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Berries & Ink/Issues/Berries-01-09
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Publication: Berries & Ink |
Volume: 01 |
Issue: 09 |
Issue Date: November 1, 2024 |
Contributors: Eruwyn, Allye, Shaylynne, Kiashandra, Daerlynn, Shaoimhe, Dantia, Katriwen, Valynn, Kethrai, Crobin, Eskila, Hanryu |
Editor: Illiya |
You tap a colorfully illuminated parchment.
A blob of berry-red wax is affixed to the parchment. It is imprinted with a plump strawberry nestled in a crown of delicate leaves. |
[~* Vibrant watercolor strawberries grace the top of the page, depicting a basket overflowing with plump, juicy fruits interspersed with inkpots and feather quills around an unfurled scroll hand-lettered in a playful script: *~] Berries & Ink - Volume 1, Issue 9 [~* Editor's Note *~] We emerge from the shadows, dear readers, a new dawn breaking upon us. The stars have returned to the sky, and our friends have been rescued from the clutches of darkness. As we bask in this newfound light, we invite you to join us in celebrating this hard-won victory. With the Hollow Eve Festival on the horizon, let's embrace the magic of this season and the promise of brighter days to come. Our beloved columnist Dantia is back with a brand-new destination. We're also excited to welcome two new contributors: Katriwen and Eskila, whose fresh voices will enlighten and entertain. As you navigate the bustling shops and wait in eager anticipation for your favorite merchants, we invite you to lose yourself in the pages of Berries & Ink. Let our stories transport you to distant lands, ignite your imagination, and provide a much-needed escape from the hustle and bustle. Whether you're seeking adventure, direction, or simply a good laugh, you'll find it within these pages. So, grab a cozy spot, pour yourself a cup of tea, and let the magic of storytelling unfold. ~Cheers, Illiya [~* A heartfelt thank you to our generous sponsors for this issue: Stelling, the Wagering Administration Commission, and Akeiro & Selame *~] [~* Twin apple tree branches abloom with pale pink petals embrace the words "Guess Who? by Eruwyn Cholares" *~] A sketch of a smoky barroom shows vague figures half hidden in the shading, directing the eye toward the athletically built Human male slouched in a chair toward the center of the picture. A rustic hat with a wide brim is pulled down just enough to add defining shadows to his square-jawed face without obscuring his eyes which are depicted in vivid violet ink that stands out in contrast to the blacks and greys used to fill the background. Framing the lower half of his face is a scruffy beard and mustache that only partly hide the roguish grin that lingers on his lips and the set of thin scars that crisscross his right cheek. His outfit is simple but well kept, and the golden scabbard tied at his belt shows the scuffs of use. (Last month's portrait: Nawain. Winner: Shaylynne. MAIL in your guess for this month! The winner will be revealed next issue.) [~* Fashion Alley with Allye: Festival Fashion *~] As Andreshelew emerges once again from the sea for the Hollow Eve festival, it's time to prepare for both comfort and style! With the vast, bustling faire grounds to explore, prioritize lightweight, breathable clothing - think airy tunics, linen pants, or flowy skirts. Flat, comfortable sandals are a must for navigating the beautiful streets and innumerable shops. To blend in with the Merelew, opt for toga-inspired silhouettes or flowing robes. Merelew fashion focuses on ornate jewelry like bracelets, armbands, and anklets, often crafted from shells and rare metals. Embrace their effortless, ethereal elegance! [~* Seasonal Stargazing with Shaylynne *~] Dolefaren the Brigantine: Did you take Liraxes' advice? Did you not? It won't matter now, the fates have been decided. Only the stars guide your ship now, with Immortals poised to combat the Heralds, follow your navigational charts to arrive at the correct destination. Nissa the Maiden: What a perfect time to be a Maiden, peace is on the horizon. Wait things out and prepare to shop at Limited Treasures, they have all the Maiden desires. Akroeg the Ram: Barge your way, or dolphin, into the festival, get on those lists. A Barbarian joining a cambrinth alteration queue? Who cares! We are festing, live it up. Ka'len the Sea Drake: I mean, sea, Merelew, what can go wrong? Except you know, Andreshlew plight things and that weird Axis crystal lying beneath the ocean. We shall see, you sea? [~* Plot Your Spot by Kiashandra *~] Searching for a new place to call home? Dreaming of a move? While the new treehouse development near Leth unfortunately sold out before you could snap cast your favorite spell, there are still options available! ~ Zoluren: An apartment is available in the prestigious Strand Communal Center. Rangers seeking a tranquil retreat will find their dream home near Leth, where housing in a serene rural area awaits. For those drawn to the darker arts, a foreboding tree remains in the shadowed depths of the Forest of Night. ~ Ilithi: For an upper-class neighborhood experience, visit Shadow's Reach. There are three lovely zinduvalus and a villa on the market. Or, if you're a Barbarian seeking the perfect place to rest your weary head, the Steelclaw Clan calls, two homes await in Jegu Kai'avren. [~* A stack of delectable-looking tarts are drawn piled against the words "Sweet and Savory by Shaoimhe Bramblebairn" *~] Forgive me, readers, because I am going to be a little...sad this issue, but I suppose that's the nature of embracing the sweet AND the savory of life. Events right now are scary - the stars are gone, the Heralds are looming, the gods are angry, and to top it all off we continue to fight amongst ourselves as well. As if drakes and dryads weren't enough! It sometimes feels like even a tart won't make things better. (Perish the thought!) I feel helpless, as I'm sure many people do, and frustrated. But remember that we are brave every day we get up and face the unknown. We are strong in finding the good in the world when so much seems bad. There is beauty in just how different we all are, and we should embrace that to fight and ultimately celebrate together. [~* A winding dashed line spells "Dantia's Destinations" and ends in a bright red X *~] Pray you never find yourself in the bleak expanse known only as the Null Prison - a place that defies all understanding of space, time, and existence itself. This forsaken location, accessible only to the unfortunate few of us who drew the attention of the Heralds, serves as a near-perfect oubliette. Here, you are not merely trapped - you are caught in a liminal space where time ceases to move and the very concept of reality dissolves. Without a single marker of the passage of time, it is easy to lose not just your orientation, but your very sense of self. In the Null Prison, you are neither awake nor asleep. You only exist. It is a stark reminder that in Elanthia, some places defy not only exploration, but existence itself. [~* Legends & Lore by Katriwen Thornhollow *~] This story is called The Tail of Urrem'tier, from the Book of the Void, which tells of Urrem'tier's three aspects. Once, in Riverhaven, there was a Gor'Tog thief. While stealing bread one morning, he struck the baker and accidentally killed the old man. As he ran from the guards into the swamps, he realized what he had done and wept and cried out for the gods to help him. None answered, and his pleas became curses. The guards were upon him when his sight became dark, and a cold voice spoke. "Take my tail and strike them down." A black sword now in his hand, the thief slew each guard and laughed. But the darkness and the voice returned. "You have used what is mine, and for that privilege, I will take payment." The sword twisted and became a scorpion, and the thief's screams echoed across the swamp before he died. [~* Chatter Box with Kethrai! *~] Language can't be separated from culture. Culture is a basket of shared ideas that influence every word we speak. The clearest are in a language's idioms. For example: * Ilithic: "Rain does not fall on one roof alone." Misfortune never befalls just one family but many at once, thanks to the Elves' complex web of alliance marriages. * Prydaenese: "A fat goat grazes on that ridge." Success will come if we only keep moving. This befits their history as migratory hunters. * S'Kra: "You are the bedrock beneath us." The "you" is q'alrin, a stranger. The "us" is ru'atin, the inner circle. "Thank you," but also "it's only natural that you should serve me and mine." * Olvio: "A badger in his burrow." An otherwise mild person fiercely defending home, kith, or kin. Find Polyglot Yulna at Asemath Academy if learning more about language excites you! [~* The Adventures of Lavacano Gator, Ch. 9: A Familiar Face and a Challenge by Crobin Yuanfen *~] Lavacano slipped into the Barbarian guild, his cloak hiding him as he moved through the bustling halls. Warriors trained around him, but his eyes were locked on a familiar figure--Sekmeht, the Gor'Tog, effortlessly wielding his zweihander. Seeing him again stirred a mix of awe and determination in Lavacano. Gathering his courage, Lavacano approached. Sekmeht glanced at him. "You again," he grunted. "What do you want, goblin?" "I want to learn," Lavacano said. "To be more than what I'm known for." Sekmeht studied him briefly. "Strength isn't just in the weapon. It's in how you control it." The words stuck with Lavacano as he made his way to the guildmaster's chamber. He knocked, and the door creaked open, revealing Agonar, the guildmaster of the Crossing. His battle-scarred face gave little away as he studied the goblin. "What does a goblin want here?" Agonar growled. "I want to learn your strength. I want to prove myself worthy," Lavacano replied. Agonar's gaze was sharp. "If you want to prove yourself, here's a task. South of here, outlaws have been harassing traders. Defeat their leader or chase them off, and prove you're not just another goblin." "I'll do it," Lavacano said. "Then go," Agonar said. "Show me your worth." With determination burning in his chest, Lavacano set off for his first real challenge, eager to prove he could rise beyond his race's reputation. [~* The following section is written in a childlike, often illegible, script. Heart symbols are scattered throughout, emphasizing the words "The Best Eskila Anamal Naiming Sistem" *~] Using BEANS to com up with a naim for a pet is very eesy, anywon can do it eksept Eluroara who, is not alowd to naim anything. But if she was alowd then she culd yuse BEANS to com up with a good naim insted of the wurst naims ever! A good BEANS naim coms in 3 parts! Part Won: A good titel. You can pik a titel from anything like kichken staff or nayve, or milletary. Exampuls ar, Soup Shef, Sekind Lootenint, Boat Sun, or, titels lyek that. And thats Part Won! Part Too: What is the anamal's shayp? Rats ar beans. Horsis's ar skwares. Cats ar likwids. Ferrits ar nooduls. Imajen yor anamal as a shayp and there is Part Too! Part Three: What does the anamal's do when they ar hapypy? Rats go *POP* and jump. Horsi's dans and do spins lyek barbearyans. Cats purr and mayk their grabby paw biskits. Combyn with Part Too into won word. Then you get Beanpop. Skwaredans, and Othurs! Part For: SECRIT PART. Look clowsely at yor anamal and see if it has a distingwishing mark, this, is the final part of the naim. A wite rat can be called Snow. A ferrit with brown paws can be called Coffeesoks. A hors with a wite star marking on its fays can be called Starfays. NOW COMBYN ALL THREE PARTS AND THE, HIDDEN SECRIT PART!! Now there is: Commandir Beanpop Snow. Admiral Skwaredans Starfays. And, mor. All good naims for good anamals. Remember too, eat yore BEANS!! [~* Tips for Blunting the Spear by Hanryu Calibanor *~] The Merelew return and the island rises. The craftsfolk of the Inverted Crucible have brought a wide selection of armor from the depths of the ocean. It's time to examine your own collection and see what needs to be retired in exchange for gear that can withstand even the fury of Drogor's avatar. Also make time to play some games and see if you can collect any materials that could be turned into top-notch defensive items. It only takes eight volumes of diamond-hide to make one of the best shields you'll ever strap to your arm. We don't get this opportunity often, so I hope to see you around the armor shops on Andreshlew! [~* Thank you for reading! Look out for more juicy bites next month! *~] |