Lake Gwenalion

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Lake Gwenalion

Therengia Area Graphic

Lake Gwenalion is large lake in south central Therengia that drains into the Faldesu River.. The lake is deep, boggy, and frequently covered by a heavy fog and known to freeze over during winter. It is as much a loch as it is a lake, with steep rocky sides covered in thick forests, the lake is difficult to access where the terrain doesn't naturally dip down to the waters. The lake is one of the dominating physical features of central Therengia, and its waters have given life to numerous settlements over time; Riverhaven, Langenfirth, and Rossman's Landing all sit upon its banks and utilize the depths for fishing and travel.



Two barges, The Northern Pride and Theren's Star, continuously sail between Riverhaven and Langenfirth. The barges take 10 to 15 minutes to sail and remain at each dock for 4 minutes. They are owned by Ditsworth and each contain a casino: Ditsworth's Floating Casino (Northern Pride) and Ditsworth's Floating Casino (Theren's Star)

Rentable Boats

Rentable boats can be found inside a gate on the docks of Langenfirth, Riverhaven, and Rossman's Landing. There are approximately 10 total boats for rent. The boats cost 1 gold Kronar to rent for 1 full hour. Anyone who rents a boat will also have the "Captain" pre-title for 1 full hour.

Information on controlling these ships is available at Sailing Lake Gwenalion by Gwynath and Remb.



Lake Gwenalion is home to a large aquatic beast that can be occasionally seen while riding aboard the barges. The beast has been affectionately nicknamed "Gweny" or "Gwen" by travelers.

Each year the communities around Lake Gwenalion celebrate Langen's Feast in honor of the monk Langen who came to the area and made Langenfirth famous with his Langen Ale.