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Dance command
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Role-playing command to dance with many variations; custom messaging for many verbed items. |
Standard Usage and Syntax
DANCE (emote)
DANCE (<person>|<creature>|<item>)
Valid emotes: angry, awkward, badly, crazy, fiend, graceful, hands, happy, join, prance, roll, shake, silly, squat, stomp, unusual, or victory.
- DANCE (Ranger): You rise to your feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
- Others see: Ranger rises to (his/her) feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Emote | You see: | Others see: |
angry | You stomp angrily about! | <Player> stomps about angrily! |
awkward | You shuffle side to side awkwardly, with no apparent appreciation for rhythm or coordination. | <Player> shuffles side to side awkwardly, swaying stiffly with no apparent appreciation for rhythm or coordination, with arms lifeless to each side, rigid. |
badly | Channelling your inner performer, you begin to flail around in your best interpretation of dancing. | Moving with the grace and temerity of a drunk goblin, <Player> begins flailing <his/her> arms and legs in a poor imitation of what you can only imagine is the mating dance of some now long-extinct animal. |
crazy | As if spurred on by some wild energy, you flail your arms around and twitch violently in a mockery of dance. | <Player> suddenly starts jerking around and flailing <his/her> arms wildly. |
fiend | Hands curled into mock claws, you cavort and caper about, grinning fiendishly. | Hands curled into mock claws, <Player> cavorts and capers about, grinning fiendishly. |
graceful | You dance gracefully, your head slowly rocking from side to side and your body swaying to an internal beat. | <Player> sways gracefully about in an elegant dance. |
hands | You begin a dazzling display of grace by dancing with only your hands. | <Player> spreads <his/her> fingers wide and begins to wave <his/her> arms about, creating a dizzying and graceful effect. |
happy | You do a happy little dance of joy! | <Player> does a happy little dance! |
join | You dance about, motioning for those around you to dance as well. | <Player> dances about, motioning at you to dance as well. |
prance | Excitedly, you prance around in a tight circle. | Excitedly, <Player> prances around in a tight circle. |
roll (fail) | You do a pair of quick dance steps before tucking into a forward roll and skidding across the floor on your face. Not so slick! | Swinging <his/her> arms in time, <Player> sticks each foot outwards across <his/her> body before tucking down into a forward roll that results in <him/her> skidding across the floor on <his/her> face. Not so slick! |
roll (success) | You do a pair of quick dance steps before tucking into a forward roll, springing back to your feet with dramatic flair. | Swinging <his/her> arms in time, <Player> sticks each foot outwards across <his/her> body before tucking down into a tight forward roll. Performing a single full rotation, <he/she> stops and spring back to <his/her> feet with a dramatic flair. |
shake | You turn in a circle, shaking your behind and waving your arms overhead. | <Player> dances in a circle, shaking <his/her> behind and waving <his/her> arms in the air. |
silly | You dance a lively jig! | <Player> dances a lively jig! |
squat (fail) | You squat down on your haunches, bouncing slightly and just as you begin to kick a leg out, you fail to hold yourself up and fall over! | <Player> squats down, barely touching the floor. Just as <Player> begins to kick a leg out, <he/she> suddenly falls over! Ouch! |
squat (success) | You squat down on your haunches, bouncing up and down, as you shout and kick your legs wildly in-front. | <Player> squats down, barely touching the floor, as <he/she> crosses <his/her> arms and begins kicking <his/her> legs out infront of <himself/herself> in a wild fashion. What amazing strength! |
stomp | You move across the ground, kicking up small clouds of dust and debris, stomping a tattoo. | <Player> stomps loudly against the ground in a slow rhythmic fashion. |
unusual | You eagerly swing your arms from side to side, snapping out a rapid beat. A wide grin takes your face as you sway your hips with each snap as you rapidly shift your weight. | <Player> grins widely, with over zealous arms wildly swinging from side to side and <his/her> fingers snapping out a rapid beat. With each snap, <he/she> sways <his/her> hips, with knees and feet following each vigorous shift. |
victory | You strut about victoriously, throwing smiles and winks. | <Player> struts about victoriously, throwing smiles and winks. |
Target | You see: | Others see: |
<person> | You sweep <Person> into a dance with you. | They see: You are swept into a dance by <Player>, who smiles at you as <he/she> takes your hand. |
<creature> | ||
<held item> | You dance about with your <item>. | <Player> dances about with <his/her> <item>. |
<environment item> | You dance around the <item>! | <Player> dances around the <item>! |
<weapon> | You do an impressive display of agility with your <weapon>, spinning it up into the air in a flashing arc before neatly catching it and restoring your grip on it with a grin. | <Player> shows off <his/her> <weapon> in an impressive display of agility, spinning it up into the air in a flashing arc before neatly catching it and restoring <his/her> grip on it with a grin. |
Command | You see: | Others see: |
dance (while dead) | The dead can't dance! | <Person> twitches feebly, the cold, claylike corpse apparently mimicking the undead before it decays. |
dance (while laying down) | You leap to your feet! | <Person> leaps to his feet! |