Moon Mage vision list 2012: Difference between revisions
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The Human, his face in his hands, asks, "Why?" |
The Human, his face in his hands, asks, "Why?" |
The creature responds, "You inherited a debt. Your kind claimed the majesty of the heavens as their own. It is not without price. It is not without obligation. Yet even that... even those who know they are called, fall victim to your hands." |
The creature responds, "You inherited a debt. Your kind claimed the majesty of the heavens as their own. It is not without price. It is not without obligation. Yet even that... even those who know they are called, fall victim to your hands." |
"You are the children of foolish, but prideful men. When did you start needing gods to come tell you good from evil? Celestial or cthonic freedom or fate. You wield your ambivalence as a shield. You were called, and you have not answered."|sub= |
"You are the children of foolish, but prideful men. When did you start needing gods to come tell you good from evil? Celestial or cthonic freedom or fate. You wield your ambivalence as a shield. You were called, and you have not answered."|sub=Arbiter in Darkness,Pelag ai Aldam|rep=True}} |
Revision as of 00:59, 22 April 2021
This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2012.
Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.
Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.
Date and Time: 12/16/2012 | |
Your vision goes hazy and you find yourself looking at a village with a large gathering of Elpazi. A small group has broken off, and looks to be standing away from the bigger cluster. From the large group, one, clearly an elder steps forward and says, "No. We want peace." Your view changes, and you find yourself looking at the smaller group, all appear to be younger and angrier. One of them, his piercing crystal blue eyes blazing, spits on the ground before the small knot turns their backs and disappears from the village. | |
Possible Subjects: Elpalzi, Alret | Repeat: ? |
Date and Time: 12/15/2012 | |
Your vision blackens momentarily, and you find yourself in a dark room, a young Elpazi tinkering with some sort of explosive device, with cages of various small animals stacked behind him. The last thing you see is a pair of Elpazi hands removing a spitting and hissing cat from its cage. The vision ends. | |
Possible Subjects: Elpalzi | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 11/13/2012 | |
A young mage dressed in black and silver gazes up at the obelisk, unconsciously fiddling with his pewter shrew amulet. A calm voice ends the vision, though the message lingers in your mind, "Be gone, your kind is not welcome here." | |
Possible Subjects: Children of Kalestraum, Taisgath | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 11/13/2012 | |
Silvery threads stretch delicately in every direction forming an impossibly complex web. A particular strand catches your eye as it begins to smolder. | |
Possible Subjects: Web of Fate | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: Late October 2012 | |
A Y'shai stands nearly motionless, weapon at rest, with eyes ceaselessly scanning the shadows. Without warning his hand darts into the shadows to grab a skulking figure. He decrees, "That is enough from you." and dispassionately drags the struggling figure away. | |
Possible Subjects: Y'Shai, Throne City justice system? | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: Late October 2012 | |
An elderly but remarkably well aged man strides through darkness. Every step, every gesture, every motion he makes is done with conviction and accompanied by swirls of crimson.
A pair of massive bronze doors stands in his path, but they smoothly swing open at his approach. Eventually, he reaches a long marble table lit by an unseen light and ringed by a wide assortment of people, all finely dressed. Most seem unnerved by the man's approach, though several are visibly pleased. Only as the man steps into the light do you notice the disfiguring scars that mar the man's face. He places his right hand on the table, for his left sleeve hangs empty, and gazes at the crowd in euphoria, "Let us begin." | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/08/2012 | |
Accosted by a sudden, unfamiliar equine sensation, you open your eyes to a snow-covered world passing rapidly by you as you gallop mightily. Hazy shapes appear in front of you, only to be mowed down like so many wheat stalks. Soon, the snow is painted a holy red as far as the eye can see, yet you cannot slow down. | |
Possible Subjects: Asketi's Ride | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/06/2012 | |
You open your eyes to a vision, but only see a giant snake staring back maliciously. Immediately, it strikes at you with a tremendous force that jolts your foresight painfully and disrupts your concentration. | |
Possible Subjects: Asketi's Ride | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/06/2012 | |
From a distance, you see the indistinct skyline of a sprawling city -- burning and half-destroyed. The cloudy image of a pair of frosty blue eyes dominates the night sky from horizon to horizon, causing your spirit to shrivel. | |
Possible Subjects: Asketi's Ride | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/05/2012 | |
Clad in peasant garb, you are thrown to the side of the road by a passing rider. Although you feel no pain, your wretched inability to stand back up suggests a severe wound. Your ragged plea for help to a nearby woman dies in your throat when you notice her long, smoke-like black hair billowing about a face of even deeper blackness. | |
Possible Subjects: Asketi's Ride | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/05/2012 | |
You stumble through icy terrain, lost in a bleak blizzard and knowing that your companions are already dead. A banshee scream begins in the distance and draws nearer. Tears flood uncontrollably from your eyes, only to snap-freeze on your face, as your will to live is inexorably smothered by the cruel sound. | |
Possible Subjects: Asketi's Ride | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/05/2012 | |
Monstrous creatures and dark-clad humanoids pour down a foggy mountainside, while a lone silver-haired woman stands before them all on their path. Her one hand is raised in an imperious gesture as if to halt them, but her head is bowed in humble resignation. The chaotic armies rumble past the woman, forking around her at a respectful distance. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/05/2012 | |
You suddenly find yourself at the bottom of a dry well, sheer stone walls rising around you. High above, what appears to be a sickle dangles over the well's mouth. Blood drips endlessly from it, drenching your helpless body and filling the well at an unreal rate. The vision dims away just before you drown. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 08/19/2012 | |
You feel your heart begin to race, a surge of battle-fury wracking you. The need to *know* throbs in your breast almost as urgently as your heartbeat. You stand before a Human woman with pale blue eyes. You fix her with your gaze and grate, "" The urge to wrap your hands around her pale white throat is almost uncontrollable, but you keep yourself still with an effort. The woman smiles at you, her eyes full of sadness. She shakes her head silently and opens her mouth. You recoil in horror. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 08/19/2012 | |
You see an austere classroom overfilled with people. Robed men and women of different ages -- even a few elders and astute-looking children -- are seated at rows of desks, poring over pristine parchments. The instructor scrawls numbers and formulae on the blackboard, pausing often to strike through something and rewrite it. A thick sense of frustration exudes from everyone but the children. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 08/19/2012 | |
Darkness folds upon darkness, and you are suddenly standing beside a large white table. Someone is lying atop it, shrouded by the shadows. For some reason, you can only focus your vision on their arm -- a strong, tanned arm.
Devoid of hesitation, you draw your lancet deeply across the upper arm. Instead of blood, what looks like multicolored ink spills out in distinct ribbons -- white, yellow, blue, green and others. Only once they are out of the body do they begin to mingle, congealing together into a revulsive muck that sticks to your hands. You shudder, slowly coming to your senses. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 08/19/2012 | |
As you gaze at the heavens, deep in contemplation, an unusual rainbow somehow bearing more colors than it should streaks from horizon to horizon. A second rainbow, this one of regular colors, *slithers* across the sky from another angle, far underneath the first. Your mind's eye is suddenly blinded by a tearing sensation, and you never get to see the third rainbow that was beginning to coalesce. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: ? |
Date and Time: 08/19/2012 | |
A small masked figure crouches before a round door of diamondique-reinforced steel, radiant tricolor runes running along its circumference. He or she reaches out to each rune, in seemingly random order, and white lights burst at the touch, extinguishing the runes one by one. As the last light fades away, you notice the figure rubbing its hands together with unmistakable anticipation. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 08/19/2012 | |
You find yourself on a vast stretch of steppe, between a herd of antelopes and several skulking pards that approach fast. Without warning, all the animals in sight are startled as if by a whipcrack inaudible to your vision-self. The antelopes dash in one direction, and the pards in another. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 07/27/2012 | |
You see a line of statues against the background of a starlit night, each made of sleek black marble. The hems of a pair of ragged grey robes sweep past your vision, accompanied by chatter in disconcerting, throaty voices. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 07/27/2012 | |
A Human woman stands silent and unmoving, her features hidden in the depths of a deep cowl. A S'Kra Mur female approaches briskly, touching the Human almost tenderly on the arm. The cloaked figure leans forward and gently detaches her own tongue, placing it unflinchingly in the other's hand. The S'Kra Mur gazes at the organ distastefully, tossing it to the ground. Taking the Human by the elbow, the S'Kra Mur woman leads the cloaked figure away into the surrounding darkness. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 07/27/2012 | |
The world turns hazy and indistinct as your consciousness is pulled elsewhere.
Your vision clears and you find yourself looking down upon a dry lake bed in the middle of a small island. A trio of adventurers catches your eye as they cautiously explore the area. Unseen by them is a swarm of lurking armadillos preparing to attack. Before the carnage can begin you find your vision drawn back to the here and now. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 07/03/2012 | |
An elderly Halfling woman sits at a table covered by a blue tablecloth. A vase filled with bellflowers sits among the remains of a gracious breakfast. A tall Human woman with dark brown skin occupies a larger chair, hands folded in her lap and spine as straight as a fencepost.
The Halfling takes a dainty sip of tea from a delicate bone-white teacup. Gazing up at the Human, she says, "Yes, she will be dealt with, but first we need more information. That will be your task, dear." The Human woman gazes down at her hands, expression unreadable. She says in a neutral tone, "How forceful do you wish me to be in my inquiries, Khalo?" "Goodness, child, there's no need yet to think of such extremes. If we silence her too vigorously, people will believe we fear what she might say. Bring your report to me first." The Human woman rises, smoothing the dove-grey fabric of her silk blouse. "As you say, Khalo." | |
Possible Subjects: Wyllen, Asrea | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/25/2012 | |
High overhead, the ruby light of Yavash gazes down, turning the wave-filled sea below you a bloody crimson. The wind shifts and the entire world seems a rumbling, unstable mess. Just as it all settles...
Darkness. Yavash is snuffed. The sky is snuffed. The stench of hot breath fills the air, pressing in on you from all sides. Where the red moon once poured its light, a seemingly endless stream of liquid crashes down into the sea below. Scared and confused, you skitter back from the intrusion, carefully repairing a broken section of webbing before hunkering in a nearby crack. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/25/2012 | |
Swirls of muted color occlude your sight, throwing your surroundings into quiet chaos. You find yourself in a peaceful village tinged by the foul deceit of death. A small boy's eager hand clutches your fingers, forcing you to focus.
Underneath a blanket of stars, a Gor'Tog and Elf share a conversation from the doorway of a whitewashed inn. You push the boy further behind you, a vain effort to protect him from the ghastly sight of the putrefied, venom-riddled corpse marring the otherwise tranquil scene. Only a handful of words escape their tete-a-tete to reach your ears. The red-haired Elf pauses a moment before flicking her head toward the slain Elpalzi. The Gor'Tog approaches the corpse and unfolds a tarpaulin. Feebly, the boy whimpers, and the woman's eyes instantly settle on you with a fierce gaze. Tears well up as you move to guard the boy. With one blink, they spill from your eyes and return you to the present. | |
Possible Subjects: Parnore | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/25/2012 | |
All around you is darkness. The whisper of a cold wind caresses the back of your neck, and you shiver involuntarily. From the distance you hear hooves thundering, causing the earth to tremble. As the sound draws closer, the cold wraps its icy tentacles around your whole body.
The darkness fades with the cacophony of the unseen steeds, leaving you with an intense feeling of foreboding. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/25/2012 | |
A bright summer sun blazes down, illuminating the calm water below. High above, at the edge of your world, a massive shadow comes into view. The great dark shape plunges toward you, falling from the sky. Landing with a splash, the object just as quickly returns skyward, taking its newly gathered cargo with it. Nonplussed, you return to work wrapping your latest victim in a shroud of fine webbing. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/25/2012 | |
Through the haze of time, an indistinct scene unfolds before your eyes. Two nervous women wearing plain dresses, Elven and Elothean, confront a large bald man, whose jaw drops at something they say. He bellows in rage, but becomes smaller and smaller in stature. The last thing you see is the Elothean cowering behind the Elf before the vision is engulfed in haze. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/25/2012 | |
You see a line of statues against the background of a starlit night, each made of sleek black marble. The hems of a pair of ragged grey robes sweep past your vision, accompanied by chatter in disconcerting, throaty voices. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/04/2012 | |
You see a pair of towering Elpalzi warriors striding purposefully toward you, blue eyes blazing. One of them growls, "It's time, Parnore. Time for you to step down. Time for our people to take back Zoluren." You stand quietly staring at them, unmoving. The pair grin fiercely as they draw small blades and begin circling you. | |
Possible Subjects: Parnore, Alret, Garhal | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 02/04/2012 | |
The great expanse of a bright blue sky passes slowly in front of your eyes. You ache all over, every bump and jostle from the road you're being dragged across sends piercing bolts of pain into your back and abdomen. Just when the pain becomes unbearable, your journey stops and you are uncerimoniously dumped before a town well. Townspeople scurry by, all but ignoring your bleeding body as it drains its vital fluids from the stab wounds in your belly. Just as the vision fades, you hear a small girl screaming. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: Early January 2012 | |
You see a ragged Human underneath the night sky. He sits on a large rock at the crest of a hill, his tri-color robes torn and bloody. In front of him is a tall creature, Human in basic shape but formed by flat planes of white light. Coldness radiates from the creature, forming a frost in the surrounding grass.
The Human, his face in his hands, asks, "Why?" The creature responds, "You inherited a debt. Your kind claimed the majesty of the heavens as their own. It is not without price. It is not without obligation. Yet even that... even those who know they are called, fall victim to your hands." "You are the children of foolish, but prideful men. When did you start needing gods to come tell you good from evil? Celestial or cthonic freedom or fate. You wield your ambivalence as a shield. You were called, and you have not answered." | |
Possible Subjects: Arbiter in Darkness, Pelag ai Aldam | Repeat: True |