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Berries & Ink/Issues/Berries-01-01
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Publication: Berries & Ink |
Volume: 01 |
Issue: 01 |
Issue Date: March 1, 2024 |
Contributors: Eruwyn, Ahneya, Shaylynne, Allye, Ysindre, Aislynn, Shaoimhe, Dantia, Nawain, Tirost, Crobin, Nilme |
Editor: Illiya |
You tap a colorfully illuminated parchment.
A blob of berry-red wax is affixed to the parchment. It is imprinted with a plump strawberry nestled in a crown of delicate leaves. |
[~* Vibrant watercolor strawberries grace the top of the page, depicting a basket overflowing with plump, juicy fruits interspersed with inkpots and feather quills around an unfurled scroll hand-lettered in a playful script: *~] Berries & Ink - Volume 1, Issue 1 [~* Editor's Corner *~] Welcome to the juicy debut of Berries & Ink, a bite-sized serving of Elanthia's amazing creativity! The magic you are about to experience would not be possible without the collective effort of the talented artists and writers who poured their hearts into crafting these incredible pieces for you to enjoy. So whether you're an arts enthusiast or simply seeking a moment of quiet refuge, we hope these pages offer a haven for your senses and a balm for your soul. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, find a cozy corner, and join us for a sensory feast! --Cheers, Illiya [~* Twin apple tree branches abloom with pale pink petals embrace the words "Guess Who? by Eruwyn Cholares" *~] A swirling field of starlight and the glooming blue-purple of the night surrounds a Human woman who stands at its center, the gaze of her prismatic amethyst eyes seeming to pierce outward from the page. Her long glossy hair, artfully enhanced with ink infused with crystal, appears to almost be reflecting the glittering colors around her. Crowning her head is a circlet of silver leaves, their delicate forms almost at odds with the strength of the figure below. In one hand she holds a beastly greathammer at the ready, while strapped upon her other arm is a disc-shaped kertig aegis. Engraved upon the breastplate of her polished plate armor is a majestic butterfly, its wings outstretched toward her shoulders in radiant silvery hues. (Send in your guess for the subject of our "Guess Who?" portrait! The answer and first correct guesser will be revealed in the next issue.) [~* Dear Ahneya *~] Welcome to Dear Ahneya where I, Ahneya, answer your questions and requests for life advice. You may ask, "Ahneya, why would you do this?" Well, I feel compelled to help those less fortunate and wise. You may be asking, "What credentials do you have, Ahneya?" Well have you heard of Teiro, or Empress Therithien, or Arhat? What do they all have in common? They did not ask for advice from Ahneya and they are all dead. Do you want to end up like them, even worse, making inane jokes about drinking habits over the gweths or being outwitted by a goblin? So do yourself a favor and send in questions for Dear Ahneya to Berries & Ink and have a chance to be not just alive, but a better alive you. [~* Seasonal Stargazing with Shaylynne *~] Shorka the Cobra: You love myn'tanyl and long walks in the desert, but consider taking the sand barge this month. The summer heat haze will leave you misguided, with the moons down, lost but not found. Uthmor the Giant: Giants are known for their size and strength. This month makes no exception. It may be a good time to visit the Wyvern Trials and claim a victory or two. Of course, staying home that night is a surefire way to avoid a loss. Arhat the Fire Lion: This month brings all the warm and fuzzy for the Fire Lions. It's time to approach that person you wanted to ask out or make up with a friend you've been on the outs with. Moliko the Balance: A fabulous offer comes your way this month, but beware it tipping the scales in the offerer's favor. If a deal seems too good to be true, it might be wise to walk away. [~* Fashion Alley with Allye: The Adventure's Start *~] Welcome, intrepid readers, to the inaugural (and introductory) edition of "Fashion Alley with Allye," where we will traverse cobblestone streets and enchanted forests alike to uncover the most stylish Elanthians. In this column, we will celebrate the convergence of everyday adventuring life and style, where every cloak, amulet, and gown tells a tale of both sartorial prowess and daring exploit. From the bustling markets of Zoluren to the wilds of Therengia, from the snowy peaks of Forfedhdar and ethereal realms of Ilithi to the sea-swept beauty of Qi'Reshalia, I'll be your guide through the ever-changing landscape of fashion. Stay tuned for our next edition as we unveil the latest trends and showcase the heroes and heroines who redefine what it means to be fashionable in a world of magic and mystery. [~* Ode to an Unlonchai Bucket by Ysindre *~] Oh Master of the Bucket, Fearsome Foe of Frost They told me not to shake you, And now I pay the cost I paid them no heed, I shook you with glee Now I'm trapped inside, As you laugh at me My bones and teeth rattle, My whole body's aching I scream and I pray, But you keep on shaking "Now how does that feel?", I hear you demand Then the bucket's in flight, Until I painfully land With a *crack* it bursts open, Spills me out on the ground Where I quietly lay sobbing, Then quickly glance 'round Thank The Gods I'm alone, None have witnessed my shame And I pray that the demon, Has returned whence he came [Next to the poem, a cartoon captures the plight of a horrified young girl crammed inside a very small space, her arms and legs twisted into some crazy contortion.] [~* S'Kra Fig and Honey Pastries by Aislynn Maylan *~] Ingredients: 1 sheet puff pastry 4 stones cream cheese, room temperature 3 teaspoons honey (plus extra for drizzling) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch salt 9 large figs 3 teaspoons heavy cream 3 teaspoons coarse sugar Light oven. Grease baking sheet. Cut puff pastry into 9 squares. Arrange evenly on baking sheet. Combine cream cheese, honey, vanilla extract, and salt in bowl. Drop 1-2 teaspoons of mixture in the center of each pastry. Pinch edges of pastry up and around filling to create a pocket. Slice each fig thinly, then fan slices and arrange on top of mixture (one fig per pastry). Brush exposed edges of pastry with heavy cream. Sprinkle sugar evenly over pastries. Bake until pastry is golden brown. Drizzle with additional honey. [~* A stack of delectable-looking tarts are drawn piled against the words "Sweet and Savory by Shaoimhe Bramblebairn" *~] Tart enthusiast. Tumbler. ShortStack. Bard. Nemesis. And now...journalist. These are my titles. My *name* is Shaoimhe - that's "shee-vah" - but you can call me SheShe. It's just easier, and more fun! I will be Yes, host...for this monthly column, which I have decided to call Sweet and Savory! Like tarts, get it? Get it? You get it. Anyway! I am going to fill this column each month with slices of life in the form of poetry or stories or puns or tart recipes or even some self bografital tales. (I should probably invest in an editor that knows how to spell some of these weirder words...) It's going to be quite an adventure! So welcome to Month One! Let's begin with me! I grew up outside of Riverhaven, where my dad whittled and my mom baked and my older siblings took after them which meant I was free to tumble around the fields all day and eat tarts all night. When I found the Bard guild later on I was a bit worried because I could play fiddle a little bit but I certainly couldn't sing...turns out they like acrobats, too! So I was set. Since then I've conducted circuses and performed for events and made so many friends and it's been great so far! Do you ever look around and just know you're in the right place? I hope you do, but if not you should definitely try moving slightly to the left or the right and maybe that will help? Also, eat a tart. That will definitely help. (Trust me, us Olvi are experts on the healing properties of tarts.) Anyway, I'm really excited to be here and I hope you enjoy what I have to share! Be good people! [~* A winding dashed line spells "Dantia's Destinations" and ends in a bright red X *~] Welcome to Dantia's Destinations! Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a curious newcomer, Dantia's Destinations promises to be your guide to uncovering interesting areas around Elanthia. In this first issue, we visit the World's End Apartments along the northern end of Muspar'i. Wander through this forgotten relic marred by neglect and decay, where cluttered hallways and abandoned rooms echo with the lives of the previous residents. But exercise caution! Amidst the squalor dwell troublesome moneygrubbers who are known for trying to scam visitors of their money. Beware their cries of "I would have given you ten percent! I swear!" For those with a taste for exploration, see if you can find the hidden unicorn. [~* The Lazy Lion and the Clever Fox by Nawain Augtaire *~] An aged Lion, teeth nearly gone and claws too dull to hunt like he once did, devised a cunning plan to lure easy meals to his doorstep by feigning illness. He took care to let all his neighbors know about it, coughing and moaning until the mountainside rang with his misery. As his neighbors came to offer their sympathy, he snapped them up one by one! The Fox came too, but cautiously. Standing safely back from the cave mouth, he inquired after the Lion's health. The Lion replied that he was ill indeed, and asked the Fox to step closer, so that he would not have to raise his voice. Wise Mister Fox bowed low but stayed far back. "I should be glad to, but I see that there are many footprints leading into your cave and none coming out. Your house must be quite full already! I'll leave you to your party." [~* Krenze's Sonnet by Tirost Armagna *~] Upon a throne of slag cruel Krenze sat And taunted heroes brave from every land To feast on fire, death and choking ash, Or serve a goblin tyrant's mad demands. The army vast that 'neath his banner spread, Fiery bulls, shamans, imps, and chieftains fierce, That folk of the Redeemer's Realms did dread, And through all civil lands brought wails and tears, Yet Hope, like the clear-cold, bubbling spring That from Nature's store gives life to all Rose up against the dreadful goblin king As came warriors bold who heard her call. From the soaring height of power slipped, Krenze boils now beneath the Fist. [Beside the poem, an image depicts a volcanic landscape of jagged rocks and molten lava, while a withered goblin hand reaches up from the depths.] [~* The Adventures of Lavacano Gator, Ch. 1 by Crobin Yuanfen *~] Lavacano Gator reflected on his life decisions. He had left the deep forests of the Crossing, the endless trees and damp earth, yearning for adventure beyond his mundane existence. He had packed his meager belongings: a rusty dagger, a tattered cloak, and dreams as vast as the open sky -- determined to carve his name into the annals of legend. But now high atop the Greater Fist, Lavacano watched in stunned silence as his leader, the mighty Krenze, lay crumpled and still. Disillusionment gnawed at him. Was this truly all there was to goblin life? Hack and slash, fight and conquer, until some "hero" inevitably brought your reign crashing down? Why couldn't he be the one venturing to faraway lands filled with legend and, most importantly, cake? Maybe, just maybe, there was another way. [~* Framed by tiny clusters of rosebuds tinged in the diluted hues of a sunrise are the words "Strong and Mighty by Langen Esturi Nilme Iondu'il" *~] I came to the city with nowhere to go, and few possessions in hand. My long journey led me, right where I should be, on the precipice of something grand. I needed to find someplace I could learn, and talk to others with interests like mine. I looked for friendships to build, and I found the Bard guild, where we'd bond over music and wine. Alone, I am strong and can take on the world, working hard to achieve all my goals. But with my guildmates beside me, I'm right where I should be, one part of a wonderful whole. We teach and share knowledge, joining our skills, so that together there's nothing we lack. Alone we are strong, but together, we're mighty, working as one, letting no one fall back. In every guild, each member speaks, but together they speak with one voice. You simply cannot go wrong, when you're where you belong - not a family by blood, but by choice. Alone you are strong and can take on the world, working hard to achieve all your goals. Still, your guildmates stand with you. They'll help and support you. You're part of a wonderful whole. Watch out for each other, use kindness to guide you, leave no guildmate's need unfulfilled. Alone, you are strong, but together, you're mighty - embraced by Oneness as part of your guild. [~* Thank you for reading! Look out for more juicy bites in next month's issue! *~] |