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Item:Armadillo anatomy chart

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armadillo anatomy chart
Look: A drawing of a desert armadillo with head and tail extended covers this chart. Overlaid on the figure is a proportions grid demonstrating body relationships. Small cutaway illustrations scattered around the main drawing show different levels of muscle tissue and bone from various parts of the body. Small notations beside each body part offer a short description.

Read: Thick, articulated hide plating covers the desert armadillo from its snout to its barbed tail. Perfectly adapted to blend into a desert environment, the animal's coloration is a mottled patchwork of sand and tan. With powerful claws for digging protective burrows, a barbed tail, and flexible plating that allows the creature to roll itself up tightly, the armadillo appears well built to defend itself. A small sketch in the lower corner of the chart depicts the armadillo curled up in its defensive posture.

Weight: 5 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 71250 Kronars57,000 Lirums <br />51,414 Dokoras <br />71.25 LTBpoints <br />71.25 Tickets <br />71.25 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an item.
  • This item trains a skill with its use.
Dimensions: 3 length x 2 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Gersvinda's Natural Studies (4), Gersvinda's Natural Studies (3), Gersvinda's Natural Studies (1)

Trains both Scholarship skill and First Aid skill. If studied by an Empath, will also do Empathy skill