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Category:Anatomy Charts

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Any character, regardless of guild can learn First Aid and Scholarship by studying an anatomy chart. Empaths also learn Empathy from studying the charts.

The easiest to learn from is currently the Rat. Studying a chart from your own race is also slightly easier than studying other races anatomy among the 11 adventurer races. If you recieve the message that "You attempt to study the chart, but find it almost impossible to do." the chart is too advanced for your scholarship, and it is recommended you try easier charts or wait until you have more scholarship to STUDY that chart.

Charts have a STUDY Round Time of 10-60 seconds. Your scholarship must be twice that of what is listed in the table below to consistently achieve a 10 sec RT. First Aid skill has no impact on STUDY RT.

When a chart is studied to the point of full understanding ("clarity"), it cannot be studied again for twenty minutes. If you have two of the same chart, the cool down is applied to all of the same chart.

Scholarship experience is awarded on each STUDY of a chart, but First Aid experience is awarded only at the first successful STUDY and on chart completion. If a chart is too advanced to be read due to the "impossible to do" message, no First Aid will be awarded. Empathy experience is only awarded on completion to Empaths. Thus, there is some incentive to use charts that are at level to your ranks, but you may still learn some from lower requirement charts.


There are 2 types of storage containers that are associated with the charts, the compendium and the textbook. The primary difference between the 2 is that the textbook will come with a fixed group of anatomy charts while the compendium will come either empty or pre-filled, but those charts can be removed and swapped for different charts at the owner's discretion.

Charts can be removed from compendiums via REMOVE COMPENDIUM when the compendium is turned to the page for the specific chart.

Standard compendiums hold up to 10 charts, some such as those sold at Advanced Anatomy hold up to 20 charts.

Chart List

The "Tier" columns indicate which charts are present in anatomy textbooks. (Textbooks start at tier 1 and can be upgraded four times with potency crystals.)

Chart Scholarship Shop Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Rat 10 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Croff Pothanit 20 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Heggarangi Frog 20 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Brocket Deer 30 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Scavenger Goblin 30 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Wild Boar 40 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Silver Leucro 40 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Grass Eel 50 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Striped Badger 50 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Blood Dryad 60 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Equine 60 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Blood Nyad 70 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Glutinous Lipopod 70 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Kelpie 80 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Trollkin 80 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Boggle 90 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Cougar 90 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Dwarven 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Elothean 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Elven 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Gnome 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Gor'Tog 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Halfling 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Human 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Kaldar 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Prydaen 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Rakash 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
S'Kra Mur 100 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Boobrie 120 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Snow Goblin 120 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Thunder Ram 120 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Copperhead Viper 140 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Malodorous Bucca 140 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Dusk Ogre 160 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Young Ogre 160 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Bison 180 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Rock Troll 180 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X X
Sun Vulture 180 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Fire Maiden 200 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Moss Mey 200 Advanced Anatomy X X X X X
Prereni 220 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Vela'tohr Bloodvine 220 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Peccary 230 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X
Blue-belly Crocodile 240 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Kashika Serpent 240 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
River Caiman 260 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X
Sluagh 260 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Wood Troll 260 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Gidii 280 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X
Black Goblin 300 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Granite Gargoyle 300 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Rhoat Moda 320 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
River Sprite 320 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Bawdy Swain 340 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Swamp Troll 340 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Heggarangi Boar 360 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Warcat 360 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Blacktip Shark 380 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Piranha 380 Advanced Anatomy X X X X
Lanky Grey Lach 400 Emmiline's Cottage X X X X
Ape 410 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Merrows 420 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Selkie 430 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Geni 440 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Trekhalo 450 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Giant 460 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Bobcat 470 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Snowbeast 480 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Arzumos 490 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Caracal 500 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Firecat 510 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Gryphon 520 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Seordmaor 530 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Bull 540 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Mammoth 550 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Hawk 560 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Armadillo 570 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Shark 580 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
La'heke 590 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Angiswaerd 600 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X X
Toad 610 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Elsralael 620 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Celpeze 630 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Spider 640 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Silverfish 650 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Crab 660 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Westanuryn 670 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Dolomar 680 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Warklin 690 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Wasp 700 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1) X X
Dryad 710 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Fendryad 720 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Sprite 730 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Alfar 740 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Frostweaver 750 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Spriggan 760 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Gremlin 770 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Cyclops 780 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Atik'et 790 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
S'lai 800 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X X
Adan'f 810 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Kra'hei 820 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Faenrae 830 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Bear 840 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Barghest 850 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Shalswar 860 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Dyrachis 870 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Poloh'izh 880 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Korograth 890 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Larva 900 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Bizar 910 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Pivuh 920 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Vulture 930 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Unyn 940 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Moruryn 950 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Moth 960 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Kartais 970 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Colepexy 980 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Vykathi 990 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Wyvern 1,000 Gersvinda's Natural Studies (2) X
Elpalzi 1,050 Advanced Anatomy X
Xala'shar 1,050 Advanced Anatomy X

Textbook Variations

Black leather textbook embossed with a white skull and crossbonesDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 438/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 435/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 452/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot
Paper-wrapped textbookDroughtman's Challenge 441/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 437/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 450/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 444/Incidental loot
Oversized bestiary bound in khor'vela heartwoodtreasure map

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