Moon Mage vision list 2010: Difference between revisions

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The only figure you can focus on amidst the bright explosions and flying debris is a Human man with pale skin, red hair and a slender frame. Seemingly unhindered by the chaos at his feet, he bares his teeth in rage and walks toward the monstrous obelisk. Your vision is engulfed in white when an explosion cuts into the ground between your point of view and the Human, severing the vision.
The only figure you can focus on amidst the bright explosions and flying debris is a Human man with pale skin, red hair and a slender frame. Seemingly unhindered by the chaos at his feet, he bares his teeth in rage and walks toward the monstrous obelisk. Your vision is engulfed in white when an explosion cuts into the ground between your point of view and the Human, severing the vision.
|sub= Pelag ai Aldam, sorcery|rep=False}}
|sub= Pelag ai Aldam, sorcery|rep=False}}


Revision as of 23:40, 21 April 2021

This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2010.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 02/07/2011
Your vision momentarily blurs. As it clears, you find yourself bathed in a brilliant blue light. A sense of joy fills your being... at first. Slowly and painfully you start to disintigrate, each tiny bit of what was once you floating high up into the light. Just when you think the pain couldn't possibly get worse the vision ends, leaving you whole and slightly dazed.
Possible Subjects: Xibar topaz Repeat: False

Date and Time: 12/30/2010
Low chanting fills your ears. Looking around you find yourself inexplicably sitting at an oval-shaped table with a dozen or so hooded monks, all reciting the same phrase. The words seem strange, and as you attempt to focus on them you feel your sanity slowly slipping away. Erupting into a fit of maniacal laugher, you abruptly awaken from the strange dream, feeling somehow changed.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/30/2010
Dark skies roll in overhead, followed by inky waves of a sea surrounding you. Aboard a violently swaying ship, you find yourself at the center of a great, oceanic maelstrom. Back and forth the deck tilts, the angle growing more and more severe with each great wave. Suddenly a loud *CRACK* pierces through the din, and you look up to see the mast snapped, falling directly toward you. Just before you are crushed, you notice a stout, bearded fellow leaping into the waves, cutlass in hand. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/30/2010
You find yourself at a fisherman's wharf, screams and pandemonium breaking out among a throng, with people running in all directions and pushing and shoving through the crowd. A moment later, a massive suckered tentacle rears up from beyond and comes crashing down, sweeping dozens of victims into the churning waters of the harbor. Ship's masts rock to and fro as more of the huge, flailing tendrils wend their way up on shore, wrapping around some and crushing others. The horrible image fades in a blink, leaving behind only a disturbing memory.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/30/2010
Darkness envelops you briefly, and as your vision clears you see a beautiful woman with angelic features, head covered with a shadowy hood, stalking behind a large drunken man walking in the shadows. Suddenly, she draws a knife and begins to quietly move closer to the man. Before you can protest, she has stabbed the man multiple times in the back. She searches his dead body, finds what appears to be a deed of some sort. After pocketing the object, she drags the corpse into an alley just as your vision returns to normal.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/30/2010
A faint drone fills your ears and your sight blurs. With a sudden snap, your vision flashes to a well-traveled road. A young lass dressed in finery is accompanied by a small entourage traveling at a relaxed pace. Suddenly, a loud *THWACK* rings out as a piercing arrow hits its mark. A bloody red haze encircles the vision as chaos ensues, the lass falling into a crumbled heap. Deafening screams echo across the road and the image of a lion flashes before you, just as your mind's eye snaps shut, leaving you breathless.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/30/2010
Bands of wavering color wash over your vision, fading into a vibrant forest scene. A female archer with blonde hair and green eyes steps from the foliage, her Human features complimented by pointed ears. She holds one hand up to silence you, and then points to the south. You follow her fingertip toward the distance, hearing her say, "He is coming." Before your eyes can focus on where she is indicating, the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Lirisa Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/30/2010
You see a man without eyes, crossing the desert. He walks with a staff in hand, face turned always towards the sun, bare feet shuffling through the sand. Coming to a valley with a three-spired ridge along the edge, red rocks jutting toward the sky, he stops and raises his staff into the air. "Come forth, my minions!" After a moment, the sand of the valley begins to rumble and shift, but the vision is already fading.
Possible Subjects: Lhars, Cadaverous Yeehar Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/29/2010
As your vision twists you see a tattered old man surrounded by a pile of bones that appear to be Human and Elven. The man searches aimlessly through the bones until he finds the one he is looking for. He grins, and as he does, you can see bits of flesh hanging from his teeth. Setting the bone to the side he says to himself, "That will be for later!" Your vision returns to normal, but the image of that man will always remain.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/29/2010
Stern features spring to life in front of you, a dark-skinned Human with short black hair dominating your field of vision. His displeased gaze turns to an enraged snarl and he shouts, "No! For the last time, no! Good gods, you are entirely useless!" Without warning you find yourself upside-down and sailing out through the nearby window. Thankfully, the vision fades before you crash to the ground.
Possible Subjects: Kssarh Repeat: True

Date and Time: 12/29/2010
A starry sky races past you suddenly, familiar constellations sliding away to be replaced by more and stranger formations. Clouds form in the blackness between, bubbling outward from the inky darkness into smoky tendrils that flail and grasp, seemingly toward you. One by one they absorb the points of light, clearing the sky of stars. Relief washes over you as the vision abruptly ends.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/16/2010
Your vision blurs. As it comes back to focus, you have a bird's eye view of a massive keep. Workers mill about the area chopping trees, shaping stone, and laying a cobble road. Seated within the center of the clearing is a lone albino blood wolf, his gaze carefully surveying the nearly completed work. As he turns his muzzle upward toward you the vision abruptly ends.
Possible Subjects: Ulf'Hara Keep, Vorclaf Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/16/2010
A barely perceptible shadowy aura clings to your skin, energizing you with a sense of safety and well-being. It does not last long, however, as an unwelcome searing light rends apart your aura. The loss stabs your heart with daggers of dull, numbing pain.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/16/2010
You find yourself buried vertically in some sort of thick mud, your limbs immobile and your eyelids heavy with exhaustion. A twilight-hued frog leaps in front of your face and fixes you with a bug-eyed, whimsical stare. The vision ripples away from your mind.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/16/2010
You see a cyan snake that is slithering across a floor of irregularly interlocked black and white tiles. It pauses briefly, then multiplies into three snakes that look identical to their parent. Your viewpoint elevates as the new snakes move on in different paths that oddly follow the tile patterns, each one trifurcating again. The scene blurs away before you can discern the overarching mosaic that was beginning to show.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/15/2010
The threads of fate billow into an expansive fog in which the only visible thing is the silhouette of a man seated on an elaborately sculpted platinum chair. Your mind's eye is so distant from him, however, that you cannot make out his shadowed face. From the flashy bolero he is humming, he seems happy in spite of the dreary surroundings.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/14/2010
You find yourself staring at your reflection in a mirror, which slowly darkens into a pitch-black ersatz. Noticing there is no mirror anymore, you reach out with a hesitant hand to touch the creature. The coldness of its skin makes you jerk your hand back and ends the vision.
Possible Subjects: Dunshade: Echo of Tears Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/23/2010
Your vision comes to rest on a merchant spreading his wares gloomwood table. In the middle of the table you see a pedestal of bluefire velvet. Fine metallic threads used in the warp of the fabric catch the light, causing an illusion resembling blue lightning crackling across its surface. Rare gems rest on the surface of the velvet including haze sapphires, night diamonds, and cloud rubies. Surrounding the pedestal are bolts of Elven snowlace, duchess satin, lava samite, and starlight velvet. The merchant shifts a bolt of fabric, allowing you to catch a glimpse of bolts of mana engraved into the surface of the table. Your vision returns to normal.
Possible Subjects: Hollow Eve 2010 Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/23/2010
Your vision attempts to focus on an endless void, but soon your head aches as your eyes fail to find a point to rest upon. You become aware of a rhythmic pulsing somewhere in the shifting nothingness, eventually settling to a steady drip, drip, drip. A small point appears, then another and another. Your vision returns to normal before any of the spots gets close enough for you to recognize its shape or form.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/23/2010
The world spins around you, finally settling on a priestess raising her arms at an altar. Clad in an oceanmist satin robe embroidered with bolts of mana, she holds a dusk rose in one hand and a chalice made of haralum in the other. A small smile appears on her lips as your vision returns to normal.
Possible Subjects: Morlaena Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/06/2010
Your vision flashes black without warning. Darkness surrounds you. As you draw an uneasy breath, mud and water flow quickly into your mouth and nose, clogging your airways. You blink rapidly as you attempt to pull yourself to fresh air and continued life. You feel the unbearable weight on your chest move toward your neck, like hands wrapping themselves around you in a tight embrace. Just as you start to lose all hope your vision snaps back to normal.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/05/2010
You hear steel clashing against steel! Turning around, you see two figures: both the size and build of a Human male and both clad head to toe in identical, bare steel plate. Each fights with an identical bastard sword and wards their opponent away with identical shields which bear no crests.

Unsurprisingly, the fighters are evenly matched. What few blows are not parried or batted away fail to penetrate their armor. Only as the fight goes on do you notice a distinction between the two: one radiates a sense of... wrongness, a detectable repugnance that can only be described in terms of spiritual or moral worth.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/05/2010
Your vision sharply blurs, leaving indistinct whorls of color in front of you. When you recover, two animals stand in front of you. One is a prime example of a lion, while standing near its front paws is a tensed mongoose. Moments pass, and then...

...nothing happens. There is no intuitive meaning; no sense of power or destiny. The two animals stare at you, and you could almost fancy they are disappointed. The lion turns its back to you and walks away, the mongoose scampering after him.

Possible Subjects: Chadatru, Rutilor Repeat: True

Date and Time: Between 8/31/2010 and 09/05/2010
As your vision clears you find yourself in a large theater. A stage magician, clad in a dark robe adorned with lightning bolts of mana, holds the crowd's rapt attention. The magician summons you to the stage and places a dove in your outstretched hand, then covers the bird with an iridescent cloth. Suddenly the illusionist produces a knife and slashes at the cloth which explodes in a flash of light. The crowd gasps in amazement as the bird and one of your fingers have vanished. The magician raises his hands high above his head, basking in the cheers of the crowd as you make your way back to your seat. The audience is still cheering as your vision returns to normal.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/31/2010
Your vision blurs. As it comes back to focus, you have a bird's eye view of the foundation of a massive keep. Workers mill about the area chopping trees, shaping stone, and laying a cobble road. Seated within the center of the clearing is a lone albino blood wolf, his gaze carefully surveying the work in progress. As he turns his muzzle upward toward you the vision abruptly ends.
Possible Subjects: Ulf'Hara Keep, Vorclaf Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/31/2010
Your vision blurs. As it comes back to focus, you have a bird's eye view of the foundation of a massive keep. Workers mill about the area chopping trees, shaping stone, and laying a cobble road. Seated within the center of the clearing is a lone albino blood wolf, his gaze carefully surveying the work in progress. As he turns his muzzle upward toward you the vision abruptly ends.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/31/2010
You see an elderly Human farmer, hoe in hand, working in a garden. A pillar of fire and sunlight erupts some feet behind him, a screaming flame that somehow that does not consume the vegetation beneath it. The sunlight brightens and dims rhythmicly, while the crackle of the flame transforms into a polyphonic voice.

"They need to die."

The Old Man replies nonchalantly, "Everybody dies."

While it has no body language to speak of, you intuit that the flame is not amused. An awkward silence holds until the Old Man speaks again, "Can you do anything about the demon?"


"Then you have a very serious problem. Good luck with that." With that, the Old Man returns his attention to his vegetables.

Possible Subjects: Old Man, The Hunger Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/20/2010
You grow lightheaded, feeling almost giddy. The world around you becomes gradually more blurry, images and forms trailing behind their actual location as you turn to inspect them. Somewhere beneath the euphoric sensation you are aware of a power surging through you, giving you pause for a moment as you inspect yourself. Your body, rippling with musculature you previously did not possess, inspires you to utilize this amazing strength. Head rising to survey your surroundings once more, it becomes immediately apparent to you what must be done. Your knuckles tighten and a grim smile crosses your face as the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/14/2010
The world changes in a rush of color and sound, your body swiftly replaced by a muscular form rippling with excess energy. Cackling maniacally you charge forward through a landscape that was not there moments before, sending waves of cracking, dark purple energy after fleeing silhouettes -- hapless fools too slow to escape your might. A sharp sensation of agony lances through your body, returning you painfully to your senses. Looking down you see a barbed metal spade jutting out of your chest and feel your body fall forward, the intoxicated sensation drifting away. A sound of galloping hooves rushes past you before the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/13/2010
Raucous laughter rings in your ears, a middle-aged human woman coalescing in your vision. She slaps at her knee, then takes a mighty swig from a tarnished silver belt flask. The woman leans close to a slight figure, offering the flask. The figure raises a bloody hand and shakes its head, declining. The human woman looks disappointed, then takes another gulp, the reek of cheap liquor permeating the area. As the figure lowers its hand, you notice a plain silver ring bearing the crest of the Empaths' guild adorning the smallest finger. The human woman corks her flask, determination glinting in her eyes, and the vision goes black.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/01/2010
As your vision twists you see an ancient shaman seated in what appears to be a sandstone cave, its walls glittering with embedded gems. Around him is scattered the detritus of failed experiments. In one hand he holds a pale runestone as he uses a broken arrow to dig a gem from the wall of the cave. You notice a small leather pack at his feet as something within it begins to stir. The shaman nudges the pack gently with his foot and says "Quiet my friend. Soon you shall feast, and all will tremble at the precision of our terrible magic. As your vision returns to normal you hear the shaman chortling softly.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/01/2010
A young girl, slight and frail, with wispy hair, stands in front of a small cottage. A bird lands on her finger and whistles inquiringly at her. She responds with another whistle, and the bird nods its head and flies away. The girl cocks her head oddly and turns to look at you, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 05/31/2010
Your vision blurs, obscured by blades of tall grass, and you realize that you are pressed flat on the ground, hiding in the weeds. You turn your head and see billows of dust rising from a dirt road. Through the grey haze, you see a seemingly endless parade of combat boots and wagon wheels. A pebble is kicked at your head, and your involuntary flinch causes the nearest pair of boots to stop. As they turn toward your hiding place, your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 05/22/2010
You stand at the edge of a forest, watching a boy in a clearing drop rocks into a pond. He seems to see something and leans closer to the water. With lightning speed, a pair of scaly arms reaches up to grab him around the neck, pulling him in. As the ripples subside on the pond, the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 05/22/2010
Your vision wavers, and you see the silhouette of a tall figure with bowed head and shackled hands, standing before a magistrate. Someone leans over and whispers into the magistrate's ear, slipping him a jingling pouch. The magistrate smiles thinly and gestures for the shackled man to be taken away. The man's shackles break and he begins uttering a terrible incantation. As the air crackles with gathering mana, your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 05/14/2010
A Dwarven miner stands in a cavern beside a pile of tools and spent torches. As he raises his sputtering lantern high, the glitter of precious jewels sparkles from the walls. At that moment, the lantern goes out, plunging the cavern into total darkness. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 05/14/2010
You walk on a path, keeping your eyes on the sharp, broken cobblestones beneath your feet. Something draws your gaze upward to a ruined tower silhouetted against the sky. The sight feels new to you, yet there is still something familiar about the place. Just as you feel you can put your finger on it, the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/27/2010
Colors and shapes dance in the fringes of your vision, constantly evading your focus. Your prophetic connection feels unusually languid as the images sputter in and out of existence. Gradually a single image comes to dominate your senses -- a gleaming white tower under assault by the elusive imagery.
Possible Subjects: Shard Repeat: False

Date and Time: 04/27/2010
You suddenly find yourself standing in a vast wheat field, a sharpened scythe in your hand. As you swing the blade through a tall growth of ready-to-harvest stalks a large squad of ogres stomps into the area. They ignore you as they begin harvesting the same field you're working, stuffing the grain haphazardly into teh sacks tied to their waists. Just as you turn to run one of them takes notice and begins lumbering in your direction...
Possible Subjects: Ogre, Naarg Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/27/2010
You are suddenly flying high above a familiar well. Wind blowing freely against your face, you slowly circle the small hamlet. Screams echo all around you as a horde of trolls made of stone and tree hastily grab food and supplies from the homes, and even the hands, of nearby villagers. As your gaze turns south you see the horde moving slowly through the fields, filling sacks as they go.
Possible Subjects: Rock Troll Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/27/2010
A sextet of incongruous scarecrows stands on a hill in the middle of strange, blasted lands. They are bound with leaping arcs of energy to each other and to a squat iron curtain before them. Each pulse of the arcs elicits sprays of reddish black blood from both the figures and the iron, painting the air. As the sun rises behind the wall, the brilliant rays make you avert your eyes from the poignant scene.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/27/2010
Your foresight paints the world with the color of a tropical blue sea, alit with glorious sunlight refracting from the surface. A small white jellyfish sways gracefully in the waters, perhaps a mysterious dance to the songs of Eluned. Your vision changes angle, and you see that the cute jellyfish is gliding closely over the deck of a shipwreck. It approaches a humanoid body, bloated by now, and swiftly disappears into its mouth with a watery slurp. As the corpse begins to squirm, the sea scene flakes all around you.
Possible Subjects: Drowned Ones Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2010
You see a weary Human priestess leaning on a rickety shovel, smiling at something behind you despite her sorry appearance. Her once-regal caftan is smeared with dirt, her hands are scuffed, and locks of greying hair have escaped her elaborate, gold-clasped braid. After a while, she blinks slowly and turns her unbroken smile to you. You suddenly realize you are holding an orb in your hand, its glass emitting a wavering glow.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/20/2010
You find yourself standing on the edge of a bottomless pit, dressed in a flowing white robe. Your hands are bound behind your back with a silken rope, and the muted cheers from a crowd screaming for sacrifice make it nearly impossible to think. Strangely, you find this perfectly natural and right -- It is your fate, your destiny, your desire to become a small part of something so much larger than yourself. The cheers of the crowd are at a near fervor, and a surreal sense of peace comes over you, quieting your heart. You take the step forward, willingly leaping from the precipice and plunging toward your final death.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/19/2010
You find yourself sitting at the base of a hill made entirely of shattered glass. Picking up one of the pieces, you see that a faded script is etched on it in Gamgweth, though the words are far too faded to make out. The pieces range from miniscule to about the size of a handspan, each one with writing in a different language. Looking around, you see that more giant heaps of glass stretch all the way to the horizon, which ends in complete darkness. The night sky above is covered with stormclouds, and a bolt of lightning streaks down to hit one of the disarrayed piles and washing the vision away from your sight.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/19/2010
You see a pack of tawny brown coyotes racing across the desert in pursuit of some hapless Human. Tongues lolling out of their mouths, they catch up to the man with a wild celerity that alarms your subconscious. A sudden dust devil erodes the vision away from you.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/09/2010
The world is deconstructed into grey, tan and brown particles as your mind is drawn along a multi-stranded cord of fate.

You crouch in the shadows behind a group of dark-skinned, withered Elves who are in counsel with a vaporous apparition of white and yellow. Though some have the hint of defiant pride in their eyes, they all maintain a respectful bearing toward her.

Tapping her chin with a finger, a particularly vexed-looking crone says, "He is too young." The elderly man next to her nods thoughtfully.

The spirit smiles. "We have had younger."

"So be it."

The ghostly woman raises a single hand placidly, making a benevolent gesture. Her form begins to fade, dematerializing until nothing but a faint mist is left, the scent of fresh herbs rising to meet your nostrils.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/08/2010
Exuding an air of authority and displeasure, a stern Dwarven woman with tightly pulled-up hair stares down at a bowl of gruel. She then launches into a thorough tongue-lashing which you hardly understand, but someone else mumbles, "Y-yes, Mistress." White-robed novices scurry behind her as the Dwarf storms out.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/01/2010
You find yourself in a spherical prison of glass, alight with such a powerful white glow that it is impossible to glimpse the outside. The light, for all its benign glamor, is annulling the very air you breathe. You fall to your knees in suffocation, but there is no reprieve or mercy. As you rest your dying hands on the warm glass wall, it blackens like the onrushing thunderclouds of a storm and explodes into a cloud of noxious-smelling dust!
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/28/2010
Prophecy grips your mind, filling it with a stormy scene. Rain pounds the ground around you as a second glow appears directly overhead. The glow builds in intensity, a hellish inferno surpassing even the sun as it plummets towards the horizon. With the impact, the sky goes red and the foretelling releases your senses before the shockwave reaches you.

Reality suddenly ripples. As it stills, you find yourself standing on the deck of a ship. The crew hurries at their tasks, oblivious to your presence. Your gaze is drawn towards the horizon where a small fleet of ships sails in formation with your own. Though shark fins swim escort to each of the ships, their crews seem unaware of their presence. The world flickers red as the vision fades.

Something seems wrong with the world, though long moments pass before you are able to place it - reality has taken on a slightly red tinge. As comprehension fills you, the red quickly deepens casting everything in bloody hues. The world explodes around you in a flash of white light. Sight slowly returns, the unnatural hues banished, but a sensation of foreboding remains nestled in your mind.

Lighting strikes at you, hundreds of bolts slamming into the ground at once. Debris fills the air as you are tossed like a rag doll, ozone and smoke filling your nostrils. Crumpled and in a daze, you blink rapidly trying to restore vision to your abused eyes. Searing echoes of the lighting strikes slowly fade, only to be replaced by thick blood oozing down your face. Try as you might to clear your eyes, only the blood-red remains. Without warning another bolt strikes at you, shattering the trance-like vision. You are stunned! You collapse from the intensity of the vision!

The world around you vanishes as you find yourself under inky waters. You savor the air in your lungs as you are caught up in the angry waves and hammered against unseen debris. Sweet breath is crushed from your body, though you managed to escape any broken bones. Its as if Drogor himself has seen fit to punish you for venturing into his waters. The vision is ripped from your mind as the waves close in once more.

Pain builds in your chest and your connection to Fate shudders. Disoriented, you find yourself again tumbling breathless in salty waters. Resisting the urge to surrender, you manage to draw in a half breath as the current pulls you under once more. Hands and feet grow heavy, weighing you down more than helping you fight. Every beat of your heart pounds against your skin, a sharp contrast to the spreading numbness in your limbs. A lingering sense of mortality perches in the back of your mind as the world returns to normal.

Your life lingers onward, unwilling to extinguish itself, but no longer able to stand the pain. It seems the suffering can continue no longer, yet does. When Aldauth’s cruel hand finally snuffs out your life, the foretelling ends with it, and you are thankful. You are stunned! You collapse from the intensity of the vision!

Sea spray splashes over you as the image of a tanned Kaldar with tight red dreadlocks fills your mind. His muscular build is evident beneath his white silk shirt and grey breeches. Your sight doubles and blurs as future and present juxtapose - muscle melts from him, his features turn gaunt, and his clothing is torn to rags. A haunted, but determined, look fills his dark eyes as a distant cry rips the vision from your mind.

Your eyes water, tears forming without apparent cause or motivation. Blinking to clear them away, you find yourself looking up through sea water towards the shining sun. Oddly, you have no trouble breathing and find yourself at peace until the first bloated body drifts into view. Countless more follow, their lifeless eyes gazing towards you, empty. Black and bloated, they blot out the sun, the vision passing with the final ray of light. You are stunned!

Possible Subjects: Estate Holder Trading Fleet 397 Repeat: False

Date and Time: 01/05/2010
Glare spots appear in your eyes, accompanying the sense that something is in motion in the heavens.

Another flash of light partially blinds you, leaving your sight changed in its wake. A translucent obelisk stands before you, easily over a hundred feet tall. Four huge jewels adorn its square, tapered crown: a ruby, a sapphire, a topaz and a pearl. Light seems to twist and churn rapidly beneath its surface, triggering within the vision a profound sense of malice. Then the screaming starts.

Bolts of surreal, silver fire shoot upward from the obelisk's four gems and arc back down, falling from the heavens like rain. Each bolt explodes upon contact, carving blasted holes in the otherwise smooth, grey plain; smooth, grey and occupied. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of figures are running for their lives, appearing as little more than indistinct silhouettes against the bright bombardment.

The only figure you can focus on amidst the bright explosions and flying debris is a Human man with pale skin, red hair and a slender frame. Seemingly unhindered by the chaos at his feet, he bares his teeth in rage and walks toward the monstrous obelisk. Your vision is engulfed in white when an explosion cuts into the ground between your point of view and the Human, severing the vision.

Possible Subjects: Pelag ai Aldam, sorcery Repeat: False