The First Land Herald/439-08-07

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Article Number: 66
Dateline: 439-08-07

A small group has formed, set on discovering the current whereabouts of Sir Beren. The missing man is a former Paladin Guild Leader, allegedly removed and rumored to be fighting somewhere in the Dark Hand beyond Corik's Wall. Due to the sensitive nature of this subject, some sources have elected to remain anonymous at this time.

This small group attracted the attention of a rather large following and headed down to the Wall to ask Commander Fenhalut if he'd seen Sir Beren. Upon reaching the Commander's post, strange things began to happen immediately. We heard hooting sounds and witnessed torchlight flickering in the distance, only to be quickly snuffed out. After promising Commander Fenhalut that we would go investigate, off we went.

From where we stood near the portcullis, we spotted a pair of wolves sniffing around some soft mud. More hoots echoed, twigs and branches snapped under the cloak of night. We heard something race south. Vultures were circling the southeast area of the Lost Grounds. Moving through the thick fog, we arrived at a recently disturbed, muddied area. Folks began digging, uncertain what we were about to uncover -- and shortly thereafter, a body was found beneath.

A somewhat fresh corpse was partially buried in the mud. Several large bugs crawled over a man's face, and maggots writhed within his empty eye sockets. The remains of torn chain armor and a bloody cloak were all that was visible, and so we grabbed ahold of the dead man's shoulders and attempted to turn him free. Vile noises -- squelching sounds as several bones separated from rotting flesh -- could be heard as the corpse shifted slightly away from the mud. With one last turn, the corpse pulled free and was laid on the ground respectfully.

Lying on his back, more of the man's sustained injuries and decomposition were visible. A large slash opened his belly, likely the cause of death. He was clutching a parchment in his hands that read: "The Fist grows, and the Gorbesh push north, their minds fraying. We must hold the line. We must secure or-" Unfortunately, the rest of the message had been destroyed.

Theories and possibilities were tossed around between the gathered as some tried to pry the message out of the lifeless hands of the corpse, but before long a wormwood vine snaked along the ground, wrapping around the ankle of the dead man and quickly pulling him into the mists.

The evidence was gone, but ample witnesses remained. Everyone returned to Commander Fenhalut to alert him of our findings. Upon hearing the message from the parchment, the Commander frowned and asked, "The Fist grows? That doesn't... Are you sure you read that properly?" The group unanimously confirmed that is what the paper read. He looked to the south and continued, "They may be pushing north. The Hand has been expanding. But, the Fist?"

The Commander consulted quickly with a soldier who ran down the battlements, and said, "We'll have to consider this. Messengers journeying into Hand have not had very good luck of late." He scanned the vast grounds and ordered reinforcements to the western leg. The Commander then looked to the sky for a moment before saying, "Translation error? The codes haven't been cracked as far as we know. Maybe intended to be intercepted?" Turning to the assembly, he thanked us for our service and attention to these matters, adding, "We will investigate and double the guard for now. We guard dangerous lands. Be glad you returned safely."

We asked the Commander what methods of communication they were currently using, and if they've received any word from Shadow clan. The Commander replied, "We receive all manner of messages from beyond the walls. Some of the signs may be from the Clan. Others are most certainly not." Someone then questioned if he was able to get a message to Sir Beren, to which he answered that they do not have a direct line of contact with Sir Beren at the Wall.

Commander Fenhalut did not know why the discovered note would mention a “Fist,” and mentioned contacts and intelligence sources to help maintain the meaning of that. He informed us, "The Hand has become more aggressive, and we see movement in the distance. We fear change is on the horizon." He resumed surveying the lands to the south in silence.

The group was thanked for joining in the mission, a search that is not over, and it is suspected that more information will be shared by the group as they obtain it.

As an Emerald Knight and resident of Shadow's Reach, I'm grateful for the interest taken in the recent activity of the Dark Hand. Should anything come of it, I believe we will need all the aid we can muster.


Shaylynne Kendialahle
Reporter of the First Land Herald

Real Date: 10/15/21

Corik's Wall

Dark Hand



Lost Grounds


Paladin Council

Shadow Clan

Shadow's Reach