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Plane of Probability is a chthonic realm where shadow and starlight takes the role that the elements do in the Plane of Abiding. It abuts the Plane of Abiding and the Astral Plane. Moon Mages establish a mental link to this plane when they became Seers and tap into it when using many of their prediction abilities, as well as for the computations of certain spells like Moongate. This latent psychic link is honed and reflected in a fashion by their Astrology skill.
Moon Mage cosmology depicts the Plane of Probability as a wire-frame pyramid of shadow and light:
- Strands of manifest darkness and blazing white light rope around each other, creating the frame for a pyramid. Each of the lattice-work sides curves inward towards the center. The light pulses and the darkness twists with every second, but a uniform pattern emerges from the movement, like the beating of an inhuman heart.
Natural inhabitants of the plane are beings of living shadow, living starlight, or concepts made manifest. They have been colloquially referred to as demons or spirits, but this is not strictly accurate.
Tezirah is presently trapped in the Plane of Probability. The method by which she originally got there was quite complicated and involved the obelisk below the Crossing Moon Mage guildhall.
See the book Denizens of the Plane of Probability for more information.
Shadow Creatures
Shadow creatures are almost always incredibly violent, and research concerning their nature, strength, number, purpose, and possible usefulness is scarce. Exceptions to this hostility exist, however; Shadowlings and Shadow Servants are useful and mostly pacifistic, and rumors exist that the "spirit" that communed with Kir was actually a Shadow Master or Umbramagus.
Shadow creatures are mostly content to keep to themselves, and are nearly always brought away from their home at the behest of powerful mortal spellcasters, much to their apparent chagrin. The most prominent exception to this would be the Strata beneath Taisgath, which has long been the location of a weakened barrier between the Plane of Abiding and the Plane of Probability, most likely due to the presence of the mystical obelisk which seems to link the two planes.
Shadow creatures resist magic, are harmed or weakened by light-based spells (including those produced by non-Lunar magic), and grow stronger when shadow spells are used on them.
- Shaderald
- Shadowling
- Shadow Servant
- Devourer
- Tenebraeling
- Voidspawn
- Shadefield Eviscerator
- Emaciated Umbramagus
- Shadow Master
Unscrupulous Moon Mages have, in the past, unleashed shadow creatures in urban areas, letting them run loose in an attempt to cause as much destruction as possible. The Eviscerators and Umbramagi are the most recognizable examples, however Shadow Masters, Voidspawn and Tenebraelings have been used in this manner as well.