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Gyfford Theren
Status: Alive
Guild: Paladin
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Location: Therengia
Associates: Macja
Relatives: Jeladric IV

Baron Gyfford Theren is currently the ruler of the province of Therengia (375 AV - present). He is a Human Paladin. His court is located at Theren Keep, in the city of Therenborough. He is married to Macja, sister to Warrior King Raenilar of the Outcast Tribes.

He is the son of Baron Jeladric Theren IV, who was also his immediate predecessor in the seat of the Barony. It is a known but unspoken fact that he is a bastard son of Jeladric, who was a widower. He assumed the throne on the death of Jeladric, which took place in-game around the time of the Outcast War.


375AV - Becomes Baron of Therengia on the death of his father, Jeladric IV.
~395AV - Marries Princess Macja, sister of Outcast King Raenilar.


You see Baron Gyfford Theren, a Human Paladin.
Curly, ash-blonde hair has been pulled back and tied with gold cord. A few sun-streaked strands that refuse to be tamed, escape to frame his ruggedly handsome face. Deep-set sapphire eyes are flecked with gold, glinting like the reflected rays of a setting sun on a calm blue sea. His chiseled jaw supports a regal nose and generous mouth. He has an athletic build, carrying himself with the confidence of one used to bearing the burdens of a province on his broad shoulders.
He is tall for a Human.
He is young for a Human.

He is wearing a hammered gold circlet set with a single cabochon bloodgem, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a finely woven white stormsilk shirt, a royal blue velvet tunic embroidered with a subtle pattern of entwined lions along the edges, an ornate white gold ring with the Baronial seal of Therengia carved into a massive square cut bloodgem, a double-wrapped black leather sword belt riveted with wrought gold stars and lion head medallions, a black spidersilk hip pouch with a gold knotwork clasp, some black leather pants fastened with gold buckles and some supple black leather riding boots.

Armed: He is holding a a diamond-edged steel broadsword engraved with a tower and star along the blade in his right hand.
He is wearing an obsidian helm with a gold-washed visor and a royal blue horse hair crest, a hammered gold circlet set with a single cabochon bloodgem, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a black leather spear harness with a buckle of gold cast in the shape of a seven pointed star, a finely woven white stormsilk shirt, a royal blue velvet tunic embroidered with a subtle pattern of entwined lions along the edges, a suit of gold-washed field plate armor, some gold-washed steel gauntlets, an ornate white gold ring with the Baronial seal of Therengia carved into a massive square cut bloodgem, a double-wrapped black leather sword belt riveted with wrought gold stars and lion head medallions, a black spidersilk hip pouch with a gold knotwork clasp, some black leather pants fastened with gold buckles and some supple black leather riding boots.

Twilight Ball: He is wearing a gold knotwork circlet studded with cabochon amethysts, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a royal purple stormsilk shirt, a midnight blue velvet doublet with black braid about the sleeves and collar, an ornate white gold ring with the Baronial seal of Therengia carved into a massive square cut bloodgem, a black leather split-strap sword belt inlaid with onyx and jet, a black spidersilk hip pouch with a gold knotwork clasp, some supple black leather pants accented with a strip of royal purple stormsilk down each leg and some glossy black leather dress boots.


Gyfford is reputed to be a very capable fighter. He fought impressively on the front line of the Outcast War on multiple occasions, and continually trounces player character opponents in the more peaceful contexts of jousts and friendly tournaments, which Therengia has a strong tradition of holding. Some have attributed his prowess to his player, GM Quarel, who is (whether justly or unjustly) reputed for consistently creating GMPCs that are nearly invincible.

The day-to-day style and effects of his rule are largely undefined. It is assumed that he governs justly and honestly, as a Paladin would be required to. Whether or not Therengia's cluttered finances of Jeladric's days have come into any focus under Gyfford is unanswered, although it is implied that men like Lord Mayor Bressail of Riverhaven, a Trader, are more capable and experienced administrators of ordinary peacetime government than he.

Background (OOC)

Gyfford's character appears to be heavily influenced by Scottish themes. His stature as a burly Northman and his love of haggis indicate this, among other things.

Gyfford's youth and inexperience were a theme of his character when he was introduced. They are less emphasized now, as he has ruled for over ten in-game years and, at an age of at least 30, is no longer especially young for a Human.