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It is possible to brew your own coffee or tea from foraged tea leaves or coffee beans, even adding your own flavoring. This is a legacy system, and is expected to one day become part of the new Cooking discipline under Alchemy.



Oramiwes original procedure for the brewing process is described at [Oramiwe's Art of Tea].
Both of the following process will offer up the same resulting tea or coffee. Each tea leaf or coffee bean needs to be dried and crushed, but so long as both are accomplished, the order does not matter.
Before you begin:

  • FORAGE TEA LEAF or COFFEE BEAN and any flavoring ingredients (e.g. blueberries)
  • Optional: COMBINE LEAF/BEAN/<FLAVORING INGREDIENTS> to create larger volume pieces. They can also be combined after drying or crushing as well. This may increase processing time slightly (longer to dry or more crushing needed) but will not change the item produced and will save your item count if brewing in large batches.
Dry then Crush
  1. Dry tea leaf or coffee bean in a Wayerd pyramid
  2. CRUSH dried tea leaf/dried coffee IN MORTAR WITH PESTLE
  3. Put equal parts water and crushed tea leaf/ground coffee in jar
    1. Optional: Crush flavoring to juice or pulp, then add juice or pulp instead of the water to jar with the tea/coffee.
    2. Optional: Add honey instead of the water to jar with the tea/coffee.
  7. Get a 2nd piece of peat and PUT MY PEAT ON PEAT IN STOVE. This will create a fire.
    1. Tip: You can also use the abbreviated PUT MY PEAT IN STOVE
    • Continue to add peat by PUT PEAT IN STOVE until you have a good fire going, then CLOSE STOVE
  9. After you see steam rising from the jar, STIR JAR ON STOVE WITH MY STICK
    • Repeat stirring if necessary until you have tea or coffee.

Crush then Dry

  1. CRUSH tea leaf or coffee bean IN MORTAR WITH PESTLE
  2. Dry ground tea or ground coffee in a Wayerd pyramid
  3. Put equal parts water and dried tea/dried coffee in jar
    1. Optional: Crush flavoring to juice or pulp, then add juice or pulp instead of the water to jar with the tea/coffee.
    2. Optional: Add honey instead of the water to jar with the tea/coffee.
  7. Get a 2nd piece of peat and PUT MY PEAT ON PEAT IN STOVE. This will create a fire.
    1. Tip: You can also use the abbreviated PUT MY PEAT IN STOVE
    • Continue to add peat by PUT PEAT IN STOVE until you have a good fire going, then CLOSE STOVE
  9. After you see steam rising from the jar, STIR JAR ON STOVE WITH MY STICK
    • Repeat stirring if necessary until you have tea or coffee.

Brewing Notes

  • Each time the jar lets off steam, one part of water is consumed. It's suggested to add two more parts water than tea to account for this (so 3 parts added for each 1 part called for in the recipe), and wait for them to steam off before mixing. You can COUNT WATER IN JAR ON STOVE (as well as the tea leaf) to see how many parts are left.
  • On some of the flavoring fruits, when you forage them and crush you will end up with only pulp because they have less than 4 parts (COUNT to check the parts available). Forage up multiple items and COMBINE them prior to crushing to end up with juice if you'd prefer to work with that.
  • When using flavoring, substitute flavoring for water (e.g. blueberry juice for blueberry tea or strawberry pulp for strawberry tea).
  • When using flavoring, do not expect steam; simply stir your jar/kettle after about a minute on the stove, and it will become tea. Additionally, since there is no steam-off, there is no need to add extra water. A one-to-one ration of tea to pulp/juice still creates tea.
  • Foraged sticks/branches/logs do not fit in the portable stoves since the Shaping and Lumberjacking updates.
  • Any "stick" will work for stirring. This includes foraged sticks or even your parry stick if you want to save on inventory.
  • Similar legacy alchemy tools, such as a glass rod, will also work.


Drink Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Notes
Coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part water -
Sweetened coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part honey -
Blueberry coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part blueberry juice -
Briarberry coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part briarberry juice -
Cherry delight coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part cherry juice -
Gooseberry coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part gooseberry juice -
Lemon delight coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part lemon juice -
Minty sage coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part pulpy sage -
Orange delight coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part orange juice -
Rose breath coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part rose pulp - used red rose, but white rose & rose should produce the same results
Strawberry coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part strawberry juice -
Taffelberry coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part taffelberry juice -
Viper's bite coffee 1 part ground coffee 1 part viper grass pulp - dried viper grass & viper grass powder also work.
Tea 1 part dried tea 1 part water -
Sweetened tea 1 part dried tea 1 part honey -
Blueberry tea 1 part dried tea 1 part blueberry juice -
Briarberry tea 1 part dried tea 1 part briarberry juice -
Cherry delight tea 1 part dried tea 1 part cherry juice -
Gooseberry tea 1 part dried tea 1 part gooseberry juice -
Jasmine's kiss tea 1 part dried tea 1 part jasmine pulp -
Lemon delight tea 1 part dried tea 1 part lemon juice -
Minty sage tea 1 part dried tea 1 part pulpy sage -
Pig root tea 1 part dried tea 1 part pig root pulp -
Orange delight tea 1 part dried tea 1 part orange juice -
Rose breath tea 1 part dried tea 1 part rose pulp - used red rose, but white rose & rose should produce the same results
Strawberry tea 1 part dried tea 1 part strawberry juice -
Taffelberry tea 1 part dried tea 1 part taffelberry juice -
Turnip tea 1 part dried tea 1 part crushed turnip - drink at your own risk!
Viper's bite tea 1 part dried tea 1 part viper grass pulp - dried viper grass & viper grass powder also work.
  • Failed mixes, left them on for about triple the time the successful batches needed to mix, tried multiple times to stir, but never wanted to mix:
  • Turnip coffee: 1 coffee/1 crushed turnip. Also tried adding water (which steamed off) and juice (too many items).
  • Pig (pulp) coffee: 1 coffee/1 pig root pulp.
  • Jasmine (pulp) coffee: 1 coffee/1 jasmine pulp.
  • Seaweed coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 crushed seaweed. Also tried adding water (which steamed off).
  • Scallion coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 crushed scallion.
  • Chamomile coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 chamomile. Ultimately would have failed since you can't crush the chamomile. Tried with the 1/1 mix and with adding water (too many items).
  • Lavender coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 lavender. Ultimately would have failed since you can't crush the lavender. Tried with the 1/1 mix and with adding water (too many items).
  • Briarberry root coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 briarberry root. Ultimately would have failed since you can't crush the root. Also tried with the dried root.
  • Berry coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 pulped berries. Interesting result with the failure, the berries turned into some powdered berries.
  • Dustanjis coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 dustanjis pulp.
  • Dirdel coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 dirdel flower pulp.
  • Toadstool coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 crushed pale toadstool.
  • Green moss coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 pulped green moss.
  • Moss coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 pulped moss.
  • Sniper lily coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 pulped lily. Also tried with the dried lily.
  • Red lily coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 pulped lily. Also tried with the dried lily.
  • Draconaeia (oil) coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 draconaeia oil. Total fail, didn't recognize the oil in the jar (likely because of legacy system to make dracon crystals?)
  • Draconaeia (pulp) coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 draconaeia pulp.
  • Valerian (pulp) coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 crushed valerian.
  • Valerian (oil) coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 valerian oil.
  • Jasmine (oil) coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 jasmine oil.
  • Pig (oil) coffee/tea: 1 coffee or tea/1 pig root oil.