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Armor:Heavy chain hauberk emblazoned with a blue-white phoenix

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heavy chain hauberk emblazoned with a blue-white phoenix
Look: The phoenix, depicted with its wings spread wide as it rises upwards, is enveloped in icy sapphire blue flames that trail behind it.

There appears to be something written on it.

A heavy chain hauberk reads: "Not All Fire Destroys."

Type: Chain Armor
Areas Covered: chest, back, abdomen, arms, legs
Hindrance: significant (10/15) / mild (6/15) for stealth
Protection: very good (6/15) protection and extreme (13/17) damage absorption for puncture attacks.
high (7/15) protection and extreme (13/17) damage absorption for slice attacks.
very good (6/15) protection and extreme (13/17) damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate (4/15) protection and very good (8/17) damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate (4/15) protection and very good (8/17) damage absorption for cold attacks.
low (2/15) protection and moderate (6/17) damage absorption for electrical attacks.
Construction: extremely resistant (15/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 560 stones
Appraised Cost: 319,687 Kronars255,749.6 Lirums <br />230,686.139 Dokoras <br />319.687 LTBpoints <br />319.687 Tickets <br />319.687 Scrips <br />
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item is enchanted through the enchanting crafting system.
Enchantment: terrible (2/10) potency
central (10/10) complexity
abstract (2/11) precision
Lesser (2/4) grade
Bonus to magnitude
Flare: Fire damage (icy-blue)
Dimensions: 13 length x 7 width x 2 height
Sources: Source is Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/End loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/End loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/End loot, Aesthene's Close 449/End Loot

You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Fire Armor Flare enchantment. The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has terrible potency, demonstrates central complexity, and is abstract. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus magnitude. The matrix appears to be appreciably thin and the lines are perfectly clear.

You believe you could adjust, pick, shake, rub, or pull the chain hauberk.

Verb Actions
ADJUST First Person: You shift your shoulders, jostling the chain hauberk until it settles more comfortably into place.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PICK First Person: Shaking your head, you pick at a loose ring in the hauberk, trying to tighten it.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
SHAKE First Person: Muttering under your breath, you shake some dried grass free of the links of your chain hauberk.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
RUB First Person: You rub your palms against your chain hauberk, compressing the mesh for a moment. Your hands don't look much cleaner, but perhaps it's the thought that counts.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PULL First Person: You pull the mesh of the chain hauberk tight against your body, twisting to get a better view of yourself. Not a bad fit.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.