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Post:Recall Immortal - 8/7/2005 - 12:40:09

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Recall Immortal · on 8/7/2005 12:40:09 161

Ever been on a Quest and had to remember what the symbol/avatar of Phelim is? Been trying to convert the heathens and found yourself unable to recall the light aspect of Urrem'tier? Everyone expects the poor Clerics to know these things, and it's rather embarrassing to have to excuse yourself to run to the library to look things up! Well, fear no more! As the principle religious scholars of the realms, Clerics now have a means to know these things! As holy warriors and lorekeepers, Paladins and Bards will also share this ability, although they will have a more difficult time recalling these facts than their clerical brethren.


This ability will give a brief synopsis of the Thirteen, as well as their aspects. While there is no circle restriction, there is an expectation that the Cleric, Paladin, or Bard has devoted a reasonable amount of time to scholastic pursuits. High devotion, soulstate, and mojo will help as well. Paladins and Bards will find this information more difficult to recall than Clerics.

Yes, I am fully aware some of you will be asking while race-specific dieties (Mrod, Demrris, etc) were not included. Simply put, the ability makes use of existing utilities that simply don't support any dieties beyond the Thirteen. Adding some new utilities to cover race-specific dieties is on my wish list, but not a high priority at this time.

Yes, you can learn scholarship from this ability. Yes, there are some limiting factors. No, it's not intended to be a primary source of scholarship training.

Have fun with it, and please use BUG or TYPO (whichever is appropriate) if you find any problems.


- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in The Bards (21) \ Game Master and Official Announcements (1), by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.