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Item:Sweeping ice-white khiynit gown accented by spectacular Musparan gold sapphires

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sweeping ice-white khiynit gown accented by spectacular Musparan gold sapphires
Look: Skillfully dyed in a shade uncommon to the fabric, the form-fitting dress shows lighter and darker bands across its slightly textured surface. Mirroring shifting winter snowbanks rolling across a tundral landscape, the variegated shades are gathered together at the backless gown just above the wearer's seat. The bejeweled adornment securing the folds is a cluster of pale blue gems with hints of gold in their depths, each cut with a symbolic eternity knot, and set in a stylized goldenglow glaes medallion.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 8,213 Kronars6,570.4 Lirums <br />5,926.501 Dokoras <br />8.213 LTBpoints <br />8.213 Tickets <br />8.213 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Capacity: 3 length x 3 width x 3 height (200 stones)
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 443/Auction


Thinking about the gown, you wonder if you might not be able to: ADJUST, CLEAN, CURTSY, TIE, DANCE, PAT, RUB, SHAKE, CLUTCH, FLIP, PINCH, STRUT, KICK, TWIDDLE, WAVE and YANK it.

  • WEAR: You slip the khiynit gown over your head, smoothing the fabric down around your body.
  • ADJUST: You carefully adjust the fit of your khiynit gown, making sure the fabric falls perfectly into place.
  • CLEAN: You flick a bit of lint off of your khiynit gown, making sure you look presentable.
  • CURTSY: Picking up the skirt of your khiynit gown carefully, you dip into a deep curtsy. Your etiquette teacher would be proud!
  • TIE: You fiddle with the fastenings on your khiynit gown, making sure everything is properly secured.
  • DANCE: You dance about the area with a series of twirls, making the skirting of your khiynit gown flare around you.
  • PAT: You gently pat your khiynit gown in nervous anticipation.
  • RUB: You slide your hands down your khiynit gown, smoothing out the fabric.
  • SHAKE: You shake your khiynit gown angrily, stomping about the area.
  • CLUTCH: Gripping the skirting of your khiynit gown tightly, you fan yourself rapidly as your face flushes into a deep blush.
  • FLIP: With a flirtatious wink, you flip the bottom edge of your khiynit gown up briefly.
  • PINCH: Whispering quietly to yourself, you pinch your khiynit gown, crushing the fabric between your fingers.
  • STRUT: Raising your head slightly, you strut around the area, your khiynit gown flouncing around you.
  • KICK (sitting): You shift your weight from where you're sitting, crossing your legs comfortably.
  • TWIDDLE: You roll the fabric of your khiynit gown back and forth between your fingers, staring into the distance as if deep in thought.
  • WAVE: You fan the skirt of your khiynit gown, showing off its elegant design.
  • YANK: Tugging on the fabric of your khiynit gown with a disgruntled snort, you wave your hand dismissively.
  • REMOVE: You slip out of your khiynit gown, sliding it over your head.