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Kerenhappuch is a red-lipped and blonde-haired beauty, the mad mage goddess is without scruples, and not above blackmail, extortion, or murder -- not to mention her own attractive feminine wiles -- to get the information she wants. From time to time her ruthlessness has been so severe that she has killed others under the notion that if she cannot have the knowledge, no one will. Kerenhappuch is also a seductress and a schemer, twisting men to her desires as if they were wrapped about her finger, and turning women against each other.

She has a skirt of fabulous colors crafted for her by Kertigen (who she tricked into making it for her by pretending she was Hodierna and telling Kertigen she needed it to entertain some Dwarves) that will cause any man who looks upon her while she wears it dancing to fall in love with her, and cause any male Dwarf to immediately swear fealty to her. Unfortunately (for Kerenhappuch), Kertigen, when he learned it was not Hodierna who had requested the item, also put a curse upon the skirt that causes any woman who sees her wearing it to become insanely jealous of the beautiful goddess.



Other Aspects

Neutral - Meraud
Light - Firulf

Altar Locations

Proper Offerings

  • skirts
  • shrew beads
  • parchment shrew primers
  • Immortal Kerenhappuch cards


ItemSource isRare item
Aged cherrywood humidor trimmed with a thin golden bandDunshade: Echo of Tears/End loot
Animal crackerItem:Colorful pouch with small animal figures stitched upon itfalse
Animal skeletonRandom creature dropHollow Eve Festival 396Grave earth pile 432 prizesGrave earth pile 428 prizesGrave earth pile 425 prizesGrave earth pile 421 prizesGrave earth pile
Anloral shrew pinSoulful Trinkets (2)Soulful Trinkets (1)true
Armor:Blackened chain gloves fixed with tarnished steel wrist guards
Armor:Blackened full double leathers painted with lightning bolts surrounding a shrew
Armor:Darkly tinted augmented hauberk with an emblazoned disk adorning the chest
Armor:Muracite great helm sculpted to resemble the visage of a yawning shrew
Black leather boots studded with silver shrewsGriniel's Cottage
Blackened chain gloves fixed with tarnished steel wrist guardsItem:Dusky-blue basilisk hide satchel decorated with ur hhrki'izh claws along the flapItem:Dusky-blue basilisk hide satchel decorated with ur hhrki'izh claws along the flapCurse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
... further results