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Title:Assassin King

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Assassin King is a title in the Thief Category.

At least 700 in Backstab skill.
At least 625 in Stealth skill.
At least 560 in Tactics skill.
Must know Poison Making.
Must know Poison Resistance.
Must know Snipe.
Must know Ambush Slash.
Must know Khri Plunder.
Must know Khri Avoidance.
Must know Khri Sagacity.
Must know Khri Shadowstep.

Possibly Khri Eliminate. I had all the above requirements except Shadowstep and Eliminate, but I still didn't have the title. When I added Eliminate it didn't change, but then I added Shadowstep it finally showed up. Because of that, I'm not sure if it was a combination of both Khri or just the addition of Shadowstep. 5/21/21