Braun's Conjecture

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Mm thumb.jpgMoon Mage Guild

Braun's Conjecture
Abbreviation: BC
Prerequisites: Circle 40, Moon Gate
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: ritual / utility
Difficulty: advanced
Prep (min/max): 100 / 600
Skill Range (min/max): 80 / 800
Valid Spell Target: Self
Duration (min/max): 30 minutes / 90 minutes
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: Braun's Conjecture is a ritual that adjusts the balance of the caster's conscious mind and their innate planar link. In such a state the caster is able to comprehend and calculate the extremely sophisticated formulae of Enlightened Geometry nearly instantaneously. These calculations are most useful when applied to the advanced forms of divination, though they can also be applied to teleportation. Oddly, this innate understanding does not extend to conventional mathematics.
Effect: Makes teleportation spells easier to cast, reduces the difficulty of using ALIGN Transmogrify and Split, reduces the RT of Predict State, removes the penalty for targeting specific skills with predictions.
Example Messaging: You attempt to quiet your mind, focusing on your planar link.
The mental strain of this pattern is considerably eased by your ritual focus.
Your ritual concludes and you find yourself divided. Corporeally, you remain in the familiar, the abiding. Simultaneously your mind seeks another place, full of stark light and shadow. In this place reality is mutable, distance irrelevant and probability lays splayed about. But there is still law here, a system of geometric truths laid down long ago and writ into the foundation of the plane. As this moment of clarity passes and you struggle to reconcile this duality the Plane of Abiding reasserts its dominance over your mind. Though your awareness has waned, your understanding of the planes remains.
Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • Affected teleportation spells: Teleport, Moon Gate, Contingency, and Riftal Summons
  • PREDICT STATE roundtime reduction is 1 second per prediction pool perceived. (Confirmation needed.)
  • ALIGN SPLIT is a binary system so all this spell does is allow you to use it earlier than you would be able to otherwise.
  • ALIGN TRANSMOGRIFY's efficiency is based on skill, so this spell will reduce the loss due to conversion from one prediction pool to another in addition to allowing you to perform the feat earlier than you otherwise would be able to.