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Captain Namazzi's Ship Goods

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  • Infobox entry on justice
Captain Namazzi's Ship Goods
Province Qi'Reshalia
Justice Unknown
Town Ratha
Map Ranik's Map 90
Owner Captain Namazzi
# of Rooms 1
Store Type General shops, Weapon shops, Food shops, Jewelry shops, Container shops
This store only accepts Lirums

[Captain Namazzi's Ship Goods]
The scent of sea air drifts through the gaps of the wooden plank walls of this dilapidated shop. The windows have become covered with a dark grimy film from years of neglect giving everything within a shade of brown. Heavily laden shelves crowded with goods for the seafaring adventurer hang precariously from their mounts along the walls. Disorganized tables crammed together create a maze of aisles. You also see an overturned dinghy with a tally book on it and Captain Namazzi.

Note: You may be able to haggle for lower prices depending on your Charisma.

This shop is not specifically listed on Ranik's map, but it is in the same room as the Chandlery, which is.

Page 1 - Storage
Item Price Done
Ditty Bag - shoulder: 9 x 6 x 6 (350 stones) 300   !!
Duffel Bag - shoulder: 15 x 10 x 5 (1000 stones) 500   !!
Belt Pouch - belt: 3 x 3 x 3 (150 stones) 150   !!
Seaman's Chest - 6 x 3 x 3 (400 stones) 500   !!
Monogrammed Ditty Bag - shoulder: 9 x 6 x 6 (350 stones) 600   !!
Monogrammed Duffel Bag - shoulder: 15 x 10 x 5 (1000 stones) 1,000   !!
Monogrammed Belt Pouch - belt: 3 x 3 x 3 (150 stones) 300   !!
Monogrammed Seaman's Chest - 6 x 3 x 3 (400 stones) 1,000   !!
Pouches and bags available in custom materials (see page 5).
No custom fabrics or woods available for monogrammed items.
Page 2 - Sheaths and other weapon holders
Item Price Done
Tooled Leather Weapons Harness - shoulder: 13 x 4 x 1 (100 stones) 500   !!
Monogrammed Leather Weapons Harness - shoulder: 13 x 4 x 1 (100 stones) 1,000   !!
Lightweight Sailcloth Quiver - belt: 10 x 2 x 2 (150 stones) 400   !!
Monogrammed Sailcloth Quiver - belt: 10 x 2 x 2 (150 stones) 700   !!
Braided Linen Weapon Strap - shoulder: any polearm or staff 800   !!
Scrimshaw Banded Backtube - back: 20 x 1 x 1 (100 stones) 1,000   !!
Page 3 - Food and other supplies
Item Price Done
ship's biscuit - we guarantee no weevils, maggots or other insects 50   !!
lobscouse - a seafarer's stew, made with preserved meat and vegetables 100   !!
burgoo - the finest oatmeal porridge 50   !!
hardtack - Unsalted crackers, perfect for storing on long voyages 50   !!
dried beef - salted beef, guaranteed to keep 70   !!
lemons - helps prevent scurvy, rickets and other diseases which plague the seaman's life 50   
whale-oil torch - dried reeds bound with rags soaked in whale-oil 150   !!
charcoal 100   
flint 100   
bundling rope 5   
embossed copper tailband 200   !!
scale polish - brings out the luster in a S'Kra Mur's scales 200   !!
boar-bristle curry comb - for those unfortunates without scales 100   !!
water breaker - Small cask used for carrying drinking water on a ship 500   !!
Page 4 - Weapons and Ammunition
Item Price Done
Scrimshaw Marlinspike - light edged: 10 stones 400   
Flame-edged Short Sword - light edged: 18 stones 800   
Salt-etched Cutlass - medium edged: 24 stones 1,200   
Claw-pommeled Steel Broadsword - heavy edged: 35 stones 1,500   
Boarding Axe - two-handed edged: 85 stones 1,800   
Heavy Deobar Belaying Pin - medium blunt: 75 stones 500   
Lunat-hafted Boarding Pike - pike: 80 stones 700   
Ash-hafted Whaling Spear - heavy thrown/pike: 50 stones 750   
Curved Drop-trigger Crossbow - light crossbow 1,500   
Heavy Windlass-drawn Crossbow - heavy crossbow 3,000   
Horn-tipped Yew Longbow - long bow 2,000   !!
Bodkin Arrows - bow ammo (x10) 200   !!
Barbed Arrows - bow ammo (x10) 150   !!
Swallow-winged bolts - crossbow ammo (x10) 350   !!
Flint-tipped Bolts - crossbow ammo (x10) 500   !!
Page 5 - Custom Materials (Additional prices range from 50 to 400 Lirums)
  • Net
  • Canvas
  • Oilcloth
  • Cane
  • Woven grass
  • Otterskin
  • Burlap
  • Broadcloth
  • Wicker
  • Woven reed
  • Whaleskin
  • Sealskin