Category:Magical tattoo

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The magical tattoo system was released during the Droughtman's Challenge 426 (2018) event. Unlike the common cosmetic tattoos, these limited release designs are imbued with a non-signature spell and can be used by all magic users. Sorcery hazards will apply when casting outside your natural mana type.

You can have only one magical tattoo, but it can be used along side a normal tattoo. Magical tattoos are removed at tattoo shops or with a dirty inkpot.


  • APPLY to wear a magical tattoo
  • INVOKE to prepare the spell.
  • When invoked with no mana cost specified, an alternate base mana cost native to the tattoo will be used. (confirm 5 or 20 mana base)
  • Unlimited use and no cooldowns.
  • Will remain with you thru death.


Pages in category "Magical tattoo"

The following 95 pages are in this category, out of 95 total.