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agitated businessman
Status: Alive
Gender: Male
Location: Meeting portal
Associates: concerned arachnologist

An NPC part of the lead-up events to the Hollow Eve Festival 432 (2019) event.


From the top of his gold-buckled, black hat to the tips of his well polished black shoes, every component of the agitated businessman's outfit is of the highest quality, leaving him looking rather out of place standing on the streets as he is.


  • STUDY BUSINESSMAN: You've overheard others asking the businessman about a number of topics, including spiders, tomiek, Kurmin, work, rewards, sickness, status, webs, claim, businessman and task.
An agitated businessman glowers. "I don't like 'em. Ain't no good ones out there. Smack them, stab them, squish them, slaughter them for all I care. The only good spider is a dead one."
With a huff, he adds, "If you're interested in slaughtering the Harawep-kissed land octopuses, let's do some business."
  • ASK BUSINESSMAN ABOUT TOMIEK: The businessman asks, "Are you familiar with Gorbesh? To them, tomiek means 'deceit'." He spits. "I ask you -- can anything good come from something with that meaning? Kurmin and his foul deal with Harawep spawned this mess." He calms only slightly before adding, "I have friends interested in acquiring some. Perhaps you'd be interested?"
  • ASK BUSINESSMAN ABOUT KURMIN: "Manipulator, puppet of the Immortals, made deals with Harawep that brought a CONTRAPTION to life! It's not natural, and neither is he by all accounts!" exclaims the agitated businessman. "Kurmin shouldn't be treated as one of us anymore. These repeating tragedies every few years are somehow always happening when he decides to show up. 'Celebrations', they say. Hah! He's put blinders on us all for too long with his fancy festival. No more I say!"
  • ASK BUSINESSMAN ABOUT WORK: The businessman nods. "Plenty of it to be done. I've a task or six to keep you occupied with."
The businessman squints. "The old 'what's in it for me' bit, eh? Very well. I have a small amount of coin I shall make available for each completed objective, upon completion. Further, I have plenty of connections that, with time, can be used to convey special titles in recognition of the work you have performed. You should remain informed of your STATUS."
He pauses to remove his hat and flick some dust from it before continuing, "Should you prove exceptionally useful to my cause, there may be an additional arrangement. I shall be the sole decider of that, however, at a later time."
He leans in and quietly says, "Ask again, and I might be able to show you something of interest."
The businessman produces a parchment and holds it up for you to review:
"Penned 1st Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Emerald Dolphin for review and consideration by the honorable authorities of Z------ at the request of ------------.  Document of intent to convey titles of recognition for services rendered, if authorized.

  Credits | Earns
       10 | Arachnophobe
       20 | Web Defiler
       40 | Kleptoparasite
       60 | Spider Exterminator
       75 | Harawep's Bane

 * Party requesting review discloses that loss of limb, life and property may occur by those embarking on this venture.  Some monetary compensation will be provided by ------------, but no guarantee is made that it will cover all or any expenses.
 * Party requesting review further discloses that additional compensation for services rendered MAY be offered to those who prove to be of exceptional value to the cause, but a confidentiality arrangement prevents disclosure of further details at this time.

 By my hand,
 ----- ---------------
 Representing ------------"

He tucks the parchment away and says, "You saw nothing, you hear?"
The businessman sneers. "The spider kissers will tell you that Kurmin and Harawep's trickery gave 'life' to the giant metal contraption, and that the pests currently plaguing us are simply trying to aid the abomination with some sort of sickness."
He spits before continuing, "These webs are sucking the life out of people, they're choking our cities and trade routes. If the little ones are sick, too, then it's even more reason for us to obliterate the heinous freaks. Maybe it's time we take the fight to the big one itself, too."
  • ASK BUSINESSMAN ABOUT STATUS: An agitated businessman produces a voluminous ledger from his satchel and studies over it. At last, he closes it and says, "I have no records of you assisting my efforts so far."
  • ASK BUSINESSMAN ABOUT WEBS: An agitated businessman scoffs. "The Arachnophiles will claim that these blasted webs taking over everywhere are like veins, summoning forth nourishment to heal and maintain Kurmin's monster. Don't you dare listen to them. It's just another ruse, and even if it isn't, I'm not choosing to give up my life, my business, my properties to save some monster! Who would do that? It's madness I say! If you see a hateful monstrosity, kill it and be done with it, for the sake of US!"
  • ASK BUSINESSMAN ABOUT CLAIM: An agitated businessman swats dismissively, saying, "Not now. There's more work to be done."
"I've been a trader all my life -- started with Mags and Maisey, didn't have the eye for gems, traveled the realms with a caravan, saved up to open my own stall, then a right proper shop," the agitated businessman explains.
"I've done my time and my work, I've made my money. Now, I'm looking to right some wrongs in the realms. Kurmin is bad, the Immortals don't care about you or any of us, and we'd all be better off if we stopped playing their games." He turns his attention to a passing group, and you hear quite a few unpleasant references to Kurmin.

Atmospheric Messages

  • "First the sky fell! Then evil dolls attacked! Broken Gnomish machines, sky serpents, cat infestations, rips in reality, diseased trees..." An agitated businessman continues rambling. "Kurmin announces his intentions to visit, and we suffer for it! These aggravating arachnids are just another in a long line of disasters tied to him! Stop supporting him, for the good of us all!"
  • In the blink of an eye, an agitated businessman swipes the hat from his head and swats at something nearby. He angrily shouts, "To Maelshyve's abyssal pit with Harawep and all the Immortals' incessant meddling! These monsters are THEIR doing!"