Rare and New at HE 2017! - 10/10/2017 - 15:08

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Rare and New at HE 2017! · on 10/10/2017 03:08 PM CDT 555
New Auction-level Materials (Premiering at HE 2017, but possible in any auction going forward)

kiralan (means 'pearl blood' in gamgweth):
Dark blue metal-like extrusion from certain very rare giant deep sea oysters. Formed like regular pearls, but able to be smelted and worked like other metals. Prized for use in armor and weapons by traditionalist Shark Clan Humans.

telothian (means 'earth sword' in gamgweth):
Rare, pale purple-tinged silvery metal found deep in Ram Clan territory. Prized for use in armor and weapons by traditionalist Ram Clan Humans.

Type of plant grown in the Dark Hand by the Humans of Shadow Clan to be harvested for its giant and remarkably sturdy leather-like leaves, which they then use to create light armor. The leaves turn darker in coloration (dark grey, black, dark green, or mixtures of these in mottled or gradient patterns) when removed from the plant, but remain pliant with appropriate processing.

New HE-exclusive Materials

Loimic is dark metal tinged with indigo opalescence. It is corrupted star-iron sometimes found on the corpses of tainted creatures from the Plane of Probability (zenzic, starcrashers, etc).

aldamdin (means 'no fate' in gamgweth):
Pure white and incapable of being discolored, aldamdin is a metal remarkable for its uniquely improbable quality of not reflecting any image upon its surface, even when smoothly polished to a high gloss.

Paradoxically, this has lead to aldamdin being sometimes used as the face of a 'mirror'. The result is obviously completely useless as an actual mirror, as no reflection will be shown, but this symbolic object is thought by some to be a curse upon the one to which it is given, shutting them off from their proper fate and leaving them to wander life with no true purpose or destiny. Others have claimed the symbol of an alamdin mirror as a declaration of freedom, a rejection of the notion of fixed fate, and a display of their independent nature.

Albreda's heart rose:
The soft, dusky pink outer petals of this large blossom fade to dove white at the center.

Tamsine's cauldron rose:
Though a largely rich, chocolatey brown bloom, its dark black outer petals are tinged with fiery hues at their base, giving the flower an appearance reminiscent of a cooking pot over the fires of a hearth.

Harawep's web rose:
As intricate as the plans crafted by Harawep Herself, this wildly variegated bloom comes in mingled shades of bloody reds, mercurial silvers, and lightning-bright whites, with the underside of its petals bearing a faint web-like pattern of visible veining that is always somewhat lighter in color.

anjisis (Gorbesh portmanteau that roughly translates to 'freedom stone', anji + sishav):
A translucent, deep green stone with gold and platinum linear inclusions. The inclusions range from thin, sparse, and parallel, to thick, dense, and crisscrossed, and everything in between.

punka (Toggish for 'soft'):
Punka is the result of a special process that makes ordinary leather be remarkably strong and resistant to wear and tear, while remaining very soft and pliable. After undergoing the process, the resultant punka is covered with countless tiny bumps and has a greenish tinge, regardless of whatever color it might be otherwise dyed.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-PERSIDA on the play.net forums.