Mirkik sokis (constellation jewelry)

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The Mirkik Sokis enchant turns a topaz into a portable light source that can be used to allow the user to see in dark places.




  1. STUDY Shardstar with telescope
  2. SCRIBE (Imbued) topaz
  3. Scribe, activate, and bind the Sun sigil
  4. Charge the topaz -- Keep CASTing Dazzle on the topaz till the topaz is filled to the desired capacity, or full. The topaz repulses dazzle when full. How long this enchantment lasts depends on the size of the topaz and how full it is.
  5. Scribe, activate, and bind the Katamba sigil


In order to use a Mirkik Sokis RAISE the topaz and it will light and follow the mage till it runs out of power.


  • You can also WAVE the enchant and rather than following you it will stay stationary and provide light in a single room.
  • If you attempt to use a small topaz for this enchantment it will vaporize the gem upon scribing the sun sigil on it.