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Item:Flash trinket (crafted)

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A flash trinket is a artificing template.

It is a 02- Very Easy template, uses 1 sigils (induction), and is covered by the Basic Artificing Principles technique.

It is ? by ? by ? spans.

This item will reflect the base component used to create it, so the base noun and measurements will vary. If the base component was a balsa cougar bead, the finished item will also be a balsa cougar bead.


An example FOCUS for this item:

You sense a matrix formed using Life mana, commonly referred to as the Flash Glamour Trinket enchantment.
The enchantment appears of above-average quality, has great potency, demonstrates central complexity, and is abstract. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus durability. The matrix originally supported <number> charges, and has <number> charges remaining.
You believe this item can be activated with rub.


Use balsa wood as a base for reference.

Material Mat. Capacity Mat. Durability Speed Tool Durability Notes
Balsa 70 3 - -


Material Mat. Capacity Mat. Durability Speed Tool Durability Notes


  • RUB: You rub your thumb across the totem, causing your eyes to flash with a powerful blue light!

Additional Information