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Item:Stuffed moosehead

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stuffed moosehead
Look: This is a moose. Therefore, curiously enough, it looks like a moose. It is mounted on a polished wooden plaque. A small nameplate on the bottom of the plaque reads, [name].
Weight: 500 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Properties: This is a designed to be used in or on player houses (Wall Hanging).
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This is an atmo item that will periodically emit messaging to the entire room.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Feast of Eluned 1 auction, Drathrok's Duskruin 422/Auction

The Feast of Eluned 1 auction moosehead was named Myron, while the Duskruin Auction 422 moosehead was named Merle.

Verb Actions
HUG First Person: You wrap your arms around [name]'s neck and give him a big warm hug!
[name] wiggles his ears with glee and exclaims, "I love hugs! Hugs are my favorite!"
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
KICK First Person: You are in no kind of position to kick [name]. He's up on the wall!
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
KISS First Person: You put your hands on [name]'s cheeks and stretch up to give him a kiss on his muzzle. [name] snorts in surprise and then gazes down at you lovingly with his meltingly sweet, brown glass eyes. Uh-Oh! Moose love!
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
LICK First Person: As you lean over and lick the moosehead, [name] announces, "Someone has serious issues that need to be addressed!"
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PULL First Person: You pull the moosehead's tongue and it immediately coughs up a tiny slip of parchment, which you quickly grab.
[name] mutters something about how humiliating that was.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PUNCH First Person: That will not accomplish much, aside from making [name] mad at you.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PUSH First Person: That will not accomplish much, aside from making [name] mad at you.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
RUB First Person: You gently glide your hand over the moosehead's muzzle, causing him to purr, but then he suddenly coughs and spits out a piece of parchment from his mouth which you quickly retrieve.
[name] mutters something about how uncomfortable that was.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
SMOOCH First Person: You pucker up to give [name] a smooch. He blinks once at you then arches his long neck down and tickles you with his whiskers, making you sneeze! That's what you get for smooching a moose!
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
TICKLE First Person: You reach up and tickle [name]'s ears. His muzzle twitches and his head shakes as he tries to keep from giggling. You keep at it until he finally gives a shriek and starts to bray loudly, his mounting plaque bouncing off the wall as he tries to get away from you!
[name] bellows, "STOP THAT!! ENOUGH!! UNCLE!! Heee heee heee heee! That's simply not DIGNIFIED!"
[name]'s giggle fit winds down with a few last chortles and ear wiggles and then he goes still.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
TOUCH First Person: [name] begins to purr loudly, quivering all the way down to his mounting. You may have made a new friend!
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
TURN First Person: You tilt [name]'s mounting plaque, making sure he's perfectly level.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.

These verbs only work while the moosehead is placed in the home somewhere (like a wall).