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Concerned arachnologist

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concerned arachnologistconcerned arachnologist
Status: Alive
Gender: Female
Location: Meeting portal
Associates: agitated businessman
Tasks: kill, search

An NPC part of the lead-up events to the Hollow Eve Festival 432 (2019) event.


From the thick spectacles magnifying haggard eyes to the neatly pressed robes, the concerned arachnologist looks like someone who belongs more at a lectern in Asemath Academy than in the local streets.


  • STUDY ARACHNOLOGIST: You've overheard others asking the arachnologist about a number of topics, including spiders, tomiek, Kurmin, work, rewards, sickness, status, webs, claim, arachnologist and task.
  • ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT SPIDERS: A concerned arachnologist lights up. "Truly fascinating creatures from what we've observed so far; they are! If it weren't for spiders, we would be overrun by all manner of pests, and most of our crops would be devoured before they were ready for harvesting!"
  • ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT TOMIEK: The arachnologist says, "Like spidersilk, this material has unusual properties that our best engineers struggle to understand and replicate. Perhaps you could be of some help in retrieving some?"
  • ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT KURMIN: The concerned arachnologist looks thoughtful for a moment. "A most curious fellow, now more spider than Gnome. Besides Harawep, no one is better suited to understanding the Spider and her needs at this most troubling time."
  • ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT WORK: The arachnologist nods. "Plenty of it to be done. I've a task or six to keep you occupied with."
The arachnologist lets out a sigh of resignation. "Knowledge is truly its own reward, but Asemath Academy has made available a small stipend of coin to be paid for each completed objective. Further, I have been given the authority to grant special titles in recognition of the work you have performed. You should remain informed of your STATUS."
She pauses to push her spectacles up her nose, "Should you prove exceptionally helpful to my cause, there may be an additional arrangement. The chancellor of the Academy shall be sole decider of that, however, at a later time."
She leans in and quietly says, "Ask again, and I might be able to show you something of interest."
The arachnologist produces a parchment and holds it up for you to review:
"Penned 1st Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Emerald Dolphin for review and consideration by the honorable authorities of Z------ at the request of Asemath Academy.  Document of intent to convey titles of recognition for services rendered to science, if authorized.

  Credits | Earns
       10 | Arachnophile
       20 | Web Defender
       40 | Silk Collector
       60 | Spider Conservationist
       75 | Harawep's Helper

 * The citizen scientist accepts the risk of loss of limb, life or property that may attend such a venture.  Some monetary compensation will be provided by Asemath Academy,
 but no guarantee is made that it will cover all expenses.
 * Asemath Academy further discloses that additional compensation for services rendered MAY be offered to those who prove to be of exceptional value to the cause, but a confidentiality arrangement prevents disclosure of further details at this time.

 By my hand,
 ----- ---------------
 Representing Asemath Academy"

She tucks the parchment away and says, "Your discretion would be most appreciated."
The concerned arachnologist creases her brow in consternation. "The Spider is ill, and these creatures she has spawned are an attempt to cope with the distress."
She brushes a lock of hair out of her face before continuing, "Inconvenient though they may be to us, these webs are believed to be aiding in the Spider's recovery. Only if she heals will life return to normal."
  • ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT STATUS: A concerned arachnologist pages through a well-used notebook and studies it intently. She closes it and says, "I have no records of you assisting Asemath's efforts so far."
A concerned arachnologist says, "These webs are helping the Spider to heal by acting as a conduit to transfer nourishing energy, of some sort, to her. There is much still to research so we better understand the mechanisms and processes taking place.
She looks thoughtful before saying, "However, some may need to be relocated to areas where frightened people are less likely to interfere."
  • ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT CLAIM: A concerned arachnologist swats dismissively, saying, "Not now. There's more work to be done."
The concerned arachnologist looks up from her journal. "I've been fascinated by spiders since I was a child. My family managed to save up enough money to send me to Asemath Academy, and now I work there as a researcher," she explains.
She looks around and says, "Some travel involved at times. I would love nothing more than for people to love spiders as much as I do -- or at least appreciate them as interesting creatures deserving of life -- rather than fear them." She returns her attention to her reading.
  • ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT TASK: See Hollow Eve 432 tasks for summarized information; see the Tasks section below for full detailed information.


The following notes the full text messaging for each task offered, along with some possible messaging for completions. See Hollow Eve 432 tasks for summarized information.

  • Kill spiders:
  • ASK FOR TASK text: A concerned arachnologist carefully explains the situation. "It seems that the tomiek-iguji broodlings are exerting an unnatural influence on the unyns, birdcatcher spiders and blade spiders. All seem to be venturing out of their natural habitats and behaving in an unusually aggressive manner. Moreover, they're corrupted with strange metal infusions. Unfortunately, we cannot allow these specimens to interbreed with their healthy kin. Would you be willing to humanely euthanize them in order to protect the health of the population?"
  • ACCEPT text: A concerned arachnologist smiles. "Thank you for accepting this burden. Seek out any of the metal-infused spiders you can find. Spare the broodlings if you encounter them. Return to me when 6 of these have been euthanized."
  • Kill various event spiders from invasions and the current spider hunting location to acquire randomly dropped pieces of spidersilk. Once you have killed the number required for the task, return to the arachnologist and ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT TASK to complete it.
  • note that Empaths will not be given this task as an option.
  • Rescue missing colleagues:
  • ASK FOR TASK text: A concerned arachnologist carefully explains the situation. "One of my colleagues got tangled in the webs while investigating a tomiek-iguji burrow. There may be others assisting the field research. I hope they haven't fallen in! Could you rescue anyone you find before the broodlings mistake them for prey?"
  • ACCEPT text: Nodding appreciatively, the concerned arachnologist says, "I knew I could count on you. There's no time to waste. I believe there could be as many as 2 lost nearby. Please, save anyone you find." She holds up her journal for you to view - "<random location in Zoluren>". Without another word, she turns and begins instructing others.
  • SEARCH in the area that you've been directed. A success message will always start with "A dense mass of webbing catches your eye...". Once you have completed the number of searches required for the task, return to the arachnologist and ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT TASK to complete it.
  • Spidersilk turn-in:
  • ASK FOR TASK text: A concerned arachnologist carefully explains the situation. "Researchers in the field report that the corrupted unyns, birdcatcher spiders and blade spiders spin an unusual form of spidersilk. My colleagues at the Academy would love to to study it more closely. Would you collect some from the field?"
  • ACCEPT text: A concerned arachnologist winces. "If any must die, make their deaths as painless as possible, madam. <amount> scraps of spidersilk should satisfy my colleagues."
  • Kill various event spiders from invasions and the current spider hunting location to acquire randomly dropped pieces of spidersilk. They will have random modifiers from the following list (example: a tatter of dirty spidersilk):
  • contaminated
  • dirty
  • filthy
  • impure
  • polluted
  • tainted
  • tatter
  • Once you have acquired the amount needed for the task, return to the arachnologist and GIVE SPIDERSILK TO ARACHNOLOGIST times the number of pieces required to complete it. This task will auto-complete once you turn in the last piece.
  • Spiderweb portals:
  • ASK FOR TASK text: A concerned arachnologist carefully explains the situation. "Unfortunately, some of the webs being spun to heal the Spider have been placed in inconvenient locations. I fear that people may do something foolish if we do not act. Do you think you could persuade the spiders to build elsewhere by taking down these webs?"
  • ACCEPT text:
A concerned arachnologist smiles and says, "Excellent. Please clear out the webs to encourage the spiders to relocate before people do anything foolish."
She quickly turns to her pack and pulls out a journal. "Oh, I almost forgot, this may be a region worth investigating.." She holds it up for you to review a scribbled note:
"----<random location in Zoluren>"
-search, find the web covered portal, clear it:
  • There are 2 ways to complete this task. 1st way is to head to the location specified in the task, then SEARCH until you uncover a portal. A success message will always start with "With a careful eye and much swatting of obstructing webs...". Once you find a portal, follow the guidelines of the spiderweb syntax to clear the spiderweb. Repeat this process for as many as the task requests
  • The 2nd way is to find randomly generated spiderweb-covered portals in your area. Many doors, gates, arches, etc. in Guildhalls, Society Buildings, Shops and other public spaces have been filling in with a spiderweb during the event, and can be cleared away to qualify for this task as well.
  • Once you have cleared the required number of spiderwebs for the task, return to the arachnologist and ASK ARACHNOLOGIST ABOUT TASK to complete it.
  • Tomiek chitins:
  • ASK FOR TASK text: A concerned arachnologist carefully explains the situation. "Engineers at Asemath Academy have been researching potential applications of the tomiek chitin slivers. Would you be willing to collect some samples from the tomiek-iguji broodlings?"
  • ACCEPT text:

Atmospheric Messages

  • A concerned arachnologist begins muttering to herself. You make out some of her words. "It was one thing when the Spider was just a machine ... haven't considered how their presence affects the Spider ... ramifications of their foolish merrymaking."
  • A Dwarven peddler cautiously approaches a concerned arachnologist. They speak quietly, but you manage to overhear part of the conversation. The arachnologist indignantly declares, "I'm not in it for the money! These spiders are a fascinating new species, and I want to learn more about them!"
  • A Rakash clothworker cautiously approaches a concerned arachnologist. They speak quietly, but you manage to overhear part of the conversation. The arachnologist indignantly declares, "I'm not in it for the money! These spiders are a fascinating new species, and I want to learn more about them!"
  • "How could Captain Kurmin fail to antricipate this possibility?" A concerned arachnologist barely pauses for a breath before continuing her note-taking.
  • To no one in particular, the concerned arachnologist calls out, "Reckless profit-seekers and arachnophobes threaten to make an entire species extinct before we have the chance to study them! Please help me save them before it's too late!" Onlookers murmur among themselves, but few approach the concerned arachnologist, to her obvious consternation.