Profile command
The PROFILE command allows players to edit and view character profiles.
Possible Fields
Field | Default Value |
Name | First Last |
Race | |
Guild | |
Circle | |
Spouse | No Info |
Citizenship | |
Prefered Location | |
Features | |
Roleplay Stance | None |
PvP Stance | Closed |
IM | |
URL | |
Quote |
PROFILE <NAME>: view a character's profile
PROFILE /EDIT: opens the profile editor
PROFILE HELP: displays toggle options
PROFILE HELP <FIELD>: explains how to edit a field, the available options, and what they mean
PROFILE /TOGGLE <FIELD>: toggles the display of field
PROFILE /SET <FIELD> <OPTION1> <OPTION2>: edits a field
Manual Editing
Toggle Only
These fields are toggle only. You can't change the content of these fields; you can only decide whether this information will be displayed or not.
- Race
- Guild
- Circle
- Citizenship
- Features
Some Information Required
These fields require you to supply additional information, but some of them can also be toggled.
This field cannot be toggled, but you can choose one of the following options:
1. UNINTERESTED - Select this option if you do not have a spouse and do not care to have one.
2. SINGLE - Select this option if you do not have a spouse and want to let the rest of Elanthia know that you are an elligble bachelor/bachelorette.
3. BONDED - Select this option if you have a spouse and don't want the rest of Elanthia to know who it is.
4. BONDEDTO - Select this option if you have a spouse and want the rest of Elanthia to know who it is. **NOTE** If you set your PvP Stance to OPEN this option will be shown regardless of what your SPOUSE setting is.
5. NOINFO - Select this option if you don't want to display anything related to spouses.
Prefered Location
You must select a location from the list and toggle this field on.
Locations: Ain Ghazal, Arthe Dale, Boar Clan, Cape of Storms, Chyolvea Tayeu'a, Crossing, Dark Hand, Dirge, El'Bain's, Forfedhdar, Fornsted, Hara'jaal, Hibarnhvidar, Horse Clan, Hvaaral, Ilaya Taipa, Ilithi, Knife Clan, Langenfirth, Leth Deriel, Mer'Kresh, M'Riss, Muspar'i, Penal Colony, Qi'Reshalia, Ratha, Raven's Point, River Clan, Riverhaven, Rossman's Landing, Segoltha River, Shard, Stone Clan, Surlaenis, Taisgath, The Ways, Therenborough, Therengia, Throne City, Tiger Clan, Vela'Tohr Valley, Vela'Tohr Woods, Wolf Clan, Zaulfung, Zoluren
Roleplay Stance
This field cannot be toggled, but you can choose one of the following options:
1. HEAVY - This setting will indicate that you wish to remain in an environment that is as immersive as possible and you would prefer that even veiled references to things outside of the game's environment and setting or openly discussing things such as mechanics be avoided. This is for people with a strong grasp of the game's lore and setting and for which remaining in-character and actively pursuing events and roleplaying opportunities with others is a top priority.
2. MEDIUM - This setting will indicate that you enjoy roleplaying most of the time and that it is a regular consideration in your interaction with others. This is appropriate for people who guide their interactions with others according to their character's personality, actively pursue in events and participate in roleplaying with others, but still feel comfortable talking about mechanics and ranks or making veiled references to things outside of the game, such as the boards, lag, or IM clients.
3. LIGHT - This setting indicates that you enjoy casual roleplay but do not specifically set out to do so. This is ideal for people willing to interact with others in an in-character fashion and who enjoy socializing from time to time, but whom for participation in events and pursuing roleplay with others is a relatively low priority. This setting is also appropriate for new players who are interested in roleplay but are not familiar with the environment and the game's setting and are unsure of where they currently fit in.
4. NONE (Not Really My Thing) - This setting indicates that you do not actively engage in roleplay nor do you wish for others to attempt to roleplay with you. Note that even those with this flag must respect the game environment and attempt to remain in-genre and avoid discussing blatantly out of character references within the game. This setting is appropriate for people who consider themselves casual gamers who just want to log on and play the game, or who are only interested in training and advancement with little to no in-character socialization.
PvP Stance
This field cannot be toggled, but you can choose one of the following options:
1. OPEN - This setting indicates that you welcome any conflict with any person at any time. This is a dangerous setting and should not be chosen lightly, as it will leave you open to random attacks without any recourse available from a GM. Basically, if you have this set, you are on your own when it comes to PVP and you accept that completely.
2. GUARDED - This setting indicates that you are open to PVP conflicts, provided you're aware they're coming. This option is good for people who enjoy PVP and enjoy "GM-less" conflict, as long as all parties involved are consenting and have agreed beforehand what's going to happen.
3. CLOSED - This setting indicates that you prefer to do everything you can to avoid PVP. Please note that this setting does not PROTECT you from PVP, it merely states that you're not generally interested in participating. If you choose to do things that cause bad feelings or ill will, however, you may get involved in PVP whether you like it or not.
You must enter your service, type your screen name, and toggle this field on.
You can include a personal URL in your profile. These URLs must be relevant to DragonRealms. This field is usually used to display character and group Web sites.
Some URLs, such as, are automatically approved. If your site is not on the default list, you will have to wait until DragonRealms staff approves it.
You must specify a URL and toggle this field on.
You can have a quote of up to 982 characters. Your quotation is subject to policy. Failure to abide by policy may result in a warning and having no further access to your profile.