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The First Land Herald/434-09-21
Article Number: 36 |
Dateline: 434-10-11 |
HARVEST PRAYERS FOR ILITHI News comes from Ilithi, where the farmers speak of several kindly persons that brought prayers and offerings to Berengaria. Thanks to interviews with Mister Briaen Huns, who organized the gathering, and Father Isenriel, a Cleric that attended, I can relate the events that transpired. Mister Huns admits to being tainted by Necromancy but is seeking forgiveness now. The other attendees of the prayer were noted to be Arakar, Emryn, Eyst, Kaedan, Mendira, Court Mage Miskton, Talmoon, Talvairian, and Zharyn. Word of the event reached the ears of many like Father Isenriel, a Cleric who spends his time studying metamagic, magical theory, sorcerous phenomena, and theurgical theory. This open-minded Cleric saw the prayers for the harvest event as an opportunity to not only give offering, but also to "further support the wayward souls." In an interview with Mister Huns, it was noted that two such souls, those that have been stained by Necromantic taint, are only some of the many that begin to wonder and seek a path back. Huns stated he "might hesitate to call it redemption" that he was seeking, but nonetheless confirmed his personal leanings toward Berengaria due to an unfortunate and hungry childhood. A Moon Mage among the group very thoughtfully provided a moongate from Crossing's very own Town Green to a quaint bridle path in the farmland of Ilithi. Here, surrounding a shrine to Berengaria, the participants gathered together. Mendira passed out packages to the attendees that contained candles, flint, and metal implements intended to strike the flint. Those that chose to utilize these gifted offerings lit candles to the Dawnmother and offered prayers with each. After the offerings of many, the presence of Berengaria was made known to the overall group. And to Huns and Emryn, visions of her avatar, the cow, swam in their minds, "seeming most annoyed, with body language exuding disappointment and disgust. As the sun began to rise, the avatar walked away." Here, as Mister Huns related the next pieces of his vision, he appeared quite moved. "The avatar stopped and gazed back at the two [of us] briefly." In this moment, he believes that a seed of trust was given and says a feminine voice reached him to share the words, "Before the spring planting will you find what you seek." "These tainted souls may indeed be facing a lifetime of penance," Father Isenriel stated, though he also gave kind words and hope for the future of those that continue to seek redemption. It is a feeling of optimism for the world that there does appear to be a path forward for any that have fallen or turned from the Immortals, should they put in the effort and have conviction and humility. In the words of the organizer, Mister Huns, the gathering was "to show respect to the Mother, Berengaria, to hope to bless Ilithi with a plentiful harvest." He opened the event with a prayer to the Dawnmother and a cautious look to the sky. By the end, he held a glimmer of hope for his own future and confirmed that there will be more prayers. Leyhan Mentin |
Real Date: Unknown Date |
Subject(s): Berengaria Briaen Cleric Ilithi Necromancer |
Author(s): Leyhan |