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Although multiple definitions exist for the Fae, probably the most auspicious one under the light of modern research would be: "Entities from or linked to a plane other than the Plane of Abiding which are created by, but not necessarily servants to, the gods." Members of the Fae are rarely called 'demons' by some texts, though true demons are not connected to the gods.

The Alfar are usually used as the archetypal depiction of "good" Fae, and are sometimes referred to as angels or depicted as Human-like creatures with feathered wings in contrast to their actual appearance. While the Alfar often serve as guardians or protectors, most Fae are more fickle, capricious, or downright malicious.

Gremlins are favored pets of Zachriedek, but are rarely seen unless summoned by Clerics to do certain menial tasks. The Faenrae family is created by Huldah, while ghasts and banshees are among the many servants of Asketi. Interestingly, the boggle is the only extant creature of Idonic origin.

Also See