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Item:Pale silk gown

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

pale silk gown
Look: Fine quality nomlas raw silk has been fashioned to form a stiff corseted bodice, overlaid with gossamer lace beaded with tiny pearls. The skirt of the garment bells out voluminously, while the hem has been stitched with crimson silk threading in a scroll of blood red iera blossoms, some of them tight buds and others fully opened.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 156,250 Kronars125,000 Lirums <br />112,750 Dokoras <br />156.25 LTBpoints <br />156.25 Tickets <br />156.25 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Capacity: 3 length x 3 width x 3 height (200 stones)
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 417/Raffles
  • WEAR: You slip the silk gown over your head, and let it fall down around your body.
  • REMOVE: You slip your silk gown over your head.
  • ADJUST: Carefully you adjust your silk gown, making sure the fabric falls perfectly.
  • ARRANGE: You slide your hands down your silk gown, smoothing the fabric.
  • BITE: Idly, you chew thoughtfully on the sleeve of your silk gown.
  • CLEAN: You pick stray strings and dirt spots off of your silk gown, endeavoring to make sure the fabric is spotless.
  • CLUTCH: You grip the fabric of your silk gown, gathering it tightly about your body.
  • CURTSY: Picking up the skirt of your silk gown carefully, you dip down low in a curtsy. Your etiquette teacher would be proud!
  • ROLL: Idly, you roll the fabric of your silk gown between your thumb and forefinger.
  • FIDGET: You idly spin in a circle, making the skirt of your silk gown flare out.
  • FLIP: You flip up the bottom edge of your silk gown.
  • KICK: You kick up with one leg, causing the skirt of your silk gown to billow out.
  • PAT: You gently pat your silk gown, pressing out a wrinkle.
  • PINCH: You pinch your silk gown, crushing the fabric between your fingers.
  • RUB: You rub the sleeve of your silk gown against the skirt, removing a small dirt spot.
  • SHAKE: You shake your silk gown, settling it around your body.
  • STRUT: You throw your shoulders back and strut around, your silk gown flouncing around you.
  • TIE: You fiddle with the fastenings on your silk gown.
  • WAVE: You fan the edge of your sleeve in front of your face, attempting to cool off.
  • YANK: Tugging on one side of your silk gown, you straighten the gown on your body.