Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 421/End loot

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Standard Prizes

  • Weapon and armor tiers are based on common expectations of durability stats. Please appraise all items in game before purchasing.
  • There is now "a wide trail that leads around to the end of the corn maze" that can take you to the original prize room without having to redeem a pass and go through the maze.
  • 30 kernel prize weapons and armor are tier 5 durability.
  • 60 kernel prize weapons and armor are tier 6 durability.
  • 90 kernel prize weapons and armor are tier 6 durability and may have rare materials, special verbs, or other mechanics.
  • The kernel cost listed is for Prime. Platinum costs are reduced by 1/4.

light armor arrangement (30 kernels)

Item Type Details
heavy roughspun mask with exposed bits of straw padding armor: light eyes
heavy workgloves crafted with woven straw decorations around the wrists armor: light hands
thickly layered roughspun aventail woven with flexible straw armor: light neck
heavy roughspun cap displaying errant pieces of straw poking out of the seams armor: light head
bluish green leather gloves with decorative clawed fingertips armor: light hands
scaled blue-green leather helm armor: light head/neck
leather mask sculpted to resemble a dragon's maw armor: light eyes
padded steelsilk hood trimmed with smoky brocade armor: light head/neck
padded steelsilk mask with brocade edging armor: light eyes
pair of steelsilk sleeves adorned with heavy bands of brocade armor: light arms
pair of brocade gloves with intricate steelsilk threading armor: light hands
draconic leather helm with ivory teeth armor: light head/neck
scale-embossed leather mask set with dragonfire amber armor: light eyes
pair of scale-embossed leather gloves armor: light hands
pair of supple leather gloves patterned with autumn leaves armor: light hands
streamlined leather helm of mottled oxblood and harvest gold hues armor: light head/neck
smooth leather mask dyed deep harvest gold armor: light eyes
khaddar gloves with heavy padding along their backs armor: light hands
pair of khaddar pants wrapped in thickly braided strips along the legs armor: light legs
draping hood of khaddar lined in armure armor: light head/neck
dashing khaddar mask edged in strips of fine armure armor: light eyes

wide armor display (30 kernels)

Item Type Details
trimetal chain gloves worked in a tree pattern armor: chain hands
trimetal chain balaclava studded with razaksel squirrels armor: chain head/eyes/neck
apple red great helm crested with thealstone worms armor: plate head/eyes/neck
thealstone-inlaid heavy plate gauntlets armor: plate hands
mask of pallid links stitched to moonspun silk padding armor: chain eyes
moonlight-hued chain gloves with a visible silken lining armor: chain hands
gleaming bronze pot ingeniously repurposed into a great helm armor: plate head/eyes/neck
pair of articulated gauntlets made from welded-together spoons armor: plate hands
pair of heavy plate gauntlets done in a vibrant mix of glaes and steel armor: plate hands
great helm embellished with multihued glaes fire armor: plate head/eyes/neck
asini chainmail mask edged with blackened steel crows armor: chain eyes
chain helm crafted from alternating links of asini and blackened steel armor: chain head/neck
blackened steel chain gloves with asini knuckleguards armor: chain hands
blackened steel chain greaves with asini kneeguards armor: chain legs
heavy bronze-hued pot lid shield: small poor (5/26) to good (12/26) protection

slender weapon rack (30 kernels)

Item Type Details
blowgun darts weapon: ammo 20x (added November 25)
bone blowgun with a leather grip weapon: brawling (added November 25)
fine niniam appraisal loupe banded with ice-blue thealstone (added November 25)
glaes spider set with a large libger's eye stone weapon: light thrown/medium edged 30 stones
blackened steel machete inset with spectrolite along the grip weapon: medium edged 30 stones
gold-inlaid steel scythe with a carved oak haft weapon: halberd 50 stones

flat bale of hay (60 kernels)

Item Type Details
sharp-thorned voulge bound to a modwir haft weapon: halberd 65 stones (added November 25)
nightstick weapon: short staff 42 stones (added November 25 but looks incomplete)
windsteel thrusting blade with whorling whirlwinds along the blade weapon: medium edged 30 stones (added November 19)
layered glass jewelry box with silver filigree fittings container contains: verby outfit
square cast iron skillet with a darkened oak handle magic makes grilled cheese
polished steel war sword capped with an amber sphere weapon: heavy/twohanded edged 45 stones
belaying pin of oak studded with brass beads weapon: medium blunt 40 stones
copper-inlaid steel maul with a carved ivory grip weapon: twohanded blunt 80 stones
blackened steel short sword etched with a silver lightning bolt weapon: light edged 15 stones
heavy iron mace with a raging rooster head weapon: medium blunt 40 stones
kapok-framed aquarium housing contains fish
bright white silk sack container contains: snowflake-themed suit
etched steel spatha with a wire-wrapped hilt weapon: heavy edged 35 stones
blackened steel gladius capped with a marble sphere weapon: medium edged 30 stones
wiirwood pilum with a bright bronze tip weapon: heavy thrown/pike 35 stones
steel pugio with a hilt of braided whitethorn weapon: light edged 10 stones
lamellar hauberk crafted of enamelled bronze armor: brigandine torso/arms/legs
tall tower shield painted a mottled green and gold shield: large fair (8/26) to exceptional (18/26) protection
twisted black scepter covered in tiny spikes weapon: light blunt 25 stones
star-headed steel flail with a firestained chain weapon: twohanded blunt 65 stones
etched steel kaskara hilted with witchclaw weapon: twohanded edged 75 stones
glossy walnut gavel banded with etched brass weapon: light blunt 20 stones
heavy steel hara with a witchclaw grip weapon: heavy blunt 50 stones
soft suede instrument case clasped with a diamond drumstick container contains: tabla (percussion)
lustrous purpleheart telescope case banded with silver filigree container contains: telescope
pale golden moneybelt subtly embroidered with silver thread clothing holds 20 coins
winged helm of sleek black leather armor: light head/neck

large wooden barrel (90 kernels)

Item Type Details
carved ironwood staff magic holds 4 runestones
grey glass ring jewelry eye-changer
maned helm of enameled steel armor: brigandine head/neck
curved scythe with a leather-clad handle weapon: halberd 50 stones
small book bound in crimson fabric titled "In Freedom's Name" magic creates lockpicks
small blue steel shark with a hinged tail item lighter
small white goat pin surrounded by a cage of woven twigs jewelry goat pin
clouded glass armband strung with a constellation of tiny stars jewelry shows constellations
burnished gold viper charm jewelry atmospheric
small metal monkey holding half of a Trothfang fire pepper to its mouth item lighter
crystal wand magic changes colors of some items
zenganne cloak clothing weather cloak
windsteel battle axe with a leather-wrapped kapok grip weapon: heavy edged 45 stones
heavily-etched windsteel cinquedea bearing an unadorned ring on the hilt weapon: heavy edged 40 stones
pale oak rod capped with a blue glass teardrop magic immobilizes target (fixed on 11/22/2016)
frosted glass ring edged with swirls of ultramarine magic creates a spirit shield (fully unlocked)
sturdy khor'vela staff inlaid with tiny veins of cambrinth weapon: quarterstaff holds 36 mana (50 stones)
darkened steel back-sword with an intricate gold handguard weapon: heavy edged 40 stones

body armor stand (90 kernels)

Item Type Details
asini chainmail shirt featuring blackened steel accents armor: chain torso/arms
heavily padded steelsilk robe with an inset brocade front panel armor: light torso/legs
serpentine double leathers tinted in pale frosty shades armor: light torso/arms/legs
colorful plate armor set with a sleeping dragon done in multihued glaes armor: plate torso/arms/legs
sleek autumnal-hued leather bodysuit armor: light torso/arms/legs
formal-looking khaddar shirt with armure lining armor: light torso/arms
set of hulking battle plate crafted from cookery tools armor: plate head/eyes/neck
grazhir-pale chain robe decorated with a silver crescent moon armor: chain torso/legs
shiny plate armor enameled the bright red of an apple armor: plate torso/arms/legs
trimetal chain hauberk with engraved razaksel shoulder plates armor: chain torso/arms/legs
suit of articulated leather armor sculpted to appear like dragon scales armor: light torso/arms/legs
heavy roughspun hauberk edged in gingham armor: light torso/arms/legs

long wooden table (200 kernels)

These weapons are tier 5 durability and have special mechanics for magic users.

Item Type Details
darkened steel scythe affixed to a twisted cambrinth haft weapon: halberd T5 weapon and holds 200 mana (50 stones)
wheaten-hued staff incised with myriad runes weapon: quarterstaff T5 weapon and a universal ritual focus (50 stones)

makeshift counter (250 kernels)

Item Type Details
shimmering outfit hider/glamour displays any item
jewelry outfit hider/glamour displays jewelry
armor outfit hider/glamour displays armor

Promotional Prizes

November 11 - November 13

rickety wagon (450 kernels)

Item Type Details
thick imperial weave cloth crafting material 15 yards
large tyrium bar crafting material 4 volumes
large silversteel bar crafting material 4 volumes
large icesteel bar crafting material 4 volumes
diamondwood limb crafting material 4 volumes

November 18 - November 22

small curio (100 kernels)

Item Type Details
golden Gnomish gadget magic embiggening device

silver tray (150 kernels)

Item Type Details
sturdy aformosia wristcuff shaped like a baguette magic creates food

crooked rack (275 kernels)

Item Type Details
elongated black haversack clasped with a grey button container 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + Rebecho ties
cloth-of-gold baldric clasped with an onyx scorpion container can hold up to five weapons of any size

large cloth-covered table (500 kernels)

Item Type Details
silversteel mesh dagger harness banded with ice sapphires container weight-reducer/comes with T5 throwing dagger
cloudy glass bottle with a leather-clad cork magic captures and releases a creature

November 25 - November 27

parchment holder (10 kernels)

Item Type Details
yellow parchment title Corniest
cornsilk-hued parchment title Kernel
pleated parchment title Stalk Stalker
speckled parchment title Corndog
tattered parchment title Corn Fed

flat bale of hay (150 kernels)

Item Type Details
diamondique stone crafting material 2 volumes
diamond-hide leather crafting material 4 yards
senci stone crafting material 2 volumes

silver tray (150 kernels)

Item Type Details
arm pouch painted with a sandwich contains sturdy aformosia wristcuff shaped like a baguette creates food
arm pouch painted with a teapot contains leather fob bearing a small pewter teapot creates tea
arm pouch painted with a coffee pot contains stained leather fob bearing a small copper coffee pot creates coffee

weapon stand (250 kernels)

Note: These weapons will disappear 30 days after the first strike.

Item Type Details
pale mist-hued partisan weapon: halberd 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued blade weapon: medium edged 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued greathammer weapon: heavy blunt 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued scepter weapon: light blunt 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued dire mace weapon: two-handed blunt 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued broadsword weapon: heavy edged 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued battle stonebow weapon: light crossbow 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued nightstick weapon: short staff 30-day T8 weapon

crooked rack (275 kernels)

Item Type Details
elongated black haversack clasped with a grey button container 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + Rebecho ties
cloth-of-gold baldric clasped with an onyx scorpion container can hold up to five weapons of any size

lopsided Wagon (450 kernels)

Item Type Details
gigantic vardite bar crafting material 40 volumes

wobbly table (500 kernels)

Item Type Details
viscous copper potion stat respec reduces all stats by 25%
sturdy claymore sheath of leather painted with a battle scene container 127 x 8 x 3 (70 stones)
dull serpent ring of mottled steel jewelry anti-poison ring
simple scabbard with a golden lion buckle container 13 x 4 x 1 (200) stones; Blesses one weapon

leaning shelf (3,500 kernels)

Item Type Details
wide diamond-hide belt covered in oversized pouches container 15 x 10 x 5 (1000 stones)
soft grey shadesatin pouch with a clasp of silversteel container creates gems ("hefty cooldown")
spiritwood repair kit with mottled windsteel fixtures repair kit repairs weapons and armor
cow-herd's badge mount summons a cow mount

dusty display (5,000 kernels)

Item Type Details
T'kashi mirror coresca weapon: halberd T6 T'Kashi mirror weapon
T'kashi mirror flail weapon: heavy blunt T6 T'Kashi mirror weapon

November 30

small curio (100 kernels)

Item Type Details
golden Gnomish gadget magic embiggening device

flat bale of hay (150 kernels)

Item Type Details
diamondique stone crafting material 2 volumes
diamond-hide leather crafting material 4 yards
senci stone crafting material 2 volumes

silver tray (150 kernels)

Item Type Details
arm pouch painted with a coffee pot contains stained leather fob bearing a small copper coffee pot creates coffee
arm pouch painted with a teapot contains leather fob bearing a small pewter teapot creates tea
arm pouch painted with a sandwich contains sturdy aformosia wristcuff shaped like a baguette creates food

weapon stand (250 kernels)

These weapons will disappear 30 days after the first strike.

Item Type Details
pale mist-hued nightstick weapon: short staff 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued battle stonebow weapon: light crossbow 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued broadsword weapon: heavy edged 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued dire mace weapon: two-handed blunt 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued scepter weapon: light blunt 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued greathammer weapon: heavy blunt 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued blade weapon: medium edged 30-day T8 weapon
pale mist-hued partisan weapon: halberd 30-day T8 weapon

crooked rack (275 kernels)

Item Type Details
elongated black backpack clasped with a grey button container 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + Rebecho ties
cloth-of-gold baldric clasped with an onyx scorpion container can hold up to five weapons of any size

rickety wagon (450 kernels)

Item Type Details
gigantic vardite bar crafting material 40 volumes
large tyrium bar crafting material 4 volumes
diamondwood limb crafting material 4 volumes
large icesteel bar crafting material 4 volumes
large silversteel bar crafting material 4 volumes
thick imperial weave cloth crafting material 15 yards

wobbly table (500 kernels)

Item Type Details
simple scabbard with a golden lion buckle container 13 x 4 x 1 (200) stones; Blesses one weapon
dull serpent ring of mottled steel jewelry anti-poison ring
sturdy claymore sheath of leather painted with a battle scene container 127 x 8 x 3 (70 stones)
viscous copper potion stat respec reduces all stats by 25%

leaning shelf (3,500 kernels)

Item Type Details
cow-herd's badge mount summons a cow mount
spiritwood repair kit with mottled windsteel fixtures repair kit repairs weapons and armor
soft grey shadesatin pouch with a clasp of silversteel container creates gems ("hefty cooldown")
wide diamond-hide belt covered in oversized pouches container 15 x 10 x 5 (1000 stones)

dusty display (5,000 kernels)

Item Type Details
T'Kashi mirror flail weapon: heavy blunt T6 T'Kashi mirror weapon
T'Kashi mirror coresca weapon: halberd T6 T'Kashi mirror weapon