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Beseech Elanthia to Seal

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Incomplete Article
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Ranger thumb.jpgRanger Guild
Beseech Elanthia to Seal
Requirements: Unknown
Slot Cost: Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: beseech / Unknown
Contest: Unknown vs. Unknown
Path: Unknown
Description: Unknown
Effect: , , , , Beseech Elanthia to Seal allows the Ranger to prolong the time before a grave starts decaying and spitting its items out.
Messaging: Unknown

Quest Spoilers

Climbing must be good enough to get into the area needed, at least 160 ranks with SPC.

Your scholarship skill must be at least 115 ranks.

The sum of Wisdom + Discipline + Intelligence should be at least 75.

Once you get the go-ahead from Tomma head to the undergondola area and into blade spiders. You need to be in the Green Room right beside the word Yvhh on the map. STUDY the fossil there until you succeed.

Usage Beseech Elanthia to Seal DEADPERSONNAME while in the same room as their grave.