Beyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras: Difference between revisions

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{{RTOC}}[[page type is::event| ]][[rare source::true| ]]

You thought she was gone for good.
You thought she was gone for good.
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EARLY BIRD BONUS! All questers who participate in one of the first thirty (30) quest runs at the introductory price will be able to choose between two very special limited edition items that will never, ever be offered again!
EARLY BIRD BONUS! All questers who participate in one of the first thirty (30) quest runs at the introductory price will be able to choose between two very special limited edition items that will never, ever be offered again!

HOLIDAY SPECIAL (2014)! Successfully completing the quest during December 2014 will give participants their choice of one of three limited edition, epic Siegery Figurines!
==Limited Edition Prizes==
These let you play a game of [[siegery]] against another person with a set (easier to work pieces in "good" versus "evil" battles).

===a white box of special gifts===
{{QuestLoot|i| blue gold repair case embossed with the image of the Sunfell Hub}}
{{QuestLoot|i|white trebuchet|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|white catapault|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Sunfell Hub|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Claw of Tenemlor Elder figurine wearing a sleeveless mra'sin|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Degehri figurine with golden eyes that sparkle with mischief|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Vipife figurine marred with complex cicatrix along his chest and neck|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Agehrilor figurine wielding a wickedly curved dagger|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Esata figurine holding a small leather scroll|c=y}}

===a black box of special gifts===
{{QuestLoot|i|dark iron repair case embossed with the image of an undead battlefront}}
{{QuestLoot|i|black trebuchet|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|black catapault|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature undead battlefront|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Lyras figurine dressed in dark purple robes|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature Sharlir figurine dressed in bloodstained leathers|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature gestalt draugen|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature mud-infused monstrosity caked with dried mud|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|miniature essence of corruption|c=y}}

==Incidental Loot==
{{QuestLoot|w|gleaming steel war sword with a badger's head pommel}}
{{QuestLoot|w|barbed predator's spear with a deep purple osage haft}}
{{QuestLoot|w|massive war hammer crafted from ironwood and steel}}
{{QuestLoot|w|quarterstaff capped with a blackened iron crow}}
{{QuestLoot|w|thin steel dagger with a leather-wrapped hilt}}
{{QuestLoot|w|finely honed iron dart fletched with trimmed crow feathers}}
{{QuestLoot|w|weighted iron mace with a balanced hexagonal haft}}

==Quest Intro==
The world shifts into darkness, and for a long moment you can see and hear nothing. At all. Then you feel, rather than see, a wave of corrupt magic echoing from the distant West. The magic pulls your vision steadily Westward, until you clearly see the [[Great Barrier]], roiling and seething with the curse placed upon it. Your eyes are drawn to a very visible tear within the Barrier, allowing a glimpse of the blighted lands beyond.
{{QuestLoot|a|gold plated greaves embellished with jeweled triquetras}}
{{QuestLoot|a|blackened mail greaves embellished with tarnished brass crows}}
{{QuestLoot|s|lozenge-shaped leather shield tooled with the image of Katamba}}
{{QuestLoot|s|bronze skirmisher's shield embossed with the image of a soaring black crow}}
{{QuestLoot|s|butterfly-shaped shield inlaid with vibrant crystals}}
{{QuestLoot|a|aged chain hauberk lined with bloodstained silk}}
{{QuestLoot|a|blackened battle odaj affixed with pauldrons sculpted to resemble crow heads}}
{{QuestLoot|a|field plate cobbled together from mismatched pieces}}
{{QuestLoot|a|piecemeal leather armor discolored with age}}
{{QuestLoot|a|ribbed leucro bone gloves}}
{{QuestLoot|j|tarnished steel half plate etched with crow}}

A lone [[Agehrilor|Prydaen girl]] wages war against the countless undead that have managed to escape through the lingering rift in the enormous wall of magic.
{{QuestLoot|c|black suede boots embellished with silver-clawed toecaps}}
{{QuestLoot|c|bloodstained gold linen tabard embroidered with the shariza of Tenemlor}}
{{QuestLoot|c|black suede tunic dangling a row of bear claws and sun-bleached bone shards along the yoke}}
{{QuestLoot|c|heavy leather shirt painted with muted tribal markings}}
{{QuestLoot|c|supple leather odaj adorned with golden scales at the shoulders}}
{{QuestLoot|c|soot-stained odaj with hints of a butterfly motif visible beneath the discoloration}}
{{QuestLoot|c|leather odaj adorned with mangy-looking badger pelts}}
{{QuestLoot|c|dingy green-grey odaj decorated with a faded pattern of crows}}
{{QuestLoot|c|fine leather breeches in a creamy tan hue}}
{{QuestLoot|c|tattered Pr'mra'sin of sheer golden silk blotched with reddish-brown stains}}
{{QuestLoot|c|tattered Pr'ysin held by a tarnished silver brooch with an empty setting}}
{{QuestLoot|c|short leather hunting skirt beaded with muted black onyx}}
{{QuestLoot|c|wrinkled linen shirt with tattered sleeves}}
{{QuestLoot|c|pair of snow white leather boots studded with silver}}
{{QuestLoot|c|leaf-shaped leather hat accented with a crow's feather}}
{{QuestLoot|c|pair of green woolen socks stitched with tiny leaves}}
{{QuestLoot|c|pair of white fur gloves edged with silver stitching }}
{{QuestLoot|c|floor length black spidersilk cloak stenciled with falling leaves}}
{{QuestLoot|c|soft cougar hide sandals fastened with tiny wooden buckles}}
{{QuestLoot|c|pair of jute boots}}
{{QuestLoot|c|forest green velvet robe embroidered with twining vines}}
{{QuestLoot|c|darkened leather headband marred with numerous bite marks}}

As quickly as it started, everything begins to return to normal again. As the vision fades, you hear a soft voice say, "Please, Easterner. Help us."
{{QuestLoot|c|polished flamewood case overlayed with golden filigree}}
{{QuestLoot|i|golden filigreed key|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|creamy suede thigh pouch dangling blackened bone shards}}
{{QuestLoot|c|mottled leather war belt fastened by a jagged bit of stone}}
{{QuestLoot|c|firestained leather belt with a blackened buckle}}
{{QuestLoot|c|black leather backpack embossed with the image of an inkhorne}}
{{QuestLoot|c|thick leather thigh pouch patterned with tiny ebonwood beads}}
{{QuestLoot|c|rabbit fur gem pouch stained in deep violet hues}}
{{QuestLoot|c|beaded arm pouch made from woven rawhide}}
{{QuestLoot|c|leather tail pouch painted with red and purple dye}}
{{QuestLoot|c|thick rawhide arm pouch with claw marks down the front}}
{{QuestLoot|c|dark steel case acid etched with seven-pointed star}}

A slight pain twinges in your forehead, and you hear a [[Lyras|voice]] hiss softly in your head, sounding dim and distant. "You are not welcome here." The hiss is accompanied by a flash of a female Prydaen, her mane in wild tangles mussed with dry leaves and her clothes all in thin rags. But most unsettling of all are her glowing yellow eyes, which burn with an intense hatred reserved by the dead for the living.
===Crafting Related===
{{QuestLoot|i|heat-stained steel tongs with leather-wrapped handles}}
{{QuestLoot|i|box of wool yarn}}
{{QuestLoot|i|small wooden case designed to hold flasks of oil}}
{{QuestLoot|i|barrel of grain alcohol}}
{{QuestLoot|i|bundle of short cords}}
{{QuestLoot|i|bundle of long cords}}
{{QuestLoot|i|roll of small cloth padding}}
{{QuestLoot|i|roll of large cloth padding}}
{{QuestLoot|i|roll of small backing padding}}
{{QuestLoot|i|roll of large backing padding}}
{{QuestLoot|i|box for leather strips}}
{{QuestLoot|i|box of hilts}}
{{QuestLoot|i|bundle of hafts}}
{{QuestLoot|i|box of short poles}}
{{QuestLoot|i|box of long poles}}

As she hisses, you get the feeling that whatever inhabits the unfortunate corpse is distinctly *not* [[Prydaen]]. The vision begins to fade away again, along with the mild headache.
{{QuestLoot|j|white gold anklet dangling ruby droplets}}
{{QuestLoot|j|triple-stranded electrum hip-chain dangling ruby-tipped claws}}
{{QuestLoot|j|thin leather necklace strung with multiple raven feathers}}
{{QuestLoot|j|pair of double earrings attached to with long interwoven chains}}
{{QuestLoot|j|diamond and platinum locket embossed with a small triquetra symbol}}
{{QuestLoot|j|dented blue gold Pr'raaho centered with an iladza}}
{{QuestLoot|j|hardened leather tailband embossed with stylized claw marks}}
{{QuestLoot|j|somber black mourning armband depicting the plight of the Prydaen}}
{{QuestLoot|j|spiraling platinum tailband beaded with moss-green malachite}}
{{QuestLoot|j|platinum eyebrow ring studded with a single uncut amethyst}}
{{QuestLoot|j|simple ebonwood haircomb}}
{{QuestLoot|j|florid obsidian wristcuff set with a magnificent azure-hued opal}}
{{QuestLoot|j|heavy necklace of blackened iron set with howlite wolf heads}}
{{QuestLoot|j|platinum medallion strung on a slender chain}}
{{QuestLoot|j|carved flamewood band with a wide-grained pattern of gold and red hues}}
{{QuestLoot|j|polished ebonwood armband inlaid with ivory fangs}}
{{QuestLoot|j|rough steel amulet crafted in the shape of a triquetra}}
{{QuestLoot|j|rough rawhide cord dangling a stained bone ring}}
{{QuestLoot|j|stylized midnight onyx crow with wings splayed}}
{{QuestLoot|j|tarnished steel ring}}
{{QuestLoot|j|goldenoak iladza inset with vibrant sunstar jasper}}
{{QuestLoot|j|polished silver torque studded with marquise sapphire}}
{{QuestLoot|j|smooth white ironwood faiyka inlaid with wild horse jasper}}
{{QuestLoot|j|ornate shariza pendant crafted from solid blue gold}}
{{QuestLoot|j|sharpened maple stick}}
{{QuestLoot|j|detailed wooden amulet carved to resemble a single oak leaf}}
{{QuestLoot|j|opal butterfly set with Enelne's eyes}}
{{QuestLoot|j|fine silver chains linked together with butterfly-shaped clips}}
{{QuestLoot|j|opal butterfly set with Enelne's eyes}}

Some unknown force interrupts your normal sight, and you soon feel your consciousness being pulled inexorably Westward. Your sight flies toward the corrupted Barrier, then through the tear in it, flies low over a dead, devastated forest.
{{QuestLoot|s|battered ceremonial shield decorated with Enelne's eyes}}
{{QuestLoot|j|granite ring shaped like a twisted claw-tipped hand}}
{{QuestLoot|j|brilliant sunstone amulet centered with a blue gold disc}}
{{QuestLoot|j|heavy silver wristcuff}}
{{QuestLoot|i|polished gaethzen crow}}
{{QuestLoot|c|soft leather choker set at the throat with twin Enelne's eyes}}
{{QuestLoot|i|polished gaethzen panther}}

After a long moment, your sight zeroes in on what appears to have once been a [[Sunfell Hub|Prydaen hub]]. Most of the buildings are broken or ruined, but the overall structure of it still lingers.
{{QuestLoot|i|ragged Lyras finger puppet}}
{{QuestLoot|i|deep purple osage pipe wrapped with a golden dragon}}
{{QuestLoot|i|sinuous ebony pipe carved to resemble a flying wyvern}}
{{QuestLoot|i|heavy fur blanket stitched together from the hides of several animals}}
{{QuestLoot|i|wyndwood ocarina painted with whimsical butterflies}}
{{QuestLoot|i|small leather ball painted with a faded butterfly}}
{{QuestLoot|i|elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod}}
{{QuestLoot|i|obsidian skinning knife with a leather-wrapped handle}}
{{QuestLoot|i|sharpened troll tooth scrimshawed with a repeating nomlas motif}}
{{QuestLoot|i|hammered iron wrist knife flecked with spots of dried blood}}
{{QuestLoot|d|flaming glogg}}
{{QuestLoot|d|aged Prydaen bloodwyne}}
{{QuestLoot|i|chipped statuette of a young Prydaen woman}}
{{QuestLoot|i|elegant black silk fan decorated with tiny jeweled constellations}}
{{QuestLoot|i|fierce-eyed Rakash priestess wielding a mace}}
{{QuestLoot|i|badly tarnished belt knife with a notched hilt}}
{{QuestLoot|i|elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod}}
{{QuestLoot|i|fine oakwood brush carved with spiral pattern}}
{{QuestLoot|i|carved oakwood cane with knobby handle}}

Your vision centers on a [[Esata|Prydaen woman]] with light grey fur. She locks eyes with you for a long moment, then smiles slightly and nods as if in thanks. Your vision fades away again, although a reassuring feeling comes over you.
==Boss Loot==
{{QuestLoot|w|gladius with an ornate damite hilt shaped into a crow with wings spread wide}}
{{QuestLoot|w|jagged scythe with a twisted glaes-spiked haft}}
{{QuestLoot|a|heavily bloodstained leathers tooled with an elaborate symbol on the chest}}
{{QuestLoot|a|oddly assembled full battle plate covered with blighted gold symbols}}
{{QuestLoot|i|fetid black and green goo}}
{{QuestLoot|i|pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle}}

You hear a soft voice in your head that sounds like an elderly Prydaen woman. She quietly whispers, "I am the Claw Matron, and I thank you for volunteering to aid us. I will open a gate for you in 5 roisaen."
==End Treasure==

You hear a soft matronly voice in your mind. "Greetings, Easterner. I know where you are, and I will have a gate prepared for you in 3 roisaen."
===On the Woolen Rug===
{{QuestLoot|i|rectangular black leather case embossed with a seven-pointed star|contains 4 treasure maps}}
{{QuestLoot|i|blighted gold bracelet studded with large flame opals|passive mana healer}}
{{QuestLoot|i|electrum badge featuring a raised seven-pointed star|discipline booster}}
{{QuestLoot|i|blighted gold ankle cuff|temporary mana healer}}
{{QuestLoot|i|tattered cornhusk doll wrapped in a scrap of marblesilk|temporary spirit healer}}
{{QuestLoot|i|crystalline dragon tear (2)|forehead gem with visions about the [[Seven Star Empire]]}}
{{QuestLoot|i|leaf-shaped sky blue svelae|forehead gem with visions about flowers}}
{{QuestLoot|i|aurora opal|forehead gem with visions about [[Rakash]] and [[Prydaen]] cultures and their homeland}}
{{QuestLoot|i|elaborate weapon harness strung with Enelne's eye amulets}}
{{QuestLoot|w|ilglaiks skefne tipped with a gleaming green stone sharpened to a razor edge|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|weathered leather coin purse with beaded ties|35 coin arm worn moneybelt}}
{{QuestLoot|i|grey pygmy owl charm displaying swirling charoite eyes|whisper charm}}
{{QuestLoot|i|silversteel triskele brooch|4x hider}}
{{QuestLoot|w|lithe icesteel cutlass with an elaborate basket hilt|[[light]] enchantment}}
{{QuestLoot|i|kadepa ingot|40 volume}}

You hear the soft matronly voice in your head once again. "Greetings again, Easterner. I am casting the spell now to bring you to the far West, which should take effect very shortly. I look forward to meeting you."
===On the Wooden Table===
{{QuestLoot|i|deed for a senci boulder|}}
{{QuestLoot|i|icesteel pin wrought in the shape of a seven-pointed star|4x hider}}
{{QuestLoot|w|jagged-edged hand claws decorated with blighted gold veins}}
{{QuestLoot|i|doeskin and hickory bellows with bright brass fittings|masterful tool}}
{{QuestLoot|i|sturdy hickory distaff carved with an intricate knotwork design|masterful tool}}
{{QuestLoot|i|large gaethzen sphere suspended from a thick platinum chain|wearable gaezthen}}
{{QuestLoot|i|cracked jade urn with tarnished silver filigree|50 charge mob catcher}}
{{QuestLoot|i|oiled leather storage book emblazoned with a great blackened moonsilver crow}}
{{QuestLoot|i|cracked leather storage book emblazoned with a blue gold shariza}}
{{QuestLoot|w|slender spatha with a blue gold shariza set into the hilt|[[conjure]] enchantment}}
{{QuestLoot|w|wide mallet displaying a blackened moonsilver inlay of a crow|[[conjure]] enchantment}}
{{QuestLoot|i|box crafted from deeply-oiled diamondwood}}
{{QuestLoot|i|several strands of black diamonds interspersed with blighted gold discs|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|set of senci bangles dangling platinum charms|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|silvery drop post earrings suspending twin Enelne's eyes|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|w|twisted kertig quarterstaff with a blackened wiirwood head|Casts [[HOT]] once a day}}

A shimmering silvery gate snaps open in front of you, and you recall that you've agreed to aid the [[Claw of Tenemlor]] in a struggle to the far West. With a bit of trepidation, you step through the gate. Magic unlike any you've ever seen in the East quickly surrounds you, and you find yourself walking to a distant point through a tunnel of pure light. Old whispers and echoes surround you, and soon you find yourself at a second gate, identical to the first. Stepping through it, you find yourself...

==New End Treasure==
==NPCs of Note==
*[[Agehrilor|Agehrilor of the Claw of Tenemlor]]

*[[Esata|Claw Matron Esata]]
===On the wooden bench===
*[[Elder|Claw of Tenemlor Elder]]
{{QuestLoot|i|carved ke'nag triquetra|Forehead Gem}}
*[[Degehri|Claw Veteran Degehri]]
{{QuestLoot|i|sturdy alchemist's tote crafted from reinforced wyvern leather}}
*[[Vipife|Claw Veteran Vipife]]
{{QuestLoot|i| fine wire sieve crafted from thin strands of animite|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| large bowl smoothly carved from flawless senci|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| highly polished pestle smoothly carved from flawless senci|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| highly polished mortar smoothly carved from flawless senci|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| highly polished mixing stick smoothly carved from flawless senci|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|tailor's duffel crafted from fine ialalhe}}
{{QuestLoot|i| thin sewing needles crafted from animite|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| thin knitting needles crafted from animite|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| razor sharp scissors crafted from animite|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| finely honed awl crafted from animite|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|engineer's satchel crafted from reinforced wyvern hide}}
{{QuestLoot|i| fine icesteel bone saw with a sturdy ebonwood grip|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| finely serrated rasp crafted from engraved icesteel|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| fine rifflers crafted from engraved icesteel|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| well-made pliers crafted from engraved icesteel|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| icesteel chisels with the handles wrapped in wyvern leather|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|heavy miner's sack crafted of wyvern hide}}
{{QuestLoot|i| tyrium shovel with a long ebonwood handle|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| heavy tyrium pickaxe with a long ebonwood handle|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|forger's tool bag crafted from treated wyvern hide}}
{{QuestLoot|i| wyvern leather bellows with handles of engraved icesteel|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| polished stirring rod crafted from engraved icesteel|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| polished tongs crafted from engraved icesteel|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i| polished forging hammer crafted from engraved icesteel|c=y}}
{{QuestLoot|i|large hunting pack crafted from wyvern hide|Oversized Container}}
{{QuestLoot|i|trio of obsidian crows set with Enelne's eyes|Floaters}}

{{Cat|Quests, Paid Quests}}



Latest revision as of 01:09, 14 December 2020

Box Office Quests have been shut down.
Effective September 19, 2019.
Everything is being converted over to SimuCoin purchase.


You thought she was gone for good.

You thought that she was finally and truly destroyed.

You were wrong.


A cry of help has come from the far west, further than even Forfedhdar. What was once the wild highlands of the Prydaen is now the wasteland left behind by a long and brutal war. Too few in number to finish the war themselves, the last of the Claw of Tenemlor will rely on you to rid the land of the scourge of undead once and for all, and restore both life and peace to a dead land. From cleansing the land of its corruption, to aiding the Claw in their work, your help is needed. And ultimately, the last remnant of Lyras waits...for you.

Do you have the courage to go Beyond the Barrier?

Aid the Claw of Tenemlor in the last fight against the corruption that Lyras wrought on the far west. Battle the undead, travel to the Sunfell Hub, and put an end to the Remnant of Lyras once and for all! This quest lasts roughly four hours, and has a maximum size of ten people.

EARLY BIRD BONUS! All questers who participate in one of the first thirty (30) quest runs at the introductory price will be able to choose between two very special limited edition items that will never, ever be offered again!

HOLIDAY SPECIAL (2014)! Successfully completing the quest during December 2014 will give participants their choice of one of three limited edition, epic Siegery Figurines!




Quest Intro

The world shifts into darkness, and for a long moment you can see and hear nothing. At all. Then you feel, rather than see, a wave of corrupt magic echoing from the distant West. The magic pulls your vision steadily Westward, until you clearly see the Great Barrier, roiling and seething with the curse placed upon it. Your eyes are drawn to a very visible tear within the Barrier, allowing a glimpse of the blighted lands beyond.

A lone Prydaen girl wages war against the countless undead that have managed to escape through the lingering rift in the enormous wall of magic.

As quickly as it started, everything begins to return to normal again. As the vision fades, you hear a soft voice say, "Please, Easterner. Help us."

A slight pain twinges in your forehead, and you hear a voice hiss softly in your head, sounding dim and distant. "You are not welcome here." The hiss is accompanied by a flash of a female Prydaen, her mane in wild tangles mussed with dry leaves and her clothes all in thin rags. But most unsettling of all are her glowing yellow eyes, which burn with an intense hatred reserved by the dead for the living.

As she hisses, you get the feeling that whatever inhabits the unfortunate corpse is distinctly *not* Prydaen. The vision begins to fade away again, along with the mild headache.

Some unknown force interrupts your normal sight, and you soon feel your consciousness being pulled inexorably Westward. Your sight flies toward the corrupted Barrier, then through the tear in it, flies low over a dead, devastated forest.

After a long moment, your sight zeroes in on what appears to have once been a Prydaen hub. Most of the buildings are broken or ruined, but the overall structure of it still lingers.

Your vision centers on a Prydaen woman with light grey fur. She locks eyes with you for a long moment, then smiles slightly and nods as if in thanks. Your vision fades away again, although a reassuring feeling comes over you.

You hear a soft voice in your head that sounds like an elderly Prydaen woman. She quietly whispers, "I am the Claw Matron, and I thank you for volunteering to aid us. I will open a gate for you in 5 roisaen."

You hear a soft matronly voice in your mind. "Greetings, Easterner. I know where you are, and I will have a gate prepared for you in 3 roisaen."

You hear the soft matronly voice in your head once again. "Greetings again, Easterner. I am casting the spell now to bring you to the far West, which should take effect very shortly. I look forward to meeting you."

A shimmering silvery gate snaps open in front of you, and you recall that you've agreed to aid the Claw of Tenemlor in a struggle to the far West. With a bit of trepidation, you step through the gate. Magic unlike any you've ever seen in the East quickly surrounds you, and you find yourself walking to a distant point through a tunnel of pure light. Old whispers and echoes surround you, and soon you find yourself at a second gate, identical to the first. Stepping through it, you find yourself...

NPCs of Note

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