearily asks, "Is it really a party if no one's all the way naked??"

Tichond beams at Jaelia!

You point at Ariya.

Cythra says to Chrysagon, "Did you wanna tell your Eerie story."

Kethrai gazes thoughtfully at Eskila.

Darkewolff asks Eskila, "Is that what Zalinyar does?"

Eskila wearily asks, "I don't know does she?"

Jaelia nods at Eskila, obviously agreeing with her views.

Eskila wearily says, "I need to go to more jousts."

Darkewolff asks Eskila, "If I recall correctly, she has done that in the past?"

Cythra asks Chrysagon, "Too soon?"

Yallen rubs her hands together.

Kethrai says, "Depends on how much rum there is maybe."

Jaelia says to Yallen, "You should not try to joust that way."

Yallen giggles at Jaelia.

Jaelia snickers.

Yallen says, "I bes nahs do'n dats."

Allye leans on Kaedan.

Jaelia says to Yallen, "I agree, you have too many scales to keep in place."

Darkewolff says, "This has been a wonderful gathering for Eerie."

Chrysagon says, "Well we mainly met during invasions a force of nature she was."

Yallen says, "I bes nahs abul tas rids un hores."

Almarius acts puzzled.

Kethrai says to Jaelia, "I dunno, Naked Empath is a valid strategy. Dunno if anyone's ever tried jousting with just IC."

Dartwin nods in agreement.

Cythra grins at Darkewolff.

Qesem nods to Darkewolff.

Almarius exclaims, "Like music scales?!"

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Cythra says, "She used to blow herself up trying to cast a ranger spell because she liked that it gave her tiger stripes."

Eskila rummages about her person, looking for something.

Chrysagon says, "Bards are badass i know...  underappreciated."

Useff grins at Cythra.

Eskila pulls an elaborate storyplait picnic cloth patterned with fanciful dancing spatulas out of a picnic basket, setting her basket aside as as she shakes out the cloth and lays it out upon the ground.

Kethrai looks at Cythra and sighs.

Cythra grins at Chrysagon.

Nilme grins.

Almarius giggles.

Crobin leans on Leayne.

Crobin brushes his lips against Leayne's in a loving kiss.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Jaelia says to Kethrai, "I think you are going to start a trend there, Kethrai. I won't tell Anuril."

Eskila wearily asks, "Want me to get naked too?"

Leayne leans over and licks Crobin, getting a warm smile in return.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Kethrai says, "We can do the experiments later maybe."

Kethrai glances at Anuril.

Jaelia nods to Kethrai.

The After Party Party

Jaelia exclaims, "Back to Eury!"

Useff grins at Jaelia.

Anuril smirks.

Jaelia laughs!

Cythra asks Anuril, "Dint I hear a story about Eerie at a party in Raven's Court?"

Eskila nods.

Jaelia laughs!

Messica yawns expansively.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Almarius hugs Messica, who wraps her arms around Almarius with a warm smile.

Anuril raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Jaelia says, "You are Welcome - Eury, in your honor, less clothes."

Messica blinks.

Messica hugs Almarius, who wraps her arms around Messica with a warm smile.

Messica leans on Almarius.

Anuril asks, "Oh, craps?"

Cythra chuckles.

Allye giggles.

Almarius giggles at Messica.

Cythra nods to Anuril.

Anuril says, "Heck of a gambler, Eury was."

Allye grins at Anuril.

Darkewolff says, "Well, I cannot unsee this."

Cythra says, "After that she loved that game."

Darkewolff chortles softly at some secret joke.

Anuril says, "We had no idea until we went upstairs at the Raven's Court, all of a sudden she was hootin' and hollerin'."

Messica blinks.

Jaelia laughs at Anuril.

Cythra laughs!

Anuril says, "Dice flyin' everywhere."

Kethrai nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Jaelia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Allye laughs!

Almarius hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Almarius with a warm smile.

Dartwin exclaims, "Hunt well, craft masterful! Everyone, Party on!"

Jaelia gestures.

Dartwin hugs Cythra, and she wraps her arms around him with a warm smile.

Allye waves to Dartwin.

Dartwin shakes Darkewolff's hand.

Cythra hugs Dartwin.

Dartwin waves to Allye.

Jaelia says to Yallen, "And do not tell any of your teachers I even suggested that."

Kethrai says, "We worried we'd given her a problem or something..."

Hunter Dartwin slinks northeast.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Yallen giggles at Jaelia.

Cythra giggles at Kethrai.

Jaelia exclaims to Yallen, "Ruven might understand the rest - I'll be full if spikes!"

Yallen laughs!

Kaedan says to Allye, "Are you the result of Nilme forgetting, once again, to release Damaris' Lullaby when entering into town? Because you are fine."

Jaelia laughs!

Useff chuckles.

Kethrai glances at Kaedan.

Eskila giggles.

Chrysagon says, "Heh."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Allye giggles at Kaedan.

Kethrai frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.

Nilme laughs at Kaedan.

Allye says to Kaedan, "That one was rough."

Nilme appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Eskila reaches over and grooms Cheyee's ears for a moment, purring softly.

Allye pats Kaedan on the back.

Chrysagon pats Jaelia on the back.

Kaedan nods to Allye.

Allye says to Kaedan, "Good effort, good effort."

Nilme grins at Allye.

Kaedan says, "Thanks, coach."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Allye grins.

Nilme appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Cythra says to Anuril, "For days she talks about pass and no pass lines or something."

Chrysagon says, "Oh see if ruven can do a rude lymeric."

Bubbles float all about the place.

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Crobin says, "Alright all, hate to party and run, but we must be on our way."

Cythra hugs Crobin who wraps his arms around her with a warm smile.  A faint scent of falling rain clings to his fur.

Cythra hugs Leayne who wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.  A faint scent of lilies clings to her skin.

Crobin hugs Cythra, and she wraps her arms around him with a warm smile.

Tichond hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tichond with a warm smile.

Leayne softly says, "Great food and drink."

Allye hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Yallen, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Anuril just tickled Crobin, who laughs and returns the favor.

Tichond hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Tichond with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Tichond, getting a smile in return.

Eskila wearily asks, "Did Eury get to play poker?"

Aenki quietly says to Cythra, "It was a wonderful party."

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Leayne.

Crobin smiles at Anuril.

Cythra beams at Leayne!

Leayne softly says, "And gift."

Aenki bows to Cythra.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Jaelia exclaims, "Best food layout! Lots of milkshakes a proper arrangement!"

Aenki waves.

Crobin just hugged Eskila.

Crobin hugs Jaelia, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Chrysagon applauds.

Crobin pats Resolver on the back.

Allye shows Kaedan her crystal ring.

Anuril asks Eskila, "I think so?"

Allye grins at Kaedan.

Gremlin Aenki slinks northeast.

Qesem gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Cythra says, "I think she plays one time."

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Leayne giggles.

Darkewolff asks you, "Did Eerie like rum?"

Jaelia exclaims to Qesem, "Were you hiding this entire time!"

Allye grins.

Qesem says, "Thanks for the company, everyone."

Qesem chortles softly at some secret joke.

Cythra ponders.

Leayne softly says, "Hugs for everyone."

Chrysagon holds a glass of champagne decorated with a ripe red strawberry high into the air for all to see.

Allye waves to Qesem.

Cythra says, "She only drinks a lil."

Almarius exclaims to Qesem, "Have bunches of fun!"

Leayne softly exclaims, "Great evemt!"

Cythra says, "Mostly coffee I think."

Cythra giggles.

Darkewolff nods.

Crobin says, "Very good party."

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Leayne.

Yallen says, "I bes reddee fers das behd. I bes verra tiyah'd."

Cythra beams at Crobin!

Leayne nods to Allye.

Qesem says, "Just keeping quiet cause I didnt know Eurynomile personally."

Qesem nods to Jaelia.

Yallen yawns expansively.

Cythra grins at Qesem.

Cythra says to Qesem, "Neither did I."

Leayne gives Crobin a gentle poke in the ribs.

Eskila wearily says, "Just imagine the best friend you ever had..."

Jaelia says, "I need to rest and finish some studies and write some notes and connect some more theories and ideas."

Qesem says, "Oh."

Qesem laughs!

Allye grins.

Eskila wearily says, "Then imagine them holding cheesy breads."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Cythra giggles at Eskila.

Darkewolff chuckles at Eskila.

Kethrai observes you with fascination.

Eskila wearily says, "Then imagine it's Eury."

Allye giggles at Eskila.

Chrysagon points at Eskila.

Leayne waves.

Darkewolff grins slowly.

Cythra says, "We had tidbits cuz she loved those so much."

Yallen waves.

Kethrai says to Cythra, "Pretty sure you knew her, uh, scripturally."

Leayne softly says, "Be well."

Yallen hops northwest.

Chrysagon says, "I like this idea."

Cythra giggles at Kethrai.

Nilme grins at Kethrai.

Crauyo Alai Leayne glides northeast, leading her group.

Jaelia waves.

Allye waves to Jaelia.

Jaelia waves.

Qesem exclaims, "Going to rest a bit, be well everyone!"

Jaelia hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Qesem waves.

Allye hugs Jaelia, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Qesem just left.

Allye grins.

Eskila waves.

Cythra says, "This really turns into a monster party."

Cythra bounces around happily.

Tichond nods to Cythra.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Messica asks, "Rawr?"

Allye asks you, "Did you have fun?"

Jaelia exclaims, "Rawr!"

Nilme beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Almarius exclaims, "RAWR!"

Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Allye says, "Ooh."

Allye giggles.

Cythra giggles.

Cythra nods to Allye.

Chrysagon laughs!

Kethrai says, "Well, we were hoping Eury would think it was an invasion and pop in."

Allye beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Cythra giggles at Kethrai.

Allye grins at Kethrai.

Chrysagon says, "Rawr."

Jaelia says, "She knows...."

Almarius blinks.

Jaelia says, "She just missed it cause she's stalking harsh or something."

Cryle edges away from Almarius.

Almarius exclaims, "Ohhhhh Nooooooo! I have to scurry off!"

Almarius flails her arms about.

Cythra says, "We weren't on her lawn though."

Jaelia exclaims to Almarius, "Oh Noes!"

Kethrai nods to Jaelia.

Allye gives Almarius a smooch.

Echyaes goes northwest.

Almarius waves.

Useff catches Almarius up in a fierce embrace, swinging her around exuberantly.

Almarius waves.

Almarius giggles.

Almarius exclaims, "Seee you all soooooooooon!"

Messica says to Darkewolff, "Anything worth doing is worth overdoing."

Eskila wearily says, "Wait hug me again."

You quietly say to Allye, "I wasn't sure I was gonna survive but was a good time."

Darkewolff nods at Messica, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Mother Jaelia goes northwest.

Cythra beams at Almarius!

Almarius exclaims, "Sorry if I missed you with a hug! You deserve one!"

You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.

Darkewolff says, "Completely agree."

Allye leans over and scratches your back.

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Almarius exclaims, "Probably a bujillion more too!"

Almarius waves.

Almarius giggles.

Little Howler Almarius skips northeast.

Darkewolff says, "Be good, Little Howler."

Allye says to Cythra, "You survived for sure!  I loved your song."

Cythra grins at Cryle.

Cythra beams at Allye!

Nilme nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Useff says, "Me too."

Cythra says, "I writes it yesterday."

Useff says, "Great tambourine technique."

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Resolver waves to Cythra.

Cryle asks Kethrai, "My Distant Gaze faded a bit ago, did I miss the fashion contest?"

Cythra giggles at Useff.

Cythra waves to Resolver.

Resolver whispers to Cythra, "Thanks for inviting me!"

Kethrai says to Cythra, "Your song definitely made me sniffle."

Cythra whispers to Resolver, "so glad you could be here"

Cythra nods to Kethrai.

Eskila nods to Cythra.

Resolver goes northwest.

Kethrai says to Cryle, "You never miss the fashion contest, cause it's wherever you go."

Cythra says, "Me too a lil... especially after Eski says she crys."

Eskila wearily says, "I was crying before the song started."

Allye says, "Aww."

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Cythra says, "Awwies."

Cythra hugs Eskila who wraps her arms around Cythra with a warm smile.  A faint scent of coffee grounds clings to her fur.

Eskila hugs Cythra, and Cythra wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.

Eskila wearily says to Cythra, "Just when you were talking about her before the song was enough for me."

Cythra says, "Is why I noway could do sad songs for this."

Cythra nods to Eskila.

Tichond nods in agreement.

Allye nods.

Cythra says, "She is missed so much."

Allye nods in agreement.

Tichond says, "She really is."

Nilme nods.

Eskila wearily says, "Maybe it wasn't just Eury but everyone else I was missing, and all the things that could have been."

Cythra says, "I figures we should all miss her together."

Tichond says, "Almost as much as she is loved."

Cythra nods to Eskila.

Kethrai nods to Eskila.

Resolver just arrived.

Nilme hugs Cythra, who wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.

Cythra hugs Nilme who wraps her arms around her with a warm smile.  A faint scent of moonflowers clings to her skin.

Nilme smiles.

Kethrai says, "When you're missing one person, it's hard not to feel all the other people you're missing too."

Allye nods to Kethrai.

Tichond nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Cythra leans on Resolver.

Eskila snuggles up to Cheyee.

Ariya just left.

Cythra says, "Is why I wrote my lost friends song."

Anuril takes a sip of his lager.

Eskila wearily says, "Don't sing it yet..."

Eskila wearily says, "Tears happening again already."

Darkewolff blinks.

Eskila rubs her eyes.

Darkewolff says, "No sad songs."

Darkewolff gives Eskila a gentle poke in the ribs.

Kethrai leans on Eskila.

Cythra says, "Cuz of missing Seord family and Talliska and Leilany...  whose back again now."

Cythra giggles.

Cythra says, "And so many more."

Allye nods to Cythra.

Cythra says, "Sometimes they come back."

Eskila wearily asks, "Who is Tall Eskila??"

Cythra nods emphatically.

Eskila wearily exclaims, "Thought that was me!!"

Anuril grins at Eskila.

Allye giggles at Eskila.

Kethrai giggles at Eskila.

Cythra says, "She was one of my adoptings moms."

Cythra says, "Ranger."

Cythra says, "White Rose I think."

Eskila wearily says, "Awww."

Cythra grins at Eskila.

Cythra says, "Like an officer and everything."

Cythra grins.

Cythra says, "Nilme would remember her iffin she could."

Cythra hums to herself.

Resolver goes northwest.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "See?"

Kethrai says, "Over here missing Korya and Tally and Keinruf and Eury and Connie and... plenty more."

Cythra nods.

Cythra says, "But look around at who is still here."

Allye says, "Aww."

Eskila hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Eskila with a warm smile.

Kethrai nods to Cythra.

Cythra says, "No, maybes make you cry even more."

Cythra winks.

Cryle trills softly at Kethrai.

Allye giggles.

Kethrai is giggling at Cythra.

Tichond laughs at Cythra!

Cythra grins.

Cythra says, "And next for me is Storytime with Cythra."

Cythra grins at Nilme.

Nilme grins.

Nilme nods to Cythra.

Kethrai leans back against Anuril with a loving smile.

Cythra says, "Oh, I learned something new."

Tichond gazes at Cythra.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "Do you know why you never see pigs hiding in trees?"

Tichond asks, "Why?"

Cythra says, "Cuz they are just that good at it."

Messica asks, "Because I never look up?"

Allye laughs at Cythra!

Tichond laughs at Cythra!

Cythra grins at Messica.

Kethrai snickers.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Eskila ponders.

Chrysagon sweeps a pair of curving white bull horns with black tips off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Outrider Chrysagon moseys southwest.

Eskila wearily says, "That might explain the missing pigs..."

Tichond says, "Alright...time for me to get some sleep."

Cythra giggles.

Cythra says, "Nae be sos strange."

Kethrai exclaims, "G'night Tich!"

Cythra says, "Stranger."

Allye waves to Tichond.

Messica plucks an overfed snaggletoothed piglet from an itsy-bitsy sapphire icesilk igloo, the creature snorting as she wakes it up.

Cythra says, "Such a stranger."

Messica gives an overfed snaggletoothed piglet a hug!

You flail your arms about.

Tichond waves to Allye.

Darkewolff smiles.

Cythra hums to herself.

Kethrai hugs Tichond, getting a smile in return.

Cythra squints at Tichond.

Anuril grins.

Tichond squints at Cythra.

Messica says, "No trees, little piglet."

Tichond waves.

Cythra giggles at Messica.

Tichond meanders northwest.

Messica tucks an overfed snaggletoothed piglet into an itsy-bitsy sapphire icesilk igloo.

Cythra asks, "I nae hears the flying piglet before did I?"

Eskila gets a plush spotted pig splotched with black and white from inside her shoulder pack.

Eskila snuggles a plush spotted pig splotched with black and white in her arms.

Eskila stares fixedly at her spotted pig, studying it intently.

Eskila dances around with her spotted pig.  The pig suddenly licks her, emitting a laughing "OooiiinnnKKK eeeewwwww eeeeeeee!" as she recoils in shock!

Allye says, "Don't think so."

Allye grins at Cythra.

Cythra grins.

Allye giggles at Eskila.

Cythra says, "Was like fairytales."

Cythra says, "But without horrible deaths."

Nilme chuckles.

Eskila wearily says, "Not yet anyway."

Cythra giggles.

Eskila wearily says, "Theres still the landing."

Useff gazes up at the sky.

Cythra nods in agreement.

Kaedan says to Allye, "Are you a piglet? Because you're bacon me crazy."

Cythra laughs!

Allye laughs at Kaedan.

Useff quietly says, "Wow."

Allye says to Kaedan, "Okay, that was better."

Useff studies the ground for a moment.

Nilme gazes at Kaedan.

Cythra says, "So bad was hilarious."

Eskila wearily says, "No I liked the other one better."

Cythra laughs!

Allye giggles at Eskila.

Nilme grins at Eskila.

Kethrai says to Allye, "Are you Eury's Ranger spells? Cause you light my fire."

Anuril smirks.

Cythra giggles.

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Cythra says, "More like,  cuz you splatter me."

Allye laughs!

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Darkewolff chuckles.

Cythra says, "And the response, splattery will gets you nowhere."

Allye says, "Ohhh."

Nilme laughs at Cythra!

Allye says, "Quick."

Allye gives you an emphatic nod.

Cythra snickers.

Kethrai says to Allye, "Are you a trip to Tiger Clan? Cause you make me lose my mind."

Darkewolff says to Cythra, "Splattery will get you everywhere, and all over the place."

Cythra quirks one ear sideways in confusion.

Allye ponders.

Cythra giggles at Darkewolff.

Darkewolff snickers.

Allye scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Darkewolff says, "Just ask anyone that has fallen off the rope bridge."

Cythra says, "Are you a critter wine tour cuz you..."
Cythra ponders.
Cythra says, "I gots nothin."
Cythra hums to herself.

Allye asks, "Wait, does Tiger Clan make people lose their minds?"

Darkewolff snickers.

Kethrai says to Allye, "If they're already missing a hand it does..."

Allye says, "Oh."

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Cythra falls to the ground laughing hysterically!

Allye exclaims, "Took me a minute!"

Cythra leaps to her feet!

Cythra says, "Speaking of Eerie."

Cythra grins.

Cythra says, "We went for a stroll to the guilds to see their scrolls of who was winning."

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Cythra.

Cythra says, "And she decides lets explore the moonie tower."

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Allye grins.

Kethrai twitches an ear nervously.

Cythra says, "So we explores the moonie tower."

Kethrai glances at Cryle.

Cryle quietly asks, "Are you the sun, because if I was the planet Verena, you would be making my surface a molten mess?"

Cythra says, "And there was people inside so Eerie says, Nice tower you gots here."

Cryle shakes her head.

Cythra giggles.

Nilme grins at Cryle.

Allye laughs at Cryle.

Cythra says, "And they was all like is nae our tower."

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "And I asks, "Wanna buy it?"

Anuril grins.

Cythra says, "Oh, wait, I guess was a Cythra story."
Cythra frets.
Cythra ponders.

Eskila giggles.

Kethrai laughs!

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Cheyee grins.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Messica giggles.

Darkewolff says, "I have not had so much fun in such wonderful company, but alas, duty calls."

Kaedan says, "THE Cythra story."

Allye grins at Darkewolff.

Cythra says, "Oh no, there are others."

You try hard not to grin.

Messica says to Cythra, "There's just one Cythra story, but it's still being told."

Darkewolff says, "I bid you all fair winds and following seas."

Darkewolff waves.

Nilme grins at Messica.

Cythra beams at Messica!

Nilme smiles.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Darkewolff.

Useff waves to Darkewolff.

Nilme waves.

Messica waves to Darkewolff.

Cythra asks, "Does that mean I gotsta swim?"

Darkewolff chuckles.

Useff points at a fabulous crystal fountain.

Darkewolff says, "Means your sails are full, and the seas give you a push."

Eskila waves to Darkewolff.

Darkewolff winks.

Kethrai says, "The seas are following, you can't escape them."

Allye says, "That's a nice one.  Does everyone have nice parting words for people?  Maybe I should work on that."

Cythra asks, "Or is the sea just following me like Eerie did Harsh?"

Cythra grins.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "Nice?"

Kethrai ponders.

You angle your ears forward in curiosity.

You hear the voice of Cryle say, "If you all won't leave... I will."

Allye laughs!

Allye says, "That's a good one too."

You exclaim, "After she did that to Harsh she was all like, I was pretendings to be a spy!"

Allye grins at Cythra.

Kethrai nods to Allye.

Cythra giggles.

Cythra waves.

Cythra says, "Then she had the spy title."

Allye giggles.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Cythra says, "She change titles like ALL THE TIME."

Nilme grins.

Kethrai says to Allye, "I just go with 'safe paths' I guess cause I grew up around a buncha Rangers."

Allye grins at Kethrai.

Cythra says, "Safeish."

Anuril says to Allye, "I'm fond of this one..."

Anuril fixes Allye with a serene, lofty stare.

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Nilme laughs at Anuril.

Allye giggles at Anuril.

Nilme flashes a wide grin.

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Cythra giggles at Anuril.

Cythra raises two fingers to her brow in a quick hand salute.

Cythra grins at Anuril.

Kethrai points at Cythra.

Anuril nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Kethrai nods to Cythra.

Cythra says, "Is him."

Allye says to Nilme, "Definitely need to come up with something now."

Cythra nods.

Kaedan says, "I unfortunately have to run. Good morning to Cythra all."

Nilme grins at Allye.

Kaedan leans over and scratches Allye's back.

Kaedan limps off, looking for a place to rest.

Nilme smiles.

Cythra says, "Byee, thanks for showing up."

Allye grins.

Eskila's ears droop sleepily for a moment.

Nilme gazes at Useff.

Nilme smiles.

Kethrai says, "Poor young folk meeting Anuril for the first time."

Cheyee nods to Eskila.

Allye giggles at Kethrai.

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Eskila reaches over and grooms Cheyee's ears for a moment, purring softly.

Cythra says, "You late peoples was mostly the most like families for Eerie and me."

Allye makes a grunting noise.

Allye says, "Oh yeah, that doesn't feel right."

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Allye giggles.

Eskila points at a tailored twill competition jacket labeled with "Beanpops!" she has.

Useff grins at Allye.

Cythra giggles at Allye.

Anuril laughs at Allye.

Allye grins sheepishly.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Eskila wearily asks you, "You got jacket and hat for her?"

Kethrai says to Allye, "Yeah, just... doesn't fit you."

Allye grins at Kethrai.

Cythra says, "I still gots most of the 53 valentine chocolates she got this year."

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Allye says, "So many."

Cythra says, "Well, maybe not most."

Cythra says, "I ran outta room for stuff."

Anuril grins at Cythra.

Nilme grins.

Cythra says, "I really dint used to be good about hugging but Eerie insisted I try to be nice."

Cythra grins.

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Allye says, "Aww."

Allye grins.

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Anuril dusts himself off.

Cythra says, "Was uphill battles for her."

Cythra snickers.

Kethrai looks at Cythra, obviously trying not to grin.

Cythra giggles.

Kethrai says to Cythra, "Yeah, she mellowed you out a lot."

Cythra nods emphatically.

Cythra says, "Wait."
Cythra blinks.

Cythra grins.

Allye laughs!

Anuril laughs!

Cythra says, "I maybes was a lil rude."

Eskila nods.

Cythra hums to herself.

Allye grins.

Kethrai tilts his ears forward playfully.

Eskila wearily says, "I didn't mean to nod after that part."

Cythra squints at Eskila.

Cythra laughs at Eskila!

Messica yawns expansively.

Kethrai says, "And you even write songs and stories that aren't about children eating their parents or vice versa, now."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Cythra.

Nilme nods to Kethrai.

Cythra says, "I know, it disappoints me too."

Cythra nods.

Messica says, "I fear I need to go sleep."

Anuril grins.

Nilme appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Useff smiles at Messica.

Cythra says, "But I'm working on that."

You preen!

Cythra says, "Thanks again to all of you."

Messica exclaims to Cythra, "It was a great party!"

Cythra nods in agreement.

Cythra exclaims, "Thanks!"

Kethrai asks you, "Ooh, another in the 'as all parents hate their children' franchise on the way?"

Cythra snickers.

Cythra says, "Wasn't time to hate her I think."

Cythra hums to herself.

Messica waves.

A blinding flash of blue light explodes into existence!  As it fades, you notice that Messica is gone.

Cythra waves.

Eskila wearily says, "Not Prydaen ones."

Kethrai sighs.

Cythra giggles.

Kethrai says, "Moon mages."

Cythra says, "Nae Prydaen."

Nilme wraps her arms lovingly around Useff, snuggling close.

Cythra says to Nilme, "Giving hints to drum up interests."

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Eskila hugs her spotted pig, squeezing it tightly.  The pig emits an indignant "OOIINNKK oooiiinnnkkk oinkoinkoinken!", squirming in her arms as it tries to get away!

Eskila wearily says, "I'm still waiting for the surprise where Eury is here."

Eskila sniffs at Useff.

Cythra says, "Every.  Morning."

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Eskila wearily asks, "Is she wearing an Useff suit??"

Kethrai trills softly at Cythra.

Nilme smiles at Cythra.

Useff hums an innocent tune.

Allye glances at Useff.

Cythra giggles.

Useff shifts his weight.

Nilme says to Eskila, "I'd notice."

Nilme grins at Eskila.

Useff says, "That's true."

Cythra falls to the ground laughing hysterically!

Nilme grins.

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Cythra leaps to her feet!

Eskila wearily asks, "How could you tell??"

Useff sweeps Nilme into a dance.

Nilme grins.

Cythra asks, "But would Useff?"

Nilme gazes at Useff.

Nilme smiles.

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Useff says, "Hmm."

Useff pats himself down looking for something!

Cythra giggles.

Allye grins.

Allye says, "Ooh, there's the sun."

Allye gazes up at the sky.

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Kethrai says, "Hooligans, all of us."

Anuril yells, "Hooligans!"

Allye laughs!

Cythra says, "Like I says, dawn is from the root word darn."

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "Like in, darn, I stays up all night again?"

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Eskila wearily asks, "Because its time for fresh socks?"

Allye nods in agreement.

Cythra laughs!

Allye ponders.

Allye giggles at Eskila.

Useff says, "Fresh socks are nice." [Editor's note: Unlike Rhadyn and his "lucky" socks.]

Useff nods approvingly at Eskila.

Nilme grins.

Eskila wearily says, "Prydaens don't wear socks though because then we get zappy."

Kethrai says, "Darn, I was darning these socks till dawn..."

Nilme grins at Kethrai.

Nilme nods to Useff.

Kethrai says to Eskila, "Hey, some of us run that risk sometimes."

Kethrai says, "...But only on special occasions."

Eskila wearily says to Kethrai, "I never seen you wear socks, always sandals..."

Nilme waves to Anuril.

Useff says, "Nilme and I are going to dance away. Thanks Cythra."

Nilme grins.

Eskila wearily says, "And mysteriously never both for sure."

Anuril nods to Nilme.

Nilme smiles at Cheyee.

Eskila waves to Nilme.

Eskila waves to Useff.

Nilme grins.

Kethrai quietly says to Eskila, "Well no, YOU don't..."

Nilme waves.

Nilme smiles at Useff.

Kethrai glances at Anuril.

Useff says, "Good tidings all."

Eskila wearily says, "Oh so Anuril has a sock thing."

Eskila wearily says, "Ok."

Allye waves to Useff.

Useff winks at Allye.

Nilme says, "Night."

Anuril flails his arms about.

Nilme smiles.

Allye waves to Nilme.

Anuril squints.

Cythra waves.

Allye exclaims, "Good tidings!"

Allye holds her hand out towards Useff for a highfive.

Allye grins.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Allye babbles incoherently.

Kethrai waves to Nilme.

Useff and Allye highfive each other and follow it up with simultaneous finger snaps.  Sassy!

Nilme waves.

Allye giggles.

Useff strolls northeast, leading his group.

Eskila wearily says to Anuril, "It's ok to have things."

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Cythra says, "Eerie would help newcomers with stuff and when they asks how to pay her back she says donate socks to the orphans."

Eskila pulls Cheyee to her in a tight hug.

Cheyee smiles at Eskila.

Eskila cradles Cheyee in her arms, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.

Eskila wearily says to Cheyee, "Thanks for sticking through the party."

Allye grins at Cythra.

Kethrai perks his ears up happily as he gazes at Cheyee.

Cheyee's ears droop sleepily for a moment.

Eskila nods in agreement.

Cythra says, "I'm surprised you all toughed it out this long."

Eskila clasps Cheyee's hand tenderly.

Cheyee grins at Kethrai.

Eskila wearily says, "For Eury."

Eskila nods to Cythra.

Cythra nods to Eskila.

Eskila wearily says, "And for Cythra."

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Cythra whispers to Eskila, "gonna make me cry again"

Eskila wearily says, "Its what Beanpops do."

Kethrai says, "Rest well. I'd hug you but my hands are all pineappley."

Cythra bounces around happily.

Cheyee smiles at Daisybelle.

Eskila wearily says to Kethrai, "Thats not an excuse."

Daisybelle blushes a bright red color.

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Cheyee.

Cythra says, "Humanbeans and prydaenbeans and so on."

Eskila wearily says, "Prybeans."

Kethrai says to Eskila, "Hey, it's your laundry bill."

Cythra giggles.

Allye giggles.

Eskila wearily says, "I was in Ratha."

Eskila wearily says, "You can't get my clothes dirtier."

Cythra says, "As long as kits nae Prybabies."

Kethrai laughs!

Kethrai says, "Fair enough."

Eskila wearily says, "Sewers and quicksands and deserts and marshes and beaches and I found a wrecked ship in the fog that wasn't on any maps."

Kethrai observes Eskila with fascination.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Eskila.

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Anuril asks, "Was Senthic on board?"

Cythra says, "I hope you nae finds by running into with another ship."

Eskila wearily says, "Not unless he's a death spirit now."

Eskila wearily says, "It was on the foggy beach where the pirate ghosts unlive."

Eskila pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Cythra whispers to Allye, "you just waitings to get paid?"

Cythra hums to herself.

Allye laughs at Cythra!

Allye whispers to Cythra, "Nope nope, just hanging out"

Cythra lets out a long sigh of relief.

Kethrai says, "Maybe that's where the pirate ship Keinruf escaped from wound up."

Eskila wearily says, "Oh no."

Eskila wearily asks, "Didn't you find him in the Aesry caves??"

Eskila wearily says, "Oh he escaped..."

Kethrai says, "Yeah, but I think they were at sea when they escaped."

Kethrai says, "Could've drifted over to Ratha."

Eskila wearily says, "I was thinking... get out of the sea caves with the giant spiders... wind up on the foggy beach with ghost pirates."

Kethrai says, "Oof. Would match his luck, though."

Cythra says, "Okies, sad song time."

Eskila wearily says, "NO."

Eskila wearily says, "I'm going to bed first."

Eskila just tried to yank Cheyee towards her!

Cythra snickers.

Eskila angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Cheyee.

Kethrai says, "G'night you two. Safe paths. Unghh."

Eskila wearily says, "I don't want to be the one leaving first."

Kethrai raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Anuril sings in a baritone voice:     "They reach into your room      Whoa-oh oh-oh      Feel their gentle touch      (gentle touch)" Anuril winks.

Cythra blinks.

Cythra jumps back from Anuril!

Allye giggles.

Eskila wearily asks, "Who touching me??"

Cheyee laughs!

Eskila wearily asks, "Cute babes?"

Kethrai laughs!

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Allye giggles.

Cythra giggles at Eskila.

Anuril exclaims, "Sad songs!"

Cythra says, "You keep using that word..."

Kethrai observes Anuril with fascination.

Cythra hums to herself.

Allye asks, "Anyone want another drink before I grab up the cloth?"

Cythra pushes her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

Cheyee gives Eskila a friendly nudge as she brushes her tail against her waist.

Kethrai says to Anuril, "Trying to think if that's the first time I've ever, ever heard Cythra sings, arn maite."

Eskila nibbles on Cheyee's neck playfully.

Anuril laughs!

Allye grins.

Anuril says, "I sang in Cythra's round one time."

Cythra says to Allye, "I pickeds lime cuz Eerie nae likes lemon."

Anuril sings in a baritone voice:     " good!"

Allye grins at Cythra.

Cythra beams at Anuril!

Allye says to Cythra, "I didn't know that."

Kethrai giggles.

You praise Anuril.

Allye giggles at Anuril.

Cythra nods to Allye.

Allye looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Cythra says, "Do now."

Allye nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Eskila wearily exclaims to Cythra, "I keep hearing people requesting your songs on the gweth!!"

Cythra blinks.

Cythra says, "I nae hears that."

Kethrai says, "Mostly just the one song."

Cythra giggles.

Eskila wearily asks, "They're asking you to sing "Empaths in Shard?"

Allye nods to Daisybelle.

Daisybelle gathers up a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold and all the food it holds, stuffs the bundle into a spacious black walnut picnic basket painted with a pair of dancing swans, and closes the lid securely.

Anuril nods at Eskila, obviously agreeing with her views.

Cythra says, "I nae hears that in a long time..  I think they only did it sos I would write the song."

Eskila wearily says, "Ok, taking Cheyee home."

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Eskila nibbles on Cheyee's fingers playfully.

Cheyee waves.

Eskila wearily asks Cheyee, "Got all your drinks?"

Cythra giggles.

Cheyee nods to Eskila.

Eskila wearily says to Daisybelle, "I don't even know you."

Eskila just hugged Daisybelle.

Cythra laughs!

Eskila waves.

Anuril grins.

Daisybelle blushes a bright red color.

Squire Eskila plods northeast, leading her group.

Allye giggles.

Allye says, "Aww, I was too slow."

Cythra says, "The same Eski that busted Remy at that Pallie meeting."

Cythra nods.

Kethrai laughs!

Kethrai coughs.

Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Kethrai says, "Oh, gods, I forgot about that."

Anuril smirks.

Allye asks, "Should I ask?"

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "Was the funniest thing I heard in a long time."

Anuril says, "Guy just needed some help finding a man...."

Cythra says, "I wasn't there."

Cythra says, "Cuz... you know...  meeting."

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Anuril grins at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "Were you guys there?"

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Kethrai says to Allye, "Eskila took Remy to the paladin meeting, and announced to the room that if there were any strapping young Paladin men looking for an empath companion, they should look here."

Allye laughs!

Kethrai nods to Cythra.

Anuril cackles!

Cythra giggles.

Allye says, "That's fantastic."

Cythra says, "Remy totally dint expect that."


Cythra says, "Eerie told me and I was like, that sounds almost like something I woulda said."

Allye grins at Cythra.

Kethrai glances at Daisybelle.

Allye says, "Goodness, were all the Paladin meetings exciting?  Maybe I should have attended some."

Anuril laughs at Allye.

Cythra says, "Square notes."

Anuril says, "Well, they almost always started off with me getting arrested."

Cythra shakes her head.

Allye giggles at Anuril.

Cythra giggles at Anuril.

Cythra laughs!

Cythra says, "Cuz Pallies need people to guard them."

Cythra giggles.

Anuril cackles!

Allye grins.


Cythra says, "I remember when Eerie finally gets me to go to a Pallie meeting with her and she gets arrested and we missed most of the meeting."

Cythra grins at Anuril.

Kethrai laughs at Cythra!

Anuril laughs at Cythra!

Allye giggles.

Cythra says, "Good meeting."

Cythra nods.

Cythra snickers.

Allye says, "They sound overzealous about the arresting."

Cythra laughs!

Cythra nods.

Kethrai asks Allye, "Paladins?"

Anuril says, "Best guard in the whole city, that guy in that meeting room."

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai gawks at Allye.

Cythra says, "Cuz they guard Pallies so they gotta."

Anuril says, "I always go to him when there's a misunderstanding."

Anuril nods.

Allye giggles.

Allye says, "Fair point."

Kethrai says, "But yeah, the meeting would never be official till there'd been at least one arrest."

Allye grins.

Cythra nods.

Cythra says, "There was slow parts and good parts and slow parts."

Cythra asks, "Did I leave anything out?"

Allye says, "Sounds meeting-like."

Allye nods.

Cythra grins.

Anuril dryly says, "The part where Eskila squirted Dantia with a flower."

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Kethrai nods to Anuril.

Allye giggles.

Cythra says, "They held meetings about holding other meetings."

Cythra angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Anuril.

Anuril says, "Because Betlind put her in charge of maintaining order at the meeting."

Cythra says, "Ohhh."

Allye laughs!

Cythra nods.

Anuril says, "And Dantia started waving sticks and bottles around."

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Allye says, "Eskila the Enforcer."

Kethrai says, "Which, to be fair, WAS very distracting."

Allye asks, "It is, isn't it?"

Anuril nods in agreement.

Allye giggles.

Cythra says, "And Me and Eerie there too."

Allye grins at Cythra.

Allye exclaims, "Sounds like I missed out!"

Anuril says, "Shame they don't have them any more."

Kethrai says, "I totally get it now, though. Being out in public without your buffs up is a bit like being naked."

Anuril says, "No one comes to the war mage meetings."

Cythra says, "Eerie was sooo...  impressed?  by Madigan..."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Allye blinks.

Cythra says, "And I wanted to sing a song for him after some other meeting in Leth or something."

Allye asks, "There are War Mage meetings?"

Anuril smirks at Allye.

Anuril quietly says, "See."

Cythra giggles at Kethrai.

Allye says, "I mean, not to be rude."

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai says, "Well, there are War Mage mentor nights."

Allye says, "Ooh."

Allye nods.

Cythra says, "And so the meeting ended and I tells Eerie talks to him and she was all, shhh he busy."

Anuril says, "Aye mentor nights are the only meetings we have."

Kethrai says, "Bit less frequent, bit less advertised."

Kethrai is giggling at Cythra.

Anuril grins at Cythra.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Cythra says, "And I was like okies, what about now, and shhhh."

Allye giggles.

Cythra says, "Finally I was all Mr Madigan sir..."

Cythra giggles.

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "And he was so nice about it and liked my song."

You flail your arms about.

Allye beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Kethrai praises you.

Allye says, "As one should."

Cythra says, "Was the Basalt Isle song."

Cythra nods.

Anuril says, "Ooo."

Cythra says, "Battle Cry."

Anuril nods.

Cythra says, "I think Madigan liked it cuz I says Top Notch in it."

Cythra hums to herself.

Kethrai laughs!

Allye giggles.

Kethrai adjusts his mail lorica.

Kethrai says, "Just so."

Cythra grins.

Allye giggles.

Cythra giggles.

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Anuril shifts his shoulders, jostling the chain hauberk until it settles more comfortably into place.

Anuril nods.

Allye grins.

Kethrai says, "Oof, now I'm worried what somebody's impression of me would be like."

Cythra says, "We goes to an event Madigan and Dantia holds and they starts by getting people to tell something most people nae know abouts them."

Anuril laughs at Kethrai.

Cythra chuckles.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Cythra.

Cythra says, "And I tells... well, I'm actually a shy person and hides it really good."

Cythra says, "They nae believeds me."

Anuril laughs!

Allye grins at Cythra.

Allye says, "Aww."

Cythra says, "Was true though."

Cythra grins.

Kethrai exclaims, "You're an excellent actor!"

Cythra says to Kethrai, "My impression of you is talented scholar."

Allye says, "Very excellent, and very talented."

Allye grins.

Cythra nods.

Kethrai shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Cythra giggles.

Kethrai says, "Aw."

Cythra says, "You brought it up."

Cythra giggles.

Allye giggles.

Cythra stands near Daisybelle.

Cythra says to Daisybelle, "Heyas."

Daisybelle blushes a bright red color.

Daisybelle says to Cythra, "Hi."

Allye grins.

Anuril says, "I was talking about that with Lady Ayrell, about how there's not really anyone in Zoluren who leads a force like she does down in Shard with the mountain guard, and how I wouldn't do it because I'm an introvert."

Cythra says to Daisybelle, "Thanks for coming to the party and stickings it out."

Anuril smiles.

You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Cythra.

Anuril exclaims, "And she said she was too!"

Daisybelle says to Cythra, "It's my pleasure to help."

Cythra grins.

Allye grins at Anuril.

Cythra beams at Daisybelle!

Allye says, "Ohh, you should do that."

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Daisybelle grins at Cythra, her dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai smiles at Daisybelle.

Daisybelle grins at Kethrai, her dimples flashing into view.

Anuril bows to Daisybelle.

Cythra says, "Can prolly grab the cloth."

Cythra grins.

Allye says, "I'm stealing a sorbet."

Cythra grins.

Allye gets an icy rainbow-hued sorbet comet trailing tufts of spun-sugar from atop a bright yellow plaid cloth.

Allye snuggles an icy rainbow-hued sorbet comet trailing tufts of spun-sugar in her arms.

Cythra says, "That's fine it's all paid for."

Cythra says, "Nearly."

Anuril says, "Maybe that unknown will turn out to be sorbet."

Kethrai says, "Let 'em have this."

Cythra giggles at Kethrai.

Allye laughs!

Allye says, "Ohh that would be wonderful."

Cythra says to Allye, "You forgot to remind me to get someone else to pay."

Cythra snickers.

Allye grins at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "Were there any donations?"

Allye exclaims, "A couple!"

Kethrai says to Anuril, "All this time, it's just been an extravagant advertisement for Korya's sorbet."

Cythra blinks.

Cythra beams!

Allye grins.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Anuril says to Kethrai, "Very on brand."

Cythra says, "Aww."

Allye grins.

Cythra grins.

Allye says, "It was very kind of you to think of doing the donations like that."

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Cythra.

Cythra grins.

Cythra says, "Seemed like a thought and I so rarely has those."

Allye grins.

Cythra says, "Maybe we try again next year."

Allye nods to Cythra.

Allye says, "Anytime you want."

Allye grins.

Cythra grins at Allye.

Cythra says to Allye, "Really was a great party."

Allye nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Allye exclaims, "I'm glad you had fun!"

Cythra says, "But I needs sleep."

Cythra nods.

Allye nods in agreement.

Cythra says, "Very fun."

Allye says, "I should sleep too, to be honest."

Anuril ponders.

Allye grins at Anuril.

Cythra says, "Everything was better than I could have ever expected or hoped."

Kethrai says to Anuril, "As per usual, we out-hooligan everyone."

Kethrai strikes a heroic pose.

Anuril stands near Kethrai.

Anuril strikes a heroic pose.

Allye says to Anuril, "Do we hug or not? I forget."

Anuril laughs!

Cythra exclaims, "Hooligans!"

Anuril says, "If you like."

Allye grins.

Allye just hugged Anuril.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Cythra says, "I try to remember I think is Hoshii nae hugs."

Kethrai glances at Daisybelle.

Allye nods at Cythra, obviously agreeing with your views.

Daisybelle nods to Allye.

Cythra beams!

Allye reaches over and holds hands with Daisybelle.

Allye grins.

Kethrai says to Daisybelle, "Except for Cythra. You're keeping up with us. Well hooliganed."

Daisybelle giggles.

Cythra giggles.

Allye praises Daisybelle.

Cythra says to Daisybelle, "You do good work."

Allye says, "She's coming with me though.  We have some food-donating to do."

Daisybelle beams at Cythra!  What a warm feeling!

Cythra grins.

Allye grins.

Anuril takes a sip of his champagne.

Cythra waves.

Daisybelle bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Kethrai waves.

Anuril nods to Cythra.

Cythra grins.

Allye says, "Oh, um."

Allye says, "Pretend I said a great and clever goodbye message right now."

Cythra makes a grunting noise.

Allye is giggling at Cythra.

Cythra hums to herself.

Allye exclaims, "Oh, yeah!"

Allye makes a grunting noise.

Cythra laughs!

Kethrai says, "Goodbye to be determined to Cythra too."

Anuril laughs!

Anuril mumbles a word of general praise.

Allye grins.

The last of the bubbles pop out of existence. [Editor's note: This line is Bardic license.]