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 Messaging is
Climb command
Close command
Clutch command

You see: You wring your hands.
Others see: <Name> wrings <his/her> hands.

CLUTCH <self> head
You see: You grab your head and moan softly.
Others see: <Name> grabs her head and moans softly.

CLUTCH <self> eye
You see: You clutch your eyes as tears stream down your cheeks.
Others see: Tears stream down <Name>'s cheeks as she clutches <his/her> eyes.

CLUTCH <self> neck
You see: You grab at your throat with a piteous whimper.
Others see: <Name> clutches <his/her> throat with a piteous whimper.

CLUTCH <self> arm
You see: You grab at your arm. Oh, the pain!
Others see: <Name> clutches <his/her> arm in obvious pain.

CLUTCH <self> leg
You see: You clutch at your leg, almost falling as you try to put your weight on it.
Others see: <Name> clutches at <his/her> leg, almost falling.

CLUTCH <self> chest
You see: You clutch your chest with an anguished expression.
Others see: <Name> clutches <his/her> chest with an anguished expression.

CLUTCH <self> abdomen
You see: You double over, clutching your belly and moaning.
Others see: <Name> doubles over, clutching <his/her> belly and moaning.

CLUTCH <self> back
You see: You clutch the small of your back, grimacing with pain.
Others see: <Name> grimaces with pain, pressing one hand against the small of <his/her> back.

CLUTCH <self> hand
You see: You rub your hand, trying to work the stiffness out.
Others see: <Name> rubs <his/her> hand, flexing the fingers with a pained grimace.

CLUTCH <self> hair
You see: You tear at your hair with a frantic expression.
Others see: <Name> tears at <his/her> hair with a frantic expression.

CLUTCH <Person>
You see: You make a grab for <Person>'s arm, missing by a mile.
Others see: <Name> tries to grab your arm, but misses by a mile.

CLUTCH <Person> hair
You see: You glare angrily at <Person>. Ohh, if only you could just rip <his/her> hair out!
Others see: <Name> glares angrily at you, <his/her> fingers twitching.

CLUTCH <Person> hand
You see: You grab <Person>'s hand and whimper softly.
Others see: <Name> grabs your hand and whimpers softly.

CLUTCH <Person> arm
You see: You grab <Person> by the arm and whimper softly.
Others see: <Name> grabs you by the arm and whimpers softly.

CLUTCH <Person> neck
You see: Your fingers twitch as you look at <Person>, tempted to wring <his/her> neck.
Others see: <Name> fingers twitch as <he/she> looks at you angrily.

CLUTCH <item>
You see: You can't reach that well enough to get a good grip.

Coil commandCOIL ROPE
You see: You coil up your rope.
Others see: <character> coils up his/her rope.
Collect command
Combat command
Combine command
Command command
Commune commandCOMMUNE (non-Cleric)
You see: You begin to act like you are trying to commune with your god, but you have no idea if you are doing it correctly.
Others see: <Name> bows <his/her> head and grows still for a moment.
Compare command
Consent command
Contact command
Convert command
Cough command

You see: You cough.
Others see: <Name> coughs.

COUGH <self>
You see: You clear your throat.
Others see: <Name> clears <his/her>.

COUGH <Person>
You see: You look at <Person> and cough.
Target sees: <Name> looks at you and coughs.
Others see: <Name> looks at <Person> and coughs.

Count command

COUNT <person>
You see: There appears to be only one <person>, but you never know.
Target sees: <Player> is looking at you in the most suspicious manner.

COUNT ROOM (can also use AREA or ALL)
You see: Results of your count: everything in the area
Others see: <Player> takes a quick count of what's in the area.

You see: Results of your count: all visible critters in the area
Others see: <Player> takes a quick count of what's in the area.

COUNT <object>
You see: Results of your count: see below
Others see: <Player> takes a quick count of what's in the area.

  • For containers: You count everything inside.
  • For ammunition: You count how much is there.
  • For alchemical substances: You count how much is there.
  • For food and drink: You count how much is left.
  • For bone stacks: You count how many bones are there.

Example messaging:
There's five parts left of the jadice powder.

Cover command
Cower command

You see: You cower.
Others see: <Person> cowers in fear.

COWER <Person>
You see: You cower away from <Person>.
Target sees: <Person> shrinks fearfully away from you!
Others see: ?

Craft command
Crawl command
Cringe command
Crush command
Cry command

You see: You begin to weep softly.
Others see: <Player> begins to weep softly.

CRY <player>
You see: You look at <Player> and start to cry.
Target sees: <Player> looks at you and suddenly starts crying!
Others see: <Player> looks at <Player> and suddenly starts to cry.

Curse command

You see: You mumble something unprintable.
Others see: <Player> mumbles something unprintable.

CURSE <self>
You see: You mumble something "colorful" to yourself.
Others see: <Player> mumbles something.

CURSE <player> (not less than 10 circles of you)
You see: You mumble something unprintable at <Player> but keep it to yourself.
Target sees: Nothing.

CURSE <player> (less than 10 circles of you)
You see: You bolster the curse upon <Player> and s/he shivers as a sheath of darkness descends around her/his body.
Target sees: <Player> looks at you and raises her voice in a curse that sends a shiver through your body, causing the very light around you to dim.
NOTE: This will place a curse on the targeted player. See below.

Command <item>
You see: You mumble something unprintable at <item>.
Others see: <Player> mumbles something unprintable at <item>.

Curtsy command
Cut command-
Dab command
Dance command-
Daydream command
Deal command
Decay command
Decline command
Demeanor command
Depart command
Deposit command
Describe command
Dig commandDIG <self>
You see: You fruitlessly claw at the ground with your hands.
Others see: <Player> fruitlessly claws at the ground with his/her hands.
Dip commandDIP <item>
You see: You struggle with <item> but that doesn't seem to do anything.
Others see: <Player> struggles with <item>.
Dira command
Directions command
Disarm command
Disband commandDISBAND <self>
You see: Coming apart at the seams again?
Others see: <Person> gets a worried look on <her/his> face and quickly checks his arms and legs <and tail>. With a relaxed sigh, <she/he> nods like all is right with the world for now.
Discern command
Discipline command
Discord command
Dismantle command
Dismount command

Can NOT be used in RT.

You see: You climb off your high horse and assume a more friendly demeanor.
Others see: <Person> lowers <his/her> chin, assuming a more friendly demeanor.

Dive commandDIVE <body of water/area>
You see: You dive into the <body of water/area>.
Others see: ?
Dodge command
Drag command
Draw command