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Drathrok's Duskruin 435/Auction

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< Drathrok's Duskruin 435
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Prime Auction (26-JUL-2020)

Item Buyer Bloodscrip Notes
feyweave treasure hunter's sack clasped with a Fortune's Star diamond Snowpanther 44,729 Holds almost any 45 items & contains 4 treasure maps
blue-edged falchion highlighted with sweeping crimson flames along the fire-blackened blade Kaedan 16,243 Elemental mana users can change its appearance to several different styles
sleek shadow-black skirmisher's shield of polished ka'hurst Shinos 31,136 Paladins and Clerics will find themselves able to generate charges in the shield that can be used later to repair it.
sunny yellow padded spidersilk cloth with deep amber fringe Voranos 76,956 Single use vampiric enchantment to mundane melee weapon
malevolent demonbone staff topped with a hollow-eyed crimson moonsilver skull Merlun 93,500 Fire flare
scrimshawed demonbone hauberk reinforced with damite bands Mortifer 11,845 Electric flare
nightmare black silk pouch embroidered with a tiny golden dragon Mevilan 51,243 lunar pendant: scaled essence bloodrune, moonsilver chain, platinum chain, obsidian chunk x2, onyx chunk x2, ruby chunk x2, unembellished ring x3
hair-covered mail balaclava with horns jutting from the back Zaxor 54,145 Barbarians can use it to boost their resistance to intimidation
dragon-head forging hammer with a viridian ilomba haft Veleda 8,285 Tier 7 Forging tool
shadowleaf bellows with matching shadowbark handles Gwenddolyn 2,600 Tier 7 Forging tool
korograth leather strap for a crafting instruction book Euphrosyne 1,000 Attach a book of crafting instructions. General worn.
icesteel buckler encrusted with tiny winter emeralds Totenus 157,300
horse-shaped voucher Maekthar 24,442 Specifically you will be able to design a saddle, bridle, pad or blanket, caparison, chanfron, crinnet, peytrel, flanchards, and crupper
slender battle bow inlaid with sungold and crimson moonsilver flames Mithandres 73,205 Tier 7 composite bow with energy bow ammo-creation using mana
umbral glaes mace with a shadowbark haft Miir 63,800 Electric flare
crimson coral medallion Laush 12,859 gidii mount
petite zibeline pocket buttoned with a swirling charoite charm Calabra 40,000 contains smoky brown pocket gopher (rat reskin)
telothian flail trailing a massive double-chained horse head Blathers 50,500
well-used vardite kettlebell stamped with the image of a dragon soaring above a worn mountain range Apothys 32,000 80vol vardite
writhing orb made of dark chitin Bovi 63,125 transforms into bonded waxy-black carapace armor

Bloodscrip Auction Stats

Total Spent 908,913 bloodscrip
Minimum Price 1,000 bloodscrip
Median Price 42,365 bloodscrip
Mean Price 45,446 bloodscrip
Maximum Price 157,300 bloodscrip
Standard Deviation 37,319 bloodscrip

Platinum Auction (27-JUL-2020)

Item Buyer Bloodscrip Notes
scrimshawed demonbone hauberk reinforced with damite bands Tharqtus 26000
telothian flail trailing a massive double-chained horse head Tharqtus 32000
malevolent demonbone staff topped with a hollow-eyed crimson moonsilver skull Uzmam 20000
icesteel buckler encrusted with tiny winter emeralds Hok 12000
slender battle bow inlaid with sungold and crimson moonsilver flames Grel 7975
sunny yellow padded spidersilk cloth with deep amber fringe Uzmam 8000
feyweave treasure hunter's sack clasped with a Fortune's Star diamond Amythyste 6957
sleek shadow-black skirmisher's shield of polished ka'hurst Grizek 1996
blue-edged falchion highlighted with sweeping crimson flames along the fire-blackened blade Amythyste 3000
crimson coral medallion Bhardan 3080
nightmare black silk pouch embroidered with a tiny golden dragon Grel 2970
umbral glaes mace with a shadowbark haft Kol 2751
petite zibeline pocket buttoned with a swirling charoite charm Grizek 1100
hair-covered mail balaclava with horns jutting from the back Zovens 2450
dragon-head forging hammer with a viridian ilomba haft Bartley 500
shadowleaf bellows with matching shadowbark handles Bartley 500
korograth leather strap for a crafting instruction book Bhardan 11
well-used vardite kettlebell stamped with the image of a dragon soaring above a worn mountain range Anomander 1210
horse-shaped voucher Anomander 1000
writhing orb made of dark chitin Zovens 200

Platinum Bloodscrip Auction Stats

Total Spent 133700
Minimum Price 11
Median Price 32000
Mean Price bloodscrip
Maximum Price 32000
Standard Deviation bloodscrip