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#REDIRECT [[Concept:Gor'Togs]]
[[Image:gortog.gif|200px|left|Male and Female Gor'Togs]]Historically, '''Gor'Togs''' were enslaved and used by the [[S'Kra Mur]] as heavy laborers. Fortunately for the S'Kra, most Gor'Togs of current times hold little emnity toward their former captors; due in part to thoroughly Toggish philosophy of "if it ain't broke, don't break it". They have a reputation for being the biggest, strongest, and most physically powerful of all the common races.

Coupled with that is the perception that Gor'Togs tend to fall by the wayside in the brains department. While it's true that you'll rarely see a Gor'Tog [[Moon Mage]] in the Realms, this fact still didn't keep great 'Togs such as [[Uthmor]] from helping to outwit the wily [[Elf|Elves]] in the Resistance Wars, and rumors still persist of a Gor'Tog [[Paladin]] claiming to be [[Lanival]] during the beginning of the Dragon Priest Insurrection.

''For a moment, nothing appears to happen. Then, slowly, the Gor'Tog figurine begins to speak in a deep rumbling voice, the words carefully chosen: "I am Gor'Tog. Gor'Tog is strength. Gor'Tog is endurance. Gor'Tog needs not magic or cleverness, Gor'Tog has much trust in self. Elven are faster, but Gor'Tog does not need fast, Gor'Tog has might. Dwarven are strong but Gor'Tog is stronger. Halfling is clever but Gor'Tog finds the straight way, no need for tricks."''

''You gaze at this slow-worded being. Tall and well-muscled, dark green skin covers a massive, hairless frame. Dark eyes look out, lacking sparkle perhaps, but forthright and true in many ways. Like an enduring oak tree or massive boulder, the Gor'Tog radiates a sense of solidity and permanence.''
===Starting Statistics===
*Strength - 16
* Reflex - 8
* Agility - 10
* Charisma - 10
* Discipline - 10
* Wisdom - 6
* Intelligence - 6
* Stamina - 14

Latest revision as of 02:41, 23 September 2014

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