Artificing products: Difference between revisions

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Line 184: Line 184:
| 5 || {{ilink|i|precise imbuement rod (crafted)|precise imbuement rod}} || Master || 11 - very difficult || || rarefaction + antipode + metamorphosis + (rod) ||Advanced Enchanted Tools
| 5 || {{ilink|i|precise imbuement rod (crafted)|precise imbuement rod}} || Master || 11 - very difficult || || rarefaction + antipode + metamorphosis + (rod) ||Advanced Enchanted Tools
|5 || {{ilink|i|compact enchanter's brazier (crafted)|compact enchanter's brazier}} || Master || 12 - extremely difficult || speed || rarefaction + induction + integration +(brazier) || Advanced Enchanted Tools

Revision as of 20:12, 7 May 2024

These are the items that can currently be produced by the Artificing discipline.

Utility and Fluff Artificing

Chapter Item Book Difficulty Notes Components Technique
2 radiant trinket Apprentice 01 - extremely easy toy abolition + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Basic Artificing Principles
2 mana trinket Apprentice 02 - very easy toy abolition + any + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Basic Artificing Principles
2 flash trinket Apprentice 02 - very easy toy induction + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Basic Artificing Principles
2 cambrinth retuner Apprentice 02 - very easy Cambrinth Retune congruence + (finished rod) Basic Artificing Principles
2 celestial beacon Apprentice 02 - very easy Celestial Beacon abolition + (any gem) Martial Artificing
2 wind trinket Apprentice 03 - easy toy rarefaction + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Basic Artificing Principles
2 simple devourer Apprentice 03 - easy Devourer abolition + metamorphosis + (pearl) Advanced Artificing Design
2 Eluned's Scry Apprentice 03 - easy Eluned's Scry abolition + permutation + (bone) Advanced Artificing Design
2 earth trinket Apprentice 04 - simple toy permutation + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Basic Artificing Principles
2 Garden's Vision Apprentice 04 - simple Garden's Vision
Works on limited gems only
abolition+antipode+(amethyst or sapphire ) Advanced Artificing Design
2 fire trinket Journeyman 05 - basic toy induction + paradox + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Basic Artificing Principles
2 Mirkik sokis Journeyman 05 - basic Mirkik sokis induction + rarefaction + (high value gem) Advanced Artificing Design
2 water trinket Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging toy abolition + ascension + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Basic Artificing Principles
2 aura device Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging Lunar Aura Device abolition + paradox + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Advanced Artificing Design
2 magic gem Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging permutation + unity + (gem) Basic Artificing Principles
2 nemmiro stone Journeyman 07 - challenging nemmiro stone abolition + any + any + (pebble) Advanced Artificing Design
2 shatter sigil Journeyman 07 - challenging removes enchantments/flares from items abolition + decay + antipode + (ingot) Exotic Artificing
2 mining stone Journeyman 07 - challenging Absorbs mining (+lumberjacking?) accidents rarefaction + integration + antipode + (pebble) Martial Artificing
2 simple gwethsmasher Journeyman 07 - challenging Gwethsmasher
(released 6/23/19)
abolition + metamorphosis + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Advanced Artificing Design
2 Ring of Glory - Charisma Journeyman 08 - complicated permutation+ paradox+ clarification+ (ring) Martial Artificing
2 Ring of Glory - Stamina Journeyman 08 - complicated abolition + integration + nurture + (ring) Martial Artificing
2 Astoshe's Eclipse Journeyman 08 - complicated Astoshe's Eclipse congruence + unity + (ring) Exotic Artificing
2 Ring of Glory - Wisdom Master 09 - intricate induction+ metamorphosis+ evolution+ (ring) Exotic Artificing
2 Ring of Glory - Intelligence Master 09 - intricate abolition + paradox + nurture + (ring) Exotic Artificing
2 unleashed gwethsmasher Master 10 - difficult Gwethsmasher
(released 6/23/19)
abolition + metamorphosis + (bead, totem, figurine, etc.) Advanced Artificing Design
2 Ring of Glory - Discipline Master 10 - difficult permutation+ nurture+ decay+ (ring) Exotic Artificing
2 Ring of Glory - Reflex Master 10 - difficult congruence+ metamorphosis+ evolution+ (ring) Exotic Artificing
2 Ring of Glory - Agility Master 11 - very difficult rarefaction+ nurture+ integration+ (ring) Exotic Artificing
2 Ring of Glory - Strength Master 11 - very difficult induction + antipode + evolution + (ring) Exotic Artificing

Magical Foci

  • Components Note: the base physical component for all items in this chapter is a finished stone, bone or wood bead, totem, figurine, wand, rod, or statue.

Fount colors: Red = Magnitude (bonus effect) Yellow = Reduced activation time Grey = durability (bonus charges)

Chapter Item Book Difficulty Notes Components Technique
3 training ritual focus Apprentice 01 - extremely easy rarefaction Ritual Foci Creation
3 basic lunar ritual focus Apprentice 02 - very easy rarefaction + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 basic elemental ritual focus Apprentice 03 - easy permutation + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 basic life ritual focus Apprentice 04 - simple induction+ any Ritual Foci Creation
3 basic holy ritual focus Journeyman 05 - basic abolition+ any Ritual Foci Creation
3 accurate focus Journeyman 05 - basic accuracy (TM) permutation+ nurture + decay Advanced Foci Creation
3 basic untuned ritual focus Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging nurture + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 advanced lunar ritual focus Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging paradox + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 efficient focus Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging mana efficiency (TM) induction + metamorphosis + ascension Advanced Foci Creation
3 advanced elemental ritual focus Journeyman 07 - challenging evolution + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 lethal focus Journeyman 07 - challenging damage and accuracy (TM) congruence + paradox + clarification Advanced Foci Creation
3 advanced life ritual focus Journeyman 08 - complicated ascension + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 destructive focus Journeyman 08 - complicated damage (TM) abolition + decay + antipode Advanced Foci Creation
3 advanced holy ritual focus Master 09 - intricate unity + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 fire focus Master 09 - intricate fire damage added (TM) evolution + integration + nurture Advanced Foci Creation
3 advanced AP ritual focus Master 10 - difficult decay + any Ritual Foci Creation
3 frost focus Master 10 - difficult frost damage added (TM) evolution + metamorphosis + unity Advanced Foci Creation
3 advanced untuned ritual focus Master 11 - very difficult abolition + any + unity Ritual Foci Creation
3 electric focus Master 11 - very difficult electric damage added (TM) evolution + ascension + paradox Advanced Foci Creation

Fount Creation

  • Components Note: the base physical component to all items in this chapter is a small stone or wood sphere (there is no crafted bone sphere available).
Chapter Item Book Difficulty Notes Components Technique
4 common material minor fount 01 - extremely easy congruence Basic Fount Creation
4 common material lesser fount 02 - very easy congruence + abolition Basic Fount Creation
4 common material greater fount 03 - easy congruence + rarefaction Basic Fount Creation
4 uncommon material minor fount 03 - easy congruence (x2) + paradox Basic Fount Creation
4 common material major fount 04 - simple congruence + evolution Basic Fount Creation
4 uncommon material lesser fount 05 - basic congruence (x2) + nurture Basic Fount Creation
4 rare material minor fount 05 - basic congruence (x2) + metamorphosis + nurture Advanced Fount Creation
4 uncommon material greater fount 06 - somewhat challenging congruence (x2) + integration Basic Fount Creation
4 ultra rare material minor fount 06 - somewhat challenging congruence (x2) + decay + nurture Complex Fount Creation
4 uncommon material major fount 07 - challenging congruence (x2) + clarification Basic Fount Creation
4 rare material lesser fount 07 - challenging congruence (x2) + metamorphosis + decay Advanced Fount Creation
4 rare material greater fount 08 - complicated congruence (x2) + metamorphosis + paradox Advanced Fount Creation
4 ultra rare material lesser fount 08 - complicated congruence (x2) + decay + decay Complex Fount Creation
4 rare material major fount 09 - intricate congruence (x2) + metamorphosis + evolution Advanced Fount Creation
4 ultra rare material greater fount 09 - intricate congruence (x2) + decay + paradox Complex Fount Creation
4 ultra rare material major fount 10 - difficult congruence (x2) + decay + ascension Complex Fount Creation

Artificing Tools

Chapter Item Book Difficulty Specialty Components Technique
5 unfocused burin Apprentice 01 - extremely easy induction + (burin) Enchanted Tool Design
5 focused burin Apprentice 04 - simple durability induction + rarefaction + (burin) Enchanted Tool Design
5 oval augmenting loop Apprentice 04 - simple durability permutation + clarification + (short pole) Enchanted Tool Design
5 gwethdesuan Journeyman 05 - basic induction+ascension+(oil-dipped gwethdesuan stone+chain) Advanced Artificing Design
5 small enchanter's brazier Journeyman 05 - basic balanced rarefaction + congruence + (brazier) Advanced Enchanted Tools
5 oblong augmenting loop Journeyman 05 - basic durability permutation + clarification + permutation + (short pole) Enchanted Tool Design
5 simple imbuement rod Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging induction + evolution + (rod) Advanced Enchanted Tools
5 abstract burin Journeyman 07 - challenging durability induction + rarefaction+unity + (burin) Enchanted Tool Design
5 circular augmenting loop Journeyman 07 - challenging durability permutation + clarification + rarefaction + (short pole) Enchanted Tool Design
5 stout imbuement rod Journeyman 08 - complicated abolition + paradox + nurture + (rod) Advanced Enchanted Tools
5 precise burin Master 10 - difficult speed induction + rarefaction + integration + (burin) Enchanted Tool Design
5 flat augmenting loop Master 10 - difficult speed permutation + clarification + induction+(short pole) Enchanted Tool Design
5 precise imbuement rod Master 11 - very difficult rarefaction + antipode + metamorphosis + (rod) Advanced Enchanted Tools
5 compact enchanter's brazier Master 12 - extremely difficult speed rarefaction + induction + integration +(brazier) Advanced Enchanted Tools

Wands and Runestones

Chapter Item Book Difficulty Notes Components Technique
6 bubble wand Apprentice 01 - extremely easy toy permutation + (wand or rod) Basic Wand Creation
6 ease burden runestone Apprentice 02 - very easy permutation + induction + (carved runestone) Basic Runestone Creation
6 seal cambrinth runestone Apprentice 03 - easy induction + congruence + (carved runestone) Basic Runestone Creation
6 burden runestone Apprentice 04 - simple permutation + rarefaction + (carved runestone) Basic Runestone Creation
6 manifest force runestone Journeyman 05 - basic rarefaction + induction + (carved runestone) Advanced Runestone Creation
6 strange arrow runestone Journeyman 06 - somewhat challenging permutation + rarefaction + (carved runestone) Advanced Runestone Creation
6 gauge flow runestone Journeyman 07 - challenging abolition + induction + (carved runestone) Advanced Runestone Creation
6 dispel runestone Journeyman 08 - complicated rarefaction + induction + (carved runestone) Basic Runestone Creation
6 lore arcana wand Journeyman 08 - complicated induction + ascension + evolution + (wand) Advanced Wand Creation
6 lay ward runestone Master 09 - intricate rarefaction + induction + (carved runestone) Advanced Runestone Creation