Property:Pretty name is

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Description: This is a property for declaring the name to be used for display. Needed due to disambiguous title names needing multiple pages. Generally, will be populated directly from templates.
Type: string

There are currently 9908 items in this property, 1198 of which are incomplete, and 80 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Kouzan Teirtu  +
Krael  +
Kraphae  +
Kreich B'Thein  +
Krelpit Charr'hzz  +
Krenik  +
Krenze  +
Kretsky Redthorne  +
Kriggling's Thinker  +
Kriley Lambrodonk  +
''<metal>'' kris  +
Krissala Golailotsatu  +
Kristef  +
Kronag  +
Kronwif  +
Krrikt'k  +
Krrish  +
Kssarh T'kinnirii  +
Ktrini  +
Ktzini  +

Showing 1 related entity.